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" Until they won her ; for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid, Not only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth,... "
Littell's Living Age - Pagina 199
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The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson

Alfred Tennyson (1st baron.) - 1873 - 350 pagina’s
...her hy years of nohle deeds, Until they won her : for indeed I knew Of no more snhtle master nnder heaven Than is the maiden passion for a maid, Not only to keep down the hase in man. Bnt teach high thonght, and amiahle words And conrtliness, and the desire of fame, And...
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Captain Jack; or, Old Fort Duquesne

Charles McKnight - 1874 - 532 pagina’s
...the scout followed his own advice. CHAPTER XXVIII. WAU-KI-NA LEAVES — THE PARTY PURSUED. For indeed I know Of no more subtle master under heaven, Than...only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thoughts and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that...
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Medical politics, essay, Nummer 261

Isaac Ashe (M.D.) - 1875 - 196 pagina’s
...world, but even that the stimulating effect on his mind would be of the highest value : — "For indeed I know Of no more subtle master under heaven Than...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man." To the suggestion...
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The Complete Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1875 - 494 pagina’s
...only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her ; for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man. And all this throve...
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Country Maidens

Mary Bramston - 1875 - 326 pagina’s
...LONDON. AND ROYAL ULSTER WORKS. BELFAST COUNTRY MAIDENS. M. BRAMSTON, AUTHOR OF " THE PANELLED HOUSE." * No more subtle master under heaven Than is the maiden...only to keep down the base in man. But teach high thoughts, and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that...
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The Catholic Record, Volume 11

1876 - 430 pagina’s
...Joseph's, of which he became a regular member. Says Tennyson, by the mouth of King Arthur: " Indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words. And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man." The poet's thought...
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Tennyson's Complete Works: (Including Queen Mary)

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1876 - 452 pagina’s
...years of noble deeds, Until tbey won her, for indeed 1 knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Thau is the maiden passion for a maid, Not only to keep...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man. And all this throve...
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The Sunday Magazine, Volume 6

1877 - 998 pagina’s
...'result, and the blessedness of all pure human passion. For a man, in Arthur's noble words, — " Indeed I know Of no more subtle master under heaven. Than...for a maid, Not only to keep down the base in man, lïut teach hiph thoughts, and amiable word«, And <'uurtlincss, and the desire of fame, Anil love...
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Mrs. Forrester - 1877 - 412 pagina’s
...remark on the subject to Olga. CHAPTER XXII. " For indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven, Not only to keep down the base in man, But teach high thought and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man." TENNYSON. world...
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The Works of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1878 - 688 pagina’s
...only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until they won her ^ for indeed I knew Of no more subtle master under heaven Than is the...man, But teach high thought, and amiable words And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love of truth, and all that makes a man. And all this throve...
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