
nor to go up where Mr. Ferguffon stood?

A. I did not go up to where Mr. Ferguffon ftood; the first time I placed myself, was by the right-hand fide of the bar; Mr. Ferguffon might have attacked me about the middle of the bar.

2. After you faw Mr. O'Connor jump over the bar, and when you was apprehending that you might be disappointed in arresting him, you went forth with all the rapidity you could→→ Now, how came you to leave the courfe which directly led to him, to go up to the table where Mr. Ferguffon stood?

A. There had been a great many gentlemen in the corner, and I got a little farther to the right.

2. Towards the table where Mr. Ferguffon was?

A. Yes.

2. He was standing upon the table, and you upon the ground?

A. No; upon the bench. I might be upon the ground fometimes; for I was up and down feveral times.

2. Mr. Ferguffon was upon the table, flourishing a ftick over you, in his wig and gown, and you forcibly wrenched it out of his hand?

A. Yes; and if he had not got away, he would have recollected me another time.

2. Now you take upon you to say, that when this tranfaction took place, he returned to the table, and went to his feat?

A. He turned back, and went from me to the table.

2. Did he go towards Mr. O'Connor?

A. No; he turned towards the Judges.

Q. Then it was not until after this transaction had passed, when Mr. Ferguson had flourished his stick in this manner, and had gone away towards the Judges, that you met with Lord Thanet?

A. Just fo.

Q. What interval of time might there be between Mr. Ferguffon's going away in the manner you defcribe, and your meeting with Lord Thanet?

A. A very few minutes-a minute or two.

2. Where was it you met with Lord Thanet ? A. A very little distance from me,

2. Was he in the Counfels' feat, or where?

A. I don't know what you call the Counfels' feat; he was upon the benches: as foon as I turned from Mr. Ferguffon, I was immediately fhoved down.

2. Was the perfon you took to be Lord Thanet upon a bench by where the table stood?

A. I cannot fay.

Q. Had be a frick?

A. He had no flick, that I recollect.

2. Then Lord Thanet having no stick, what affault did he make upon you?

4. With his fift, in this way, shoved me down as I was going forward-he fhoved me back.

Q. And then you ftruck him?

A. Yes: as foon as I recovered myself, I ftruck him two or three blows.

Q. With what?

A. The flick that I took from Mr. Ferguson.

2. My Lord Thanet had no means of parrying that blow ? A. No; he did not attempt to strike me afterwards.

2. Where was he at the time you ftruck him two or three times?

A. When I hit him the first time, he fell upon his fide, this way. 2 Did you ftrike him after that?

A. Yes.

[blocks in formation]

2. Mr. Ferguffon did nothing to endeavour to extricate Lord Thanet from you?

A. No.

2. Did you ftrike any body elfe but Lord Thanet?

A. I do not know that I did; I might by accident. 2. If you ftruck any body elfe befides Lord Thanet, it was by accident?

A. Yes.

2. Did you fee either Fugion, Adams, or Wagstaffe, who were there, ftrike any body?

A. No, I did not.

Mr. Garrow-Do you remember feeing Fugion ftrike any body?

A. No.

2. You faid you was not before acquainted with the perfor of Mr. Thompson?

A. No.

2. Should you know himn again now?

A. I fhould think that little gentleman is him.

Mr. Gibbs--This gentleman? (putting his finger on Mr. Thompson.)

A. No; the next gentleman.

2. This

A. I was.

2. Will you state to my Lord and the Jury, whether you faw Rivett, the Bow-ftreet officer, engaged with any person, and with whom?

A. Previous to the fentence being paffed upon O'Coigly, I faw Rivett, the Bow-ftreet officer, on the prifoner's right hand; he produced fome paper, which I understood at the time to be a warrant from the Duke of Portland to fecure the person of Mr. Arthur O'Connor; after that, there was fome converfa. tion passed between the Judge and Rivett, which I do not im mediately recollect. I saw Lord Thanet seat himself under the prifoners at the bar, immediately at the conclufion of the fentence being paffed upon O'Coigly. I faw Rivett, who appeared to me to be placed in a fituation in order to prevent Mr. O'Connor's efcape. I faw Mr. O'Connor put his right foot, I think it was, upon the bar, his left hand upon the railing, and his right hand either upon fome perfon's fhoulder that was fitting under, or elfe upon the rail, and jump into the crowd. I can only fpeak now as it ftruck me at the time; it appeared to me that Lord Thanet rose from his jeat as foon as Mr. O'Connor jumped into the crowd; he rose from his feat in order to prevent Mr. Rivett from fecuring the person of Mr. O'Connor. There was fome perfon-who it was, I cannot pretend to fay; but it was fome perfon rather with a bald head-a person whom I should not know again if I was to fee him

2 Can you tell how he was dreffed?

A. No, I cannot; but there was fome perfon who took hold of Rivett, at least it had that appearance to me in the bustle; he took hold of Rivett, and pulled him, endeavouring to keep him back; Lord Thanet was between Rivett, and where Mr. O'Connor had leaped out of the pound. I know nothing further; that is all I saw of the business. I cannot pretend to say what paffed afterwards.

