
conditions may

therefore be far less obstructive than when the medium is more heterogeneous.

Considering these objections to the use of sound as a fog signal, must we abandon it altogether? We cannot do so, as we have nothing better to substitute. We fall back upon the recommendation of the Royal Commission, that further experiments should be made, which it is hoped will be gradually adopted by the authorities, as the majority of the other scientific recommendations have been.

Experiments should be performed on the manner and degree in which fog absorbs or destroys sounds of different pitch, or of different characters, for instance, a sharp sound or a prolonged sound; on the various means of producing loud sounds, as to their pitch, volume, convenience, costliness, &c.; whether a repetition of the same sound, or some variation in note, octave, frequency, &c., be desirable; on the influence exerted by the height above the sea at which the sound originates; on the influence of a background, such as a tower, cliff, or hill, in reflecting the sound, or of a concave mirror; on the best means of directing a sound to a particular azimuth, or of determining its direction when on board ship.

Captains Close and Nisbet, of the Trinity Board, have made some experiments on one of these points at Holyhead Mountain, where a gun was fired from near the surface of the sea, and another at a considerable height, and the respective reports were listened to from various distances at sea. They found the upper gun was heard best for six miles, after which it lost its superiority. But the most remarkable result was the irregularity of the noise from the lower gun, which, at certain points in fact was not heard at all, though the flash was distinctly seen.

Powerful means of producing sound, besides those already mentioned, have been suggested. Mr. Cowper has planned a large steamtrumpet for lighthouse stations, which may be made to revolve. There is something similar in America worked by Erichsen's engine, with which is associated the name of Mr. Daboll. And Professor Holmes, of the Magneto-Electric Light, has also a steam-trumpet, which can be adapted for different notes, and gives a buzzing sound of wonderful intensity. Suggestions on this point were also made to the Royal Commissioners by several scientific men. Thus, horns were strongly recommended by more than one; but Mr. Mallet prefers explosive sounds; and Sir John Herschel says:-" It would be worth trial, what would be the effect of a battery of whistles, blown by high-pressure steam, or by a combination of three, or several sets of three, pitched exactly to harmonic intervals (key-note, third, fifth, and octave), but all of a very high pitch, and with a rattle (analogous to the pea in a common whistle), which intensifies the action on the auditory nerve." Captain Ryder believes a gun might be constructed to produce the very distinctive sound of an explosion, followed instantaneously by a whistle.

There is another and very promising field for experiment, the

transmission of sound through the water itself. The experiments of M. Colladon on the Lake of Geneva proved the great distance to which sound is transmitted through water, and the velocity and directness of its course.*

In his observations he employed a bell, let down into the water; but this is a bad instrument for signalling, as its vibrations are almost instantly stopped. Many arrangements would appear to be preferable. The Syren, which was so called by its inventor, M. Cagniard de la Tour, because it would sing under water, is well adapted to give any note that is found desirable.† Long glass tubes, vibrating longitudinally, are said to produce immense volumes of sound in water: and other means might be devised. As the sound remains in the water, it would be necessary to make some communication between it and the ear of the listener. M. Colladon employed an apparatus like a spoon, with a tube for handle. By this means a mariner might listen for signals made at any important station, such as the Lizard Point, and might not only hear them at a great distance, but determine approximately their direction, unaffected by the state of the atmosphere above.

[J. H. G.]


Friday, March 20, 1863.

MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD SABINE, R.A. President R.S. D.C.L. Vice-President, in the Chair.


On the Forces concerned in producing Magnetic Disturbances.

WHEN a bar of steel has been magnetized, it has acquired a tendency to assume a definite position with respect to the Earth. Nothing is more widely known than this important fact, but at the same time there is nothing in Science more mysterious than its cause. We may endeavour to explain it by asserting that the Earth acts as a magnet; but whence it has acquired this magnetism, how it is distributed, and what are the causes of its many changes, are amongst the most perplexing and the most important of those problems in physical science which are yet unsolved.

* Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences: Des Savans Etrangers.-Tome v. † Ann. Chim. Phys. xii., page 171.

The force with which the Earth acts upon the needle is directive merely; that is to say, the needle is neither attracted nor repelled as a whole, but simply twisted round, and in this respect the Earth is similar to a very powerful magnet, the pole of which is placed at a great distance from the needle upon which it acts.

If we keep a magnetic bar constantly suspended in the same place, its position will be subject to many changes. In the first place, there is that change which goes on in the same direction for a great many years together, in virtue of which a needle suspended in this place 200 years ago would have assumed a position very much different from its present one. Secondly, there is a change of which the period is one year, and this is called the annual variation. Thirdly, there is a change of which the period is one day, and which is called the daily variation. Fourthly, there is a change which depends upon the moon's hour angle; and, fifthly, the needle is subject to sudden and abrupt changes in position, which are called magnetic storms and which form the subject of this discourse. During the prevalence of these unaccountable phenomena the needle is found to oscillate rapidly and capriciously backwards and forwards, being now on the one side and now on the other of its normal or undisturbed position.

It should be here remarked, that the Physicist regards the needle merely as a vane (similar to a wind-vane) which serves to render visible the direction and intensity of that mysterious force which operates through the Earth. It is really the Earth's magnetism with which he concerns himself.

Gauss, who has done so much to further the science of magnetism, showed, by means of a preconcerted system of observation, that magnetic storms affected the needle at Göttingen and at other stations in Europe at precisely the same moment of absolute time; and after the establishment of the colonial observatories, it was found by General Sabine that the needle was affected in Toronto at precisely the moment when it was disturbed at Göttingen. Nor is it too much to say, with our present knowledge, that these remarkable disturbances break out at the same moment over every portion of our globe.

