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" Julius bleed for justice' sake ? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man of all this world But for supporting robbers, shall we now Contaminate our fingers with base bribes,... "
King's College Lectures on Elocution: Or, The Physiology and Culture of ... - Page 201
de Charles John Plumptre - 1881 - 487 pages
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The Speaker: Or Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English Writers ...

William Enfield - 1823 - 412 pages
...Julius bleed for justice sake ? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man...shall we now Contaminate our fingers with base bribes ? 4 And sell the mighty meed of our large honours For so much trash as may be grasped thus ? I'd rather...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Julius Caesar ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 346 pages
...Julius bleed for justice' sake ? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not for justice f What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man...shall we now Contaminate our fingers with base bribes ? pi That is, every small trifflng offence. WARBURTON. (3 ; This question is far from implying that...
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The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from Each Play : with a General Index ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1824 - 428 pages
...Julius bleed for justice' sake ? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man...rather be a dog, and bay* the moon, Than such a Roman. Cas. Brutus, bay not me, I'll not endure it: you forget yourself, To hedge me inf; I am a soldier,...
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The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at ..., Volume 6

Mrs. Inchbald - 1824 - 444 pages
...Julius bleed for justice' sake ? What villain touch'd his body, that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man...supporting robbers, — shall we now Contaminate our rmgers with base bribes, And sell the mighty space of our large honours For so much tra^h, as may be...
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A dictionary of quotations from the British poets, by the author of The ...

British poets - 1824 - 676 pages
...Are much condemn'd to have an itching palm ; To sell and mart your offices for gold To undeservers. What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man...supporting robbers ; shall we now Contaminate our ringers with base bribes ? And sell the mighty space of our large honours, For so much trash, as may...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 pages
...stab, And not for justice? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man of all this world, 3ut for supporting robbers ; shall we now Contaminate...bribes? And sell the mighty space of our large honours, "or so much traj-h, as may be grasped thus ? — had rather be a dog, and bay* the moon, Than such...
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The Plays, Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 422 pages
...Julius bleed for justice' sake ? What villain touch'd his body,' that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man of all this world, But for supporting robbers j shall we now Contaminate our fingers with base bribes ? And sell the mighty space of our large honours,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 512 pages
...Julius bleed for justice* sake? What villain touehVl his body, that did stab, And not for justice ? What, shall one of us, That struck the foremost man of all this world, ut for supporting robbers ; shall we now ontaminate our fingers with base bribes? And sell the mighty...
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Œuvres posthumes, revues, corrigées et augmentées, Volume 1

Marie Joseph B. de Chénier - 1824 - 582 pages
...vile trash , By any indirection. ÉPITRE DÉDICATOIRE On est encore plus révolté de ces paroles : I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon , Than such a Roman. J'aime mieux être un chien , et aboyer à la lune , qu'être un pareil Romain. Warburton défend Shakespeare...
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Œuvres Posthumes de M.J. Chénier ..., Volume 1

Marie-Joseph Chénier - 1824 - 582 pages
...détour tirer des mains du paysan sa pauvre obole. On est encore plus révolté de ces paroles : 1 had rather be a dog, and bay the moon, Than such a Roman. J'aime mieux être un chien , et aboyer à la lune , qu'être un pareil Romain. Warburton défend Shakespeare...
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