
This must be the religion that Herbert had meant; the christianity that looked beyond the grave.

Before she retired to rest, she sat, awhile, alone with Lizzie, by her bedside, whilst her mother and Gwenthlean were engaged in making arrangements for her comfort. The little girl's mind appeared calm and happy as an infant's. They had been just kneeling round her bed in family worship, and a holy peace dwelt upon her


She spoke to Clare with a sweet but feeble voice, and held her hand, pressing it, from time to time, to her lips.

"I should like to have known you more, my sweet sister," she murmured; "but I do not think I shall be here long. Do not tell them so; but I am weaker to-day; and I have had heavenly dreams."

Clare bent over her, and as she kissed her cheek, her tears fell upon it.

"You should not weep," she continued ; "for I am very, very happy. The merciful Saviour and the holy Angels are with me, and I am going to heaven. But you must comfort poor mamma, and Gwenthlean. God has sent you in my place, and you will be better than I. Oh! I have been wild and troublesome! but Gwenthlean is an angel, and taught me better things. But she is unhappy. I know she is unhappy, and you must try to make her happy. There is something on her heart, I know; and for all she prays for hours at night, and reads the Bible, she does not get comforted. You are older than I, and you can find out her trouble. And, Clare, I hope you will be like her, that I may meet you again, to live with you for ever and ever. Is it not a beautiful thought, that there is a home where we shall never be parted? Think of mamma, and Gwenthlean, and you, and I, all happy together for ever! Happy with the angels.

I saw them last night in my dreams. They had silver wings and shining garments, and faces like Gwenthlean's, but happier. Smiling, peaceful, joyous faces. Do not cry, my sister. The Saviour gathers the tender lambs within his arms. He took little children, and graciously blessed them; and He will forgive me, and take me to Himself."

There was a bright spot upon the young sufferer's cheek, and a supernatural brilliancy in her eye. Clare looked upon her with fearful love and admiration. She stretched out her arms towards her sister, and clasped them round her neck. Clare feared that the excitement of speaking so long had been too much, and whispered to her to be still. She smiled as she murmured

"I may never speak to you again," and closed her eyes.

Clare looked at her, and listened anxiously for her breathing. She thanked

God that she could hear it; gentle but regular.

In a few minutes, she was asleep, and when Gwenthlean, who was to watch in her room that night, came in, her slumbers seemed as painless and serene, as if she had never suffered.


Oh, sweet and strange it seems to me that ere this day is done

The voice that now is speaking may be beyond the


For ever and for ever with those just souls and


And what is life that we should moan? why make we such ado?

For ever and for ever, all in a blessed home,

And there to wait a little while till you and Effie


To lie within the light of God, as I lie upon your breast,

And the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary

are at rest.


LADY LLEWELLEN and Clare had retired

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