
Sunnee form of the Moslem faith would | duced to poverty and impotence by the be an unjust tyranny of one among many Turks. Such is the pious and respected minorities. To hope that all Christian Bek of the Tokân family at Nablus, sects would combine for common action such are the sheikhs of the Beni Jerrâr, against the Turk is as vain as it is, on of the Jeiyûsi, the Lehhâm, and other old the other hand, to suppose that the sul families, the survivors in Galilee of the tan can rally the Arab, the Fellah, the proud race of Dhahr el Amr, and many Druze, the Anseireh, and Metawileh in others. Their children are, it is true, common defence against the power of the sinking gradually to the condition of mere West, and against the intrigue and brib- fellâhin, but among these families, which ery which is so cynically patent through- once led the Syrians in their struggle out his Syrian provinces. against Turkish power, a few at least may be found who are comparatively well educated, honest, and respected. They might, it is true, soon deteriorate in char acter if they gained power under a corrupt system; but the only hope of improving the native race in Syria (and not less also in Egypt) lies in giving to the Arab the responsibility of power, and in banishing the official class of the Turks. They must long be nursed by superiors of character and influence, appointed by Western powers; their institutions must be modelled not on Western custom but on the just law of the Koran; their system must resemble rather that of the Crusaders-a semi-feudal condition of subjection, tempered (as in the mediaval native courts) by the admission of natives to councils over which a European presides; but the Arab is neither so unintel ligent nor so devoid of ideas of right as to make it a hopeless task to undertake his education.

The fate of Syria is bound up with much larger questions of high politics in the East. The religious claims of the Sultan, the restless Russian advance on the Mediterranean, the ambition of France, are the great factors in the future of the country. British interests will no doubt render it impossible for us to look on calmly at any struggle for the possession of a country bordering Egypt and the Canal, which is now the nucleus of our anxieties. The history of Syria shows that the land must fall to either the northern or the southern power, to the modern Seleucus or Ptolemy, according as the one, the Turk, or the other, in Egypt, is the stronger; unless, as in Crusading days, an invasion from the West should for a time—and only for a time destroy the balance of contending forces in Asia itself and in Africa. France might hold Syria for a century or more, but the laws of climate would probably again, as in the Middle Ages, finally enable the fierce native races, Kurdish or Turkish, to regain ascendency over the peaceful peasantry of Arab race.

But let us for a moment suppose that political circumstances rendered it expedient that a strong protected State should be built up in Syria. It is perhaps an entirely hypothetical case, and certainly there is no immediate indication of any interest in the fate of Palestine being felt among English politicians.

In the first place, the native population is unfit for any such institutions as we now possess at home, and has indeed no desire to govern itself, asking only to be saved from a lawless military tyranny. In the second place, no government can meet the wishes of the Syrians which entirely consists of foreign elements. The Turkish, or Kurdish, or Circassian pasha must be removed, and the unimprovable class of officials, bred in bribery and indelibly stained with corrupt custom, must be dismissed from the land. There are not wanting men who are honored and respected by the people, though re

It is, in fact, an extension of the system which has proved so successful in Lebanon which is required for the future prosperity of Syria, with such modifications as are rendered necessary by two circumstances in which the rest of Syria differs from the Lebanon. The first of these is, that the Moslem population largely predominates over the Christian in Palestine, but is in a minority in Lebanon; the second is, that the Moslem peasantry are less educated and have been more degraded by oppression than the Druze or the Maronite ever became. They are therefore less able at first to govern themselves than are the inhabi tants of the mountain.

If such a scheme could be realized; if a Moslem governor could be appointed with full powers by the sultan, subject to the approval of at least two out of three guaranteeing European powers; if the Turk were unable to compete with the Arab under unfair advantages for government employ; if the Porte were forbidden to raise a single penny of tax without consent of the guaranteeing powers; if,

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above all, an honest man could be found to execute the mandate of the powers as impartially as Rustem Pasha has done, but, unlike him, with the conviction that his efforts would be appreciated, and that he would be supported rather than left a prey to his enemies,- then indeed we might have some hope of prosperity in Syria, and some solid foundation which honest capitalists might build, in developing the agricultural and commer cial resources of a land which is richer than it appears to be. It is not colonization, whether Jewish, German, or English, nor annexation by France, nor invasion by Russia, which can make the land fertile and the people happy. It is a just government on the simplest principles of Moslem rule, under the watchful eye of civilizing powers. The Jews threaten to pauperize Syria; the Turk has already ruined it; the French nation spread a web of intrigue over the whole land; the Germans are intolerant and unpopular; the Russian would bring in his train all the horrors of war, which are most appreciated by those who have seen what war really is to the poor of a country, and after that he would establish a system of rule which cannot be considered_more civilized or honest than that of the Turks. It is England, if any nation, which should fulfil the really wise policy of building up a strong native State between the Canal and the northern danger; and it is difficult to see on what good grounds other powers could object to co-operation in the same good work.

