

"Can you love me?" and she shows a daffodil.

a gentleman to a lady, claiming his kindness | "As the tiger-lily loves to gaze upon its and attention, will assuredly have his delin- own shadow." quency punished as it deserves. The Osmanli woman lives for nothing but love, and always finishes her salutations to a new friend, though she be but a slave freshly brought home to the house, by imploring her to love her. "Look on me. Do you love me?" asked


"Not to love you would be to possess a very indifferent taste, or no taste at all."

"It is enough, and you are very kind to say it, light of my soul!" returned she. "Am I not pretty? What do you think of me?"

"As the daisy loves the sun!" and he turns towards her the flower in question. "Would you die for my sake?" and she pulls a rosebud in two parts.

"I would submit my neck to the bowstring without a murmur;" and he pulls off the head of a yellow geranium, or a violet.

"You are good, and I love you!" and she shows him a jasmine.

He makes the temina with the rapidity of lightning.

"Will you be my husband?" She pulls a hair from her head, and winds it round the jasmine.

He picks out a rose, and holds it with the flower pointing downwards to the earth. I cannot live without you; but if you re


"You are lovelier than the daughters of Peristan; your beauty is more glorious than the noonday sky; your cheek is softer than the first flower of spring; your face is fairer than the snow-flake upon a mountain; your hands are like pearls; your eyes are like moons; your lips are like rubies, newly wash-fuse to have me, I shall die." ed in the Boulak; your teeth are like diamonds from the valleys of Nishapore; your smile is softer than the light of the evening- "Meet me to-night, at twilight:" now a star; and your presence is sweeter to the soul lily is quickly added; "by the fountain : a than a sunbeam breaking through a dark grape-tendril, or a moss-rose; "in the kiosk :" cloud! I have spoken, Kadeun." And I a peach, or any delicate fruit that is in seasmiled a quiet smile in her innocent eyes, son; "near the wall:" or if she holds up a quite convinced that I had flattered strong single green leaf plucked from one of the enough to please even an Eastern lady.

“Inshal'lâh!—I trust in God!-You are no Giaour!" exclaimed she; "else, where did you learn to speak so like a good Muslem?" "Have you never heard how wise the Giaours are? That they leave no lore untouched?"

“Mashal'lâh! And I like to hear them talk, too! Adjaib ust! It is wonderful! I am told that the books they write are more beautiful than music, and fill the soul with love, till it enters the seventh Paradise. Is that true, sir?"

"In spirit, it is very nearly so."

"You are good, and I like you!" and, with a sweet simplicity, she went through the usual and graceful salaam, as I made the temina in acknowledgment of the compliment."

One curious effect of the seclusion in which a Turkish woman, whether married or unmarried, usually lives is, that love-advances must always come from her. The man would not presume to notice her-and, besides, it would be vulgar to do so. Hence the language of flowers, of which the following specimen is given by our author:

She takes a sunflower, and holds it by the side of the jasmine.

flowers, she says, "the kiosk is on the banks of the Bosphorus;" or, if she gathers her flowers into a bunch, and points the tip of her finger to the centre, it means, "the kiosk is in the midst of the garden." If she removes her finger, and then points a second time, "surrounded by trees." Then a lavenderbud, "there is nothing to fear." But a white rose is, "be as careful as you can." And then she readjusts her yashmak, which is, "There will be a mark where you should climb."

The mystery of the harem, however, is now fast disappearing, and with it, we trust, will disappear the unspirituality of the men and the ignorance of the women. "One Osmanli allows his wives to come to meals with him in the salem-lick [men's apartments]; or he, and his children also, go to the harem, and take them there. Another Osmanli permits them to live in the salem-liek, or harem, indiscriminately: only, they must remember to make their hastiest flight on she announcement of that spectre-a man. But other Osmanlis are learning to sneer at all this nonsense, and suffer their wives or their daughters-after the fashion of those worthy Turks of whom I have written-to appear in the salem-liek, and talk to any of mankind who may come there, whenever they will; only requiring that they shall never enter our presence without having their yashmaks strictly arranged, and "Do you love to look upon me?" asked by being careful to see that some other personpresenting a blush-rose. a slave at least-is in the room."

