
Spleen, meditative, 240.
Splenetive and rash, 86.
Spoken at random, 254.
Sponge, drink no more than a, 293.
Spot is cursed, the, 232.

which men call earth, 121.
Spring comes slowly up this way,

-, come, gentle, 183.

unlocks the flowers, 258.
Springes to catch woodcocks, 77.
Spriting, do my, gently, 26.
Spur to prick the sides of my in-
tent, 46.

Squeak as naturally as pigs, 130.
Staff, thy rod and thy, 5.
Stage, where every man must
play, 36.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

all the world 's a, 40.
struts and frets his hour

upon the, 52.

the wonder of our, 99.
veteran on the, 188.
-, poor, degraded, 286.
Stagers, old cunning, 133.
Stairs, why did you kick me
down, 306.

Stale, flat, and unprofitable, 76.
Stalk, maidens withering on the,

Stand and wait, 126.
Stanley, on, 253.
Stanza, who pens a, 164.

Star, love a bright, particular, 43.
of dawn, a later, 230.
thy soul was like a, 231.
stay the morning, 244.

Stars, shooting, attend thee, 104.
hide their diminished heads,


in spite of their, 131.

-, battlements bore, 239.
Starts, every thing by, 140.
State, strange eruption to our, 75.
a pillar of, 113.

rule the, 139.

what constitutes a, 218.

Statesman, too nice for a, 205.

Steel, grapple with hooks of, 77.
Steep, hard to climb the, 208.
Steps, beware of desperate, 215.
Sticking place, screw your cour-
age to the, 46.

Still to be neat, 98.

achieving, still pursuing, 288.
Sting, O death, where is thy, 22.
Stir, the fretful, 233.

Stoicism, the Romans call it, 149.
Stolen, not wanting what is, 89.
Stomach's sake, a little wine for
the, 24.

Stone, fling but a, 172.


underneath this, doth lie,99.
walls do not a prison make,

[blocks in formation]

Strength, king's name is a tower
of, 62.

strengthens with his, 155.
lovely in your, 261.
Strife, dare the elements to, 266.
String attuned to mirth, 275.
Striving to better, 70.

Strong, battle not to the, 9.

upon the stronger side, 53.
without rage, 107.

Studies, still air of delightful, 127.

Statue that enchants the world, Study, much, is weariness, 10.


Stealth, do good by, 166.
Steed, farewell the neighing, 90.
Steel, though locked up in, 60.

-, my man 's as true as, 73.

labor and intent, 127.

what you most affect, 310.
Stuff as dreams are made of, 27.
ambition's made of sterner


Sublime to suffer and be strong, | Swift expires, a driveller, 188.


and the ridiculous, 302.
Success, 't is not in mortals to
command, 149.

Such mistress, such Nan, 92.
Suffer, how sublime to, 288.
Sufferance is the badge, 36.
Suffering ended with the day, 283.
child of, 289.
Sufficiency, an elegant, 183.
Suing long to bide, 96.
Sullenness against nature, 128.
Sum of more, giving thy, 39.
Summer, made glorious, 60.
friends, 102.

of your youth, 192.
-'s cloud, 49.

Summons, upon a fearful, 75.
Sun, no new thing under the, 8.
of righteousness arise, 12.
let not the, go down upon
your wrath, 23.

doubt the, doth move, 80.
goes round, take all the rest
the, 108.

benighted walks under the
mid-day, 122.

as the dial to the, 135, 171.
farthing candle to the, 179.
hail the rising, 193.

hold their glimmering taper

to the, 220.

[blocks in formation]

Swine, cast not your pearls be-
fore, 15.

Swoop, at one fell, 50.
Sword, glorious by my, 109.

another's, has laid him

low, 250.


-, pen mightier than the,

Swords into ploughshares, 12.
Syllable men's names, 121.

Table on a roar, 85.

Take, O take those lips away, 31.
physic, Pomp, 37.

him for all in all, 77.
her up tenderly, 274.

Tale that is told, 6.


and thereby hangs a, 41, 42.
told by an idiot, 52.
tedious as a twice-told, 53.
an honest, speeds best, 62.
unfold, 78.

a round, unvarnished, 87.
every shepherd tells his,

the moon takes up the won-
drous, 151.

to point a moral, or adorn

a, 187.

so sad, so tender, 193.

makes up life's, 244.

as 't was said to me, 251.
't is an old, 252.
-, a schoolboy's, 259.

which holdeth children from
play, 275.

Talk, I never spent an hour's, 35.
ye gods, how he will, 145.
Tall oaks from little acorns grow,

Tam was glorious, 221.
Task is smoothly done, 123.
Taste of your quality, 80.
Tatters, tear a passion to, 82.
Tear, some melodious, 123.

he gave to misery a, 197.
in her eye, 253.

betwixt a smile and, 262.
-, every woe can claim, 264.
that law which moulds a,
Tears, prepare to shed them now,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Think too little and talk too much,

those that, must govern,

Thinks most, lives most, 282.
Thorn, withering on the virgin, 34.
Thou art the man, 3.
Thought, thy wish was father to
that, 58.