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From All The Year Round.


CONTANGO did his duty well that day. The milestones spun away behind him. To be sure, they only marked kilomètres, nine little ones in between to mark each hundred mètres, and the tenth on a larger scale, where the distances to different places had been carefully marked on, and as carefully knocked off by some travel. ling enthusiast, some Old Mortality whose ideas had become reversed, and who had devoted himself, with cold chisel and mallet, to the disfigurement of these local records. Disfigured they were, any. how, with remarkable completeness, and the want of any authentic record of our progress caused a little discord among us. Originally we were the most charmingly united party you can imagine. The di rector's wife, the shock of separation from Alphonse once over, threw herself into the enjoyment of the hour like a schoolgirl just released from class. The day was fine, the road smooth and shaded with trees. We caught glimpses here and there of the blue sparkling sea glimpses now through the branches of apple-trees studded with young fruit, or crowning the vista of some shady lane almost equal to a Devonshire lane in beauty; and every now and then, as a wider prospect opened out from the summit of some trifling eminence, we gained a view of the whole bay, dotted with white sails, and could make out the graceful

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That such a scheme will ever be realized it is perhaps vain to hope; meantime we see all that is good about to be endangered or sacrificed in the Lebanon; we see the forerunners of Russian armies mapping Armenia, penetrating even into Anatolia and Syria; we see the Turk desperately tightening his hold on a spiritual" Sea-Mew" steaming along in a leisurely no less than a temporal possession. The name of Syria has been kept out of the Eastern question of which Syrian politics form a part, but if a Syrian question is precipitated into the arena of "practical politics by French action, it will be found to be one of the most knotty and dangerous yet dealt with by Europe. Meantime a helpless Moslem peasantry, and a rich Maronite community who know not what is for their good, are eager to plunge their country into the horrors of war; and the Turk, however roughly and to their detriment, acts as the policeman among the rival creeds and sects, which so soon as his hand is withdrawn will

fashion. Once or twice Stéphanie thought she could make out her director anxiously gazing landwards, and waved her handkerchief zealously, on the chance of his being on the look-out our way, at that particular moment, with binoculars of extraordinary power. Altogether, we were as happy and contented as people could well be, Contango slashing along at a pace that should have troubled the repose of people who intended to bet against him, Tom making all kinds of fun with Justine on the back seat, while the pair in front were more soberly employed in comparing impressions on what was passing. Now, Tom had set out very carefully to


time Contango's performance, and for the first two or three kilomètres this went on with complete regularity. Then he missed a milestone to call it by the familiar and to conceal his want of care he stuck in two which had really no existence, thus bringing up Contango's record to something astonishing. Now, if the distance on the milestones- still to use the familiar term had been properly marked, we could have decided the real distance travelled without any discussion; but thanks to Mortality Redivivus, we were in a complete fog about the matter. Presently, however, we arrived at a village-St. Marcouf - where we were able to correct our dead reckoning.

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All along this district, the villages are nearly all either something-ville or Saint somebody; and, indeed, throughout Normandy the same rule holds good, the ville in most cases, no doubt, being an adaptation to French of sundry Saxon and oldNorse terminals. Vic, wich, feld, bye, have apparently been all melted down into the French ville. So, at least, our director instructed us in a little disquisition upon the subject. But the weather was too hot for such considerations. The merits of the church, which is ancient and singular, were in our eyes chiefly the pleasant coolness and calm it afforded. The spire of St. Marcouf is, they say, a sea-mark for the fishermen and sailors in the bay, and a curious opening or oculus in the chancel over the high altar was said to have been contrived so that the altar-light burning always in presence of the blessed sacrament might throw a cheerful gleam out to sea, giving the sailor struggling with the waves a hopeful sense of the eye that is watching over his safety. We might also have drunk from the ancient fountain of St. Marcouf, but | the spring was pronounced to be too near the village cemetery, and so we voted for the village cider, although, perhaps, in that we had still more concentrated essence of the forefathers of the hamlet. For do not apple-trees grow in the churchyard itself? and what is not applejuice in the cider is made up from the holy well.

At St. Marcouf we were encouraged by finding ourselves hard upon the trail of Hilda and the count. They had passed through the village not an hour beforethe tall mademoiselle, her father, and the young De St. Pol. Mademoiselle stopped to see the church. She was there half an hour at least, and the count seemed very impatient at the delay. There was a long

discussion among them, too, as to where they should go; the count urging them to cross the isthmus and visit Coutances and Granville, where he had his yacht; and promising to show them the coast of Brittany. But mademoiselle had decided at last-it was she who seemed to decide things, the old gentleman, her father, -madetook no part in the discussion moiselle had decided that she would go on instead to Bayeux. And then they had started, the count in a bad humor it seemed, and no doubt we should overtake the party before they reached Carentan. So we drove on, reassured by what we had heard, and not putting Contango to his tip-top speed, for Bayeux would be the general rendezvous; the "Sea-Mew" was to put in at Port au Bessin, where there was a good harbor, which would take her in handsomely at full tide.

