
for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.' And the spontaneous bounties which gratify his desires and minister to his necessities, or the unexpected deliverance from impending danger, would as naturally. on the first contemplation of them by an unsophisticat ed mind, elicit a grateful acknowledgment of divine goodness. But when the opening intellect is, without reference to revelation, introduced to the knowledge of second causes, when the student learns that the planets are maintaiued in their orbits by principles which operate before his eyes when he throws a stone, or kicks a ball,that the revolution of the seasons, and succession of morning and evening, are effected by movements which he can communicate to any thing around him,-when in the earthquake he sees only an explosion of gas, and in the volcano the burning rubbish of a mine abounding with pyrites, when the professor exhibits the destruction of a mountain in the class room, and the lightning falls within the mimickry of his own electrical machine,-when the skill and Jabours of the gardener enable him to anticipate the varied characters and appear. ances of the productions of the soil, and when he ascertains that the danger he dreaded was averted by a proximate cause, palpable and sure,-when all these circumstances are displayed, one after the other, before him, a vail is as it were drawn aside, the phenomena of nature are exposed in their proximate machinery, and the natural impressions of awe, and fear, and gratitude, are all effaced. The phenomena are no longer directly attributed to the agency of God, and pride elevates human reason to the throne of Jehovah."

Such are the evils. The ques tion is, how may they be avoided? We again quote Mr. Campbell.

"When God made the world a habita. tion for man, there were two objects to be attained. The first was the preservation of the globe, and the second the making it, and every thing connected with it, subservient to the use of its inhabitants.

"Accordingly, all the sciences are directed to the development of the means by which these ends are attained."

For a long period at least, more must depend upon the teacher, than upon any change than can be made in the system of physical science: and were the object stated by Mr. Campbell kept steadily in view, no other change appears to be neces

sary. Were every fact, and every power, and every process that physical science unfolds, traced back to its bearing on this object, and exhibited as accomplishing a specific purpose of the divine will, then the whole course of these studies would form a clear and delightful commentary on all the moral instruction previously communicated, and the whole of the physical sciences would coalesce into one grand system of natural theology. Philosophy no less than religion requires phenomena to be traced up to the first cause. And were this attended to, then every step that the student takes in science would reflect new light on the character of the Creator-would bring more vividly and impressively home to his heart the feelings of admira. tion, gratitude and love-would give a new force to the impulse that urges him on in the pursuit of intellectual and moral excellence, and would add a new link to the chain that binds him to his Maker. The sciences would be studied both with more zeal and greater advantage, were it adopted as a fundamental axiom, that a knowledge of the Creator, his character and purposes, is the most important knowledge that the creature can attain, and consequently that all other knowledge is to be prosecuted with a view to its improvement. This would form a sort of meridian line by which the sciences would be connected into one grand whole, and the relative place and importance of each determined. They would then, like the different radii of the same circle, from - whatever part of the circumference we set out, all conduct us to the same centre, the glorious source of all knowledge and all truth.

As it might be shown that this would tend greatly to the improvement of the sciences themselves, there can be no room for the sup position that we would sacrifice any portion of them to religion. Certainly, were the sacrifice necessary,

we would not hesitate to make it. But we think nothing can be clearer than that our intellectual and moral powers are so connected, that every improvement of the one is calculated to reflect improvement upon the other. Nothing can surely be more groundless than the idea, that any natural opposition does or can exist between science and religion.

In the remaining part of his vo❤ lume, Mr. Campbell notices in succession the different physical sciences, and shows, shortly, but clearly, how they may all be made subservient to the promotion of piety. Into this part it is unnecessary to follow him, as this is the object to which Mr. Dick has devoted the whole of his book, and consequently is able to enter much more minutely into detail. We may here, therefore, take our leave of Mr. Campbell, which we do with feelings of high respect. The subject of his book is one of the very greatest impor. tance, and we are happy that it has been taken up by one so well qua. lified to do it justice. We cordially wish him that reward which we have no doubt will be most satisfactory to himself that of seeing the attention of the Christian world awakened to this subject more generally than it has yet been-that of seeing the principle on which his book is written, that the acquisition of genuine religion is the great business of life, made the grand basis of education, and the spirit of the gospel interwoven with branch of human knowledge.


Mr. Dick's work will not occupy us long. Being itself a book of details, we of course cannot enter into any detail concerning it. A general view of its contents, accompanied with an extract, will convey to our readers a better idea of the nature of it, than any remarks of ours can do. It is divided into five chapters, of which the titles are Of the Na

tural Attributes of the Deity.-A cursory view of some of the Sciences which are related to Religion and Christian Theology. The relation which the inventions of Art bear to the objects of Religion-Scriptural facts illustrated from the System of Nature.-Beneficial effects which would result from connecting Science with Religion.

It will at once be seen, that as the illustrations in the first chapter must be drawn from the sciences which are more directly brought into view in the second, there is great danger of repetition. This, however, Mr. Dick has very carefully and very successfully guarded against.

