
try, had, whilst playing at billiards in a coffee house at Munster, a violent dispute, in which M. de Deukhaus made use of several offensive expressions towards his adversary.

"These words having been uttered in a public place, and before a great number of witnesses, M. de Bonnhart felt himself under the necessity of demanding public satisfaction, and to this effect cited M. de Deukhaus to appear before the tribunal of honor sitting at Munster. It is known that for the last two years tribunals of this description are instituted in all the divisions of the Prussian army. "This tribunal, conformably to the law, used all its efforts to induce the offending party to retract the offensive expressions, and not being able to succeed, came to a decision that, considering the words in question attacked the honor of M. de Bonnhart, the latter could no longer continue in the army without having obtained public satisfaction; and considering that M. de Deukhaus obstinately refused to grant him such satisfaction, the tribunal authorized a duel between the two parties, according to the military


"The duel took place on Monday, June 29, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in a plain situate to the north of the city of Munster. A platform was erected in the middle of the plain, on which was seated the tribunal, the judges of the combat.

"Before the tribune, a large space, surrounded by ropes supported by staves, was reserved for the combatants. Some detachments of infantry and cavalry were placed round the enclosed ground and tribune of the judges. At an early hour an immense crowd filled the vast plain, in order to witness the strange contest which was about to take place.

"At three o'clock precisely the judges, wearing their uniforms, took their places in the tribune. They again attempted to effect a reconciliation, and this attempt also failing, authorized the combat to take place.

"It was agreed upon by the two adversaries, with the sanction of the tribunal, that the combat should take place with cavalry swords, and be continued until one of the adversaries became hors de combat, and that both should fight with their heads uncovered and in their shirt sleeves.

"A certain number of sabres were then brought forward, and the two adversaries, after having bound their eyes, took by chance their weapons. Then taking off the handkerchiefs from their eyes, as well as their coats and hats, they put themselves in an attitude of defence, and at a signal given by the president of the tribunal, the combat began.

"MM. de Deukhaus and de Bonnhart fought with the greatest obstinacy. The latter successively received two slight wounds in the arm, but soon afterwards wounded his adversary so severely in the thigh, as to render it impossible for the latter

to continue the combat.

"When the surgeons had dressed the wounds of the officers, the president of the tribunal again attempted to reconcile them; this time he was immediately obeyed, and the two adversaries embraced each other. The public, which had throughout the combat observed the profoundest silence, hailed the reconciliation with loud and continued applause. Two coaches took away the late opponents, and M de Bonnhart assisted in carrying M. de Deukhaus to his. The tribunal then separated, and the crowd quietly dispersed.

"It is the first time that a tribunal of honor in Prussia has ever authorized a duel. All the disputes which had been hitherto brought before the tribunal, had invariably terminated by a reconciliation."

THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY. THE new Reformation has ended (as seemed but too probable at first) in one of the thousand forms of infidelity that are the curse of German speculation and inquiry. .Unable to discern the difference between truth and error, the synod of the congregations have abjured the divinity of the Lord, together with the corruptions of Rome. Thus a serious injury has been done by these rash and presumptuous men to the cause of scriptural truth; and the movement commenced by Ronge, from which so much was anticipated, will only tend to bring German Protestantism into contempt, and to strengthen the hands of Rome. The following letter is taken from the Morning Herald. Other accounts received entirely confirm its accuracy;

