The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Volume 16J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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Pagina 14
... friends , ( this says the belly , ) mark me , - 1 CIT . Ay , sir ; well , well . MEN . Though all at once cannot See what I do deliver out to each ; Yet I can make my audit up , that all From me do back receive the flower of all , And ...
... friends , ( this says the belly , ) mark me , - 1 CIT . Ay , sir ; well , well . MEN . Though all at once cannot See what I do deliver out to each ; Yet I can make my audit up , that all From me do back receive the flower of all , And ...
Pagina 22
... friends attend us . TIT . Lead you on : Follow , Cominius ; we must follow you ; Right worthy you priority . Сом . 8 Noble Lartius ! " 1 SEN . Hence ! To your homes , be gone . [ To the Citizens . MAR . Nay , let them follow : The ...
... friends attend us . TIT . Lead you on : Follow , Cominius ; we must follow you ; Right worthy you priority . Сом . 8 Noble Lartius ! " 1 SEN . Hence ! To your homes , be gone . [ To the Citizens . MAR . Nay , let them follow : The ...
Pagina 35
... friends ! Come , blow thy blast . They sound a Parley . Enter , on the Walls , some Senators , and Others . Tullus ... friends ! ] i . e . our friends who are in the field of battle . STEEVENS . 5 - nor a man that fears you less ...
... friends ! Come , blow thy blast . They sound a Parley . Enter , on the Walls , some Senators , and Others . Tullus ... friends ! ] i . e . our friends who are in the field of battle . STEEVENS . 5 - nor a man that fears you less ...
Pagina 42
... friend no less Than those she placeth highest ! So , farewell . LART . Thou worthiest Marcius ! - [ Exit MARCIUS . Go , sound thy trumpet in the market - place ; Call thither all the officers of the town , Where they shall know our mind ...
... friend no less Than those she placeth highest ! So , farewell . LART . Thou worthiest Marcius ! - [ Exit MARCIUS . Go , sound thy trumpet in the market - place ; Call thither all the officers of the town , Where they shall know our mind ...
Pagina 43
... friends ; well fought : we are come off Like Romans , neither foolish in our stands , Nor cowardly in retire : believe me , sirs , We shall be charg'd again . Whiles we have struck , By interims , and conveying gusts , we have heard The ...
... friends ; well fought : we are come off Like Romans , neither foolish in our stands , Nor cowardly in retire : believe me , sirs , We shall be charg'd again . Whiles we have struck , By interims , and conveying gusts , we have heard The ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the ..., Volume 16 William Shakespeare Volledige weergave - 1813 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the ..., Volume 16 William Shakespeare Volledige weergave - 1813 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
ancient Antony and Cleopatra Aufidius bear blood Brutus Caius Marcius Capitol CASCA Cassius Cato Cinna Cominius consul Coriolanus Corioli death doth emendation enemies Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fear friends give gods hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour JOHNSON Julius Cæsar King Henry King Henry VI King Lear LART look lord Lucilius Lucius Macbeth MALONE Mark Antony MASON means Menenius Messala modern editors mother noble North's translation o'the Octavius old copy old translation passage peace play Plutarch pray Roman Rome SCENE second folio senate sense SERV Shakspeare Shakspeare's Sicinius signifies speak speech stand STEEVENS sword tell thee Theobald thing thou art thou hast Timon of Athens Titinius tongue translation of Plutarch tribunes Troilus and Cressida Tullus unto voices Volces Volumnia WARBURTON wife word worthy wounds Сом