The sciences noticed in the se

cond chapter are natural history, geography, geology, astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry, anatomy, and history, with a select list of books on each subject. In chapter third he introduces the arts of printing and navigation, the telescope, microscope, steam-navigation, air-balloons, and acoustic tunnels. The next chapter illustrates the depravity of man, the resurrection and conflagration. It ends with a list of topics of which he originally intended to give scientific illustrations in this chapter, but which he has been obliged to omit for want of room. "Whether this subject," he says, (for the illustra tion of which the author has abundance of materials,)" shall be prosecuted in another volume, will entirely depend on the reception which the public may give to the volume which now makes its appearance.”

Mr. Dick's statement of the prin◄ ciples of the arts and sciences referred to, and of the facts which they have brought to light, may be considered as quite correct. The only exceptions that we have noticed are his adoption of the theory of Olbers, with regard to the Asteroids, which appears to us to rest as yet

upon very slender grounds, and the facts stated in his quotation from Borelli. That the muscles must in general exert a force many times greater than the resistance to be overcome is very true. But the uncertainty that must of necessity attend all mathematical calculations with regard to living force, where the data are far from being accurately ascertained, should prevent us from putting down their results as certain discoveries. When Mr. Dick has calculated the force necessary to propel a fluid through a tube seven eighths of an inch in diameter, at the rate of fifty-two feet in a minute, and multiplied that force by ten or by a hundred, he will still find himself far short of the contractile force attributed to the heart. These, however, are very trivial exceptions. His moral reflections founded upon the facts and discoveries mentioned are generally ingenious, and his illustrations often striking. In one or two instances perhaps they are pushed rather farther than was quite necessary, as when he would regulate the tense which ministers should use in their prayers, by a reference to geography, and in the effects which he anticipates from the invention of acoustic tunnels. These things may happen to excite a smile, but the reader will rather be pleased than inclined to blame.

The following extracts, taken almost at random, will, we have no doubt, convey a very favourable idea of the book :

"Again, the colouring which is spread over the face of nature indicates the wisdom of the Deity. It is essential to the present mode of our existence, and it was evidently intended by the Creator that we should be enabled easily to recognize the forms and properties of the various objects with which we are surrounded. But were the objects of nature destitute of colour, or were the same unvaried hue spread over the face of creation, we would be destitute of all the entertainments of vision, and be at

a loss to distinguish one object from another. We would be unable to distinguish rugged precipices from fruitful hills; naked rocks from human habitations; the trees from the hills that bear them; and the tilled from the untiled lands. We would hesitate to pronounce whether an adjacent enclosure ble land, or a field of corn; and it would contain a piece of pasturage, a plot of ararequire a little journey, and a minute investigation, to determine such a point. We could not determine whether the first

person we met were a soldier in his regi. mentals, or a swain in his Sunday suit; a

bride in her ornaments, or a widow in her weeds.' Such would have been the aspect of nature, and such the inconveniences to which we would have been subjected, had God allowed us light, without the distinc tion of colours. We could have distinguished objects only by intricate trains of reasoning, and by circumstances of time, place, and relative position. And to what delays and perplexities should we have been reduced, had we been obliged every moment to distinguish one thing from another by reasoning! Our whole life must then have been employed rather in study than in action; and after all we must have remainwhich are now quite obvious to every one ed in eternal uncertainty as to many things as soon as he opens his eyes. We could neither have communicated our thoughts by writing, nor have derived instruction from others, through the medium of books; so that we would now have been almost as

ignorant of the transactions of past ages, as we are of the events that are passing in the planetary worlds; and consequently, we could never have enjoyed a written revela tion from heaven, or any other infallible if the Almighty had not distinguished the guide to direct us in the path to happiness, rays of light, and painted the objects around us with a diversity of colours,-so essentially connected are the minutest and the most magnificent works of Deity. But now, in the present constitution of things, colour characterizes the class to which every individual belongs, and indicates, upon the first inspection, its respective quality. Every object bears its peculiar livery, and has a distinguishing mark by which it is characterized."

It is surely well that people should thus be taught the value and importance of blessings which are so common as to be little thought of. We think it very probable, that there are many of our readers who were never before conscious of their being so deeply indebted to colour ;

now Mr. Dick's work abounds with articles of this kind, and we proposed to present a few more to our readers, but the length to which this paper has already swelled deters us, especially as a portion of that space which we would gladly have allotted to extracts, we must devote to a different purpose.