"Berlin, July 27.-We have news of the result of the synod of the congregations professing the apostolical faith, which has been held at Schneidemubl; and it is most afflicting. So unblushing was the denial of the saving truths of the gospel manifested at this meeting, that Dr. Jettmar and his lay coadjutor withdrew in disgust before its sittings terminated. They represented the apostolical flock in this city, and, in spite of all the persuasions and exhortations which Christian love and faithfulness could urge, were unable to prevent the meeting from repudiating the confession of the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the personality of the Holy Ghost. Not only did the members protest against the adoption of the three cecumenical creeds, but treated even the apostles' creed with slight. The Godhead of the Saviour having become the subject of discussion, the Rev. Mr. Port, of Posen, who acted as president, asked whether any one present really believed that Jesus Christ was very God? And upon one of the Berlin deputies replying that he believed it, and was as fully convinced of it as of his own existence, the president treated the asservation with scorn and contempt. Again, when the Berlin deputies earnestly besought the assembly not to reject the apostles' creed, and to abstain from abbreviating it, the same individual observed that it contains 'arrant nonsense.' One of the deputies called upon Czerski to use his influence to discountenance so unscriptural and unbefitting a remark, and to support the opposition raised by them in behalf of the apostolical symbol. He answered that he saw nothing objectionable in the remark; and for himself was averse to all confessions, (symbolicism,) and should vote for the doing away with all creeds, and the adoption of the Bible as the only standard. Dr. Thirnen was also present, and proposed a confession for the congregations of the Grand Duchy of Posen, which is of so equivocal a character as to suit almost every shade of belief, and the meeting adopted it."

This must put an end to the movement, which henceforth can only result in some declaration of infidelity. It will next be carried that the Bible was not written by inspiration; then that it is without authority; and lastly, that all revelation is a fable, and Christianity is an imposition. May this country long be preserved from the fatal errors of German speculation !-Britannia.


Parts of Mr. Walsh's letter to the National Intelligencer, dated Paris, 16th August.

THE Paris National of the 8th holds this language: "How do you understand your constitution? Is it, or not, based on the principle of the sovereignty of the people? Is the king anything else than the product of our election? May he not be cashiered lawfully to-morrow, if to-morrow he should violate the conditions imposed on him. Is not the will that created him, and which can proclaim his déchéance or forfeiture, always above him? We do not refer to subversive revolutions; we keep within the strict right and scope of the charter. We pursue the regular and insuperable consequences of popular sovereignty."

Mr. Cobden has been for several days the lion of Paris. Ersted, the celebrated Danish natural philosopher, is also here, and was present at the last meeting of the Academy of Sciences, of which he is a corresponding member.

The Amnesty of the new pope, in the Italian, is a beautiful composition; his allocution to the Cardinals a masterpiece of Latinity. Our Paris National is not satisfied with the amnesty because it contains the word pardon, and a promise of future loyalty to the Holy See is exacted.

Young Oscar Lafayette, the son of George, was elected to the chamber of deputies by virtue of his glorious name. Six members of the Lafayette connections have now seats in the chamber.

In the months of June and July the theatres of Paris received less money than during the months of the cholera. The swimming and bathing establishments gained more than in any one year for the twenty-five years past.

Mr. Coupey, an erudite judge of Cherbourg, .published some years ago a tract showing that the institution of the jury-nearly the same as that of the present day-subsisted in Normandy for a century or more in the middle ages. He has issued another tract on Judicial Proof in Normandy at the same era, fortifying the first.

Psalms, with an introduction. The whole work will soon be finished. It exhibits the labors of the German philologers and Jewish theologians. His dissent from the Christian commentators is always temperately expressed.

Benoiston de Chateauneuf lately read to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences a memoir on the length of human life in many of the principal States of Europe, and on the greater or less longevity of their inhabitants; it is a work of extensive research and immense calculation. He concludes that all climates are favorable to longevity; that in Europe woman is everywhere longer lived than man, and that the human career may be estimated at ninety years as the extreme; of one thousand individuals fourteen remain to that period, from the age of thirty, and six from birth.

There is a remarkable tribute to the spirit and tendency of the times in the following conclusion of the address of Marshal Bugeaud, Duke of Isly, to his constituents. "I profess to love and to merit popularity. I have always labored for the people: I am of the people, the son of my own works; I cannot entertain aristocratic ideas."