"Am I not pretty?" and she holds up white lotus.


He holds up a flower of Paradise. "You are lovelier than the houries in KorkhamParadise."

From The New York Observer.


friends, looked out upon the gathering crowd. Hovering around the doors were a group of Indians and squaws, one of whom we learned THERE was evidently a slight discrepancy the next day, had come to look after one whom between the City of Superior as it appeared she claimed as her husband, who had been on paper, and the City of Superior as it open-passing the evening most agreeably as a man ed to our view, after entering the harbor at of great promise, and who seemed inclined to Fond du Lac. Spread out on the table, was a appropriate to himself entirely one of the party vast map, on which appeared spacious avenues as his partner in the dance, if not for life. and squares, a long line of piers stretching from the St. Louis to the Nemadji river, and a Railroad depot of almost fabulous dimensions. Spread out before us, as we stood on the deck of the steamboat was a single dock, connected with the shore by a rickety bridge of logs, partly resting on the water, and leading to a single street cut through the dense forest, and ornamented with burnt stumps and fallen trees, on which a straggling row of wigwams, shanties and log huts, with here and there a frame house, made up the City of Superior.

But what a gathering of fashion and beauty did that cabin witness. Even the great astrals that hung over the scene, seemed to wink at each other in high glee, at the sight. The ladies of the boat had thrown open their staterooms as dressing apartments, in one of which a tall and exceedingly thin young woman deposited her infant, not many weeks old, and which her husband watched while she joined in the dance. Her dress was a unique compound of cotton velvet and calico, while a string of glass beads danced and rattled on Scarcely had the boat been made fast before her neck, as if keeping time with the music. it was filled with a crowd of Indians, half-breed Near by her was a lady of extraordinary diand white men, in red, blue, and yellow flannel mensions, who laughed, and chatted, and shirts, with faces guiltless of a razor, and who danced, her tongue and feet never standing might have passed for respectable savages in still for a moment. All around was a crowd any civilized community. Many of our guests, of lawyers, colonels. judges, merchants, land by a sort of spiritual gravitation, soon found agents, and even editors, many of whom were, their way to the bar-room, where, under the as Martin Chuzzlewit would have been told, influence of cards and whiskey, they easily the most remarkable men in the country.'succeeded in getting into a general quarrel, At length all was ready. The sable waiters, closing the eyes of one gentleman, and leaving now installed as masters of ceremonies, had another in a very pleasant state of unconscious-given their fiddles the preparatory screwing ness, that rendered it for a few moments doubt- up and letting down, and after a premonitory ful whether he had not taken leave of his scrape, called the partners to their places. I senses altogether.

am a poor judge of such performances, but I should say that while as a specimen of ground and lofty tumbling this ball was successful; as an exhibition of exceeding grace and skill it was on the whole a failure.

Early in the evening unusual preparations in the saloon were apparent, and I learned on inquiry that the town had been invited to a grand ball on board the boat, in honor of her arrival at the City of Superior. I frankly One tall gentleman as he bowed to, and confess to no great relish for such amusements, turned an exceedingly short partner, bore no never having been able to appreciate the sense very distant resemblance to what might be the or the pleasure of spending an evening in appearance of a rheumatic giraffe. Another saltations to the sound of a fiddle. It is pro- was evidently in bodily fear that his feet might bably owing to a deficiency of early training, trip him up, and so kept them apart like a having been instructed by parents, who had pair of stout compasses drawing imaginary figimbibed the opinion that dancing schools and ures upon the carpet; while a third was balls were not absolutely essential to a Chris-making frantic demonstrations of a desire to tian education. Nor have I been able to see jump through the ceiling. how certain importations of dances, from the dissolute cities and camps of Europe, (which a good Catholic Prelate has called the last sigh of expiring virtue') could be practised by any modest woman, or looked upon by any honorable man without a blush of shame and indigna


