
out for prey. Previous to migration, it makes a singular snapping noise with its bill, turning its head backwards, with the upper part of the bill placed on the rump, and the under set into the quickest motion, and made to act on the other. These birds remove south-wards about the end of August; but, previously to their departure, multitudes of them assemble in the plains once a day, and make the noise with their bills which we have just described, moving and bustling among one another, as if consulting on their plans. At an appointed time, and when the wind is northerly, they suddenly ascend in a body, and are quickly out of sight in the higher regions of the air. This movement is seldom remarked, because it sometimes takes place in the night time, and always in perfect silence. Defect of food, rather than of heat, probably urges them to change their abodes; for tame individuals seem not to suffer from the severest winters. In Egypt they have a second brood; but many of them remain there throughout the year. In Japan they are likewise stationary. They proceed northward as far as Sweden, Russia, and Siberia; and they are met with throughout Asia; but they avoid desert and parched tracts of land. Their migratory squadrons are very extensive; for Shaw, the traveller, saw three flights of them leaving Egypt, and passing over Mount Carmel, each half a mile in breadth; and he says they were three hours in passing over. We should likewise remark, that, though easily domesticated, storks never breed in confinement, and that this circumstance needs the less to be regretted, since their flesh is far from savoury.



It is education that pours light into the understanding, lays up its golden treasures in the memory, softens the asperities of the temper, checks the waywardness of passion and appetite, and trains to habits of industry,

temperance, and benevolence. It is this which qualifies men for the pulpit, the senate, the bar, the practice of medicine, and the bench of justice. It is to education, to its domestic agents, its schools and colleges, its universities and literary societies, that the world is indebted for the thousand comforts and elegancies of civilized life, for almost every useful art, discovery, and invention.

Education, moreover, is power-physical, intellectual, and moral power. To be convinced of this, we need only compare our own great republic-with the myriads of pagan or savage men, in any part of the world. How astonishing the difference, in every important respect! For what can the ignorant hordes of central Africa or Asia do, either in arts or in arms?—What to make themselves happy at home, or respected abroad? And what, on the other hand, cannot civilized America accomplish?

In a word, education, regarding man as a rational, accountable, and immortal being, elevates, expands, and enriches his mind; cultivates the best affections of his heart; pours a thousand sweet and gladdening streams around the dwellings of the poor as well as the mansions of the rich, and while it greatly multiplies and enhances the enjoyment, of time, helps to train up the soul for the bliss of eternity. ***

As the body passes slowly through infancy and childhood, so does the mind. Feeble at first, it " grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength" of the corporeal system. Destitute alike of knowledge at their birth, the children of one family, or generation, have, in this respect, no advantage over those of another. All, the high as well as the low, the rich as well as the poor, have every thing to learn. No one was

ever born a Newton or an Edwards. It is patient, vigorous, and long continued application that makes the great mind. All must begin with the simplest elements of knowledge, and advance from step to step in nearly the same manner. Thus native talent in a child may be compared to the small capital with which a young merchant begins in trade. It is not his fortune, but only

the means of making it. Or it may be likened to a quarry of fine marble, or to a mine of the precious metals. The former never starts up spontaneously into Cyprian Venuses-nor does the latter, of its own accord, assume the shape and value of a shining currency. Much time and labour and skill are requisite, to fashion the graceful statue, and to refine and stamp the yellow treasure. ***

Let every youth, therefore, early settle it in his mind, that if he would ever be any thing, he has got to make himself; or in other words, to rise by personal application. Let him always try his own strength, and try it effectually, before he is allowed to call upon Hercules. Put him first upon his own invention; send him back again and again to the resources of his own mind, and make him feel, that there is nothing too hard for industry and perseverance to accomplish. In his early and timid flights, let him know that stronger pinions are near and ready to sustain him, but only in case of absolute necessity. When in the rugged paths of science, difficulties which he cannot surmount impede his progress, let him be helped over them; but never let him think of being led, when he has power to walk without help nor of carrying his ore to another's furnace, when he can melt it down in his own. To excuse our young men from painful mental labour, in a course of liberal education, would be about as wise, as to invent easier cradle springs for the conveyance of our children to school, or softer cushions for them to sit on at home, in order to promote their growth and give them vigorous constitutions.


The following interesting thoughts are extracted from an able and eloquent sermon by the Rev. Francis Wayland jun. A. M. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in this city.

OUR object will not have been accomplished till. the tomahawk shall be buried forever, and the tree of peace spread its broad branches from the Atlantic to

the Pacific; until a thousand smiling villages shall be reflected from the waves of the Missouri, and the distant vallies of the West echo with the song of the reaper; till the wilderness and the solitary place shall have been glad for us, and the desert has rejoiced and blossomed as the rose.

Our labours are not to cease, until the last slave-ship shall have visited the coast of Africa, and the nations of Europe and America, having long since redressed her aggraved wrongs, Ethiopia, from the Mediterranean to the Cape, shall have stretched forth her hand unto God. How changed will then be the face of Asia! Bramins and sooders and casts and shasters will have passed away, like the mist which rolls up the mountain's side before the rising glories of a summer's morning, while the land on which it rested, shining forth in all its loveliness, shall, from its numberless habitations, send forth the high praises of God and the Lamb. The Hindoo mother will gaze upon her infant with the same tenderness which throbs in the breast of any one of you who now hears me, and the Hindoo son will pour into the wounded bosom of his widowed parent, the oil of peace and consolation.

[For the Monitor.]


Matthew 2.

1. WHAT facts are referred to in the first verse? The birth of Jesus, and the coming of the wise men from the East to Jerusalem.

2. In what country and town was Jesus born? In the country of Judea, and in the town of Bethlehem.

3. How far was Bethlehem from Jerusalem, and which way? About six or eight miles to the south. 4. What distinguished person was born there, about a thousand years before Jesus? David, king of Israel, and type of the Messiah.

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5. In the reign of what king was Jesus born? In the reign of Herod the Great.

6. For whom did the wise men inquire? For him who was born King of the Jews.

7. What reason did they give for their inquiry? That they had seen his star in the East, and had come to worship him.

8. What feelings were manifested by Herod when he heard this? Feelings of envy and malice.

9. To what class of men do such feelings belong? To wicked men.

10. What did Herod do? He sent for the chief priests and scribes, and inquired of them where, according to the prophecies, the Messiah was to be born.

11. Where did they tell him that he was to be born? In Bethlehem, according to the prophecy of Micah, in the fifth chapter and second verse.

12. How long before the birth of Christ was this prophecy spoken? About 700 years.

13. What did Herod then do? He called the wise men, and inquired of them at what time the star appeared.

14. Why did he wish to know that? He supposed that it would show him at what time Christ was born, and how old he then was.

15. Why did he wish to know that? In order to kill him.

16. What directions did he give to the wise men? Το go, and find where the child was, and bring him


17. What reason did he give for wishing to know where he was? That he might go and worship him also.

18. What was the true reason? The one stated before; that he might kill him.

19. Of what, in this, was Herod guilty? Of deception and murder.

20. Is a man ever guilty of the sin of murder, when he does not actually kill another person? Yes, he is always guilty of the sin of murder, when he intends to

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