In a recent lawsuit, Alexandre Dumas was convicted of double vente; that is, of having sold twice over the same literary materials: his Clarissa Harlowe, a French compression and recast of Richardson's endless work, has found astonishing success in England as well as France. Clarissa Harlowe, a drama in three acts, founded on the principal events of the novel, and skilfully executed, has been welcomed in like manner at the theatre of the Gymnase. Mademoiselle Rose-Cheri (a new Mademoiselle Mars) is the applauded Clarissa.

Mehemet Ali lately said to the British Ambassador at Constantinople that he was quite sensible of the importance of a good and safe communication across the Isthmus of Suez, but would give the opening of it to no company: he would execute it himself. Monopoly of profits is his object.

The premature unexpected death of the famous Baboo Dwarkanauth Tagore, at London, affords topic for many French paragraphs. The Parisians saw him last winter everywhere seemingly in robust health, and especially devoted to the ladies, whose smiles and pressures of his tawny hand he requited with Cashmere shawls and glittering trin

M. Guerin Meneville's "Studies of the habits and organization of the numerous insects or creatures mischievous to useful vegetables," deserve to be known in the United States. When the olive shall be cultivated in our country, his treatise on the insects of that tree will be consulted with ad-kets. Where they were present all serious convantage.

A colossal head in Pentelic marble, in the Royal Library of Paris, is ascertained to be from the chisel of Phidias, and to have been brought from the ruins of the Parthenon in 1676, after the fatal explosion of that year.

versation with him was out of the question. Tagore was not a prince, as he was commonly dubbed, but a princely merchant, fond of the appearances of a magnifico. He was born in the caste of the Brahmins, of parents in moderate circumstances. He amassed his large fortune by hard work and lucky speculations in opium and indigo. He paid a visit to Rome, and, in his interview with the

In consequence of the drought, the inhabitants of the city of Aix have been put on an allowance of three quarts of water per day for all domestic pur-pope, intended to discourse on deism as taught by poses.

The Abbé Miche, apostolical missionary, was smuggled into Cochin China in a boat with a false bottom, in which he lay perdu.

The London Morning Chronicle of the 8th instant has a remarkable editorial article on the Californias, the state and prospects of Mexico and the war, and ending with an appeal to all the governments of Europe to arrest the strides of American ambition. It is not, indeed, the organ of the British cabinet, but rather of the discomforted and forlorn Hudson Bay Company.

The learned Israelite Cahen's translation of the Bible will consist of thirteen volumes. He has just issued the seventeenth livraison, containing the

Ramoun Roy, but Gregory diverted him from the subject by gracious queries concerning his deeds of munificence. He was zealously devoted to the East India Company.

The will of Louis Bonaparte, ex-king of Holland, who died lately at Florence, is an interesting document. It implies that he was enormously rich. Louis Napoleon, the ex-prisoner of Ham, inherits enough to equip another expedition for the imperial crown of France.

Shamil, the hero of the Caucasus, again annoys the Russians by incursions, which yield him much booty. A letter from Tiflis states that he is at the head of twenty thousand Circassian mountaineers, who slay their many Cossack prisoners, when these

are found inconvenient. A French writer describes | lish French supremacy in the Lebanon. Final Shakspeare as a barbarian incrusted with genius. discomfiture of all efforts in Greece and Spain is Shamil and Abd-el-Kader seem to merit the same description.

The recent and curious article of the London Times on the marriage of the Queen of Spain fell like a bomb in the French cabinet and the political circles of Paris. In no instance, by any foreign journal whatever, has Louis Philippe been so directly and personally arraigned or so harshly treated. Before the accession of the whigs in England the Times held a very different strain about the Spanish match, and paid profound homage to the wisdom and virtues of the king of France. The Journal des Débats was roused to an immediate semi-official reply, in which, though the British cabinet be generally exculpated, Lord Clarendon, a member of it, and formerly British ambassador at Madrid, is accused of having written or prompted the indecorous and spiteful article.

quite probable. It is presumed that, while the Duke of Bordeaux lives, Louis Philippe will inflexibly refuse assent to a match between the son of Don Carlos (late titular King of Spain) and Queen Isabel. The example of such a triumph for legitimacy might prove dangerous to the Orleans dynasty.

