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tiful. Going straight against the wind by | of adversity itself into means of accomthe power of a machine is simply oppos- plishing his purposes. He knows that in ing one force by another, which, on one all apparently unfavorable situations there point, happens to be a little superior. are certain conditions which are not really The invention of the machine was ingen- unfavorable, and which, with a little ingeious, but the application of its force re- nuity, may become positively advantaquires only the simplest and commonest geous. There is nothing in poverty more intelligence, whilst the only lesson to be dreaded by timid and shallow people, than derived from it is, that you can overcome the fact that it cuts them off from fashopposition if you are the stronger at the ionable society, as if that very severance point where the contest takes place. The were not one of the most favorable cirsteam-engine is not stronger than the cumstances for those who have to work. wind, it is only stronger than the wind- Society has its value and its uses, but pressure on the hull of the vessel, which solitude, though generally disliked and is as nothing in comparison with the power even despised, offers its own austere adof the whole wind. And even if the en- vantages. In times like ours, when every gine were infinitely stronger than it is, man who does not spend a large income and really opposed the whole wind, the is liable to be considered unsuccessful, fact that a greater force can overcome a and even incapable, it may sound like smaller one has no moral beauty or sig- affectation to sing the praises of advernificance of any kind whatever. It is not sity, but as no competent judge of sailing morally more beautiful than the fact that thinks much of going before the wind, as the earth is bigger than the moon. But such a man takes far more interest in a now consider all that is involved in beat-ship and crew that are working to winding to windward. Suppose the case of a ward than he does in "white wings man ignorant of sailing, placed on a ves spread to a favoring gale, so I should say sel too heavy for him to propel it by mus- that a competent judge of human nature cular strength, and in the midst of a sea will always be more deeply interested in agitated by a steady breeze. He will a man whose life is occupied in making drift to leeward, a perfect example of that the most of difficult conditions than in helplessness which characterizes the unin- one whose existence is a succession of telligent creature, when he encounters the facilities. It may be truly said, further, great natural forces. He is drifting, let that as the sailor, who had no experience us suppose, from north to south, and he of anything but a fair wind, would be but knows that he is coming nearer and nearer a feeble mariner, so in the great educa. to a dreadful coast where he will certainly tion which life itself gives to us, we should be drowned, yet he is impotent to make have missed the most valuable teaching if the slightest progress northwards. Ex- we had never been compelled to beat actly in the same situation, an intelligent against the wind. Far be it from me to sailor, with a few square yards of canvas desire to imply, as is done too frequently, at his disposal, will go wherever he that rich men always go with a fair wind, pleases, even to the north, and he will do and poor men have to be constantly tack. this by converting his apparent enemy ing against a foul one. There are many into his most serviceable friend. The other difficulties in life besides pecuniary play of wind and water is exactly the difficulties, and in one form or other the same in both cases, but the accomplished foul winds are generally provided for us sailor knows how to conform himself to by nature, who is too wise a mother to the conditions in such a manner as to spoil her children utterly. When the conciliate nature, and win from her that difficulties come, either in passing squalls assistance which his bodily weakness or steady opposition, it is time to exercise needs. The action of the steam-engine our seamanship, and so to contrive, if shows nothing so beautiful as this. In possible, that the opposing force shall be beating to windward the wind is not re-made subservient to our own ends. sisted, it is employed, and the beauty of most certainly true that beating to windthe process consists in the admirable in- ward is possible in the great affairs of genuity with which man converts opposi-life as well as in sailing, and this is one of tion into aid whilst the opposing force the most encouraging analogies that becontinues. The analogies of beating to windward in human life are numerous. There are a hundred situations in which a stupid man can only drift, where an intelligent one will turn the very elements

It is

long to the sailor's art. The man who, in enforced solitude, makes use of the enlarged opportunities which solitude affords for self-improvement, is intellectually beating to windward. The solitude


There is nothing in which this delicate kind of sailing is of greater use than in the pursuit of health. One of my friends is a young physician in Paris, ardently fond of his profession, and inclined to ex

which would make a stupid person more | delicate perception of the value of small
stupid still, affords him the opportunity, advantages, and has always been in the
which he seizes, for an intellectual ad- habit of making the most of them from
vance. In morals the case is even more the days of his youth.
striking, for a strong moral character must
form itself by beating to windward, that
is, by the discipline of going in the very
direction which requires the greatest self
control, and those temptations which
would shipwreck a weak will are the op-ceed the limits of prudence in his work.
portunities for exercising a strong one.
The value of difficulty is so well known,
that when it is absent we have to seek it.
The native language, from constant use,
is too easy for us, so we learn Latin and

