
Talleyrand were as follows:-he was Prince | No one could put more meaning into a of Beneventum, Chevalier of the Order of given number of words. It has been well St. Esprit, Grand Cross of the Legion of said of this extraordinary man, by one* Honor in France, also Grand Cross of the who knew him long and intimately, and Orders of the Golden Fleece, St. Stephen whom we have many a time and oft, in the (Hungary), the Elephant (Denmark), salons of London, seen enjoying his exquiCharles III. (Spain), St. Sauveur (Greece), site conversation, that although he was so the Sun (Persia), of the Conception (Por-"simple and natural, yet he abounded in tugal), of the Black Eagle (Prussia), of the most sudden and unexpected turns, full St. André (Russia), of the Crown (Sax- of point, yet evidently the inspiration of ony), and of St. Joseph (Tuscany). He the moment, and therefore more absolutely was a member of the Academy of Moral to the purpose than if they had been the and Political Sciences of the Institute of labored effort of a day's reflection-a single France, and Vice-Grand Elector and Grand word often performing the office of senChamberlain of France under the Empire tences, nay, a tone not unfrequently renderand the Restoration. ing many words superfluous-always the phrase most perfectly suitable selected, and its place most happily chosen. All this is literally correct, and no picture of fancy, but a mere abridgment and transcript of the marvellous original; and yet it falls very short of conveying its lineaments, and fails still more to render its coloring and its shades; for there was a constant gaiety of manner which had the mirthful aspect of good humor, even on the eve or on the morrow of some flash in which his witty raillery had wrapped a subject or a person in ridicule, or of some torrent in which his satire had descended instantaneous but destructive; there was an archness of malice when more than ordinary execution must be done, that defied the pencil of the describer, as it did the attempts of the imitator; there were manners the most perfect in ease, in grace, in flexibility; there was the voice of singular depth and modulation, and the countenance alike fitted to express earnest respect, unostentatious contempt, and bland complacency; and all this must really have been witnessed to be accurately understood. His sayings-his mots, as the French have The mots of Talleyrand were celebrated, it-are renowned; but these alone would and indeed formed one of the most remark- convey an imperfect idea of his conversaable features of his character. His conver- tion. His conver- tion. They show, indeed, the powers of sation was remarkable, not only for the profound knowledge of human character which it displayed, but for the polished language and exquisite wit in which that knowledge was imparted. The tenacity of his memory, and the various and extensive circle of society in which he moved, supplied him an inexhaustible fund of anecdote," which he narrated in the happiest terms. Without possessing the gift of eloquence, his language was highly picturesque, and derived great force from its condensed style.

Since the decease of M. Talleyrand numerous publications have issued from the press, professing to contain authentic memoirs of his private life. These have been all, without exception, miserable compositions, got up as booksellers' speculations, merely for sale, and are utterly undeserving of credit or attention. Among these is one under the title "Mémoires tirés des papiers de M. de Talleyrand," the work of a pretended countess, but bearing rather the marks of the style and information of a grisette. There is another work, in four volumes, which, although more or less disfigured by recitals of a false and scandalous nature, has nevertheless marks of better information and more correct taste. In a variety of contemporary periodical works, as well as in the journals, anecdotes and mots ascribed to him have been, from time to time, given; but these are, for the most part, apocryphal, and many of them are jeux d'esprit which have been related of others at remote periods, and, like that which we have noticed in the work of M. Louis Blanc, unearthed for the occasion of being connected with the name of Talleyrand.

his wit, and the felicity of his concise diction; but they have a peculiarity of style, such that, if shown without a name, no one could be at a loss to whom he should attribute them. But they are far enough from completing the sketch of his conversation to those who have never heard it."

Talleyrand, like all other renowned wits, has had the misfortune of having the sayings of innumerable persons, more or less

*Lord Brougham.


