
afraid her intellects might be hurt.

Q. Was she, or was she not, at that time attentive and careful to what we generally call our worldly, or temporal concerns?

A. Yes, she was particularly so.

Q. Was she at any time concerned for you jn any individual capacity?

A. Yes, she was concerned for me, and kept my house at Musbury, in Devonshire.

Q. Was she at your house in the year 1708?

A. She was.

Q. Did she at that time tell you of any of her prophecies? A. She did.

Q. Did you, Sir, at that time say, you knew not from what spirit her prophecies came?

A. I did at that time say, I believed they did not come from the Lord.

Q. Did you also say, you would leave it to time to say from what spirit they came?

A. Yes, I did.

Q.. Do you recollect your Sister reading to you the events of the harvests of 1799 and 1800 \

A. I do not recollect, though possibly she might j for she read a great many papers, that 1 forget the contents of; amongst the number of things she read that might be included ; at that time having no belief, they made no impression on my memory.

Q. Were you ever in the habits of being angry with your Sister, when she read those communications to you?

A. I was, because I wished to dissuade her from it,

Q. Were you ever asked by your Sister to copy any letters, for the purpose of sending them to Exeter \ ,

A. Yes, I was.

Q. Do you recollect being informed by your Sister for whom those letters were designed? A• Yes, Sir.

Q. For whom?

A. One in particular I recollect was for Mr. Pomeroy: it related to the harvests that were to ensue the following years, if the people continued in the unbelief of her writings, which letter I refused to copy.

Q. What were your particular reasons, for not copying that letter?

A. Because I thought she spoke in too harsh and positive a manner of what was to follow, thinking her too insignificant a character to send such a letter to Mr. Pomeroy, as I understood that letter was to be made public to the citizens of Exeter.

Q. Where did you live, before you went to the city of Bristol?

A. At Whitehall, about a mile from Bristol.

Q. Did your Sister ever tell you, that you should be settled in the city of Bristol I

A. She did.

Q. Had you, Sir, any expectations at that time of being settled in the city of Bristol? A. No, Sir, I had not.

Q. Have you become settled in the city of Bristol, -according to what your Sister told you?

A. Yes, I have. ,

Q. Did you believe then that your Sister knew you were to be settled in the city of Bristol?

A. No, I did not.

Q. Did you ever attempt intentionally to deceive your Sister, for the purpose of discovering by what spirit she was led?

A. Yes, Sir, I did.

Q. Were you ever successful in that attempt?

A. I did succeed so far by telling her that I had got an appointment to the West Indies, in which I persisted until I had got an appointment, and was absolutely sworn into the custom house at Bristol.. Upon shewing my Sister my appointment, and still assuring her it was for the West Indies, j my Sister then replied, "Well, brother, if you do go to the West Indies, I shall destroy all my writings; for I am told by the Spirit, you should settle in Bristol, and do very well."

Q.. Pray, Sir, what effect had this prophecy of your Sister upon your mind?

A. It staggered me a little; but I said I would leave 'the event to time.

Q. Did your Sister ever tell you, that you might be present when her writings were proved?

A. Yes, she has.

Q. Did you, Sir, or have you ever tried to deceive her in the confidence of the Spirit, which she professed to have been led by?

A. Not since the West India affair.

Q. Did your Sister ever tell you, that a number of people should be gathered together, for the purpose of proving her writings?

A. Yes, Sir, she has.

Q. Did you, Sir, ever believe that a number of people should be collected together, for that express purpose?

A. I did not believe it prior to 1803.

Q. I believe, Sir, for a long continuance of time, you did not believe your Sister was visited by the -spirit of prophecy; but that you conceived she was misled, either by derangement of mind, or by some evil spirit?

A. Yes, Sir, I did.

Q.. At what time was it that you first began to. think your Sister was visited by the Spirit of the living God?

A. In June 1803, Mrs. Foley and my Sister came to my house in Bristol, and informed me what had passedatthe timeshewas atHigh House,Paddington; when hearing the extraordinary things she related, and of the very respectable characters engaged in ;tfre work with her, induced me to read and peause i^f Writings with attention, and on comparing them with the Scriptures, I had no doubt but they were from the Spirit of the living God.

Q. Before that information, had you ever read the books published by your Sister i

A. I never had.

Q. Was that your first inducement for reading them?

A. It was. I had never seen them before.

Q. Did you, Sir, ever tell your Sister, or did you believe, that a number of persons should never be collected together, for the purpose of proving, or Searching into her writings?

A. I believe I did tell my Sister so, and prior to 1803, I never thought they would.

Q. Now, Sir, generally from your mutual childhood up to the present day, what is your opinion of your Sister as to her character, for truth, justice, morality, and charity; and for possessing asoundmind^ and general virtue?

A. Unexceptionable in all those characters.

Q. Do you believe she is particularly distinguished in those characters?

A. I have every reason to think so, never having heard her character traduced by her greatest enemies.

Q. Now, Sir, there is an old observation, and a scriptural one, that a prophet has no honour in his own country; do you, Sir, in the face of that observation, and with all the prejudices, which you formerly had against your Sister, now believe that £he is visited by the Spirit of the living God?

A. Yes, I do.

Joseph Southcott^

These de-positions were taken hy me, and signed in my presence,

John Scott.


The Examination of Mr. Jones, of Exeter, respecting the Mission of Joanna Southcott.

Q. Do you know Joanna Southcott?
A. Yes,. Sir.

Q. How long have you known her?
A. About five years.

Q. During the time that you have known her, what is your opinion of her moral character?

A. That of a good, faithful, and honest christian.

Q. In the year 1800 did you know that Joanna Southcott was in the habit of prophesying?

A. Very well, and before the harvest of that year.

Q.. In the beginning of the year 1800, do you recollect Joanna's reading io yon from a paper what would be the event of the harvest of that year?

A. Very well, and before the harvest.

Q. At the time that Joanna read to you the prophecy, was it not the opinion of the people ingeneral, that the harvest would be very good?

A. Yes, Sir, not only in Exeter, butinallthe counties I passed through with t'.e Mail Coach.

Q. Diet the event of that harvest turn out as Jo-' anna had foretold?

A. Exactly.

Q. Did you take from Joanna a copy of that prophecy? A. No.

Q. Have you been at other times in the habit of writing copies of Joanna's prophecies from her mouth?

A. Yes, Sir, I have.

Q. Do you recollect going at the request of Joanna to Mr. Pomeroy?

A. Yes, Sir, 1 went to satisfy my own opinion, as well as at the request of Joanna.

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