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The Oxford Companion to Musical Instruments

Anthony Baines - 1992 - 420 pagina’s
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French Pianism: A Historical Perspective

Charles Timbrell - 1999 - 378 pagina’s
(Amadeus). The undisputed preeminence of Paris as a center of the piano world dates from the early 19th century, and the rigorous professors of the Paris Conservatoire ...
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Le piano de style en Europe: des origines à 1850 : étude des éléments ...

Pascale Vandervellen - 1994 - 172 pagina’s
Etude originale de 220 pianofortes conservés dans des collections publiques et privées, en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, couronnée par la classe des Beaux-Arts de l'Académie royale ...
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Company of Pianos

Richard Burnett - 2004 - 248 pagina’s
Richard Burnett traces the development of the piano from its origins to the present day, using instruments from his internationally known collection, at the Finchcocks Museum ...
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Goods for Sale: Products and Advertising in the Massachusetts Industrial Age

Chaim M. Rosenberg - 2007 - 266 pagina’s
With fierce competition, new methods were needed to sell the goods. Massachusetts-made products were extensively displayed at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia and ...
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Manufacturing the Muse: Estey Organs and Consumer Culture in Victorian America

Dennis G. Waring - 2002 - 388 pagina’s
How a 19th century instrument helped to shape New World culture.
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Men, Women, and Pianos: A Social History

Arthur Loesser - 1990 - 692 pagina’s
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Musical Instrument Makers of New York: A Directory of Eighteenth and ...

Nancy Groce - 1991 - 226 pagina’s
The history of any skilled urban trade is ultimately tied to the growth and development of the city in which it is located. From its humble eighteenth-century beginnings ...
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