Professors are about to be established in the south of France-in the Mediterranean provincesfor the diffusion of the (vulgar or spoken) Arabic tongue.

A recent case before the tribunal of commerce brought out the circumstance that Monsieur de Lamartine, the poet, sold to a bookseller for the sum of four hundred and fifty thousand francs the copyright or property during his life, and twenty years after his death, of his History of the Gironde, and his Confidential Memoirs. The purchaser became unable to fulfil his contract, which might have proved a bargain. The posthumous memoirs of Marshal Duke of Belluno (Victor) are announced. Some extracts thrown into the journals beget the expectation of an interesting book.

There was more diffusive animation and interest in the recent general election of Deputies than on any former occasion. The conservatives have a majority of about one hundred; but the ministry cannot count on that number for their purposes during the next session. The Dupin and Dufaure We have a French translation of Mr. Cooper's groups will be disposed, as heretofore, to baffle Mr. History of the Navy of the United States, in two Guizot. The new members are not certain ad- octavos, by Paul Jessé. In the press, a History herents; they may throw themselves, according to of the Accursed Races of France, meaning, I preemergencies, into the different sections of the cham-sume, Jews, Gipsies, and so forth. The common ber. Not one half of the so-called conservatives phrase in Europe, the dangerous classes, meaning elected, new or old, pledged themselves to support the lower, hardly admits of application in the Mr. Guizot's policy, or professed his doctrines or American Union; at least, not in the non-slaveattempted to defend his past measures. holding States.

The monument of Christopher Columbus, which The Essay on the Life and Labors of the late the Sardinian government has caused to be executed Baron de Gérando, by his niece, will interest in marble, for the city of Genoa, is completed, and many philanthropists and students of philosophy will be immediately erected on the Quay de Darse-on your side of the Atlantic. There is no French The inauguration will take place in Septem- memory of my personal acquaintance which I ber next, during the time that the meeting of natu- venerate so much as that of the Baron, man and ralists is being held in that city. The king and author. the royal family will be present on the occasion.


The late experiments made at Berlin of casting iron cannon by the galvanic-elastic process were so successful that it has been determined to apply it to all the guns in the Prussian fortresses. A sum of 100,000 thalers (375,000fr.) has already been appropriated towards the execution of the plan.

CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS.-In an action for slander, which came up for trial at the assizes at Norwich (England) this week, before Mr. Baron Alderson, it appeared that the words complained of were uttered by the defendant in private familiar conversation with a friend; and the learned judge stopped the case, saying that such a conversation ought to be treated as a privileged communication; for, if persons were to be subject to actions for words so spoken, all intercourse between friends would be at an end.-Atlas.

The announced History of the Clergy of France, from the introduction of Christianity among the Gauls to the present time, by an erudite lawyer, Bousquet, has a general welcome. A naturalist has given us a tract, with an atlas of eight plates, entitled "The Omnipotent Godhead proved by the admirable organization of the Silkworm."

Dr. Bowring's exposition in the house of commons, on the 15th instant, of the tobacco question in Great Britain, went to the United States by the steamer of the 19th; but I cannot refrain from indicating it to you and your readers. The high duties and the consequent contraband are exhibited in most instructive magnitude and deformity. The amount smuggled is at least equal to that on which the duty is paid; that duty being between 800 and 900 per cent. on the value of the raw commodity. This year the convictions in the courts for the smuggling have been five hundred and thirty-eight and before magistrates not less than eight hundred and seventy-two, in England alone. The doctor added:

