Front cover image for Assembly of Enveloped RNA Viruses

Assembly of Enveloped RNA Viruses

This book is a collection of critical reviews about a diverse group of virus families with two features in common: the stable repository of genetic information in each virus is RNA, and each virus modifies and appropriates a particular patch of the eukaryotic cell membrane system to complete its structure. The reviews take the reader from the level of virus genome structure and expression through the quaternary interactions between virus-specified elements and cellular components that cooperate to produce virus particles. There are spectacular illustrations in this volume, but it is much more than a picture gallery. Reading widely in this book can be an effective antidote to overspecialization: in these pages, you are likely to learn much about viruses and about cells that you didn't know before; you'll discover illuminating parallels between diverse virus families; you'll come away with a sharpened awareness of important things that are still to be learned. Memphis, Tenn., Summer 1984 David W. Kingsbury Preface This book was written at the suggestion of Dr. David W. Kingsbury made at a workƯ shop on viruses organized by the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Aspen, Colorado, U.S.A., three years ago. Originally, we had thought to focus on the morphological aspects of viral assembly. Later, during our discussions on the process of budding of enveloped RNA viruses, it became evident that we should include biochemical data in our review and correlate them with the structural aspects of virus maturation
eBook, English, 1984
Springer Vienna, Vienna, 1984
1 online resource
9783709187562, 9783709187586, 3709187567, 3709187583
Printed edition:
1. An Overview of the Assembly of Enveloped RNA Viruses
I. Introduction
II. Virus Entry
III. Virus Genomes
IV. Synthesis of Virus Components
V. Assembly of Virus Components
VI. New Avenues
2. Assembly of Rhabdoviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Virus Release and Organization of the Virion
3. Assembly of Paramyxoviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Post-Release Maturation and Organization of the Virion
4. Assembly of Orthomyxoviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Virus Release and Organization of the Virion
5. Assembly of Bunyaviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Virus Release and Organization of the Virion
6. Assembly of Arenaviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Organization of the Virion
7. Assembly of Coronaviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Synthesis, Transport and Processing of Virus Proteins
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Organization of the Virion
8. Assembly of Togaviridae
Virus Proteins
NC Assembly
Interactions Between NC and Envelope Proteins
Non-Arthropod-Borne Togaviruses
9. Assembly of Retroviridae
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Intracellular Synthesis of Virus Components
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Organization of the Virion
10. Assembly of Rotaviruses
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Organization
III. Translation, Transport and Processing of Virus Proteins
IV. Assembly of Virus Components
V. Organization of the Virion