The following, given by Lord Brougham, may be considered as authentic :—



"The American backwoodsman is interested in

distinguished, appropriated to him. Yet a the two characters in which men of high few which have admitted authenticity may intellectual endowments usually excel. He be mentioned, as showing the quality of his never attained, nor even sought distinction, either as an orator or as an author. parliamentary talent he had none. works in literature would not fill a volume Being asked if a certain authoress, whom as large as that which the reader now holds he had long since known, but who belonged in his hand. Few, however, as are the writrather to the last age, was not " un peu ings which he has left, they are marked, in a ennuyeuse?"" Du tout," said he, "elle conspicuous manner, by the qualities which était parfaitement ennuyeuse." A gentle- conferred so great a charm on his converman in company was one day making a sation-a thorough familiarity with the somewhat zealous eulogy of his mother's best writers of his country, and the love of beauty, dwelling upon the topic at uncalled- the most refined society, with the most for length-he himself having certainly in- absolute freedom from all pedantry. His herited no portion of that kind under the description of an American backwoodsman marriage of his parents. "C'était donc, has been cited as a happy specimen of his monsieur, votre père qui apparemment style. "Writers of a less severe school," n'était pas trop bien," was the remark observes Lord Brougham, "may envy its which at once released the circle from the poetical effect, and, perhaps, learn how subject. When Madame de Staël publish- possible it is to be pointed and epigrammaed her celebrated novel of "Delphine," tic without being affected, and sentimental she was supposed to have painted herself without being mawkish." in the person of the heroine, and M. Talleyrand in that of an elderly lady, who is one of the principal characters. "On me dit," said he, que nous sommes tous les deux dans votre roman déguisés en femme." Ralpières, the celebrated author of the all these are nothing in his eye; he has no work on the Polish Revolution, having recollections associated with anything around him; said, “Je n'ai fait qu'une mechanceté dans his only thought is the number of strokes of his "Et quand finira-t-elle ?" was He has never planted; he is a stranger to the pleaaxe which are necessary to level this or that tree. M. Talleyrand's reply. "Genève est sures of that process. Were he to plant a tree, it ennuyeuse, n'est-ce pas ?" asked a friend. never could become an object of gratification to him, "Surtout quand on s'y amuse," was the because he could not live to cut it down. He lives answer. "Elle est insupportable" (said only to destroy. He is surrounded by destruction. he, with marked emphasis, of one well Hence every place is good for him. He does not known; but as if he had gone too far, and love the field where he has expended his labor, to take off something of what he had laid because his labor is merely fatigue, and has no pleasurable sentiment attached to it. The work on, he added), "Elle n'a que ce défaut of his hands is not marked by the progressive là." Nor ought we to pass over the only circumstances of growth, so interesting to the mot that ever will be recorded of Charles agriculturist. He does not watch the destiny of the Tenth, uttered on his return to France, in 1814, on seeing, like our Second Charles, at a similar reception, that the adversaries of his family had disappeared-"Il n'y a qu'un Français de plus." This was the suggestion of M. Talleyrand. He afterwards proposed, in like manner, to Charles's successor, that the foolish freaks of the Duchess de Berri should be visited with this Rescript to her and her faction-"Madame, il n'y a plus d'espoir pour vous, vous serez jugée, condamnée, et graciée."

ma vie."

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Considering the large space which Talleyrand filled in the public eye for more than half a century, and in all parts of the civilized world, it is remarkable that he accomplished almost nothing in either of

nothing; every sensible idea is banished from him ; these branches so elegantly thrown by nature, a fine foliage, a brilliant hue which marks one part of the forest, a deeper green which darkens another

what he produces. He knows not the pleasures of new attempts; and if in surrendering his home he do not leave his axe behind him, he leaves no regrets in the dwelling in which he may have passed years of his life."*

"Le Bucheron Américain ne s'intéresse à

rien; tout idée sensible est loin de lui; ces branches lage, une couleur vive qui anime une partie du bois, si élégamment jetées par la nature, un beau feuilun vert plus fort qui en assombrit une autre, tout cela n'est rien; il n'a de souvenir à placer nulle part: c'est la quantité de coups de hâche qu'il faut qu'il donne pour abattre un arbre, qui est son unique idée. Il n'a point planté : il n'en sait point les plaisirs. L'arbre qu'il planterait n'est bon à rien pour lui, car jamais il ne le verra assez fort pour qu'il le puisse abattre : c'est de détruire qui le fait vivre et il détruit partout: aussi tout lieu lui est bon; il ne tient pas au champ où il a placé son travail, parceque son travail n'est que de la fatigue et

