
open benignity, which commanded es- || I have passed among them: but we shall teem; there was now something more, a meet again, my friend, never to be sepagentle triumph in it.

rated. There are some feelings which “ He rose, and met me with his usual | are perhaps too tender to be suffered by kindness. When I gave him the good the world. The world is in general selfaccounts I had bad from his physician, ish, interested, and unthinking, and • I am foolish enough,' said he, to rely throws the imputation of romance or mebut little in this instance upon physic: | lancholy on every temper more suscepmy presentiment may be false; but I tible than its own. I cannot think but think I feel myself approaching to my in those regions which I contemplate, end by steps so easy, that they woo me if there is any thing of mortality left to approach it. There is a certain dig- || about us, that these feelings will subsist: nity in retiring from life at a time when || they are called-perhaps they are som the infirmities of age have not sapped weaknesses here; but there may be some our faculties. This world, my dear better modifications of them in heaven, Charles, was a scène in which I never which may deserve the name of virtues.' much delighted. I was not formed for || He sighed as he spoke these last words. the bustle of the busy, nor the dissipa- He had scarcely finished them when the tion of the gay: a thousand things oc- door opened, and his aunt appeared, curred, where I blushed for the impro- leading in Miss Walton.” priety of my conduct when I thought || This angelic girl, who seems not on the world, though my reason told me to have been ignorant of Harley's I should have blushed to have done other.

otherestimable qualities, hearing of his wise. It was a scene of dissimulation,

illness, had come to inquire herself of restraint, of disappointment. I leave

after his health, and they are left it to enter on that state which I have

alone. The native delicacy of Har. learned to believe is replete with the genuine happiness attendant upon virtue.

ley's disposition could not even now I look back on the tenor of my life with

at first summon resolution sufficient the consciousness of few great offences

ces to declare his love, although a more to account for. There are blemishes, I

| worldly lover would have hailed the confess, which deform in some degree the visit of Miss Walton as a particular picture; but I know the benignity of the invitation for such a disclosure. Not Supreme Being, and rejoice at thethoughts so Harley. With the utmost gratiof its exertion in my favour. My mind tude for the favour of her condeexpands at the thought that I shall enter scension--for Miss Walton, it must into the society of the blessed, wise as be remembered, was heiress to angels, with the simplicity of children.' || 40001. per annum-he expressed his He had by this time clasped my hand, I thanks with the sincere fervour which and found it wet with a tear which had his heart prompted; and when she just fallen upon it. His eye began to spoke to him of the good report of moisten too: we sat for some time silent.

his physician, he only reiterated his At last, with an attempt to a look of more

own opinion as to the certainty of composure, " There are some remem

his approaching dissolution. We brances,' said Harley,' which rise involuntarily in my heart, and make me al

must quote the remainder of this most wish to live. I have been blessed

touching scene in our author's own with a few friends, who redeem my opi

words. nion of mankind. I recollect, with the The subject began to overpower her. tenderest emotion, the scenes of pleasure Harley lifted his eyes from the ground. “ There are," said he in a very low voice, || scene of poor mortality, the deadly " there are attachments, Miss Walton." || silence, and the thrilling coldness of His glance met hers; they both betrayed the last touch, will be brought back a confusion, and were both instantly to his memory with all the vividness withdrawn. He paused some moments. I of reality. “ I am in such a state as calls for since

I entered the room where his body lay; rity; let that also excuse it. It is perhaps the last time we shall ever meet. I

I approached it with reverence, not fear; feel something particularly solemn in the

I looked, and the recollection of the past acknowledgment, yet my heart swells to

crowded upon me. I saw that form,

which, but a little before, was animated make it, awed as it is by a sense of my

with a soul which did honour to humapresumption, by a sense of your perfec

nity, stretched without sense or feeling tions.” He paused again. “Let it not

before me. 'Tis a connection we cannot offend you to know their power over one so unworthy. It will, I believe, soon

easily forget: I took his hand in mine; I cease to beat, even with that feeling

repeated his name involuntarily; I felt a which it shall lose the latest. To love

pulse in every vein at the sound. I looked Miss Walton could not be a crime; if to

carnestly at his face: his eyes were closed; declare it is one, the expiation will be

his lip was pale and motionless. There

is an enthusiasın in sorrow that forgets made.” Her tears were now flowing

impossibility: I wondered that it was so. without controul. “Let me entreat you,” said she, “ to have better hopes.

The sight drew a prayer from my heart: Let not life be so indifferent to you: if

it was the voice of frailty and of man!

The confusion of my mind began to submy wishes can put any value on it, I will

side into thought. * * * * * * not pretend to misunderstand you. I know your worth, I have known it long, I have esteemed it. What would you

He hinted, that he should like to be have me say? I have loved it as it de-| buried in a certain spot near the grave of served." He seized her hand: a languid || his mother. This is a weakness, but it is colour reddened his cheek; a smile

universally incident to humanity ; 'tis at brightened faintly in his eye. As he

least a memorial for those who survive: gazed on her it grew dim-it fixed-it

for some indeed a slender memorial will closed. He sighed, and fell back on his

serve; and the soft affections, when they seat. Miss Walton screamed at the sight.

are busy that way, will build their strucHis aunt and the servants rushed into the ture, were it but on the paring of a nail. room. They found them lying motion