Thus we drove on towards Carentan, the country gradually becoming flatter and flatter, and finally resolving itself into rich, low-lying pastures, protected from the network of streams that intersected them by high grassy banks, lined with willows, and elms, and tall poplars, with legions of cattle quietly grazing - a pic ture after Cuyp, of the Dutch rather than the French school. These wide-spreading pastures are the wealth of this rich district of the Cotentin, the country whose proud barons disdained to call themselves the men of the young bastard William; but who were speedily brought to submission by the embryo conqueror. This and the subsidiary Avranchin, with its chief town of Avranches - the two districts together under the old régime forming the baillage of Coutances these two districts have been the great nursery of the ancient English baronage. Just now we might call it a hotbed rather than a nursery, the heat is so intense, with hardly a breath of air stirring over the plain, where the tangled rivers and streams are lying at rest, with scarcely a movement in their waters at the bottom of their deep, muddy channels. A bountiful country too, with evidences of plenty and profusion on every side.

We find Carentan in the full fever of its weekly market- and such a market as you will rarely see in these degenerate days. The place with some nice old houses on one side forming a covered piazza-is filled with blue blouses and white caps. Ducks, and turkeys, and chickens, all quack, and gobble, and cluck unheard in the great gabble that rises from so many strident human voices-all the

world talking their loudest, and the bellsing his oats with great relish in the sta clanging out from the tower of the fine bles below them. We had determined old church: a bewildering, maddening that if we found that Hilda and her father turmoil. The din is not to be escaped had driven on to Bayeux, as there was from either in the inns, which are crammed with market-people eating, drinking, and bargaining over their cups: stout men with mealy voices discussing fat beeves, and oily dames with funny, stunted-looking lace caps degenerate successors these last of the ancient towering head-gear. Everywhere about are bundles of live poultry, carried unceremoniously by their legs, protesting loudly in their shrillest voices; but the people who carry them are as much unconcerned as though they were so many bunches of onions.

But already the crowd is ebbing away from the market-place; the market-women are counting up their stockingsful of five-franc pieces; and the buyers with their loads are scrambling into their carts, into the diligence, or filing away in long procession to the railway-station. In the midst of all this hubbub, in which we have been wandering a little dazed and bewildered, somebody touches Tom on the shoulder. This somebody wears a blue blouse, a rough three-sous straw hat, bound with an end of scarlet braid; he is bronzed and burly, with something of the keen, good-humored air of the Norman horse-dealer.

"Well, Tom, old man!" he cries, "what are you doing along here?"

Tom stares at him for a moment in

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Why, it is Redmond," he cries at last; "Redmond disguised as a French peasant. Have you come to meet your father and Hilda ?"

Redmond changed color at this. "No," he cried in an alarmed tone. "Are they here?"

"We are expecting to come across them any minute," replied Tom.

"Oh, I say, hide me up somewhere," cried Redmond; "I could not face the old governor just now on any account."

now no pressing need to follow them, Contango should be spared any further work, and that Tom should remain at Carentan for the night, and drive quietly over to Bayeux next day, while the rest of us went on by train this same afternoon. We should be there as soon as the Chudleighs, no doubt, if they were going to drive the distance, and as the train did not leave for a couple of hours, we could spare an hour to Redmond with easy minds. As for Redmond, he was too full of his own affairs to take much interest in ours. It seems that he had been living at Caen, a second Beau Brummell, idle and out at elbows, pretty well supplied with money, however, by his sister, who must have devoted most of the income left her by the late Miss Chudleigh, of Weymouth, to his benefit. Of a more stirring nature than the unfortunate Brummell, however, he had struck out a line for himself. It was buying poultry, and pigs, and horses, anything he came across, and selling them again for a profit. That was his programme, at least; hitherto he had been rather unfortunate. He had begun with horses, and had lost money over them; had come down to pigs, and still lost money. Now he was reduced to poultry, but was always sanguine of eventual results. To-day, for instance, he had bought a hundred turkeys at five francs each; these he should take back to Caen, and sell for about double the money.