There is another very pretty analogy, which has the advantage of not being quite so obvious as the preceding, between the management of a sailing vessel in light and variable breezes and the conduct of life in a highly civilized community. Every one who enjoys the game of life, and is a skilful player, is incessantly on the watch for those small opportunities which are surely missed by the incapable and the careless. The skilful player values the smallest advance in the direction of his wishes, and when circumstances are not very favorable, he watches for those that are somewhat favorable, and lays himself out so as to win from them the utmost amount of furtherance. To such a man a small gain won by delicate skill gives a satisfaction out of all proportion to its positive value, but though each advantage so won may in itself be small, the aggregate results of such vigilance become important as life advances. The yachtsman who makes the most of light and variable breezes, is the model for all to follow who seek the best and most satisfactory success. A high state of civilization produces more and more a condition of things in which the delicate art of sail. ing is likely to do more for a man than the rough courage and energy which tell most effectively in simpler and ruder communities. Every one must have noticed a class of men who seem to have neither commanding talents nor any great practical force, and yet who get many of the good things of life as if they came to them naturally. Such men often succeed in the professions, marry well, live comfortably, and leave money behind them when they die. They do not seem to work particularly hard, certainly not so hard as many of the unsuccessful, their acquirements are not remarkable, and yet they steadily get on. In such cases the explanation generally is that the successful man has a

About three years since his own health broke down, and so completely that his life was in danger from exhaustion. He took his own case in hand with the same closeness of attention that he was accustomed to bestow on others, and now he is strong and well. I asked how such a great change had been effected. “Simply," he answered," by incessant attention to all those little things that affect health, and that I used habitually to neglect." Without appearing to live differently from other people, he is never forgetful now of those little aids to health which answer in hygienics to the lightest breath of air in the sails of a vessel. He takes the opportunities which present themselves, and though a physician in a great city, whose work includes hospital prac tice, cannot lead the healthy life of a country squire, he may often choose between what tends to health and the neglectful drifting away from it. The difference between a pleasant degree of activity and wearisome lassitude may often be due to some trifling matter or habit which a careless person is sure to overlook. I need hardly add that when health has been recovered by care in small things, the winner of it has a satisfaction in the results of his own management unknown to those who deal more carelessly and coarsely with themselves. The same satisfaction is attendant upon delicate attention to pecuniary affairs. The art of sailing in the direction of pecuniary well-being, when circumstances are but slightly and irregularly favorable, is as interesting as yachting, and very like it, whilst its rewards are of more importance. For an intelligent person, whose means are neither large nor certain, there is a constant satisfaction in making them yield the best result. think that of all the lessons to be derived from the art of sailing, there is not one so likely to be generally profitable as this, that we should imitate in the midst of changing and slightly favorable circumstances, the art and patience of the yachtsman in light and variable breezes.


Another analogy between sailing and life may be connected with the yachtsman's

power of increasing and diminishing his mentum, known only to students of nautisails. When there is scarcely a breath cal science. Ballast is the flywheel of a of wind he spreads an astonishing quantity sailing machine, a magazine for the storof canvas; as the wind increases in age of force. An excessively light sailing strength he reduces the number of his boat will not come round with any cersails; and finally, by reefing, he even di- tainty in tacking, and has often to be minishes the area of the few that still helped with an oar, but a well ballasted remain. I have not space to show the vessel will shoot ahead in stays—that is, fallacy of the false analogies which have when the sails are momentarily without often been connected with this part of the any impulsive effect because they cut the sailor's craft, but the following is a sound wind instead of receiving it—and whilst one. Observe what really takes place. the vessel is shooting ahead by the sheer As the strength of the wind diminishes force that is accumulated in her ballast more sail is added; as the wind increases, she is still quite obedient to the rudder,. canvas is taken in. The wind is not an and may be securely brought round enemy but a helper, and as the help de- against the wind till the sails fill on the creases in energy a greater quantity of it other tack. There is a very fine analogy is sought for by extending the area which between this and the power of accumulatreceives it. In this case the art of the ing intellectual and moral energy in a sailor is to regulate the help that is given well-baliasted character. In all labor him by getting more when he has too there are times (often of some duration) little, and accepting less than what is of in which the impulsion from interest fered when the offer is in dangerous ex- ceases. The accumulated force in ballast cess. I need hardly observe that such a carries us well through the piece of uninmoderating art as this is most valuable interesting or disagreeable work, but if we the affairs of life. It has been exercised were without it, the mind would come to with consummate skill by the Italian a standstill or be driven back. Young statesmen of the present age. When people very seldom have much ballast of they wanted help they spread their sails this kind, and so they require rowers (in and received assistance, but they took the shape of masters) to get them over them in again when assistance seemed the situations in which the wind of inlikely to become dangerous to their inde-terest gives no help. Men of weighty expendence. The unfortunate Poles never could get help enough, the wily Italians got exactly what they needed, the khedive of Egypt has received rather more than he may consider quite desirable.

