
Cornwall, charms, variety of, in, iii, | Country wakes, &c., the wake from
Herrick's Hesperides, ii, 12.
superstition in, for curing the Court of Requests, custom at, of
"chumming-up," ii, 451-2.
Coventry, Corpus Christi plays at,
i, 296.

chincough, iii, 272.

Cornwallis, Henrietta Maria, grave of,
at Fornham, in Suffolk, stands
north and south, ii, 295.
Corporal oath, iii, 394.
Corpse, kept four days among the

primitive Christians, ii, 229.
candle, iii, 237-8.

laying out of a, ii, 231.

following of a, to the grave,
ii, 249.


its antiquity and origin, i, 286.
legend of Peeping Tom, i, 287.
the Godiva procession, i, 288.
its celebration in 1848, i, 291.
Cowle, monks used to bury the dead
in, iii, 325.

Cowlstaffe, riding on a, ii, 189.

carried out of the world feet Cow's tail, an omen of weather,

[blocks in formation]

iii, 243.

Cowyll, the name in Wales for the

morning gift after marriage, ii, 175.
Cox, Francis, retraction of, as a
necromancer, A.D. 1561, iii, 66.
"Crabbing the parson," custom of,
on St. Kenelm's Day, i, 342.
Craiguck, well of, at Avoch, in the
co. of Ross, ii, 368.
Cramp, charm against, iii, 301.

charm for, used in Devon-
shire and Cornwall, iii, 311.
fish, vulgar error concerning
the, iii, 381.

rings, hallowing of, by the

kings of England, i, 150-1;
iii, 300-2.

Cranmer, Abp., loss of a MS. belong-
ing to, ii, 402.

"Crants," the German word for gar-
lands, ii, 305.

Crapaudina, or toadstone, iii, 50-5.
Crays Week," i, 202.
Cratche, i, 178.

Countries, patron saints of, i, 364-5.
BEARINGS, &c., ii, 1, 15.
origin of, ii, 1, 2.
regulation of, under Henry
VIII, ii, 3.
further regulation of, in the

Book of Sports, ii, 4.
ludicrous trait in the descrip-
tion of one, ii, 7.
celebration of, in Scotland,
ii, 8.

Creed, custom of turning to the altar
at the, retained at Oxford, ii, 321.
Creeling, custom of, in Scotland,
ii, 98.

Creeping to the cross on Good Fri-
day, i, 152.

through perforated stones
iii, 293.
Cresswell, Madam, funeral sermon of,
ii, 280.

Cribbidge, ii, 449.

Cricket, game of, ii, 415.
CRICKETS, Omens by, iii, 189-90.
Cripple goat, or goabbir bhacagh,
ii, 24.

Crispin, St., i, 360.

Cross, Burness, &c., co. Orkney, New
Year customs in the pa-
rishes of, i, 19.

creeping to the, on Good Fri-
day, i, 152.

holy, recovery of the, by He-
raclius, i, 351.

buns on Good Friday, i, 154.
candles, i, 48.

legged, sitting, used as
charm, iii, 257-8.
marks on cakes, i, 156.
Monday, i, 200.


or gang-week, i, 201.
Crosses, praying for the dead at,
ii, 249.

of palm carried about in the
purse on Palm Sunday,i, 127.
CROSS-RUFF, game of, ii, 415.
Crossthwaite church, co. Cumb.,
privileges of the minister at, i, 369.
Crow, plucking a, iii, 393-4.

killing a, within four miles of
London, iii, 379.

omens, iii, 212-3.

Crowdie, Scotch dish so called, i, 87.
Crown office, vulgar error concerning
the, iii, 380.

Crows, superstitions concerning, iii,
212, 244.
iii, 213.

errors concerning,

Croyland, the poor's halfpenny of,
i, 351.

Abbey, custom of giving little |
knives at, on St. Bartho-
lomew's Day, i, 351.

the arms of, three knives,

i, 351.

Cruden, in Aberdeenshire, late wake

at, ii, 228.

Crumcakes at Shrovetide, used in
Barking nunnery, i, 87.

Crying the mare," ii, 24.
Crystal, sorcerer's, iii, 60-1.
Cucking, etymology of, iii, 102-3.
CUCKING-STOOL, iii, 102-8.

description of the, from
Misson, iii, 104.