Tom took in all this with wonder and amazement. Was this the glass of fash ion and the mould of form, the Adonis of the Guards' Club, the arbiter of Pall Mall? Had he come down to this? In the prime of his days, too, and of his manly beauty, for he was handsome handsomer than ever, perhaps, in the easy, unstudied garb of Gaul, in the blue tunic that Vercingetorix might have worn with just such an air. He was too proud, evidently, to build any expectations upon his Raymond, however, insisted that we sister's marriage. Tom gently touched should follow him to his own house-of-upon this point, and to his surprise Redcall, a little auberge "Au Bouche d'Or," mond seemed quite in the dark as to the where, through a labyrinth of market- whole matter. Hilda had certainly writ carts, he led us to a little café and salle-à-ten to him once or twice lately, but he had manger, redolent of rum, and cognac, and garlic.

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"Don't be frightened," said Tom dryly; your old nurse wouldn't know you


We had left madame la directrice and Justine at the hotel to repose during the noontide heat, and Contango was discuss

given over reading letters; he no longer took any interest in home matters. Hilda might marry whom she pleased. Tom suggested that this indifference was rather unkind, seeing that Hilda's marriage had

been arranged partly for his benefit. Had he heard nothing about Mr. Chancellor's handsome offer to give him, Redmond, a good appointment? Redmond opened his eyes at this, and taking a bundle of letters from the pocket of his blouse, picked out the most recent of them, from Hilda, and read it carefully over. Then he sat for a few moments in deep thought.

"Yes, that might do," he said at last, the expression of his face changing to a careless listlessness. "Perhaps it will suit me better than pig-dealing after all. Only I can't meet the governor and Hilda and her young man in this kind of costume," looking at his blue blouse. "Look here, Tom, lend me fifty pounds, and I'll run up to Paris and get rigged out, and then I'll meet the family council, say at Trouville."

Tom looked doubtfully into his purse, and said he did not know if he could manage it, but I gave him a nudge to intimate that I would take the responsibility, and then Tom counted out the notes, which Redmond thrust carelessly into his pocket.

"Thanks," he said calmly; "and now come alon, Tom, we'll have a bit of fun with the turkeys."

Tom was always ripe for anything in the way of fun, and perhaps he felt that he was entitled to something in return for the money he had parted with so readily; and he followed Redmond to the courtyard of the inn, where the latter disentangled his cart from the tightly packed mass of vehicles, and bringing out his pony from the stable, put it in and harnessed it with Tom's ready assistance. At the bottom of the cart were lying the turkeys, not, perhaps, a hundred-in that matter, probably, Redmond used a little customary exaggeration, but anyhow a goodly number tied together in pairs by the legs; and whatever their motives might have been, it was certainly a work of humanity when Tom and Redmond drew out their knives and cut the ligatures that bound them.

old turkey-cock, thrown off his balance by the shock, spread out his wings, and finding nothing to restrain him, flew out of the cart with a mighty whirr right in the face of the pursuing garçon, who clutched him wildly and then rolled over and over in the dust. And then bird after bird took to flight, their wings darkening the air, and bringing the whole town out in hot pursuit; dogs barked, women screamed, while the birds careered in all directions, settling on the roofs of houses, perching on the telegraph-wires, fluttering into shops, and even flying into the windows of the mairie, and scattering the municipal records in wild confusion. Tom and Redmond meantime drove on callously, regardless of the cries and shouts that followed them, and taking not the slightest notice of the train of flying birds they left behind. Strange to say, notwithstanding this wonderful windfall of turkeys, not a soul thought of looting, or of seizing the goods that fortune had so bounteously provided. Such is the respect that the French citizens bear for the law, that not a single turkey was, so to say, nobbled. Each man contented himself with defending his own possessions and calling loudly for the gendarmes.

Soon the alarm-bell was ringing at the gendarmerie, and the men turned out in a body. And it was pleasant to hear the sabres clanking and to see the cocked hats making head against the invaders. Under the protection of the law, everybody now joined in the capture; but it was melancholy to see that as each bird was caught its legs were firmly tied up again, and it was carried off head downwards to the gendarmerie. Not all, indeed, were thus accounted for. A few had made their way over the tops of the houses, and were lost to sight. Meantime the chief of the gendarmes got out pen, ink, and paper, and began to "dress" a procès-verbal of the affair. It was a serious matter, he observed, to disturb the tranquillity of a community in this unheard-of manner. Justice must inform

"Now we're off," said Redmond, jump-itself. ing into the cart, Tom clambering up on the other side, and away they went at full speed.

For the first few moments not one of the turkeys stirred; they could not feel their legs, perhaps, just at first, or realize the unaccustomed liberty they enjoyed. But just as they cleared the porte cochère of the inn, the ostler running after them to claim the gratuity that Redmond had forgotten, the trap gave a lurch, and a fine

Clearly it might be dangerous for Tom to show himself in Carentan after this madcap piece of business.

Anyhow, the pair had disappeared, and I made my way into the market-place, determined, now that the uproar had abated and the fierce noontide heat, that I would find out whether Hilda and her father were still in the town. The most likely place to find Hilda, I thought, would be the church. She had the usual fondness

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