
Makes him lament, and sigh, and weep,
Disorder'd tremble, fawn and creep;
Postures which render him despis'd,
Where he endeavors to be prized.
For women (born to be control'd)
Stoop to the forward and the bold.

reason to complain of Arabella's father, who, coming across him, took him off for a drink, and then reproached him for not being more frequently at Blenheim, saying that when he was a youth, the "muckle deil" himself would not have kept him

been welcomed by "twa bonnie lassies." He engaged Clifton to dine with him three days after, and told him to bring one of his brother officers, that he might begin to make their acquaintance.

After a while he succeeded in recover-away from a place where he would have ing his equanimity, and when the dance was over, he went up and paid his compliments to Arabella with tolerable assurance. But unfortunately the young lady was not in the gracious mood which he had hoped for: she was engaged for another dance to Mr. Spence, and for two after that to another gentleman; so that, for the present, Clifton was thrown out. He felt a little angry and resentful, and seeing Miss Salmon disengaged, he secured her hand for the next two dances. Flora was gracious enough, at any rate; and as the scene was new to both of them, they found plenty to talk about. She made amusing remarks on the queer customs and accidents, and soon raised her partner's spirits to a pleasanter level. She did not, however, fail to direct his attention to Arabella and Mr. Spence, or to repeat the expression of her belief that they were happy lovers. Clifton had his own reasons for not wholly accepting this view of the case; but he was sufficiently pained and fretted at hearing such remarks; and Flora, content with having just suggested the idea, was too wise to allow herself to be as sociated in his mind with disagreeable thoughts, and so became sprightly and entertaining, drawing the young man into free conversation. She had discernment to perceive that when the mauvaise honte was once charmed away, his words were worth listening to; the sound of them was infinitely pleasant to her ear.

It was late in the evening before the ensign's patience was rewarded by a dance with Arabella; but when this was obtained there did not come with it the slightest opportunity of pouring out the thoughts of which his heart was full. Arabella was as gay and animated as she could be. Her dress and ornaments, which would have been in excess for most styles of beauty, were not too much for her sultana-like head and figure. Clifton had never seen ber look so splendid. But he was not the only one who thought her admirable. Attentions were offered in profusion from all quarters, and the young lady did not seem in the least disposed to give herself up to any particular admirer. The ball was a failure, the young man saw, as regarded any clearing up of his prospects with his love. But on the other hand, he had no

Among the earliest departures was that of Mr. and Miss Chisholm. Mrs. and and Miss Salmon had left them now, and rejoined the doctor; and they (the Chisholms) had come down to stay the night at a house a short distance from the town. Clifton, rather wearied, had gone outside, and was wandering about a part of the verandas which, affording no view of the ball-room, was free from negroes. From hence he caught sight of Miss Chisholm in the ante-room attended by a following of young men all eagerly assisting to wrap her up. He went inside the doorway, intending, as he could do no more, to say "good-night" as she should pass out, and perhaps to tell her of his engagement to dine at Blenheim, but not in the least to interfere with her present attendants. Indeed, not to appear to be particularly interested, he turned away a little, knowing that she would have to pass him, and could hardly miss bidding him adieu. While he stood thus "cooling his heels," as the MS. has it, he felt a soft hand placed on his arm, and looking round to the owner of it, he was electrified to find it was Miss Chisholm's. She had left all her beaux behind, and come up to him as deliberately as if he had been ordered to wait for her. "I will just step outside until papa is quite ready," she said; and then bowing to her deserted followers, she went on to the steps. The road was full of carriages and negroes, the latter of whom kept up a stunning jabber, calling up carriages, wrangling, and butting each other with their heads. Pausing there a moment in the bright starlight, and throwing her weight a little on Clifton's arm, she said in a clear, gentle key, very different from that of the Babel of negroes, and therefore audible to him "You have not seemed happy tonight; has anything distressed you?" Taken aback as he had been, and notwithstanding that he was much inclined to be on his dignity, the young man did not waste this opportunity. "I have been unhappy, and disappointed too," he answered. "I came here hoping, Miss Chisholm, to

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"From me!" echoed Arabella. if I could make you happy, you may be sure I would do it."

a few weeks the life of the latter was an Elysium.