From the same, dated July 20. Mr. Guizot's acts, aims, and theories, in the Texas affair, form a prominent topic in the circulars of the French opposition. The Journal des "The ratio in Ireland and in Scotland was even Debats styles him the greatest statesman and ora- greater; for while in England they were 102 per tor of the present times. Surely, the statesman- cent., in Ireland they were 252 per cent., and in ship may be questioned in his whole foreign policy. Scotland 451 per cent.; but of 333 persons conIt is affirmed that France has spent within the ten victed last year of smuggling tobacco in quantities years past, a million and half of francs for her exceeding 100 pounds, only fifteen persons had paid legation in Mexico, and with what fruit? The any fines, and the aggregate amount of those fines follies of Tahiti, Marquesas, Montevideo, could was only £805. The enormous charges that feli scarcely be exceeded. Nothing but disappoint- upon the public in consequence deserved considerment and loss will come of the struggle to estab-ation: 1,478 prisoners had to be maintained in jail,

at a cost of more than £5,000, without reference without convincing the majority of well-informed to the cost of prosecutions and other incidental ex- and intelligent officers. The great task in the penses. It was grievous to see also that the accomplishment of the reform now is, to devise greater portion of the parties convicted of smug-needful substitutes for that bad coercion-means gling tobacco were British sailors."

Nearly twenty-two million pounds were fraudu lently introduced every year; in London alone there are not fewer than a hundred and thirty thousand shops in which tobacco is sold. The motive for contraband operates to occasion adulteration in a like degree. Dr. Bowring expatiated on the immorality, crime, and misery, as a consideration more important, even for the government, than any tobacco income. He adverted also to the heavy cost of the coast-guard, amounting to £600,000 or £700,000 per annum, much of which might be saved if the duty were lowered and the inducement to smuggle thereby diminished. It seems probable that the duty will be considerably lowered, on clear calculations of fiscal gain.

SUGAR-SLAVE-TRADE.-The lords have lost no time on the sugar-duties bill, though they have not neglected to discuss it. Indeed, it met with an unusual discussion-one on the first reading, meant to be a substitute for the usual debate on the second reading. The object of that arrangement seems to have been to accommodate certain peers bound for the moors. It came out that the Bishop of Oxford had not been consulted in the arrangement; but there was a marked desire not to prevent a Wilberforce from speaking his mind on such an occasion; and so there was a second discussion,

on the second reading. The opponents of the bill came out strongly on the anti-slavery ground. Lord Brougham made an effective speech; Lord Stanley showed to advantage on the same point; but both, as well as Lord Chief Justice Denman, made unexpected admissions that the West Indians had been hardly treated. Bishop Wilberforce's speech constituted the bulk of the second discussion it was forcible and close, putting the anti-slavery arguments at once in the soberest and clearest light. The bishop will be a powerful debater in the upper house. The present measure, however, has drifted beyond the bound of his hereditary estate in the question; and the strength of the anti-slavery position is made by the chief weakness of the scheme. The way to turn that position would be, for ministers themselves to abandon the anti-slavery ground altogether. At present they are trying to reconcile incompatibilities: they had better get out of the dilemma by withdrawing their cruisers, and absolutely relinquishing the coercive system of prevention. Spectator.

to a better composition of the army, and an improved system of rewards and correctives. Time should not be lost from the consideration of that auxiliary to simple abolition.-Spectator.

POLAND.-Some slight progress has been made towards a clearer view of the Polish question. The present ministers are evidently in advance of their predecessors on that ground. Lord Beaumont has proved a total infraction of the treaty of Vienna, which declared that Cracow should be an independent city, and should "on no pretext whatever" be entered by foreign troops. The Duke of Wellington admits the infraction, but maintains the sufficiency of the pretext. Lord Lansdowne plainly entertains doubts whether the conduct of Austria and Russia has not been as base as rumor asserts in fomenting rebellion as a pretext for intervention. Acknowledging the doctrine of nonthe right" to interpose for the maintenance of intervention, it cannot be denied that we have the treaty. Perhaps in the present case all prac tical good would be attained by a declaration of ministers evidently have an opinion to declare; and opinion on the part of the English government: it would be most beneficial if uttered without heat calmness but with unmistakeable distinctness. or rancor, without reserve or qualification, with

