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He had aroused my curiosity; but I supposed that a man you honored with your friendship—”

"Pray don't speak of him as my friend," interrupted Kister.

"No, no, I don't wish to make trouble between you!"

Marja turned away. Kister's eyes True, I had scarcely spoken to him. flashed, and he grew very pale. "Well, well, don't get angry. Listen, Fedor, you mustn't be angry! Everything turned out for the best. I am glad that yesterday's explanation took place. Why do you suppose I am talking to you about it? Because I wanted to complain of Captain Lutschkoff? Oh! no. I have already forgotten him. But I am somewhat in fault towards you, my good friend. I should like to make an explanation, beg your forgiveness, and ask your advice. You have taught me sincerity; my heart feels so light when I am with you. You are no Lutschkoff."

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"What, a but! You are not ashamed to say but. He is blunt and awkward and spiteful and conceited-you hear. I say and, not but."

"You say so because you are still under the influence of your anger, Marja Serjevna," replied Kister sadly. "What, I angry? Why, look at me; is this the way people appear when they are angry? Listen," Marja went on; "think what you please of me-but if you suppose I am flirting with you to-day out of revenge, theneyes filled with tears.

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"Be frank, Marja Serjevna." "Oh! how stupid and hateful you can be! Look at me. Am I not treating you frankly and honestly? Can you not read my soul?"

"Well, then-yes, I do believe you," Kister continued, smiling, as he noted the sorrowful persistency with which she tried to catch his glance, "but tell me what induced you to grant Lutschkoff a meeting?"

"What? I don't know myself. He LIVING AGE. VOL. XII. 613

"Good heavens, I would gladly sacrifice for your sake not only my friends, but even― All intimacy between Captain Lutschkoff and myself is over," he added hastily.

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Marja gazed earnestly into his eyes. "Let us say no more about him," she said. "This will be a lesson to me. It was my own fault. For several months I daily saw a good, clever, gay, agreeable man, who- Marja hesitated a moment in embarrassment-"who also seemed to like me a little and I, stupid thing," she hastily continued, "preferred the other-no, no, I didn't prefer the other, but

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She bowed her head in embarrassment and was silent.

A strange emotion took possession of Kister. "Is it really true?" he thought. "Marja Serjevna!" he began at last aloud.

Marja raised her head and gazed at him with eyes full of tears. "Don't you guess of whom I am speaking?" she asked.

Kister, almost holding his breath, extended his hand to her. Marja eagerly seized it, and pressed it closely, tenderly.

"You are my kind friend again, are you not? What, won't you answer me?"

"Surely you know that I am your friend," he murmured.

"And you don't condemn me? You have forgiven me? And understand

me? And you don't laugh at a girl who grants an interview to one man one day, and the next talks to another as-as I am now talking to you-you won't make sport of me, will you?"

Her face glowed; she held his right hand firmly clasped in both her own.

springs of Manchu government shows a gradual tendency to disappear.

But it must not be imagined that all imperial decrees are issued for publication. Anything of a confidential nature, whether in the form of a decree, rescript, or memorial, is "kept inside;" and there is no capital in the world where it is more difficult to purchase secret documents than Peking. But

"I make sport of you!" replied Kister; “I—I—why, I love you-I love you!" he exclaimed. Marja covered her face with her these documents, when they concern hands.

the general weal, are none the less

"Have you not long known, Marja, transmitted for record or report to most that I love you?"


Previous to the introduction under European auspices of the Chinese newspapers now daily circulated from Hong Kong and Shanghai, and of more recent years also, to a lesser extent, from Tientsin and Hankow, there was hardly any dissimination of news throughout the empire, except that conveyed by the Peking Gazette, or, as the Chinese call it the Metropolitan Reporter (King-pao). For many years past English translations of the more important documents issued to and published by the Peking Gazette office have been furnished, either in full or in the form of a digest, according to their weight and interest, by the leading Shanghai newspaper; and, moreover, all the native Shanghai newspapers, and some of the others, publish daily, in extenso, the original Chinese versions: in the case of interesting imperial decrees or very important memorials from the Provinces, the chief organs of the Chinese press even obtain their information by telegraph from Peking. And thus it happens that the work of centralization, which has in every sense largely developed since the European envoys settled in Peking thirty-five years ago, has been considerably facilitated and brought home to the Chinese mind; both foreigners and natives receive rapid, precise, and regular information of what goes on in the capital, and the mystery which, until a generation ago, enveloped the

of the viceroys and provincial governors, from whose offices it is often not difficult to obtain, by purchase, copies of interesting documents. The local gentry, who like to be informed upon everything which concerns the interests of their caste in general and of their relatives holding office in particular, usually have a clerk or two in their pay, and these clerks are not slow to discover that some foreigners have similar and more liberally bestowed funds at hand for a like purpose. Besides this, Chinese officials themselves sometimes find it advantageous to obtain the publication in the native press of confidential documents; and, as this native press would soon be strangled to death without its European protection, they can easily disavow all responsibility by referring their censorious superiors to the foreign editor as the responsible person. Over and over again have the viceregal governments remonstrated with the consuls at Shanghai, and endeavored to institute a sort of press inquisition; but at last they have come to perceive, on the one hand, that all such attempts are vain, and, on the other, that "what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander"-unpleasant publicity in one instance being compensated by desirable notoriety in another. Thus it comes that the Shen Pao, or Shanghai Reporter, has now become an acceptable organ even at court, besides circulating all over the empire, and, to a less extent, throughout Corea, Japan, Annam, Siam, and Burma; and it is as well-managed an organ as any European daily newspaper.