There must be breaks, however, in every happiness, and it was a little interruption of the current of bliss when Mr. Chisholm one day, with a grave face, asked Ensign Clifton to give him a few minutes in his private room, and began their colloquy

"You would! Oh, if I could only believe you meant that seriously!" and he took possession of the hand that lay on his arm, and continued, "Tell me in ear-with, "Noo, young sir." The old fellow nest that I may be happy."

"Nonsense!" she answered, but in very soft accents, and with her dark eyes resting gently on his face. "There is papa in the carriage, and waving his whip for me; we must go to him." As she stepped down towards the road a dozen niggers sang out, "Hei! clear de way dere!" But they simply pushed each other about without clearing the way at all, until a man with a long whip dashed in among them. Arabella got safely to the carriage, which was an open one, built for only two, with a flat board across the top supported on four standards, to keep off the sun. As she bade the young man good night, she said she hoped he would be happier now; and then taking her seat beside her parent, away they drove, escorted by two negroes on mules, and followed by her maids and her father's valet or boy on foot, each of these personal attendants carrying on the head a bandbox or a trunk. It is uncertain how long the ensign stood there in the roadway looking out his soul after the enchanting figure. He roused himself at last, and thought he did feel happy, although rather stunned. Presently he went back to the rooms, exhibiting a liveliness which none had ever seen in him before.

"What the deuce has come to Clifton?" asked one of his brother officers of another.

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He was, but it wasn't with wine or strong drink.

After this the melancholy ceased, and there was frequent visiting at Blenheim, the young man standing fire capitally when they rallied him. As for poor Spence, it was his turn now to feel anxious, and even Miss Salmon could hardly persuade him that his chance was still good. Indeed Miss Salmon herself was much exercised by what she heard, and began to make some very particular inquiries concerning Arabella's fortune, and so on-eliciting answers which rather set her thinking. Sandy Chisholm seemed to take very kindly to the ensign on acquaintance, and 'for

spoke as kindly and sensibly as could be. He said he had observed Clifton's attentions to his daughter, as he doubted not others had done also, and the time seemed to him to have come when either these frequent visits must be discontinued, or, if ever renewed at all, renewed on an understood footing. Hereupon the young officer spoke up as eloquently and as heartily as a parent could have desired, and Chisholm took his hand and wrung it. He did not, however, depart from his grave tone; but after telling the suitor how entirely he had won his esteem, went on to say that so young a man had no right to make an engagement to marry without the consent of his relations. He (old Sandy) knew the world, and thought old heads and young heads might view such matters differently. His "lassie " was not that forlorn or homely that she need marry into a family where they would look askance at her. And the short and the long of it was that, before he would allow the matter to proceed further, the ensign must obtain his father's full consent, keeping away honorably from Arabella until such consent could be produced. It was a cruel sentence, but Clifton saw the propriety of it, and said he was quite certain his friends would not, could not, object; which Sandy said dryly that he was glad to hear. After some time Clifton said that if he was to be banished from his beloved he would rather not remain close to her, and that he would try and obtain leave (short as was the time that he had been out) and plead his cause himself, returning with his credentials.

"As ye like, sir," said old Sandy; "but remember, ye'll tell her freens aiverything aboot Bell- the haill truth, ye understan'."

Clifton readily promised this, thinking that he understood the other's meaning, and believing that the more particularly he described "Bell" and everything connected with her, the more his family would exult in his having obtained such a prize; and then with much entreaty he obtained leave to spend another hour with Arabella.

Unfortunately he did not quite understand, poor, simple fellow, what old Chis


bella, since you appear not to know her origin."