2. Did you fee any fighting, or any blows ftruck?

A. It did appear to me, but I can by no means fpeak pofi. tively to it, that when a perfon, whoever it was, was endeavouring to keep Rivett back, Rivett, if I may make the gefture, for I do not know how to defcribe it, Rivett, in this kind of wax, ftruck Lord Thanet in the fide, as it appeared to

me; but I cannot say whether he ftruck Lord Thanet, or not, at that distance; nor did I fee him make a blow at any person.

2. Are you fure that Lord Thanet was standing in that part

of the Court?

A. I am quite certain that he went there when sentence had paffed.

Thomas Watson fworn, examined by Mr. Wood.

2. You are the jailor of Maidstone, I believe? A. I am.

2. Was you in Court at the trial of these prisoners? A. Yes, I was.

2. Do you remember the Judges giving any directions not to discharge the prisoner?

A. Yes.

2. When were thefe directions given?

A. Juft before it ended.

2. Do you mean before the fentence of death was pronounced?

A. Yes; I believe it was, to the best of my knowledge. 2. Before the fentence was finished, did you fay any thing to Mr. O'Connor ?

A. I did: I faid, " Mr. O'Connor, remember you are not to be discharged, though you may be acquitted." He faid, "Why?" and I faid, "Because I have no authority to dif charge you, and therefore you must not go.”

2. Was any thing faid after that to Mr. O'Connor by any body?

A. A perfon just below him, after fentence was paffed, said to Mr. O'Connor, "You are acquitted; what do you stand there for? why don't you jump over?"

2. You don't know who that perfon was, I fuppofe?

A. No; Mr. O'Connor faid, "Mr. Watfon fays, I am not to go:" the gentleman below faid, "Pihaw! you are acquitted; what do you ftay there for? jump over." He inftantly fprung, and I inftantly caught hold of the fkirt of his coat as he got over, and held him; I then cried out," Stop him, ftop him!" There were fome of them fhoving him behind to fhove him through the wicket, and others fhoving him back; but he was fo fecured, that they got him back into his place again. 2. Did you fee Rivett?

A. I did.

2. Did you give any directions to Rivett?

A. I called to him, or his companion, and faid, “ I wish you would go out and get fome conitables and afuftants;" for I fufpected there would be fomething amifs by and by.


A. At the wicket-door that leads into the body of the Court, and that part of the Court that the spectators stand in: 2. By the Jury-box?

A. Yes.

2. Now, when fentence of death was paffed, what did you obferve going forward in Court?

A. Some perfon faid, " Spring," but who, I know not; immediately Mr. O'Connor jumped over the bar into the body of the Court.

2. Did you obferve the perfon of the man from whom the voice came?

A: No, I did not; he came to the wicket-door, where I ftood, and immediately caught him by the collar.

Q. Then he had made his efcape fo far as to get to the place where you were?

A. He had; I caught him by the collar of the coat, and fays, "I'll be damned if I let you go ;" and immediately the wicket-door was opened; I took the wicket-door in my left hand, and pulled it to, and bolted it; and the moment I had bolted it, fome perfon knocked me down.

2. Did you fee that person afterwards, to know him.

A. My whole attention was to stop Mr. O'Connor.

2. Then you don't know the perfon that knocked you down?

A. I do not; I immediately got up and feized Mr. O'Connor again, and faid, "I'll be damned if I let you go, let the confequence be what it will."


Q. When you had recovered yourfelf, and caught him again, you remember who were the perfons immediately about Mr. O'Connor?.

A. I faw feveral gentlemen between the officers and Mr. O'Connor.

2 Did you know any of them by name, as it appeared afterwards?

A. I faw my Lord Thanet; his Lordship was as close to me as poffible-rather behind me.

2. How far was that fituation, in which you faw Lord Thanet, from the immediate front of the bar from whence Mr. O'Connor had escaped?

A. He

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