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" Was like a lake, or river bright and fair, A span of waters ; yet what power is there ! What mightiness for evil and for good ! Even so doth God protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave, and power, and... "
The Living Age - Pagina 112
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Miscellaneous Pamphlets on Some of the Leading Questions Agitated in the ...

Julius Charles Hare - 1855 - 536 pagina’s
...marshaled against us ; the powers of art may be marshaled against us. But we may make them our allies. Winds blow, and Waters roll, Strength to the brave, and Power, and Liberty, Yet in themselves are nothing. One decree Spake laws to them, and said that by the soul Only...
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William Wordsworth: A Biography

Edwin Paxton Hood - 1856 - 590 pagina’s
...coast of France from England in time of war, " Even so doth God protect us, if we bo Virtuous and wise. Winds blow and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...soul Only the Nations shall be great and free." He does not therefore in his Sonnets or his Poems in general, eulogize, as has been the fashion of the...
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The duty of a rising Christian State to contribute to the world's well-being ...

Alexander Crummell - 1856 - 46 pagina’s
... " EVEN so doth GOD protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...the soul Only, the Nations shall be great and free." WORDSWORTH. " As men in proportion to their moral advancement learn to enlarge the circle of their...
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William Wordsworth: A Biography

Edwin Paxton Hood - 1856 - 556 pagina’s
...coast of France from England in time of war, " Even so doth God protect us, if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...to them and said that by the soul Only the Nations «>n\n be great and free." He does not therefore in his Sonnets or his Poems in general, eulogize,...
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Select specimens of English poetry

Edward Hughes - 1856 - 494 pagina’s
...God protect us if we he • Virtuous aud wise. Winds hlow and waters ro'.l, Strength to the hrave, and Power and Deity ; Yet in themselves are nothing ! One decree Spake laws to them, and said that hy the soul Only the Nations shall he great and free. WORDS.VORTH. XXII. THE GLORY OF GREAT BRITAIN....
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The Earlier Poems of William Wordsworth: Corrected as in the Latest Editions ...

William Wordsworth - 1857 - 480 pagina’s
...there ! What mightiness for evil and for good ! Even so doth God protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...the soul Only, the Nations shall be great and free. THOUGHT OF A BRITON ON THE SUBJUGATION OF SWITZERLAND. Two Voices are there ; one is of the sea, One...
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the poetical works of william wordsworth

WILLIAM WORDSWOTH - 1858 - 564 pagina’s
...there ! What mightiness for evil and for good ! Even so doth God protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...decree Spake laws to them, and said that by the soul THOUGHT OF A BKITOH OH THB sUBJOGATIOJf OI SWITZli:t,i:u,. Two voices are there — one is of the sea,...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth - 1858 - 550 pagina’s
...there ! What mightiness for evil and for good ! Even so doth God protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...! One decree Spake laws to them, and said that by tTie aovA Only the nations shall be great and free. THOUGHT OF A BEITON OH THE SPBJCOATION OT Two voices...
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New Englander and Yale Review, Volume 17

Edward Royall Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher, Timothy Dwight - 1859 - 1136 pagina’s
...whose mingled gentleness and strictness are never taken off, lessons always set for us to learn. " Winds blow, and waters roll Strength to the brave, and power, and Deity." An infant is laid in its little grave, blighted in the bud — a life seeming in vain. Not such the...
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Nightingale Valley: A Collection, Including a Great Number of the Choicest ...

William Allingham - 1860 - 316 pagina’s
...there ! What mightiness for evil and for good ! Even so doth God protect us if we be Virtuous and wise. Winds blow, and waters roll, Strength to the brave,...the soul Only, the Nations shall be great and free. WORDSWORTH. THE SOWER'S SONG. NOW hands to seed-sheet, boys, We step and we cast ; old Time's on wing...
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