"I know that she is Mr. Chisholm's daughter," answered he grandly, "and as charming a young woman

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"Call her! what dare they call her?" shrieked the maddened lad.

holm meant; but he was soon to be enlightened. It has been said that Miss Salmon, in her chagrin, made many inquiries concerning Arabella; and she soon heard a good deal which she felt certain the ensign did not know, and with which, "Hoity-toity! Mr. Chisholm's daughin her judgment, he ought to be acquaint- ter!" interrupted the not very refined lady. ed. Her chief informant was a middle-"It's Mr. Chisholm's pleasure to make a aged native lady, whose daughter had pet of her, and to bring her out in state as married an officer in the regiment; and his 'bairn,' as he calls her; but folks this lady undertook, at Flora's solicitation, might call her by another name if they "to have a little talk" with Mr. Clifton. weren't afraid of flashing eyes and angry Now that young officer, in order the more looks." effectually to interest the adjutant and all influential men, ending of course with the colonel, in his petition for leave, went to "They might call her his slave. Heav stay a few days at headquarters, so that ens, don't bite me, but that's the truth! Mrs. Evitt (that was the matron's name) He might sell her instead of marrying soon found her opportunity. She bade her; for although not very dark, she isn't her son-in-law to bring him to her house white by law. only a quadroon.' one evening; and having established her- The young man got to his chamber he self téte-à-tête with him at cribbage, began | knew not how. He was hardly sane. to congratulate him on the favor with Here was a pretty account with which to which he was received at Blenheim. He, introduce an intended daughter-in-law to as she expected, treated this as raillery, an old, proud family! He felt in his soul and their game went on swimmingly for a that it was true. Arabella's prohibition of time. At length the lady remarked, "In- all mention of his visit to Higson's Gap, deed, then, you may laugh, Mr. Clifton, but and Mr. Chisholm's hints about the whole there's many a young officer that wouldn't truth, were intelligible enough now.* mind winning Miss Chisholm, spite of all her drawbacks. She'll have a finer fortune than many a young miss that's been honestly come by. Hab, there! one for his nob!"

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Clifton had not to sue for his leave the doctors got that as soon as it was safe to move him; for he had a violent fever a seasoning fever, as knowing people "Mrs. Evitt," answered Clifton, turning called it. But Mrs. Evitt and Miss Salvery red, "I don't understand you. Draw-mon knew what kind of seasoning had backs! honestly come by! How can you produced it, and Miss Salmon also had think of using such expressions in refer- a fever. Sandy Chisholm, and Arabella ence to Miss Chisholm?" too, came down to see the sick man while the fever was running its course, but he could recognize no one; and when he was free of the fever, and hovering between life and death, none but a nurse was allowed near him: and he was carried on board ship in a hammock, with a thick veil over his face.

"How can I think? You haven't scored that five. Why, there's no scandal, I hope, in alluding to what is notorious. Surely you know very well who Arabella's mother is, and that the old lady is to be seen now on one of Mr. Chisholm's estates - an old mulatto who tells fortunes."

"You are joking," faltered the ensign, turning now from red to pale. "Really you ought not-to-to


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Ought, or ought not," proceeded the lady, "there's nobody doubts that Mammy Cis (that's the old crone's name) is mother to the brilliant Arabella."

"For God's sake, don't trifle with with-don't

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"Take up your cards, Mr. Clifton, and go on. It's your play. I'm heartily glad you disclaim all intention towards Ara

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The selection by one of these old sinners of a daughter or of daughters, to be educated as gentlewomen, and acknowledged, was by no means uncommon. Such a selection involved a complete separation from the mother at the time of the daughter proceeding to school, if not before. Maternal and filial affections were generally very mild in such cases-the young ladies desired to have the relationship forgotten, and This does not mean a colored lady, but a white the elder ladies philosophically acquiesced in ignoring



hear of the match; that he had never, before leaving Jamaica, opened his lips to a soul concerning his proposal; and that he trusted his short visit there would be forgotten by most people before the letter he was writing could come to hand. He had made his offer with a sincere heart, believing that he could win over his friends to his wishes; but, alas! Mr. Chisholm knew better than he. He implored Arabella, whom he still loved as fondly as ever, to forgive and forget him, and a great deal more betokening honest re



