
the pleasing prospects of ease and tranqility, or to cry '•peace and safety," then sudden destruction cometh upon her as "travail upon a woman with child, and she shall not escape." Is it not the duty, therefore, of the Watchman of Zion, to give increasing study to the prophetic word of God, and observe more diligently the signs of the times. And when they learn from the former, that the Lord has a controversy with all the nations of the earth, that this controversy began with his own chosen people, 1 Peter, iv. 17, and that when they shall have drank at his hand the cup of his fury, it shall be given to the Gentiles, who shall be made to drink it (nde Isa. li. 17—23. Jer. xxv. 15—30,) and from the latter, that the day of the Jews' calamities seems to be drawing to a close, inasmuch as they are obtaining deliverance; from the oppressions under which they have groaned in different parts of the earth, and the way is opening for their restoration to their own land, will they not conclude, that as God has been faithful in executing to the utmost his threatened judgments upon the seed of his Ancient Friend, so he will not fail to inflict on all their opprossors and all his enemies every where, all the wrath which they have treasured up for themselves against the day of his wrath. We invite particular attention to the last references in Isaiah and Jeremiah, above, as expressing this solemn truth in the clearest and most unequivocal manner; and conclude by expressingthe hope that the reader will, like the noble Bereans, "search the Scriptures to see whether these things are so."


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