REPEAL.-There seems to be a lull in the re

peal agitation: Young Ireland is vanquished, and its victory, in a good humor with all the world. is magnanimously sulky; Old Ireland reposes on Mr. O'Connell reciprocates compliments with the Times, and finds excellent sense in the suggestion of that journal that he should aid the whig minis his country. Surely it is a millennium; the ters to carry measures for the practical benefit of Daniel lying down with the Times. Furthermore,


Repeal Association to communicate some informamy dear Ray," has been formally deputed by the tion, "of course in his private capacity," to the government at Dublin Castle; and his communicaRay" in his private capacity" could scarcely extion has met with a degree of attention which Mr. pect. These coquettings between the official and which would vastly help to smooth away difficulthe repeal governments suggest one measure under Earl Grey's premiership, they committed a ties. When the whigs were before in power, great blunder in not providing for Mr. O'Connell. Perhaps it is not yet too late to realize some of the advantages of such a step. It should be done

when his circumstances are not at the lowest-and FLOGGING. The Duke of Wellington has made the rent is at this moment reviving again. Morea speech, short and unpretending as his orations over, his conscience should be eased, and his good always are, which is an event: he avows the hope name with the Irish shielded from reproach, by that he may live to see flogging in the army some official earnest of the wish to do Ireland subabolished. He relinquishes the notion that the stantial service in the way of material improvepractice is absolutely necessary, its abolition merely ments. "Testimonials" and such acknowledgimpossible; and adopts the opinion that the abo-ments of past services are in vogne just now; lition is inevitable. This indicates a vast progress O'Connell's real services eminently belong to the since the duke maintained the very opposite past. If it is thought that he has outlived the opinions before the commission on military punishments in 1836. It will have immense effect on what may be called public opinion in the army; a most important consideration, since it would be very much more difficult to abolish the practice] ary gifts.—Spectator.

occasion when the full benefit might have been felt by himself, let it be put in such a shape as to benefit his children. That might be done without implicating anybody in objectionable reversion

THE POPE.-It is difficult to keep pace with the progress of the new policy in Rome. Pius the Ninth is said to have declared that he takes for his guide the New Testament; and thus far his policy seems to be animated by the highest spirit of that volume. He has not only released all political prisoners and pardoned refugees, but he has furnished the latter with public money to return home, and has received the more able and earnest of the pardoned revolutionists into favor-examining their claims and suggestions, applauding some, and even putting his approval in the substantial form of a medal. With all this, there is a moderation, an absence of ostentatious display in the thorough overturning of all past policy, that helps to remove doubts as to the reality of the pontiff's liberal intentions. The extreme popularity that he has attained, on the instant, appears to have provoked no serious counteraction among the conservative party in Rome, which might have been presumed to be at once bigoted and powerful. There is a strong sense not only of the pontiff's honesty and benevolence but also of his ability and courage. It seems that if any party entertains a secret wish to resist him, none dares do so. Unflinching courage is an essential quality in all great statesmanship.-Spectator.

MEHEMET ALI AT CONSTANTINOPLE.-The Pasha of Egypt arrived at Constantinople on the 19th of July, and has been received with the highest distinction. A letter from Constantinople says:"Mehemet Ali Pasha arrived here at noon on the 19th July, in the Sultan's steam-yacht Esseri Djedid, sent to Alexandria expressly to bring him up. Without deviating from the etiquette of the Porte as regards the distinction kept up between the sovereign and his most favored subjects, the highest possible honors have marked the reception of the Viceroy of Egypt. He was scarcely arrived in the Konack assigned for his residence when he was called to the imperial palace. The sultan received him standing in the middle of his grand hall of audience, and, taking him by the hand, conducted him to an arm-chair placed purposely for him near the seat of his highness, after which they had a conference, which lasted for about an hour. On his return home the viceroy was visited by all the high Ottoman ministers, except the grand vizier, who, in virtue of his official rank, must first receive at the Sublime Porte Mehemet Ali's own visit."