case. The old man hesitated from shame to send for a medical man, and the young lady's negro attendants were of no use to him in the circumstances. "My, sar! something mus' upon her mind," one abigail said; while another one brought her a piece of lead to bite (and Arabella bit it), saying, "She will better after she kick lilly bit." No food passed her lips that day, and she never spoke rationally. When she was not in the sullens, she was in such a violent fit as has been described. Of course this could not last, and after some hours Arabella became somewhat Mr. Chisholm, as he had foreseen the calmer; but she seemed a changed girl. possibility of such an issue as this, bore She was careless of her appearance, would the disappointment with equanimity. "I scarcely eat or drink, and lay sobbing and was no' mistaken in the laddie," he said moaning the half of her time. To speak to himself. "He's been aye honorable of anything connected with her trouble and true, and there's not a word of hy- was impossible, for it made her rage like poacrisy in a' the letter. I'd have loved a pythoness. Her poor father was almost him weel as a son-in-law, and the connec- out of his wits with alarm, and the negro but there, it's of nae use encourag- servants had a dreadful time of it. One ing idle regraits: what maun be, maun be; of them having imprudently hinted, “I and there's as gude fish in the sea as ever think missy mus' a crossed in love," was cam oot of it. As for Bell, she'll maybe despatched under escort to the driver, with greet sairly eneugh; but she's young, and an order that she should receive a sound she'll do weel belyve." Shrewd as he was, flogging. Old Sandy watched the course though, the old gentleman miscalculated of her temper; and as soon as he could altogether the effect which this news let her be seen without shame, he entreated would have upon his daughter. He ex- Miss Salmon to come and stay at the pected her to be affected as an English or house, judging_rightly enough that the Scotch girl would have been by such a presence of an English lady, before whom reverse. But he was quite unprepared for she had always appeared as a person of the burst of passion with which Arabella wealth and distinction, would prove a received the communication. She wept greater restraint on her humors than that and shrieked; then poured out a volume of natives with whom her infancy had of reproaches against Clifton, whom she been familiar, and Miss Salmon came. said she would spit upon and trample in The old gentleman prepared Flora for the the dust, raging and stamping while she condition in which she would find her thus raved, as if she were literally crush-friend, and hinted that they had received ing her lost lover to pieces; then, ex- disagreeable news concerning some one hausted by her violence, she threw herself in whom they were interested in England. on the floor, weeping bitterly again, and But Flora was very little behind him in calling upon her beloved by every endear-knowledge of what had happened. Where ing name. The variations of her fury con- there are negroes about, nothing can be tinued so long that the old planter was kept very quiet. It was known all over perfectly shocked, and even alarmed, at the neighboring estates, and from them the paroxysms. Reasoning with her was had passed "a Beea". - that is to say, quite out of the question; but after trying down to Montego Bay - that Arabella in for a long while to coax and soothe her, he a fit of passion had well-nigh lost her reaspoke a little sternly, and tried to touch son; and Flora was not slow to guess her pride. He told her that this was not what it all meant. An old negress on the the behavior of a gentle body, but more estate was very eloquent concerning the like the savagery of the people on the case: "I is nat supprise, for truth; doan't estate, who were unable in any circum- me know him modda, hei? dat Cissy de stances to control themselves. This, how-moas' passiony pusson upon de prappety ever, did very little good; and when the girl became more subdued, it was because she had expended her strength. She then turned sullen, lay on the floor, and moaned or threatened. It was a most pitiable

before him turn wise woman. Befo' dis creecha barn, him hab terrible fits ob vi'lence. I is nat astanish."

Whether Arabella cared to see Flora or not, is doubtful; but she did make an

effort to be more reasonable after her visitor arrived. Yet to Miss Salmon the change in her was very marked. She had lost all care about her appearance, and, indeed, seemed to take interest in nothing. Her looks were sadly altered, and though she did not always refuse to converse or to join in amusement, she would sit for hours silent or else weeping.