The succession of governments served by side of his character, it can scarcely be M. Talleyrand, acknowledging such various credited that any individual could be found and discordant principles; the Directory, to question its intellectual superiority. It the Consulate, the Empire, the Restora- requires an immoderate amount of selftion, and the Monarchy of July; each in esteem to produce the courage necessary to its turn receiving his oath of fidelity, have give expression to an opinion so utterly at supplied ground for the most serious charges variance with the judgment of all mankind, which have been made against his political as that Talleyrand's was a low, commonintegrity. That he was deeply conscious of place, vulgar intellect, incapable of comhaving rendered himself obnoxious to the prehending the political complications in criticisms of history, is most apparent from which he was himself called to take an the apology he has left behind him annexed active part. If such an opinion were proto his testament. (6 Qui s'excuse s'accuse," mulgated by one admitted to hold a high is an adage which will in this case decur to rank in politics or letters, or by one who, every mind. Yet he is not without de- having lived long and mingled much in fenders and advocates, who, if they do not affairs, could be supposed to possess expeexplain away these glaring indications of a time-serving spirit, find many circumstances to extenuate the unfavorable inferences which they suggest.

rience whereon to found a judgment, it would be said to be singular and eccentric. But when this estimate of such a personage as Talleyrand proceeds from the author of the "Histoire de Dix Ans," it is simply ridiculous. When Lord Brougham wrote what follows, he had but an inadequate idea of the presumption to which youth and inexperience may sometimes be carried:

"That such passages in the life of Talleyrand, indicate a disposition to be on the successful side, without any very nice regard to its real merits," says Lord Brougham, "can hardly be denied; and when facts so pregnant with evidence are before the reader, he has not merely materials for judging of the character to which they relate, but may the subject of unavoidable controversy, and if our "If the integrity of this famous personage be almost be said to have its lineaments presented to opinion of it must of necessity be clouded with his view, without the aid of the historian's pencil some doubt, and, at best, be difficult satisfactorily to trace them. But the just discrimination of the to fix-upon the talents with which he was gifted, historian is still wanting to complete the picture, and his successful cultivation of them, there can both by filling up the outline, and correcting it be no question at all, and our view of them is unwhere harshly drawn from imperfect materials. clouded and clear. His capacity was most vigorOther passages of his life may be brought forward; ous and enlarged. Few men have ever been explanations may be given of doubtful actions; endowed with a stronger natural understanding, or apparent inconsistencies may be reconciled, and have given it a more diligent culture, with a view charges which at first sight seem correctly gathered to the pursuits in which he was to employ it. His from the facts, may be aggravated, extenuated, or singular acuteness could at once pervade every repelled, by a more enlarged and more judicious subject-his clearness of perception at a glance view of the whole subject. That the inferences unravelled all complications, and presented each fairly deduced from M. Talleyrand's life, can be matter distinct and unencumbered-his sound, wholly countervailed by any minuteness of exami- plain, manly sense, at a blow got rid of all the nation, or explained away by any ingenuity of husk, and pierced immediately to the kernel. A comment, it would be absurd to assert; yet it is cloud of words was wholly thrown away upon only doing justice to comprise in our estimate of him; he cared nothing for all the declamation in his merits some things not usually taken into the the world-ingenious topics, fine comparisons, account by those who censure his conduct, and cases in point, epigrammatic sentences, all passed who pronounce him-merely upon the view of innocuous over his head. So the storms of pashis having borne a part in such opposite systems sion blew unheeded past one whose temper nothing of policy, and acting with such various combi- could ruffle, and whose path towards his object nations of party-to have been a person singular-nothing could obstruct. It was a lesson and a ly void of public principle, and whose individual study, as well as a marvel, to see him disconcert, interest was always his god."