In private life we constantly see similar instances, especially in the things of the mind. There may be too little mental assistance and there may be too much. The art is to get just enough of it by spreading our sails to catch it when required, whilst we take in reefs when there is a danger of being overpowered by it. Some men are overwhelmed by too much learning, others have not enough; the really clever man is he who gets just that degree of impulsion from learning which is most favorable to his best activity.

The analogy from ballast which refers simply to stability is obvious and commonly understood. A character is said to be without ballast when it has not a sufficient weight of knowledge and convictions to keep it steady. I need not dwell upon this; but there is another analogy connected with ballast which seems to be quite unknown, and yet which is at least equally valuable. Weight of ballast in a vessel has two uses, one for stability, known to most people, the other for mo


perience and powerful intellect have gen-
erally a fine momentum from their ballast,
so that whether a piece of work is pleasant
to them or not they go steadily through
it, as a ship meets wind and water.
other resemblance is that, as a heavily
ballasted vessel is not so nimble in short
movements as a light vessel, so a weighty
mind gets less easily into motion than a
frivolous one, and does not stop so sud-
denly. Ballast makes us rather slow to
enter upon a task, but when we have once
begun it we go forward.

There is no analogy between the beginning of existence in the case of a ship and the beginning of human existence. A ship is not conceived and born, neither does it grow, but is made, which is quite different. There is, however, a very close analogy between the sinking of a ship and death, which is quite familiar to the popu lar mind, as we see by the constant use of the expression "The patient is sinking," an expression invariably and immediately understood to signify that the final plunge of death itself is to be expected. The result, so far as this world is concerned, is strikingly alike in both cases. The ship disappears, you may seek all over the ocean and not find her; the man disap




pears, you will never meet with him again | have a thorough explanation with Hilda;
anywhere upon the whole earth. This and the slight obscurity that veiled their
may be one of the reasons why the spec- movements only made me more eager to
tacle of a noble vessel slowly sinking in find them.
mid-ocean is so fascinating. All who
have witnessed such a catastrophe tell us
that their eyes were fixed involuntarily on
the doomed ship till she was no more to
be seen within the ring of the vast hori
zon, and only a swirl of water marked, for
a moment, the spot where she vanished

From All The Year Round.



This obscurity was presently somewhat relieved by the return of the carriage which had taken them away, for the driver reported that he had taken them to a place about seven leagues from here, where our friends had hired another conveyance. And so having no seven-league boots, we ordered a carriage to be brought round, secure of the first stage in our journey.

But before the carriage could be brought round a voiture appeared, driven at a splitting pace from the station, in which voiture there sat a little man in spectacles, with a short, black beard and vivacious features; though he hardly so much sat either as stood, jumped, danced, gesticulated; everybody flying about at his word as if he were the commander of the port. At last, as if his mainspring had suddenly broken, he sank down upon the cushions with a gesture of despair; and then we saw for the first time that he

IF fortune, as the saying goes, sometimes comes to people while they sleep, she is pretty sure to make off again with out taking the trouble to wake them. Thus I felt it to be, anyhow, when on returning to our hotel after our interview with the magistrate, we found that, al-had a companion in the carriage, a very though the Sea-Mew" had sailed the night before, yet that Hilda and her father had not gone with her, but had actually slept in the same hotel for the night, and had started this morning in a chaise and pair for parts unknown.

It was provoking to think that I had again missed the opportunity of seeing Hilda, and of making myself known to her. It was provoking, too, to find that both Hilda and the squire had heard of our little adventure of the night before, and had remained to hear the result, driv ing away as soon as we had been released from arrest.

Hilda had written one of her pithy little notes to Tom, congratulating him on getting out of his scrape, and bidding him beware of making friends with people of whose antecedents he knew nothing. As for her father and herself, they were about to visit an old friend of the squire's, who was believed to be living in the neighborhood. But as their route was uncertain there was no use in following them. Tom and his friend had better rejoin the “SeaMew" as soon as possible, and try and keep out of mischief. There was some thing gravely sarcastic about the note that sounded to me like an implied reproach. Was it possible that Hilda had after all recognized me, and had seen through the thin disguise and half despised me for having assumed it? All the more I was resolved to follow them, and

pretty woman in a pretty costume, arranged with blue serge and blue and white braid to represent approximately a seafaring dress. And then before we quite understood what was the matter, we were somewhat dragged into the business by a chain of eager boatmen and touts who exclaimed in a chorus of shouts and cries: "This way, monsieur le directeur, this way; behold those two messieurs there who know all about your affair."