Yet the Peking Gazette has lost none of its importance; on the contrary, as the Shen Pao invariably prints the whole of it, the circulation of the older sheet has been enormously increased and popularized. The promotions and degradations, which, of course, present little of interest to foreigners, are scanned with avidity by the hungry provincial expectants; the latest news concerning the examinations is instantaneously telegraphed to Shanghai, and at once circulated for the information of the gaming fraternity, who make huge bets on the results, and, in the case of Canton, Hong Kong, and Macao, get up popular lotteries involving millions sterling a year in prize money. For

department at Peking which is charged with the duty of copying and delivering in the form of a Gazette such documentary information as may be given to it for that purpose by the emperor's order or with the authority of the Privy Council. This information is grouped in three divisions, which may be thus enumerated: A. Court matɩers. B. Original decrees, rescripts, appointments, degradations, etc.. C. Direct reports to the emperor from the provincial governments. Under the first head appear the routine duties of the ministers in attendance, and the lists of presentations (if any) made by them. Two or three heads of departments are in attendance every eighth day until the eigners anxiously look for the publica- whole twenty are exhausted, when the tion in the Gazette of decrees favoring round begins again. The Gazette anmissionaries, which documents are of nounces, for instance: "To-day was the little use if left to the saving grace of attendance day of the Board of Office local proclamations issued by the pro- and the Hanlin Academy; there were vincial authorities. Budding censors, no presentations." Besides the Boards who usually commence their successes of Revenue, Rites, Punishments, War, in public life by protesting against and Works, there are the Mongolian somebody or something (it does not Superintendency, Household, Stud much matter what so long as it "goes Office, Sacrificial Court, Clan Office, down"), are delighted to see their Board of Astronomy, Censorate, Bannames in print with the imperial com- queting Court, Court of Revision, Transments upon their effusions. For many mission Office, Education Office, Royal years the words "telegraph" and "news- Mews, etc., etc. As in England, the paper" were studiously ignored by the Cabinet has no regular official organizapalace and by the provincial bureaux; tion, but it meets the emperor every it would have been almost as great an morning before dawn, and is now, in outrage to insert the word "telegram" many respects, practically one and the in an imperial decree as to speak of same thing as the Board of Foreign the Empire Music Hall or bottled stout Affairs, which is a creation of 1860, and in a queen's speech; but now tele- rather officious than official. The graphic decrees and telegraphic reports Inner Council is much like our Privy are the order of the day, and a gen- Council; its official existence survives, eral in Turkestan only the other but its functions have to most intents week mentioned in his memorial been superseded by the Cabinet Council. that he was sending the good news of In addition to the above administrative his victories to be published in the departments there are the Imperial Shen Pao. Changes in China come Body Guard, Two Wings, and Eight slowly, at least to those who are eager Banners; these military departments for progress; but in this, as in other also come in turn, but take ten days, matters, the difference between 1896 instead of eight, to exhaust; conseand 1866 is almost as great at root, quently their rotation varies in respect though not so apparent above ground, of the civilians. After the announceas in the case of Japan. The vast ment concerning attendances, the Gacarcase of China is unmistakably movzette usually goes on to enumerate the ing. applications for furlough, sick leave. There is a special bureau or public permission to visit parents' tombs, and

so on. Then come the verbal applications for special appointments, and the list of persons nominated on extraordinary temporary duty; for instance: "The Board of Revenue applies for a special auditor. His Majesty was pleased to nominate the Grand Secretary X." Or, "The War Office submits the propriety of appointing special examiners for the military status of com. petent armorer. His Majesty was pleased to name the Princes A. and B., the President C., and Messieurs D., E., and F. for this duty." Next follows a list of special audiences accorded; thus: "Special audiences granted to Li Hung Chang and to A., the ex-minister to Russia and Germany." Finally, the movements of the emperor are notified, just as with us; thus: "His Majesty proposes to pass through the A. gate at 8 A.M. to-morrow, proceed to the B. audience chamber, and formally sanction the documents awaiting submission there. After this the emperor will proceed by way of the C. court and the D. portal to the E. palace, and will there perform the appropriate rites for the day. His Majesty will present his respects to the dowager-empress on his way back, take a turn in the new sceam-launch, quit the Lily Pond, and regain his private apartments by way of the F. garden and G. gate."