As it was, however, I had the alternative of spending the evening in the cabin, or of stumbling over that long and rough bridge into the woods, already rocking and roaring in the first blasts of a rising tempest. I chose the former, and getting into a corner with a few pleasant

Sometimes the whole company became involved in inextricable confusion, and were obliged to take their places and begin again, and then away they went, forward and back, sideways, and across, up and down, the tall and short, the fat and lean, young and old, red dresses and white, fur tippets and calicoes like a gigantic kaleidoscope, bringing out at each turn some new and extraordinary figure, which had never before been seen, heard of, or imagined.

To say that all this afforded no amusement to a small party who were gathered in one

corner of the cabin, would be hardly keeping | bers! It gravely indicates its place of publito the truth. If the dancers enjoyed their cation as No 15 Robertson avenue, and conperformance, the spectators certainly did. It tains among the items a marine list of arrivals was worth the entrance fee to a show. Such and departures from the Port of Superior, and was our introduction to the people of Superior. a business directory of the city, in which law A demonstration of a somewhat different and land offices, groceries and dry goods are character would, I confess, have been more to advertised, and their location, street and nummy taste, but under the circumstances none ber put down with as much accuracy as though the city was already a perfect labyrinth of avenues and houses.

other could be had.

The following morning dawned amid the furious blasts of a northeaster, which detained our boat a day, and gave us an opportunity of overlooking the city. Nature has done much for this place already, but art and architecture are evidently only in their incipient stages.

I like that newspaper office. It is in none of your six story flights, looking down on hot and dusty streets, on piles of brick and mortar, and prying into the chimneys of some less aspiring neighbor, but a beautiful quiet nook, where a man may think without the fear of interruption, and gather inspiration from the waving trees, the song of birds, and the whispering wind. I stood there as if spell bound. The storm was howling through those grand old woods, and turning them into a vast organ, while the thunder of the huge breakers that were wildly dashing along the shore formed a deep bass to the mighty anthem that was rolling up toward heaven. Around me the trees were swaying and rocking in the wind, and tossing up their strong arms in stern defiance of the tempest, while the lake, roused to mad

A point of land stretching down from Minnesota forms a perfect breakwater seven miles long. Within this, two rivers, the St. Louis and the Nemadji, meet and form a magnificent harbor, where sail boats were safely playing about, while the white surges of the lake were piling themselves like mountains upon the outer shore. Here will doubtless be in time an important outlet for commerce towards the west. The least study of its geography will show that when it shall become connected with the Mississippi valley the tide of population that is setting westward, and especially towards Minnesota and Wisconsin, will flow through ness, was chafing and vexing the shore, and its this channel. The cities of Toronto and Oswego are anticipating this and preparing for it, while the country is rapidly filling with men who foreseeing its prospective greatness, are availing themselves of the tide, which, "taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."

wild waves rising and falling with a stately grandeur as if instinct with life and conscious of their power. Yet nearer by, the beautiful Nemadji was peacefully reposing within its sheltering banks, where it nestles like an infant upon its mother's breast, unconscious of the storm that was raging without.

