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" But tell me, tell me! speak again, Thy soft response renewing— What makes that ship drive on so fast? What is the ocean doing?' Second Voice 'Still as a slave before his lord, The ocean hath no blast; His great bright eye most silently Up to the Moon... "
The British poets of the nineteenth century, including the select works of ... - Page 259
de British poets - 1828 - 788 pages
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Cyclopedia of English Literature: a Selection of the Choicest ..., Volume 2

Robert Chambers - 1851 - 764 pages
...again, Thy soft response renewing — What makes that ship drive on 10 fast t What is the ocean doing t ned The ascending gleam, First Voice. But why drives on that ship so fut, Without or wave or wind ! Second Vole«. The air is...
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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With an ..., Volume 7

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1853 - 712 pages
...Mariner hath been accorded tof the Polar SpiritJ who returneth southward. PAKT; vi FIRST VOICE. BUT tell me, tell me ! speak again, Thy soft, see ! how graciously She looketh down on him. The Mariner hath beep cast into a traiice ; for the angelic power causeth the yeaeel to drive north^ard...
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The Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Prose and Verse

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1853 - 626 pages
...BUT tell me, tell me ! speak again, Thy soft response renewing — What makes that ship drive on во e beat his breast, For he heard the loud bassoon. The bride hath paced inlo FIRST VOICE. But why drives on that ship so fast. Without or wave or wind ? SECOND VOICE. The air is...
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The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The poetical and dramatic ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1853 - 728 pages
...halb been accorded to the Polar Spirit, who returnelh southward. ' • » PART VL x , rmsT VOICE. BUT tell me, tell me ! speak again, Thy soft response...blast ; His great bright eye most silently Up to the Mooii is cast — If he may know which way to go : For she guides him smooth or grim. See, brother,...
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The Pictorial Book of Ancient Ballad Poetry of Great Britain: Historical ...

Joseph S. Moore - 1853 - 900 pages
...honey-dew; Quoth he, ' The man hath penance done, And penance more will do.' PART VL FlRST VOlCE. But tell me, tell me, speak again, Thy soft response on so fast? What is the Ocean doing? SECOND VOlCE. Still as a slave before his lord, The Ocean hath no blast; His great bright eye most silently...
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The Boy's Second Help to Reading: A Selection of Choice Passages from ...

Theodore Alors W. Buckley - 1854 - 332 pages
...honey-dew : Quoth he, " The man hath penance done, And penance more will do." PABTTT. Firgt Voice. But tell me, tell me ! speak again, Thy soft response...cast. If he may know which way to go ; For she guides Tiim smooth or grim See, brother see ! how graciously She looketh down on him. First Voice. But why...
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Romance of Travel: From Brest to the Isle of Bourbon, Brazil, &c

Melchior Yvan - 1854 - 386 pages
...of the eTeient, take part in his wrong, and two of them relate, one to the other, that APPENDIX. 325 Second Voice. Still, as a slave before his lord,, see ! how graciously She looketh down on him. First Voice. But why drives on that ship so fast *, Without or wave or wind ? Second Voice. The air...
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The book of celebrated poems

Book - 1854 - 496 pages f What is the ocean doing? /Second Voice. Still as a slave before his lord, The ocean hath uo blast; His great bright eye most silently Up to., see! how graciously She looketh down on him. first Voice. But why drives on that ship so fust, Without or wave or wind ? Second Voice. The air is...
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Gleanings from the Poets: For Home and School

1854 - 456 pages" c2 PABT VI. FIRST VOICE. Bui tell me, teh me ! speak again, Thy soft response renewing, — Wha makes that ship drive on so fast ? What is the ocean...hath no blast ; His great bright eye most silently t Up to the moon is cast, — If he may know which way to go, For she guides him smooth or grim. See,...
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Gleanings from the Poets, for Home and School

1855 - 458 pages" c2 PART VI. FIRST VOICE. Bui tell me, tell me ! speak again, Thy soft responso renewing, — Wha makes that ship drive on so fast ? What is the, see ! how graciously She looketh down on him ! FIRST VOICE. lir'toik1' But why drives on that ship so fast, wen™»in- Without or wave or wind...
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