Mr. Dick, as well as Mr. Campbell, wishes for an union between science and religion, but he would accomplish that union by a very different mode of proceeding. Mr. Campbell wishes to give to science more of a Christian character; this is right. Mr. Dick wishes to give to Christianity more of a scientific character; this we think is wrong. That the perfections of God should be illustrated by occasional referen. ces to his works, is perfectly proper; and we believe that preachers are accustomed to make such reference just as often, and with as much particularity, as is either necessary or proper. For in the present state of knowledge, it is obvious, that if these references be not of the most general nature, so far from serving as striking illustrations, they will only serve to bewilder by far the greater portion of those who hear them. But Mr. Dick seems to think that ministers ought to enter into such details and explanations, as would enable their hearers to comprehend the illustrations of the divine perfections which may be drawn from science,—in short, that they should preach just as he himself writes; now nothing can be more absurd. We are much obliged to Mr. Dick for such illustrations from the press; we would thank no man for them from the pulpit. To him, indeed, it appears that it would be quite easy for the minister to make his people acquainted with many scientific facts, which would be useful in illustrating the perfections of God He has given us for example an argument by which the mo

tion of the earth may be made level to the grossest apprehension,

for, says, he, it is plain either that the earth revolves round the sun, or that the sun and starry heavens revolve round the earth, Now it is quite true, that the preacher may most triumphantly toss poor Hodge upon the horns of this merciless dilemma; but he knows little of human nature who supposes that such a lecture would be productive of any moral effect. It might make the ignorant stare, and the very ignorant perhaps admire ; but we hope that preachers will always enter the pulpit with their own hearts too deeply impressed with the importance of what are termed the doctrines of grace," to engage in such disquisitions. It is highly proper that ministers should be men of learning, and men of science; but he who makes the pulpit a place for displaying either, wants something we conceive more essential than them both. Whatever they may know, and the more they know the better, they ought to remember that there they ought "to know nothing, save Jesus Christ and him crucified."


To Mr. Dick's plan, therefore, of uniting religion with science, we can by no means give our assent. lecture on a week day evening, upon the plan proposed by him, might be proper and useful; but the Sabbath ought to be devoted to higher themes, and to matters that will come more touchingly home to the conscience than aught that science can afford.

Mr. Dick's mistaken view of the manner in which an union between science and religion ought to be effected, has led him into a very serious fault. We allude to the manner in which he speaks of Christian ministers, whom he never mentions but in a querulous and censorious tone. They certainly are not infallible more than other men, and if Mr.

card such as, that angels are pure imma terial substances,-that they were formed on the first day of the Mosaic creation,— that the wisdom of God is nowhere so il

Dick thought them wrong, there could have been no harm in his saying so. We hope they are not above listening to good counsel, when properly offered to them, and would be willing to correct any errors of which Mr. Dick might have convicted them. But instead of distinctly, and manfully, and at once convicting them of error, his charges against Christians in gene-ranging the fabric of our globe,—that the

ral, and divines in particular, are repeated and reiterated in almost every section of his book, as if they were the determined patrons of all that is ignorant. This is very injudicious, and, moreover, very inaccurate. That some good Christians are ignorant enough to look upon all science with a suspicious eye, is very true. But this is by no means the general feeling of the Christian world. And, if it were, the manner in which he uniformly speaks of divines and religionists such is his candid mode of classification-is little calculated to produce a reformation.

There is one statement against which he seems to entertain a peculiar antipathy, and has, therefore, attacked it both in his text, and in a note in his Appendix. It is, "That there never was, nor ever will be, through all the of eterages pity, so wonderful a display of the divine glory, as in the cross of Christ." Now, we could easily prove that, on Mr. Dick's own showing, this assertion is probably true. But allowing it to be utterly false, which he has completely failed in his attempt to prove, yet there is surely no occasion to make as much noise about it as if every minister made it a part of every sermon.

The following quotation is from the note referred to.

"There are a great many other vague and untenable notions, which are entertained and reiterated by Christian divines, as indisputable axioms, which it would be of importance to the cause of religion to dis

lustriously displayed throughout the uni verse as in the scheme of redemption,-that the chief employment of the future world will be to pry into the mysteries of salvation, that sin is an infinite evil,-that the whole material universe was brought into existence at the same time with our earth, -that the Creator ceased to create any new order of beings in the universe, after ar

whole system of material nature in heaven and earth will be destroyed at the period of the dissolution of our world,—that our thoughts and affections should be completely detached from all created things," &c,

Such is Mr. Dick's account of what Christian divines are accustomed to believe, and to reiterate as indisputable maxims. Now, admitting every one of these positions to be just as arrant nonsense as Mr. Dick supposes them to be, we may remark, that had he made his charge at all specific-had he accused the ministers of Perth and its vicinity, from whom we take it for granted he forms his ideas of the whole class of Christian Ministers, of reiterating this nonsense, we should just have left these gentlemen to defend themselves the best way they could. But we must remind Mr. Dick, that in imputing their weakness to the whole body of divines, he is just exemplifying one of the characteristics that he himself has assigned to the illiberal man," He condemns without hesitation, and throws an unmerited odium on whole bodies of men, because one or two of their number may have displayed weakness or folly." And when, without limiting his censure to those clergymen on whose ministrations we suppose that he is accustomed to attend, and whom, therefore, he may possess the means of criticising, he charges divines generally with such non. sense, we must just tell him that the charge is not true, and that, since

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