Cuckold, description of, in Poor Ro-
bin's Almanack, 1699, ii,

thinking of a, in carving, i,
371; ii, 199, 200.

of the word, ii, 196, 202.
Cuckolds, witticisms on, ii, 199, 200.
Cuckoo, sucks the eggs of other
birds, ii, 197.

his note so uniform that his
name in all languages seems
to be derived from it,
ii, 197.

superstitions on first hearing
the, ii, 197.

unlucky to have no money in

your pocket when you hear
the cuckoo for the first
time, ii, 198.

called, by Green, the cuckold's
chorister, ii, 198.

ale, ii, 198.

spit, vulgar error concerning,
ii, 198.
"Cuerno," ii, 186.
Cuerpo, santo, iii, 400.
Cumberland, New Year customs in,
i, 8, 12.

custom in, on Easter Eve,
i, 159.

Midsummer fires of, i, 318.
custom of newly-married pea-
sants begging corn in,
ii, 145.

bride-wain of, ii, 148-9.
custom of daubing in, ii, 150.
wake kept with the dead in,
ii, 228.

doles at funerals in, ii, 288.

luck of Eden Hall in, ii, 487.
Cumwhitton, co. Cumb., wake on the
eve of St. John at, i, 318.
Cup, contracting, ii, 90.

ii, 514.

labour, iii, 297.

Dark lanterns, vulgar error relating
to, iii, 364.

Cunning man, or fortune-teller, | Daoine Shi', a species of fairies
Butler's description of the, iii, 62.
CURCUDDOCH, or CURCUDDIE, ii, 415. Darien, herb eaten at, by women in
Curfew-bell, history of the, ii, 220.
Curse against thieves, iii, 80.
Cushion-dance at weddings, ii, 161-2.
Cuthbert's well, St., at Eden Hall in
Cumberland, ii, 376.
Cuts, drawing of, iii, 337.
Cuttles, omens of weather, iii, 241.
"Cutty wraw," iii, 199.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Darowen, in Wales, Midsummer fires
made at, i, 318.

Dartmouth, riot at, in 1634, upon

bringing home a Maypole, i, 238.
Darvel Gatherne, i, 359.
Daubing, erection of a house of clay
so called, ii, 150.

David, St., account of, i, 102, 107.
DAVID'S DAY, ST., i, 102-8.

wearing of the leek on,
i, 106-7.

proverbial sayings on, i,

lines on, i, 104-8.

[blocks in formation]

D'Ancre, Marshal, the wife of, exe- Day, civil and political, divided into

cuted as a witch, iii, 11, 31.

thirteen parts, ii, 55.

Dandelion, flying of down from, por-DAYS LUCKY or UNLUCKY, ii, 44.

[blocks in formation]

Death-bed superstitions, ii, 230.
howl in Africa, ii, 273.
mould or mole, iii, 177.
omens peculiar to families,
iii, 227.

warrant, vulgar error about
signing the, iii, 379.
WATCH, iii, 225-6.

DEATHS, CUSTOMS AT, ii, 202, 317.
Debtor, vulgar error concerning the
body of a, iii, 379.

Debtors, custom of exacting garnish
money from, i, 433.

Deck of cards, ii, 449.
MAS, i, 519-25.

arnong the Jews, ii, 1.

excesses at, in Naogeorgus's
time, ii, 9-10.

Dee, Dr., conjurations of, iii, 61.
Deitht-thraw, iii, 234.

Delos, the inhabitants of, lovers of
cock-fighting, ii, 59.

Denmark, St. Anscharius and St.
Canute the patron saints
of, i, 365.

goose eaten in, upon St.
Martin's Eve, i, 368.

Denis, St., i, 364-5.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Devil, figure of the, burnt on the
anniversary of Queen Eliza-
beth's accession, i, 405.
Devil's bit, herb so called, ii, 522.
Devonshire, custom in the South-
hams of, on the eve of the

Epiphany, i, 28.

bonfires in, on Midsummer
Eve, i, 311.

superstition in, relating to the
oxen, on Christmas Eve,
i, 473.

custom of burning the Christ-
mas block continued in,
i, 467.

harvest custom of, ii, 20.

a song made use of in, in
ploughing with oxen, ii, 29.
inhabitants of, call the three
first days of March "Blind
Days," ii, 43.

custom in, on Royal Oak Day,
i, 275-6.

death-bed superstitions in, ii,

superstition in, concerning
bees, iii, 300-1.

superstition in, for curing the
chin-cough, iii, 272.

cruelty in, towards field mice,
iii, 290-3.

charm against agues in, iii, 298.
ring superstition in, iii, 300.