[ocr errors]

sicklied o'er with the

pale cast of, 82.

body, 97.


would almost say her

-, armor is his honest, 97.
whistled for want of,

too much thinking to

have common, 159.

[ocr errors]

not one immoral, 191.
like a pleasant, 231.
the dome of, 259.
the power of, 266.
deeper than speech, 291.
Thoughts, hospitable, 117.


a dark soul and foul,

shut up want air, 175.
that breathe, 195.
too deep for tears, 238.
-, great, 278.

of men are widened, 279.
Thousand, one shall become a, 11.
Thread of his verbosity, 35.
feels at each, 155.
Thrice he armed, 60.
Thrift, thrift, Horatio, 76.

may follow fawning, 83.
Throne, my bosom's lord sits
lightly in his, 74.
Thrones, dominations, 117.
Throng the lowest of your, 116.
Thumbs, by the pricking of my,


Thunder, lightning, or in rain, 44.
, leaps the live, 261.
Thwack, with many a stiff, 132.
Thyme, whereon the wild, grows,


Tide in the affairs of men, 68.
Tidings, dismal, when he frowned,


Tie, the silken, 252.

Tiger, in war imitate the, 59.
Tilt at all I meet, 165.

Timber, seasoned, never gives, 102. | To-morrow and to-morrow, 52.

Time, now is the accepted, 23.

and the hour, 44.

to the last syllable of re-

corded, 52.


so hallowed and gracious,

is out of joint, 79.

not of an age, but for all, 99.
shall throw a dart at thee,99.
how small a part of, 108.
with thee conversing, I for-
got all, 116.






what will it not subdue,

we take no note of, 174.
elaborately thrown away,

tooth of, 179.

toiled after him in vain, 187.
adds increase to her truth,

has not cropt the roses, 192.
noiseless foot of, 241.
count by heart-throbs, 282.
footprints on the sands of,

has laid his hand gently, 289.
break the legs of, 290.
writes no wrinkle on thy

azure brow, 263.

foremost files of, 279.

to mourn, lacks, 282.
Time's noblest offspring, 172.
Times that try men's souls, 302.
Tinkling cymbals, 22.
Title long and dark, 139.
Toad, ugly and venomous, 39.
To be or not to be, 81.
To-day, be wise, 174.
Toe, on the light fantastic, 125.
Toil and trouble, 49.

-, envy, want the jail, 187.
those who think must govern
those who, 201.

and trouble, why all this, 236.
Tolerable and not to be endured,

Tomb of him who would have
made glad the world, 283.

though sorrows encompass
the, 258.

Tombs, hark, from the, 181.
To-morrow, boast not thyself of, 8.

[merged small][ocr errors]

to fresh woods, 124.

do thy worst, 142.
cheerful as to-day,159.
the darkest day, live

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Torrents, motionless, 244.
Touch not, taste not, 23.
harmonious, 189.

Touched nothing, that he did not
adorn, 190.

Towered cities please us, 125.
Towers, the cloud-capt, 26.
Trade's proud empire, 188.
Train up a child, 7.

-, a melancholy, 202.
Traitors, our doubts are, 30.

our fears make us, 50.
Transmitter of a foolish face, 181.
Traps, Cupid kills with, 32.
Tray, Blanch, and Sweetheart, 71.
Treasure is, your heart will be
where your, 14.
Treasures, three, the good man
has, 245.

Tree, like a green bay, 5.

is known by his fruit, 15.
-'s inclined, as the twig is
bent, 185.

of deepest root is found, 209.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Uncle, O my prophetic soul! my,

Unction, flattering, 85.
Underneath this stone doth lie, 99.
sable hearse, 99.

Uneasy lies the head, 58.
Unfit, for all things, 205.
Unfortunate, one more, 274.
Unity, to dwell together in, 6.
Universe, born for the, 205.
Unknelled, uncoffined, 263.
Unknown, too early seen, 72.

-, argues yourselves, 116.
live unseen, 162.
Unseen, born to blush, 196.
Unutterable things, 184.
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung,


[blocks in formation]

Vallombrosa, the brooks in, 111.
Valor, discretion the better part,

is oozing out, 219.
Vanity and vexation of spirit, 8.
of vanities, 10.
Variety, her infinite, 69.

's the spice of life, 211.
Vase, you may shatter the, 256.
Vault, the deep, damp, 176.
fretted, 196.
Vaulting ambition, 46.
Vein, I am not in the, 61.
Venice, I stood in, 261.
Verbosity, thread of his, 35.
Verge enough, 195.

Vernal seasons of the year, 128.
Verse, married to immortal, 126.
wisdom married to immor-

tal, 240.

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