Whatever may be the differences of the estimates which may be made of the moral

qu'aucune idée douce n'y est jointe. Ce qui sort de ses mains ne passe point par toutes les croissances si attachantes pour le cultivateur; il ne suit pas la destinée de ses productions; il ne connait pas le plaisir des nouveaux essais, et, si en s'en allant, il n'oublie pas sa hâche, il ne laisse pas de regrets là où il a vécu des années."

with a look of his keen eye, or a motion of his chin, a whole piece of wordy talk and far-fetched and fine-spun argument without condescending to utter, in the deep tones of his most powerful voice, overthrow the flimsy structure with an irresistible so much as a word or an interjection, far less to remark, or consume it with a withering sarcasm. Whoever conversed with him, or saw him in conversation, at once learned both how dangerous a thing it was to indulge before him in loose prosing, or in false reasoning, or in frothy declama

tion; and how fatal an error he would commit, perfect than these. If it be true-which is, howwho should take the veteran statesman's good-ever, more than questionable-that a life of public natured smile for an innocent insensibility to the business hardens the heart; if this be far more cerludicrous, and his apparently passive want of tainly the tendency of a life much chequered with all effort for permanent indolence of mind. There are many living examples of persons not meanly gifted, who, in the calm of his placid society, have been wrecked among such shoals as these."

These were, properly speaking, the traits of his character as developed in the ordinary intercourse of private society. It is scarcely needful to say, that one who played so important a part on the stage of politics for so long a period of time, was not less eminent in those great qualities which such a position demanded.

various fortune; if he is almost certain to lose his natural sympathies with mankind, who has in his earliest years tasted the bitter cup of cruel and unnatural treatment, commended to his lips by the hands that should have cherished him; if, above all, a youth of fashionable dissipation and intrigue, such as M. Talleyrand, like most of our own great men, undeniably led, has, in almost every instance, been found to eradicate the softer domestic feelings, and to plant every selfish weed in the cold soil of a neglected bosom; surely it is no small praise of his kindly and generous nature, that we are entitled to record, how marked an exception he formed to all these rules. While it would be a foolish and a needless exaggeration to "His political sagacity," says the same authori-represent him as careless of his own interest, or ty," was above all his other great qualities; and ambition, or gratification, at any period of his life, it was derived from the natural perspicacity to it is, nevertheless, quite true that his disposition which we have adverted, and that consummate continued to the last gentle and kindly; that he knowledge of mankind; that swift and sure tact not only entertained throughout the tempest of the of character; with which his long and varied ex-revolutionary anarchy the strongest abhorrence of perience had matured the faculties of his manly, all violent and cruel deeds, but exerted his utmost yet subtle, understanding. If never to be deluded influence in mitigating the excesses which led to by foolish measures, nor ever to be deceived by them in others; that his love of peace in all its cunning men, be among the highest perfections blessed departments, whether tranquillity at home, of the practical statesman, where shall we look or amity and good-will abroad, was the incessant for any one who preferred stronger claims to this object of his labors; that in domestic life, he was character. But his statesmanship was of no vul- of a peculiarly placid temper, and full of warm gar cast. He despised the silly, the easy, and and steady affections. His aversion to all violent false old maxims which inculcate universal dis- courses was, indeed, in some instances, carried to trust, whether of unknown men, or of novel a length which prevented his wonted calmness of measures, as much as he did the folly of those judgment, and his constant and characteristic love whose facility is an advertisement for impostures, of justice, even when an adversary was concerned, or for enthusiasts to make dupes of them. His from having their free scope. He never could speak was the skill which knew as well where to with patience of Carnot, for having continued, give his confidence as to withhold it; and he knew full surely that the whole difficulty of the political art consists in being able to say whether any given person or scheme belongs to the right class or to the wrong. It would be very untrue to affirm that he never wilfully deceived others; but it would probably be still more erroneous to admit that he ever in his life was deceived. So he held in utter scorn the affected wisdom of those who think they prove themselves sound practical men, by holding cheap every proposal to which the world has been little or not at all accustomed, and which relies for its support on principles rarely resorted to. His own plan for maintaining the peace of Belgium may be cited as an example A MATRIMONIAL NEWSPAPER.-Every commuof a policy at once refined and profound. He would nity, class, and profession has its literary organ; have made it the resort of the fine arts and of let- and, not to be behind the rest of the world, the ters, with only force enough to preserve its do-keepers of matrimonial offices in Paris have started mestic peace, and trusting for its protection to the It is to serve as the medium of communication bea journal under the alluring title of the Harem. general abhorrence which all Europe must have, tween persons who want to get married. Ladies in in these times, of any proceeding hostile to such want of husbands (says a correspondent of the a power."

during the Reign of Terror, to serve and to save his country by directing the war which defended her against Europe in arms-forgetting how much less could be urged for his own conduct under the profligate and tyrannical Directory of 1797 and 1798, under the conscriptions of Napoleon, and under the military occupation of the Allies-even admitting his predominant desire to prevent anarchy and conquest-than might most fairly be offered in defence of that illustrious Republican's inflexible and uncompromising, though stern and undaunted, virtue."