Having thus shown that these phenomena are cosmical in their character, the next point of interest is their connection with the sun. This has been placed beyond doubt chiefly through the labours of General Sabine, who found at Toronto and elsewhere that magnetic disturbances obey a law of hours. Mr. Broun also showed the same thing from his observation of the needle at Makerstoun, in Scotland. It may be instructive to point out how this proof was deduced from the colonial observations; and to make the matter plain, let us refer to an imaginary case in the familiar science of meteorology. Suppose that, while an observer is watching his thermometer there is a sudden influx of cold weather, and that it is wished to estimate the influence of this upon the thermometer on a given day and at a given hour of that day, what must the observer do? He must endeavour to ascertain, by the best possible means, what indication the thermometer

would have afforded at that specified day and hour had there been no cold weather. Comparing this with the actual height of the mercury, and deducting the one from the other, he would clearly obtain a measure of the effect of the cold weather upon the thermometer.

A similar course was pursued by General Sabine in discussing the colonial magnetic observations, with the object of deducing the laws of disturbances. It was first necessary to ascertain by the best possible means what position the magnet would have assumed at any particular day and hour, had there been no disturbance. Calling this the normal value, the next course was to group together as disturbed, all those positions of the magnet which differed from the normal by more than a certain small quantity. The necessity for this separation will become evident when it is remarked that the disturbed and the regular observations have different hourly turning - points, and obey very different laws. Thus a disentanglement was effected, which was accomplished by the employment of a separating value. The selection of this value is to some extent arbitrary, but it was shown by reference to a diagram that the disturbance law at Kew was virtually the same, whether this were deduced (in the case of the declination) from 95 days of principal disturbances or from all disturbed observations which differ from the normal by more than 3'3. It was also shown from the same diagram that easterly disturbances prevail at Kew during certain hours of the day, and westerly disturbances at certain other hours, thus exhibiting a daily law, and showing that disturbances are therefore connected with our luminary.

There is, however, a more interesting and mysterious connection than this. Professor Schwabe, of Dessau, has now for nearly forty years been watching the disc of the sun, and recording the groups of spots which have been visible, and he finds that these have a period of maximum nearly every ten years, two of these periods being the years 1848, 1859. Now it was likewise found by General Sabine, that the aggregate value of magnetic disturbances at Toronto attained a maximum in 1848, nor was he slow to remark that this was also Schwabe's period of maximum sun-spots, and it was afterwards found, by observations made at Kew, that 1859 (another of Schwabe's years) was also a year of maximum magnetic disturbance. This fact is eminently suggestive, and brings us at once into the presence of some great cosmical bond, different from gravitation, adding at the same time additional interest as well as mystery to these perplexing phenomena.

These are the grounds on which we suspect the sun to be the agent which causes magnetic disturbances, but there is also some reason to believe that on one occasion our luminary was caught in the very act. On the first of September, 1859, two astronomers, Messrs. Carrington and Hodgson, were independently observing the sun's disc, which exhibited at that time a very large spot, when about a quarter-past eleven they noticed a very bright star of light suddenly break out over the spot and move with great velocity across the sun's surface.

On Mr. Carrington sending afterwards to Kew Observatory, at

which place the position of the magnet is recorded continuously by photography, it was found that a magnetic disturbance had broken out at the very moment when this singular appearance had been observed.

The next point to be noticed is, that magnetic storms are always accompanied by aurora and by earth currents. With regard to the latter of these phenomena, a single word of explanation may be necessary. Earth currents are currents of electricity which traverse the surface of our globe, a portion of which is caught up by the telegraphic wires, which are often thereby seriously disturbed in their communications. A table was then referred to, which showed that aurora and earth currents have the same ten-yearly period as sun-spots and magnetic disturbances, so that a bond of union exists between those four phenomena.

The question next arises, What is the nature of this bond? Now, with respect to that which connects sun-spots with magnetic disturbances we can as yet form no conjecture; but we may, perhaps, venture an opinion regarding the nature of that which connects together magnetic disturbances, aurora, and earth currents. And here we may remark that this latter bond is the more definitely determined of the two, since the three phenomena which it embraces invariably occur together.

In order to exhibit the evidence upon which this hypothesis rests, it is necessary to refer to what is done at the Kew Observatory.

By means of an apparatus arranged by the late Mr. Welsh, the values of the components of the earth's magnetism, are there recorded continuously by photography. Now there is a proposition which goes by the name of the parallelopiped of forces and which asserts that if three forces acting at a point be represented in magnitude, and in direction by the three sides of a parallelopiped, the resultant of these forces shall be represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelopiped. These three forces may be said to be components of the whole resultant force, since the joint action of the three is the same as that of the resultant.

To refer to a familiar case, suppose that there is a gust of wind which (as sometimes happens) is not horizontal, but blows downwards in a slanting direction from above. How shall we estimate the direction and the force of this wind? Let us have three pressure plates, one north and south, one east and west, and one up and down; then the north and south component of the wind will be given by the first, the east and west component by the second, and the up and down component by the third, and exhibiting the indications of these three pressure-plates by the three sides of a parallelopiped, the diagonal will represent the wind in magnitude and in direction.

Something of this kind must be done, if it be wished to record the disturbing force which acts upon the needle. Let there be three magnets free to move, two in a horizontal plane and one in a vertical direction; one swinging freely and pointing to magnetic north and south, one compelled by, torsion to point to magnetic

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