Derby, Ferdinand Earl of, his death at Dew and new leaves in estimation on

tributed to witchcraft, iii, 11.
Derbyshire, continuance of the cus-

tom of rush-bearing in,
ii, 14.

death-bed superstitions in,
ii, 230.

garlands in churches in, ii,302.
Deritend chapel, Birmingham, ii, 325.
'Designatores," ii, 283.
Dessil, ii, 385, 486.


Deuce, a popular name for the devil,
explained, ii, 521.


the Nativity of St. John
Baptist, i, 311.

cakes given to those who en-
tered Trophonius's cave,
iii, 300.
Diablo," ii, 186.

Diamond,the, used as a charm, iii,300.
Dibbs, game of, ii, 413.
Dick a Tuesday, iii, 396.

Dier, Mrs., practises conjuration
against Queen Elizabeth, iii, 11.
"Dies atri et albi," ii, 44.
CON-"Dies Egyptiaci," i, 39; ii, 47.
CERNING THE APPARITION Dijon, custom at, upon the first Sun-
OF THE, ii, 517-22.


day in Lent, i, 100.

iii, 314.

Dilston Hall, co. Northumberland, | Docks, seeds of, used as a charm,
brook at, ii, 368.
DINING WITH DUKE HUMPHREY, Dodd, Dr., singular superstition prac
iii, 384-5.
tised at the execution of, iii, 276.
Dinners, burial, instances of, in for-Dog-hanging, the name for a money-
mer times, ii, 238.

Diocletian, story of the emperor,
iii, 158.

Diseases, particular, names of saints
invoked against, i, 363.
Disguising, Christmas custom of,
i, 461-3.

forbidden by King Henry
VIII, i, 465.

Dismas, St., i, 364.

Distaff and spindle formerly carried
before a bride, ii, 133.
Distaff's Day, St., or the morrow
after Twelfth Day, i, 32.
DIVINATION, iii, 329-60.

on May Day, preserved in
Gay's Shepherd's Week,
i, 217.

with nuts, i, 379, -1.
with apple-parings, i, 385.
AT WEDDINGS. ii, 165.
by drawing cards, ii, 451.
by the psalter, iii, 338.
by arrows, iii, 331.

BIBLE LOTS, iii, 336.


BONE, iii, 339-40.

by bachelor's buttons, iii, 340.



iii, 356.


BY FLOWERS, iii, 358.

Divining rod, iii, 332-5.

employed for the discovery of
lodes of ore, iii, 333.

gathering at a wedding in Essex,
ii, 150.

Doge of Venice, espousal of the
Adriatic by, i, 209.

Dogs, not allowed to pass between
a couple to be married,
ii, 170.

HOWLING OF, iii, 184-6.
FUNERALS, ii, 287.

Dolphin, an omen of weather, iii, 240.
"Dominica Refectionis," i, 111.
Donatian, St., i, 364.

Donne, Mr., bequest of, for the
ringing of Bow bells, ii, 224.
Dooinney-oie, or nightman, the,
iii, 414.

Dore, Mary, the parochial witch of
Beaulieu, iii, 14.

DOREE, iii, 362.

Dorinda, lines to, on Valentine's Day,
i, 55.

Dorsetshire, custom in, on Easter

Eve, i, 160.
of perambulation in,
Rogation week,
i, 206.

Douay, figure of a giant annually
burnt at, i, 325.

Douce, Francis, his translation of an
Anglo-Norman Carol, i, 482.
Dovers meeting, i, 277.
Doves, superstitions concerning, iii,

Dough, meaning of, i, 526.
Dower, the woman's, anciently as-

signed at the church door, ii, 133.
Downy well, at Nigg, in Scotland,
ii, 376.

Drachaldy, well of, ii, 380.
Draco volans, iii, 402.

Dragon, custom of carrying about
the figure of a, on Mid-
summer Eve, i, 320.

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