THE THEOLOGICAL CLASS BOOK; CONTAINING A SYSTEM OF DIVINITY, IN THE FORM OF QUESTION AND ANSWER, ACCOMPANIED WITH SCRIPTURE PROOFS, DESIGNED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEOLOGICAL CLASSES, AND THE HIGHER CLASSES IN SABBATH SCHOOLS BY WILLIAM COGSWELL, BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY CROCKER AND BREWSTER, 1838. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, by CROCKER & BREWSTER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Reid Dec. 4, 1874 221954 RECOMMENDATIONS. Extracts from Notices and Reviews of the Theological Class Book. It indicates much thinking and careful investigation, and a pervading, stirring mind, conversant with theological studies. Rarely do we find so much, and such various religious instruction, as is here contained, in about two hundred pages. The mode which the Author has adopted, that of question and answer, is certainly the best adapted to the purpose of instruction, and admits of the most matter within the same compass. The work is rendered more valuable by the illustrations and proofs adduced from Scripture, and placed at the bottom of the page. The volume before us will be found highly useful to preachers. to instructers of Sabbath schools, and a proper book for the higher classes in such schools.-Christian Magazine. The very title of this work suggests its utility. The system of divinity inculcated in it is strictly evangelical, and the mode of inculcation such as to engage the attention of the young. The great truths of religion are clearly and concisely stated and properly arranged, so that their mutual connection and dependence may be seen; and, what is of more consequence, they are solidly supported at every step by quotations from the unerring Word of God. It is designed for the benefit of the higher classes in Sabbath schools, and for the use of societies such as exist in some parts of our country, and might with profit be more generally established, where young people are associated for the purpose of theological instruction and improvement. We think it adapted to be extensively useful.-Spirit of the Pilgrims. The theological sentiments of the Author are well known, and the public will be prepared to expect in the book now offered to them a formulary of sound doctrine drawn from the Word of God. In this they will not be disappointed. It is not only a judicious and valuable publication, but exceedingly well timed. We are very glad to have it in our power to recommend a book well calculated to instruct the mature Christian, and yet so plain that children may learn from it "what be the first principles of the oracles of God." It well merits the attention of those who instruct youth in the principles of religion; and it is hoped the book will soon find its appropriate place in every Sabbath school and theological class in the land.-Boston Recorder. It is a judicious and valuable publication, and at the present time much needed. The work discovers a high degree of discernment in theological science, and must have been prepared with great care and labor. It is written in the best kind of didactic style-perspicuous, and at the same time comprehensive. It is exactly adapted to those who have just left the Sabbath school, and is calculated to be an important help to ministers who have theological classes. It is very desiraole it should be introduced into all our societies, and that it be made a study by both old and young.-N. H. Observer. however, be remembered, that most of them are calculated to instruct loosely-to give vague and general ideas of the Word of God. This method of teaching the doctrines and duties of the gospel, it is acknowledged, will be most pleasing to the lax and indiscriminating; but not to those who wish clearly, accurately, and precisely to apprehend the truth as it is in Jesus; nor is it the method most conducive to genuine, vital, and active piety. The work is published at the suggestion and urgent request of many clerical and lay gentlemen. Should it in any good degree answer its design, the Author will feel himself abundantly rewarded. May the only wise God our Saviour bless this effort to advance the cause of truth and righteousness in the earth. BOSTON, DECEMBER, 1831. DIRECTIONS. It is intended that the answers to the questions, and the passages of Scripture which support the answers, should be committed in thought, if not in language, and recited by the pupils ; and then that the instructer should enlarge, illustrate, enforce, and apply by his own remarks, both in relation to the questions and answers, and the Scripture proofs. |