RIZA PASHA, the celebrated liberal politician of the Porte, has again been restored to office, and nominated minister of commerce. As his appointment was simultaneous with the arrival of Mehemet Ali at Constantinople, it is conjectured the two events may in some way be connected with each



EUREKA. A new monthly magazine, under the title of "Eureka; or the Journal of the National Association of Inventors," has been commenced by W. H. Star, New York, Messrs. Kingsley and Pierson, acting editors. The first number gives promise of great usefulness and interest to all connected with the mechanic arts, or who take any interest in them. Price $1 a year.


THE drawings, sketches and other effects of the late Mr. Haydon, were exposed to public sale this week. Little anxiety was exhibited to acquire memorials of the deceased artist. The prices obtained for a few articles of historic interest may be mentioned. An octagon color-stone and two mullers, belonging to James Barry, R.A., afterwards in the possession of Hoppner, and bought by Mr. Haydon for 357. sold for 17. 13s. The coat worn by Earl Grey at the reform banquet, and presented to the deceased at his request, was "put up;" but only 7s. being offered for it, the auctioneer withdrew it. A small drawing of Haydon Asleep, by Wilkie, sold for 17s. A portrait of Mr. Hume, M. P., which the auctioneer said was a good likeness, but which the honorable member had repudiated, sold for 17. Portrait of the Duke of Richmond, in chalk, 10s. During the sale, a note from some person was handed in, forbidding the auctionBritish Jury:" but no attention was paid to the eer to sell the picture of "Alfred and the first warning; the painting was put up, and knocked down at 2007. It is supposed that the auctioneer was commissioned to buy the picture at that sum for Sir Robert Peel.

THE Augsburg Gazette confirms the statement of the Rhenish Observer, that a great company has been formed which will undertake to convey trav ellers in all directions, and to spare them the trouble of paying the expenses of the journey en route, by giving them coupons on their departure, which will be received in payment throughout the journey by the hotels with which the company has made arrangements. This company is to have its seat it. London. It has already made all its arrangements on the route from Ostend to Alexandria; and hopes to despatch, a short time hence, a caravan of three hundred travellers, who will proceed from Ostend to Cologne by the railroads, and will ascend the Rhine for Trieste, and thence sail for Alexandria.

JAVA AMUSEMENTS.-The hog and goat fight was vastly amusing. A wild hog and beautiful goat were turned into a small arena, a stool being allowed the goat to leap on occasionally. At first he was very cautious, and, watching an opportunity, jumped down and butted the hog whenever he turned his back. His escapes and frights were comical in the extreme; but in a very short time he had the better, and at length beat the hog from place to place, till he fell quite exhausted and vanquished.

Next followed a battle-royal-three wild hogs, six dogs, and the victorious goat. The hogs were torn to pieces, most of the dogs in the same state; but the goat was as fresh and frolicsome as ever. Never was combatant more impartial: hog or dog were the same to him, and all most studiously avoided him.

LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Washington Irving, who will soon return home, will immediately put to press his History of Mohammed, the materials of which he has collected during his residence in Spain, from the Moorish manuscripts and legends. Prescott has ready his Conquest of Peru, which will be followed by a life of Philip the Second. Mr. Bancroft has completed the fourth volume of his History of the United States, which will soon appear. Jared Sparks is engaged in writing a The tiger and buffalo fights afforded little sport. History of the American Revolution. The Hon. The latter gains almost invariably an easy conquest. John P. Kennedy is engaged upon a Life of Wirt.-Addison's Indian Letters.

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