The immense mineral products of this vast region must necessarily ensure for it a rapid Returning homeward, I paused to visit a increase of wealth and population. But the fellow voyager, a young Englishman, who had present appearance of the new City of Supe- already erected his tent in the woods, through rior is by no means as imposing as its map and which might be obtained on the one hand a its advertisements would indicate. One broad distant view of a cluster of wigwams, and on street, filled with stumps of trees and fallen the other, a newly erected house of logs. He logs and decaying leaves and mud, has been had swung his hammock, and strewed his floor cut through the forest, on which may be seen with fresh leaves, and was smoking his meerhere and there a log hut or a shanty, to the schaum with as much apparent ease and number of about one hundred. On every comfort as though his family were all around hand are heard the vigorous blows of the him, and his fortunę made. While seated with woodman's axe, or the saw and hammer of the him upon his great_chest, that constituted his mechanic. Almost all professions are here table and sofa, an Indian came in to take a represented, and even the press has made its general survey of the premises. Uttering his way thither, and found its home in a primi- usual grunt of satisfaction, he pulled out his tive hut of logs upon the banks of the Nemadji. pipe, and filling it with Kinnickkinnick, to I had heard of it during the day, and deter- which my friend added some tobacco, he mined to see it. Picking my way over burnt smoked to his satisfaction if not to mine. Our stumps and fallen trees, or sinking into a conversation was somewhat restricted, he not morass of decaying leaves and wood, I passed understanding a word of English, and we beabout a mile southward through the opening ing equally proficient in Ojibway. Accordin the forest which they call Second street, and came at length to a cluster of rude log houses, one of which was the office of the Superior Chronicle, an enterprising weekly journal scarcely three months old, and yet numbering some six or eight hundred subscri

ingly, he smoked in silence, while my friend and I talked, and after being satisfied, knocked out the ashes of his pipe, drew his blanket around him, and disappeared as he came in, with a grunt.

I was strongly reminded as I looked upon

"O for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Some boundless contiguity of shade."

my English friend, with his good natured face,| his broad chest, and his flowing red neckerchief, of Dickens's Mark Tapley, whose great hobby was a desire to be jolly under all cir- And yet as I stood upon the deck of the cumstances, and who found his cheerfulness steamer, on the following morning, looking fully tested in a wild sport at the West, to back on that scene now lighted up by the which speculation had given the name of Eden. rising sun, I felt that out of these rude materiAnd I thought as I left him, in his solitary tent, als, order, and beauty, and strength would at the very outpost of civilization, and in a rise, and that above all, that Christian influland of strangers, that like Mr. Tapley, now ences would speedily diffuse themselves was his time to come out strong, or never.'- through that population, and by means of the Taking one more look at the straggling rows colporter, the teacher, and the church, open of houses as I passed to the shore, I returned fountains of spiritual life and health in the to the boat, having less sympathy than ever midst of that City in the wilderness. with the longing of Cowper :

J. E. R.

the nucleus of Herr Kunzel's present collection, and have proved so attractive that at present we believe no name, which has become of consequence during the last quarter of a century in Germany, will be looked for in vain in his "Album of many Leaves." One of the chevaux de bataille of this general collection is an autograph drawing of Schiller's (who, by the bye, was a very bad draftsman), representing his friend Körner, the father of Theodore, in the ludicrous perplexities of a German paterfamilias. — Athenæum.