"But she has gone, she has sailed!" repeated monsieur le directeur, folding his arms gloomily. "All is finished! My friend," addressing the cab-driver, us return to Paris.


"But no!" cried madame la directrice, rousing herself in turn. "But no, Alphonse, how absurd thou art. Return to Paris! And what shall I wear when I get back to Paris, when I am here completely equipped for the sea. Let us address ourselves to these messieurs." And she bestowed such an engaging smile upon Tom Courtney that his susceptible heart was won in a moment. looking for the Sea-Mew,'" she said, addressing us in excellent English, vessel that belongs to the friend of my husband, the distinguished Meesta Chancellor."

"We are

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"And so are we," replied Tom in his most dulcet accents. "We, too, belong to the 'Sea-Mew,' and I hope we shall be compagnons de voyage."


Madame bowed graciously, and hoped | carriage for the seven leagues, and in so too, explaining the matter to her staying to breakfast at the hotel with our husband, who suddenly became radiant new friends. The director made a gloriagain. ous breakfast, talking all the while, in a Ha, ha!" cried the director, "here is running commentary on the viands before our affair then well arranged. Messieurs, us; he sketched the natural history of I have left my bureau of public instruc- the lobster, showed us the connecting tion, at the earnest request of my very link between the shrimp and the spider, good friend Chancelleur, that I may make gave us a brief account of the process of your voyage entertaining, and also, let us making cream in Normandy, à propos of hope, a little instructive. Well, I have the sauce à la crème. Only as there were my programme perfectly arranged, and it thirty or forty more of his compatriots at was irritating to find it in danger of being | table all talking and gesticulating at high rudely cut in two. But since you, mes- pressure, with the incessant rattle of sieurs, are here to receive us, all is well, plates and dishes all mingling in one very well. We shall begin at once, hav-mighty roar, it happened that not all his ing breakfasted. Cherbourg need not instructive remarks reached our ears. long detain us, its history is written in Madame la directrice too seemed to enjoy blue-books and the budget of the State. her breakfast. She had the satisfaction But we have a district close by, intensely of feeling that she was the best-looking interesting to all you English who are a and the best-dressed woman at the table. little akin to the Normans. You, per- The wife of the "port admiral," as we haps," addressing Courtney, "you per- dubbed the officer who had the most gold haps, are a little Norman. Your name, lace about his coat, grew pale with envy monsieur, which I did not distinctly and jealousy at the sight of her rival's catch? Courtney!" triumphantly. "See, fresh Parisian toilet; while the officers precisely what I said Courtnez, short with one accord pronounced the newnose, just as we have Courthose, or short comer as of all things the most "chic." pantalon." And, by the way, the gallant officers themselves were a puzzle and wonder to us strangers. What were all these captains and lieutenants doing, and the brisk and smart seamen, too, who thronged the streets, while all the time there was not a single ship in a condition to go to sea? But then that was explained by the presence of naval barracks, where men trained in seamanship without the disa greeable necessity of going afloat. An excellent notion this last, said the director sympathetically, for he hated the sea himself—except from the shore; while madame, on the contrary The director gave a shrug expressive of the sacrifices he was making for the pleasures of his fair and amiable partner, and to accomplish his mission for his very good friend Chancellor.

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"Mon cher," remonstrated madame, frowning at him, "do not entertain our friends with these bétises."

"Bétises!" cried the director, "it is not bétise, it is philologie. You should, sar," again addressing Courtney, "be of a verri distingué family. Only the great chiefs have the names according to the physique. To be a de is nothin', and any one little seigneur is a de- but a Courtnez, ah, that is grand!"

"I'm very glad to hear it," said Tom, laughing; but at the same time rubbing his nose as if to assure himself that this organ was not unduly limited in dimensions. "And my friend here, Lamallam, what is he?"

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Ah, that I know nothing," rejoined the director, shaking his head suspiciously; "that is not French, that is not English, that is not Dutch - perhaps it is Hindostanee."

Tom Courtney gave me a nudge. "Our friend is a conjuror," he inurmured.

He seemed quite fascinated with the director; we should have dubbed him professor, but that is a title which does not assume large proportions in France any little boy's tutor is a professor. Well, Tom was so fascinated with the director, jointly, perhaps, with the director's wife, that he persisted in counter-ordering our


All this would have been amusing enough if I had not been so anxious to get sight of Hilda once more. But then, as Courtney urged, of what use was it to start on a vague, uncertain chase, when in the course of twenty-four hours or so we should be sure to meet on board the "SeaMew"? And in the mean time our director had us in his power. He was not an exacting taskmaster; he allowed us plenty of opportunities for rest and refreshment, and for enjoying the society of his lively and charming wife. But in the mean time the programme must be car

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