"I is takin' it away fram Miss Bell. She not goin' eat it."

"My! it smell nice too; and de ham, and de ochra saace look good. She doan't no better, now?

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"Better! no; she won't better."
"You tink she goin' die?"

"I can't tell, for true. What questions
you ax, Iris! How is me to know?"
"Whisper, Patience. I hear Miss Dinah
say she see duppy."

"Hei! Well, she really look like it." "It bad when duppy come. Life doan't sweet noting after dat. You ever see duppy?"

on her hands, rocking herself to and fro. In fact, she was unconsciously following the customs of the negroes. When told of her failings in this way, she would for a time endeavor to correct them; but she soon relapsed. She fancied that she saw visions, all indicative of an early death; and the negroes, who either had heard her utter words referring to these, or else recMr. Spence, who could hardly fail to ognized in her the symptoms which indiperceive, after the ball at Montego Bay, cate a negro visionary, quite adopted the that Clifton had distanced him, did never-idea that she was in some way doomed. theless make his appearance again_at "Where you takin' dat roas'-fowl, PaBlenheim after the ensign sailed for En- tience?" asked one of Arabella's troupe gland. But he no longer got any encour-of another. agement. Arabella, there is reason to believe, had wholly and determinedly given her heart to the young soldier, and was true in her affection, not wishing to practise hypocrisy or coquetry during her lover's absence. Miss Salmon, however, the first time she encountered Spence, mysteriously hinted that the ground might be clear now, and urged him to come and try his fortune again; and this probably she did partly out of pure good-will to Arabella, whose melancholy might possibly be dissipated by the attentions of another young man more readily than by other means. At the same time, be it remembered, it was expected that Clifton would soon rejoin his regiment; and so, if Arabella should accept another lover before he came, it might be as well for her and for Flora too. Spence, who had declined further competition only because he believed it to be hopeless, was not unwilling to recommence his suit. He renewed his addresses; and being by nature an easygoing, cheerful fellow, he was certainly a desirable guest at that season. The fear was as to how Arabella might receive him, connected as he was with the memory of the voyage out and of the chief incidents "But Mammy Cis no pine away." of the courtship. But she set all minds at "Hush-h-h; no 'peak of Mammy Cis. rest by greeting him with rather more She will kill for me sweet buckra, and gib kindliness than she bad of late been accus-me crooked yeyes." tomed to accord to any one. Notwithstanding this, she did not improve in health or spirits, but still underwent the fits of sullenness and despondency. What to her friends was more painful still, was her indifference to her personal appearance and to the observances of society. She went about with her luxuriant hair tangled and disordered: often she would not be at the trouble of putting on a dress, but shuffled along in a dressing-gown, with loose slippers on her feet, and her stockings falling about her ankles; and she might occasionally be seen in this garb on a low seat, with her elbows on her knees and her face

"Me! chaw! my king! Me doan't want for see duppy. Me hope for live long, and be happy wid a sweet nyoung buckra dat come court me.”

"Buckra! chaw! For you sweetheart black Billy de driver. It better dan a fun to hear about de buckra."

"Hei! you doan't believe? 'Top and you will see. Him really charmin'. Him 'kin fabour lily. My! how me lub him! But Miss Bell, now; if she grieve, it will bad. She come of a sad race. Her granny, ole Frolic, pine away and die."

"She will a mad 'posin' Miss Bell die." "Why she no come and send away de debil dat want for kill Miss Bell?"

Here a cook from the kitchen-door shouted "Patience!" and the two young ladies shouted "Hei!" and separated.

Sandy Chisholm, greatly grieved and annoyed to see his daughter, of whom he was very fond, and in whose beauty and accomplishments he had taken such pride, so afflicted, decided that a thorough change of air and scene would be the best remedy to make trial of. Although he could not without great inconvenience quit the island, he began to make arrange

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