HERR KUNZEL'S ALBUM.-An interesting col- granted. These autographs of Goethe became lection of modern (mostly German) autographs is that of Herr Carl Kunzel, of Heilbronn, Würtemberg. Herr Kunzel is a merchant, and began his career about twenty-five years ago as a commercial traveller to the large paper manufactory of Messrs. Rauch, Brothers, Heilbronn. Being of a literary turn of mind he profited by the many opportunities which the nature of his trade, and his never ceasing travels on the highways and byways of Germany (sometimes also to foreign parts), gave him to make the acquaintances of almost all the eminent persons of the period, and to lay upon them, without almost any exception, the willingly paid tax of an autograph leaf for his album. This, to use an expresNELSON AND THE PIEDMONTESE.-The revosion of his friend Clemens Brentano, was his pa- lution of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, which per business, which he carried on along with the gave to Piedmont a constitution, extended equal paper concern of his masters. One of his earli- rights and privileges to the island of Sardinia. est and most important contributors was no less The recent liberal tariff has abolished all the a person than Goethe himself, whose acquaint- customs' duties with which Sarde produce was ance he made in rather a comical manner. It at one time specially burdened. Lord Nelson was in 1829 when Herr Kunzel, then a very wrote in eighteen hundred and three: "Sardinia young man, came to Weimar, entered Goethe's is very little known; it was the policy of Piedhouse, and, with all his personal and national mont to keep it in the back ground, and it has naïvete, asked the great man's valet to hide him been the maxim to rule its inhabitants with sesomewhere in the hall, that he (a" Suabian" as verity, loading its produce with such duties as he called himself when the domestic questioned prevented their growth. I will only mention him about his name, etc.) might only have a peep one instance as a proof. Half a cheese was seized at the celebrated poet, who, he was told, would because a poor man was selling it to our boats, soon puss for his usual promenade. The attend- and it had not paid the duty. Fowls, eggs, beef, ant complied with Herr Kunzel's wish, and then and every article of food are most heavily taxed answered his master's bell; but returned almost on export. The country is fruitful beyond idea, instantly with the message that "his Excellency" and abounds in cattle, sheep, and would in corn, wanted to see the traveller. Herr Kunzel, not wine, and oil. In the hands of a liberal governdreaming of such an honor, felt rather bewildered; ment there is no telling what its produce would but, following the servant, who gently pushed amount to." Lord Nelson's wishes have been him into "his Excellency's " presence, he a min-realized; Sardinia is in the hands of a liberal ute later, saw the Author of Faust standing be- government. Nothing is now needed to make it fore him, tall and majestic, but stretching out a the most flourishing island of its extent in Eufriendly hand and benignly addressing him with rope but roads and harbors, the suppression of the words "The Suabian is not only to see me, convents of ecclesiastical drones, the extension I, too, will see the Suabian." A conversation of education, and the example and instruction about Suabia and Schiller's sister (a patronizing of a few of those intelligent Lombardy landlords friend of Herr Kunzel's) followed, at the end of and farmers whom Austria seems intent on ruin. which the tribute of one or more autographs was ing-Dickens's "Household Words."

OLD BRICKS AND OLD MORTARS. YES-we are an exceedingly practical people: The History of England that virtue will show, We don't trust our eyes, when they say "there's a steeple,"

But, bang, with our noses against it we go. And not till our noses bleed after collision, Do we feel we're entitled to say, with decision, "Yes-it is solid stonework, and not a mere vision,"

And the practical proof quite makes up for the blow.

Hence our wars have been triumphs: for, when

we commenced them,

We conclusively proved all the stone walls we found,

By gallantly running our heads up against them, Singing out Q. E. D. as we came to the ground. Thus we 've proved the Crimea makes bad winter quarters,

And the proof had but cost us an army of


To exact the same proof in all Russian waters, Through our naval campaigns, we by logic are


[blocks in formation]

So, too, said the charts; but John Bull's not so flat

As, without some more practical proof, things to swallow,

On mere word-of-mouth and eye-witness, like that!

So of man-of-war stations our Whitehall assigners,

[blocks in formation]

Is it co? We can't rest on mere random asserting;

By a practical proof we must have the fact shown.

Send our mortarboats out with no relay of metal, If the mortars fail, mend 'em, as tinkers a kettle. If they burst-why, the practical point it, will settle,

That honey-comb'd gun-metal's best let alone. Here, too, we 've had practical proof that with firing

But who, John Bull, would have thought of reGun-metal will crystallize, duly, and burst; quiring

But what if we have lost some men by explosion, Loss of life, and a half and-half victory first? If the granite of Sweaborg still frowns o'er the


We've got practical proof of what was but a


Of a few closet-writers, in theories nursed. Now 'tis fact, that old officers wear like old iron,

And this fact Mr. Punch in John Bull's head

would fix;

With old mortars our arsenal yards we environ, Why not with old mortars get rid of old bricks? We have gouty old admirals, cranky and crusty, Peninsular heroes, gray, mildew'd, and musty:

Send into the Baltic our first-rates and liners;
If they get aground, Sir,—a fig for the shiners!—
That's a practical proof there are shoals-Let us not wait for practical proof how untrusty

verbum sat.

[blocks in formation]

A Wellington's self grows at sixty-and-six.

The glorious old boys! Punch profoundly respects them.

He knows what they have been, but sees what

[blocks in formation]
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