The range of ground covered by the imperial decrees is of course very wide. Yet there is considerable sameness and similarity. I have read nearly all the imperial decrees published during the past twenty years, and I think I may safely say that out of a daily average of ten there is not one which is not worded in purely stereotyped fashion. The following are all routine decrees, varying only slightly according to special circumstances. In order to save space and avoid wearying the reader I have much curtailed them.

I. The worthy Viceroy X.Y.Z. of Sz Chwan began his career as an ordinary bachelor, gradually working his way through the various administrative ranks until he was entrusted with a province of his own. He had repeatedly solicited permission to retire, and both

our imperial mother and ourself had conferred presents of pills and ginseng upon him at various times. We now hear, alas! that he is no more. X.Y.Z.'s penalties during life are hereby cancelled. One thousand pounds are bestowed for funeral expenses, and the local officials will pay every respect to the coffin as it passes through their jurisdictions. Prince A. will meet the procession outside Peking, and spread a Tibetan quilt upon the remains. Let X.Y.Z.'s son B. become a junior president; his eldest grandson C. will be presented when he comes of age. In this way do we delight to honor an upright and loyal servant.

2. Let X. become viceroy of Sz Chwan. 3. Let Y. replace X. as governor of Ho Nan, proceeding direct to his post without seeking our further instructions. Until he arrives, let Z. the treasurer act as governor.

4. During the past ten years China and the foreigner have learnt to know each other better, yet there are still districts where Christian missionaries are viewed with hostility. The viceroys and governors of provinces should circulate copies of the treaties throughout all subordinate local offices, and see that prefects and magistrates carry out our imperial desire that in future distant men be treated with every kind

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striving after virtue, we only follow the lead of our sacred ancestors of never-to-be-forgotten memory; still, it is possible that failure of our own may exercise a deleterious psychological effect upon the minds of men at large. In future let all viceroys and governors watch their own conduct more closely, with a view to propitiating Heaven's favor.

8. The Resident in Tibet reports that the soul of the defunct Dalai Lama has been found in the body of A., an infant of the peasant B. family. It must be remembered that, in consequence of an offence by C., his late Majesty commanded twenty-five years ago that no souls should be found for three generations in the district of D. It is presumed that the resident has this command in his mind's eye, and that the B. family is untainted with local disability. If this be so, the finding of the soul is approved.

9. A man stopped our sedan-chair yesterday with a petition. Let him be handed over to the Board of Punishments whilst enquiry is made.

lu. We yesterday received the benign commands of our imperial mother the dowager to save our legs by riding in a litter instead of walking across the Lily Garden. Though we thought our body was fairly sound, still we must not forget our capacity as representative of all men under the sun. In future, at least when it is windy, let the litter be prepared.

11. Let A. be general at Foochow.

12. Eunuchs are at the best of times but the orts of men. Taking warning by the fate of the T'ang and Ming dynasties, we Manchus have never entrusted these menials with any important charges. The head eunuch A. appears to have used rude language to Li Hung Chang on the latter's declining to pay certain fees. Let him receive fifty blows with the stick, and let the iron tablet of rules suspended in the eunuch department be read out aloud to them all once a month.

13. The Viceroy of Hu Kwang reports the descent to the earth from the clouds of a green lizard, and the consequent

sudden stoppage of the floods in nine districts. We are infinitely touched by this gracious evidence of the gods' intervention. The Academy has been ordered to compose a suitable aphorism for engraving on a gorgeous tablet. The Viceroy will proceed in full uniform, followed by the whole official body, to hang this tablet in the Moth's Eyebrows Hall, in order to prove to the local deity that we are not indisposed to requite his services.

14. When the eclipse of the moon takes place to-morrow, let the proper authorities set up the usual howls, and save the moon in due legal form.

15. Let the X. murder case be handed to the Governor of Kwang Si, who will duly summon all parties and witnesses, examine the papers, and endeavor to get at the real truth. Let the appellant be sent back from Peking to be at once confronted with the appellee.

Specimens of imperial decrees and rescripts might be multiplied indefinitely, but the above are sufficient for illustration. Nos. 2, 3, 6, 11 occur almost daily, Nos. 5 and 15 at least once a week. The others occur at rare intervals. It rarely happens that a decree appears couched in entirely new style, or treating of quite a fresh subject.

The area covered by reports from the Provinces is just as extensive as that occupied by decrees and rescripts. As



rule, confidential memorials treated confidentially, but occasionally they are published in all their baldness, and viceroys and governors indulge in very unconventional language about each other before the emperor. I remember in 1872-73 the Viceroy Liu K'un-yi (now at Nanking), when governor of Kiang Si, got into a mess with a local magnate then on a visit to Peking. The local magnate had written him private letters with a view to evading taxation on certain property. The governor, in contradicting the magnate's slanderous statements, said: "His motives must have been corrupt, for long before that I had half-a-dozen private letters from him on the subject from Peking." The emperor said: "How came you to let them run into the

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