| William Martin - 1838 - 368 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark-rolling clouds of the north ? Lo ! the death-shot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...embers, like stars from the firmament cast ? 'Tis the fire-shower of ruin, all dreadfully driven From his eiry, that beacons the darkness of heaven. Oh,... | |
 | Gething - 1838 - 426 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark rolling clouds of the north ? Lo ! the death-shot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...abroad ; But down let him stoop from his havoc on high ! AJ) ! home, let him speed — for the spoiler is nigh. Why flames the far summit ? Why shoot to the... | |
 | Henry Marlen - 1838 - 342 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark-rolling clouds of the north f Lo ! the death-shot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction abroad ; But down let him stoop from his havock on high ! Ah ! home let him speed, — for the spoiler is nigh. Why flames the far summit ?... | |
 | 1839 - 544 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark rolling clouds of the north ? Lo ! the death-shot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...embers, like stars from the firmament cast ? 'Tis the fire shower of ruin, all dreadfully driven From his eyrie that beacons the darkness of heaven. Oh,... | |
 | Samuel Kirkham - 1839 - 362 pages
...outspeeding', he rode' Companionless', bearing destruction abroad'; But down let him stoop from his havock on high'! Ah'! home let him speed' ... for the spoiler...embers', like stars from the firmament cast'? *Tis the fire-shower of ruin', all dreadfully driven' From his eyry',b that beacons the darkness of heaven'.... | |
 | Samuel Rogers - 1839 - 510 pages
...death-shut of foemcn outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction abroad ; But down let him sloop from his havoc on high ! Ah ! home let him speed,...for the spoiler is nigh. Why flames the far summit t Why shoot to the blast Those embers, like stars from the firmament cast ' 'Tis the fire-shower of... | |
 | 1840 - 368 pages
...exultingly forth [North? From his home in the dark rolling clouds of the Lo ! the deathshot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...embers, like stars from the firmament cast? 'Tis the fire-shower of ruin, all dreadfully driven From his eyrie, that beacons the darkness of heaven. Oh,... | |
 | Ebenezer Bailey - 1840 - 426 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark-rolling clouds of the north? Lo ! the death-shot of foeman outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...embers, like stars from the firmament cast? 'Tis the fire-shower of ruin all dreadfully driven From his eyrie, that beacons the darkness of heaven. Oh,... | |
 | 1840 - 378 pages
...exultingly forth [North? From his home in the dark rolling clouds of the Lo ! the deathshot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...for the spoiler is nigh. Why flames the far summit 1 Why shoot to the blast Those embers, like stars from the firmament cast ? 'Tis the fire-shower of... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1840 - 376 pages
...exultingly forth, From his home, in the dark rolling clouds of the north ? Lo ! the death-shot of foemen outspeeding, he rode Companionless, bearing destruction...! home let him speed, — for the spoiler is nigh. AYhy flames the far summit ? Why shoot to the blast Those embers, like stars from the firmament cast... | |
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