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HE B. ix. 27.

It is appointed to Men once to


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HESE Words, taken apart from the Sentence in which they ftand, are frequently mifinterpreted by common CHRISTIANS, as though they fhould fignify that the TERM of Man's Life was precifely limited, and that the Appointment here mentioned regarded the Number of our Days. But, if fuch be the Meaning of other Paffages of Scripture, it cannot by any Means belong to this. For the Greek Word has no Reference to any particular Time, or the Setting of a DAY, but means a * judiciary

* Thus νόμος ε κεῖται, Tim. i. 9. τοῖς νόμοις τοῖς κειμένοις, ૐ Æfchines. To vóμos, Herodot. Clio, 82 Pag. Edition Franckford. So poσixero, in the fame Page, she was adjudged to, or belonged by Law.

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86 ASERMON preached before Determination, a LAW enacted, that Men muft die, one Time or other. Which, however equitable, or advantageous for us, is generally looked upon as a dreadful and tyrannic Injunction; and few there are, who can bear up under it with any tolerable Temper and Refignation. The Words then expreffing this, and only this, that DEATH, which happens to Men at one Time or other, is, as it were, a Penalty inflicted, in Purfuance of fome Sentence paffed upon them, it will be natural to enquire

First, WHENCE it was, that this SENTENCE was passed upon Man; or why God did determine, that all should die. This Point being cleared, I fhall then,

Secondly, CONSIDER how far Mankind may be GAINERS on LOSERS by the CHANGE which was made in their Condition at the TIME of this Determination: And to that End I fhall briefly compare the TWO STATES of INNOCENCE and REDEMPTION.

Thirdly, I SHALL produce the DIFFERENT Sentiments of People upon this ALTERATION in Human Affairs: And shew the REASONS for thefe their DIFFERENT Ways of judging.



Firft, I SAY, it is natural to ENQUIRE, whence was, that this Sentence was paffed upon Men; or why GOD did determine, that all fhould die.

FOR it looks as though it were in Confequence of fomething elfe, and not the original Defign of the CREATOR: That Beings the firft in Dignity in the vifible World fhould have the leaft Enjoyment in it,-live a fhort Life, and even that full of Mifery. I fays this looks like a forced CORRECTION in his SCHEME, proceeding rather from the Per verfeness of a finite Creature intervening, than from the regular Counsels of divine WISDOM.

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WHEN any of GOD's Creatures, which are Free Agents, have croffed his Defigns, he is able to contrive anew; and, no doubt, as well? But notwithstanding, the Disorder in the first Design will appear, and the Work of a Being of infinite WISDOM and GOODNESS will be difcernible from that of frailer BEINGS, and his Amendments, where thefe have perplexed Things, will be known to be Amendments, and not what he at first intended.

THE Mortality of Mankind had, no Doubt, fomething like this for the Caufe of it. B G 4


was a fetting to rights of fome Rebellion from the firft of Human Race, of fome Breaking in upon the Counsels of God Almighty. For there is no Reafon why any of Gop's Creatures, whether visible or invifible, fhould perish, so long as they are pleafing in his Sight, and anfwer the End of their CREATION. GOD created all Things for his Pleasure; and, so long as they continue to please him in the Way that he hath appointed them, there is the fame Reafon for fuftaining them in the Condition they were made, as for making them at first. But, whatever offendeth him, from thenceforth forfeits its Title to being what it was, is accurfed from his Prefence; and, whatever was made for that Thing, is accurfed with it.

Now MAN was certainly made, as the rest of God's Creatures, to ferve and please him. And, had HE always done that, he might, in Confequence of the foregoing Principles, have for ever enjoyed the World, and all that therein is, in its first happy and flourishing CónDITION. But, if we find Man in this State a miferable, mortal Creature, who is not to enjoy the World, and that World, as the Learned

Dr. BURNET, befide other Things, objects to the prefent Form and Figure of the Earth: Dr. WOODWARD


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