The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume 6T. Bensley, 1804 |
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Pagina 29
... bear to beauty , But leave their flocks ; and , under your fair conduct , Crave leave to view these ladies , and entreat An hour of revels with them . Wol . Say , lord chamberlain , They have done my poor house grace ; for which I pay ...
... bear to beauty , But leave their flocks ; and , under your fair conduct , Crave leave to view these ladies , and entreat An hour of revels with them . Wol . Say , lord chamberlain , They have done my poor house grace ; for which I pay ...
Pagina 32
... bear himself ? 1 Gent . When he was brought again to the bar , — to hear His knell rung out , his judgment , he was stirr'd With such an agony , he sweat extremely , And something spoke in choler , ill , and hasty : But he fell to ...
... bear himself ? 1 Gent . When he was brought again to the bar , — to hear His knell rung out , his judgment , he was stirr'd With such an agony , he sweat extremely , And something spoke in choler , ill , and hasty : But he fell to ...
Pagina 33
... bear wit- ness , And , if I have a conscience , let it sink me , Even as the axe falls , if I be not faithful ! The law I bear no malice for my death , It has done , upon the premises , but justice ; D But those that sought it , I could ...
... bear wit- ness , And , if I have a conscience , let it sink me , Even as the axe falls , if I be not faithful ! The law I bear no malice for my death , It has done , upon the premises , but justice ; D But those that sought it , I could ...
Pagina 40
... bear us company ? Cham . Excuse me ; The king hath sent me otherwhere ; besides , You'll find a most unfit time to disturb him : Health to your lordships . Nor . • Thanks , my good lord chamberlain . [ Exit Lord Chamberlain . Norfolk ...
... bear us company ? Cham . Excuse me ; The king hath sent me otherwhere ; besides , You'll find a most unfit time to disturb him : Health to your lordships . Nor . • Thanks , my good lord chamberlain . [ Exit Lord Chamberlain . Norfolk ...
Pagina 46
... bear that load of title ? Anne . No , in truth . Old L. Then you are weakly made : Pluck off a little ; I would not be a young count in your way , For more than blushing comes to : if your back Cannot vouchsafe this burden , ' tis too ...
... bear that load of title ? Anne . No , in truth . Old L. Then you are weakly made : Pluck off a little ; I would not be a young count in your way , For more than blushing comes to : if your back Cannot vouchsafe this burden , ' tis too ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the ..., Volume 6 William Shakespeare Volledige weergave - 1813 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
Achilles Æne Æneas Agam Agamemnon Ajar Ajax Alcib Alcibiades Apem Apemantus Athens Aufidius bear beseech blood Calchas cardinal Cham Cominius Coriolanus Cres Cressid Crom Deiphobus Diomed dost doth duke Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair Farewel fear Flav fool friends Gent give gods grace Grecian Greeks hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector Helen honour i'the Kath king lady look lord Lord Chamberlain lov'd madam Marcius Menelaus Menenius musick ne'er Nest Nestor never noble o'the Pandarus Patr Patroclus peace Pr'ythee pray Priam prince queen Rome SCENE Senators Serv Servant Sir Thomas Lovell soul speak stand sweet sword tell thank thee Ther There's Thersites thine thing thou art thou hast Timon to't tongue Troilus Troilus and Cressida Trojan Troy trumpet Ulyss voices Volces What's words worthy