Edinburgh Weekly Register) are to write letters to

We shall close this sketch by the ob-it, setting forth their personal charms, and the servations of the same writer on the private character of this eminent person :

amount of their fortunes, together with any other particulars they may think likely to enhance their value in the matrimonial market; and gentlemen are to write similar communications. It is, in fact, to be an advertising paper for would-be-wives and

"Of his temper and disposition in private life it remains to speak; and nothing could be more would-be-husbands.

From Fraser's Magazine.



ONE of our fair novelists observes, "In But their abilities, their patient resigyour youth secure the reputation of being nation even, avail as nothing against their an oddity, and it will seat you in an easy oddities. It is their misfortune to have chair for life." This remark, partially been afflicted with, or their folly to have true as regards private society, embodies assumed, some peculiarity which touches very bad advice to a public man, and more the sense of the ridiculous; and the unespecially to a member of the House of mannerly crowd, each unit of which thinks Commons. Wo to the man on whom to hide his individual rudeness in the geneNature has inflicted, or who allows himself to acquire any peculiarity of voice, manner, or mode of thinking, or who adopts any outré style of dress, if it be his vocation or his ambition to speak in public. Even genius can scarcely contend against the disqualification produced by such habits.

ral tyranny, are merciless in their coarse and thoughtless laughter.

Not that we would cover all these genthemen with the shield of justice. Some there are who deserve compassion, others contempt; while of one or two it may be said, that they are in all other respects so The readers of debates in the House of sensible, that their obstinate perseverance Commons will, of course, have long since in their self-assumed oddities deserves only perceived that the discussions of that as- indignation. But from whatever cause sembly are not always heavy and dull, but their ludicrous conduct may spring, one (according to the parenthetical statements thing is certain, that the exhibitions they of the faithful reporters) that there are re-provoke do often reflect great disgrace on peated bursts of merriment, as some mem- the House of Commons; that the jealous bers of the House say or do things which multitude who are excluded from direct enliven the proceedings. But the accounts participation in constitutional rights, conof the reporters are by no means satisfac- stantly murmur why those whom they would tory on this head. They are not de-choose-true, earnest men-should be exscriptive they afford no means of judging at what all this merriment proceeds, unless -which unhappily is seldom the case the joke is so good and obvious that the reader involuntarily supplies the laugh which the report attributes to the House. The same word "(laughter)" follows the ablest point of a Peel or a Russell, a Disraeli or a Buller, that is appended to the dullest platitude of a Borthwick or a Sibthorp. You are absolutely at a loss to discover whether the House are laughing with the speaker, or at him.

The difficulty is easily explained. There are certain gentlemen who, often with great injustice, are made the "butts" of the House of Commons. One or two there are who cannot rise in their places, especially if the subject discussed be a grave or important one, without being met by a roar of laughter; the indulgence in which is the more reprehensible, because the parties have till then said nothing, and also because, when they do speak, they utter very sensible, and even very witty suggestions.

cluded in favor of property-chosen mountebanks; and that foreign readers and spectators of our parliamentary debates are utterly astonished and seandalized at the scenes which sometimes occur in that body which they have heard so proudly claim the title of an assembly of the first gentlemen in Europe. And superficially regarded, such complaints are only too well founded.

Yet some of the gentlemen who are thus martyrs to their own peculiarities do not fairly deserve to be held in such very low estimation. Although their escapades are sometimes ridiculous, they often have their lucid intervals. Many a solemn dullard, many a sententious observer of proprieties, stands far below them in shrewdness and common sense. They often redeem their absurdities, and at times deserve and obtain respect.

In justice alike to them, to the House of Commons, and to the constituencies which have sent them to parliament, we will recall a few, and endeavor to fix their real character.

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