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" Until they won her ; for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid, Not only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth,... "
Littell's Living Age - Pagina 199
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The Burlington: A High-class Monthly Magazine, Volume 3

Helen Mathers - 1881 - 780 pagina’s
...one maiden only, cleave to her And worship her by years of noble deeds until they win her. For indeed I know of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid." The strength and position of England as a nation is owing, in a great measure, to this concentration...
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Englische Grammatik: Die Lehre von der Wort- und Satzfügung

Eduard Adolf Ferdinand Mätzner - 1882 - 564 pagina’s
...Grandf. 1.). Noble thought (shall) be freer under the sun (TENNYS., Idylls &c. p. 276.). Indeed I knew of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid (ib. p. 183.). Altengl. Is no science under sonne So sovereyn for the soule (P. PLODOHM. 6025.). He...
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Records of Jesus Reviewed and Fifty Questions Answered Through Five Hundred ...

Benjamin Franklin Burnham - 1883 - 324 pagina’s
...maiden only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds Until they won her; for indeed I know Of no more subtle master under heaven Than...a maid, Not only to keep down the base in man, But to teach high thoughts and amiable words, And courtliness and the desire of fame, And love of truth,...
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Studies in a Mosque

Stanley Lane-Poole - 1883 - 308 pagina’s
...chivalrous spirit wherewith alone a man may reach to the highest love : — that subtle master under heaven, Not only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought, and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man. The Muslim has no...
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Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 5

John McClintock, James Strong - 1883 - 984 pagina’s
...noble deeds, Until they won lier: for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is I he maiden passion for a maid, Not only to keep down the base in innu, But teach high thoughts, and nmiable words, And courtliness, and the deeire of fame, And love...
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The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1883 - 740 pagina’s
...only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her; for indeed I knew ._ Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a. m. lid, ( Not only to keep down the base in / man, / But teach high thought and atniabb i words...
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The United Presbyterian Magazine, Volume 27

1883 - 588 pagina’s
...loved her was a liberal education.' Tennyson, too, has thus expanded the same sentiment : ' For indeed I know Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden-passion for a maid, Not merely to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought, and amiable...
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The Poems of Alfred Tennyson, 1830-1863

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1907 - 628 pagina’s
...only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her ; for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man. And all this throve...
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Selections from the Idylls of the King

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1900 - 154 pagina’s
...only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her ; for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid, 475 Not only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness,...
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The Central literary magazine, Volume 5

Birmingham central literary assoc - 1881 - 468 pagina’s
...sung of. Tennyson says of it — " In sooth, I know Of no more subtle master under heaven, Than is a maiden passion for a maid. Not only to keep down the...man, But, teach high thought, and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man." It is the foundation...
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