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" Of men than beasts ; but oh ! the exceeding grace Of highest God ! that loves his creatures so, And all his works with mercy doth embrace. That blessed angels he sends to and fro, To serve to wicked man, to serve his wicked foe. "
Footsteps of the Holy Child; Or Lessons on the Incarnation - Pagina 57
geredigeerd door - 1868
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Scripture References and Sacred Poetry, arranged under various heads. By H. D.

H. D. - 1843 - 438 pagina’s
...Way. ANON. MINISTRY OF ANGELS. And is there care in heaven ? and is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base, That may compassion of their...more wretched were the case Of men than beasts. But oh, the exceeding grace Of highest God ! that loves His creatures so, And all His works with mercy...
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The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Volume 1

1865 - 820 pagina’s
...of all. MINISTRATION OP ANGELS. And is there care in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base That may compassion of their...more wretched were the case Of men than beasts. But 0 ! th' exceeding grace • Tod, from the old verb yede, yeade, yeed, to go. Of highest God, that loves...
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English poetry, for use in the schools of the Collegiate institution ..., Boek 3

English poetry - 1844 - 110 pagina’s
...ANGELS. AND is there care in Heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures bace, That may compassion of their evils move ? There is : — else much more wretched were the cace Of men than beasts. But O ! th' exceeding grace Of highest God, that loves his creatures so, And...
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Studies in English poetry [an anthology] with biogr. sketches and notes by J ...

Joseph Payne - 1845 - 490 pagina’s
...intent. MAN THE CARE OF ANGELS.1 AND is there care in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base, That may compassion of their...: — else much more wretched were the case Of men then2 beasts : but O the exceeding grace Of Highest God ! that loves his creatures so, And all his...
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Select Poetry, Chiefly Devotional, of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Deel 1

Edward Farr - 1845 - 322 pagina’s
...ANGELS. AND is there care in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures bace, That may compassion of their evils move ? There is : else much more wretched were the caoe Of men then beasts. But O ! th' exceeding grace Of Highest God, that loves his creatures so, And...
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Select Poetry, Chiefly Devotional, of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Deel 1

Edward Farr - 1845 - 320 pagina’s
...ANGELS. AND is there care in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures bace, That may compassion of their evils move? There is : else much more wretched were the cace Of men then beasts. But O ! th' exceeding grace Of Highest God, that loves his creatures so, And...
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Select Poetry, Chiefly Devotional, of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Deel 1

Edward Farr - 1845 - 326 pagina’s
...their evils move ? There is : else much more wretched were the caoe Of men then beasts. But O ! th' exceeding grace Of Highest God, that loves his creatures so, And all his workes with mercy doth embrace, That blessed angels he sends to and fro, To serve to wicked man, to...
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The Broad Stone of Honour Or the True Sense and Practice of ..., Volume 1

Kenelm Henry Digby - 1846 - 412 pagina’s
...itself which formed their character. And is there love in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base, That may compassion of their...more wretched were the case Of men than beasts. But, oh, th' exceeding grace Of highest God ! that loves his creatures so, And all his works with mercy...
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The Broad Stone of Honour: Trancredus

Kenelm Henry Digby - 1846 - 426 pagina’s
...itself which formed their character. And is there love in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base, That may compassion of their...more wretched were the case Of men than beasts. But, oh, th1 exceeding grace Of highest God ! that loves his creatures so, And all his works with mercy...
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Kenelm Henry Digby - 1846 - 416 pagina’s
...in heaven ? And is there love In heavenly spirits to these creatures base. That may compassion ot• their evils move ? There is : else much more wretched were the case Ot' men than beasts. But, oh, th' exceeding grace Of highest God ! that loves his creatures so. And...
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