He was buried in the place he had deless together. His physician happened | sired. It was shaded by an old tree, the to call at that instant. Every art was only one in the churchyard, in which was tried to recover them; with Miss Wal- a cavity worn by time. I have sat with ton they succeeded, but Harley was gone

him in it, and counted the tombs. The for ever!”

last time we passed there, methought he

looked wistfully on the tree: there was a Is there any one of our readers branch of it that bent towards us, waving who has lost a friend, a sympathizing, in the wind : he waved his hand, as if he sincere, and affectionate friend, one | mimicked its motion. There was somewhose heart and mind were both thing predictive in his look: perhaps it fraught with sentiments and feelings is foolish to remark it; but there are worthy of the highest state of human times and places when I am a child at existence? If such there be, let him those things. I sometimes visit his grave; read what follows, and the last sad | I sit in the hollow of the tree. It is worth a thousand homilies: every noble, it is not going too far to conclude, feeling rises within me; every beat of my that some circumstance connected heart awakens a virtue—but it will make | with this subject, and occurring in you hate the world. No; there is such | early life, for he commenced his auan air of gentleness around, that I can I thorship at an early age, must have hate nothing: but as to the world, I pity | dwelt upon his mind, and tinctured the men of it.

his writings with so much manner. Such is “ The Man of Feeling!" ism. We do not say this by way of the best most certainly of Mackenzie's censure--far from it; because the subproductions, and one well calculated ject, treated in the moral manner of to afford a good idea of the author's Mackenzie, can never do harm, and style and manner. The next in the is more likely to do good. If a man order of interest and excellence is has any feeling, he cannot fail to be - The Man of the World,” which is deeply moved by the woes of Emily a sort of second part to the former. Atkins, or deeply incensed by the inIt breathes the same tone of exqui- fernal devices which led to the desite moral delicacy and refined sen

struction of Harriet Annesley. But sibility. In the one, however, he

we must bring our remarks to a imagines a hero constantly obedient

conclusion; yet not before we reto every emotion of his moral sense.

mind our readers, that the veneraIn the other, he exhibits, on the con ble author, upon whose works we trary, a person rushing headlong into have presumed thus to descant, is misery and ruin, and spreading sor- | still alive, enjoying, we trust, the grarow all around him by pursuing a

|| tifying consciousness of his worth happiness which he expected to ob- and merit; that he was rewarded, as tain in defiance of the moral sense ; | he well deserved, with an office of and in treating such a subject, our considerable responsibility and emoauthor has produced many very pow. | lument; and last, though by no erful and striking scenes; and the means least, that he has been doumoral of the whole narrative is most | bly immortalized, first, by his own exemplary and beneficial. It has oc- || works, and, secondly, by the dedicurred to us, as somewhat remark cation of “ Waverley." able, that Mackenzie delights to

* Besides the works we have mentiondwell upon the evil consequences of

ed, Mr. Mackenzie wrote two dramatic seduction, and of the fiendish ma

pieces, “ The Spanish Father," a tragechinations which lead to it. In “The

dy, and " The White Hypocrite," a coMan of Feeling," "The Man of the

medy ; also a political tract of a temWorld,” and most of his “ Miscella porary nature. All his works are conneous Pieces," there are copious ex tained in a collected edition, in eight voamples of this predilection; and be lumes octavo. ing, as it is, so prevalent in his works, ||


(Concluded from p. 257.) A MONTH had elapsed since the band had been finally settled, and he mysterious disappearance of Mrs. I was removed to the house of his soMandeville; the affairs of her hus, licitor, Mr. Mason, in town, where

every effort was used to rouse him once blooming and lovely wife of his from his melancholy, and to induce friend. She was sleeping, and the him to make some exertion, and sight had no effect on her afHicted come to some determination for the husband; but when Mason took the future. The well-meant endeavours infant from her side, and placed it of his friends, however, all failed. || in his arms, and said, “ Here's your A fixed gloom overspread his coun- child, Mandeville!" the sound seemtenance, a total inanity appeared to ed to operate like an electric shock. have pervaded all his frame. His | His eyes sparkled, his countenance medical advisers were decidedly of became animated, and he burst into opinion, that only some strong sti- || tears. His friend hailed this burst mulus could rouse him from his in- of sensibility, and leading him from sensibility; but what that stimulus the room, with the infant still in lois should be, they were not prepared | arms, he, by degrees, informed bim to say.

that his beloved wife was now lying Things were in this distressing under that roof. state, when one morning Mr. Mason The communication was received read in the newspaper, which always with greater calmness than Mr. Maforined the appendage to his break- son had anticipated; he only requestfast-table, an account of a lady, who, ed instantly to be led to her apartseemingly in the last stage of distress, ment. Before doing this, the landand in a state of great indisposition, | lady, who appeared to be a feeling, had reached a public - house near considerate woman, was sent for; Chelmsford, and begged for shelter: and, having ascertained that Mrs. before, however, she could give any | Mandeville was awake, she preceded account of herself, she was seized them into the room, and told her, with the pangs of labour, and deli-that two gentlemen were inquiring vered of a fine girl, and now remain- for her. “Oh! for God's sake, let ed dangerously ill; so ill as to be them not come here! It is Plainville, quite incompetent to answer any in- and he comes to tear me from my quiries; but her linen, the paragraph child! Ha!" she exclaimed, not havadded, was marked J. M. Mr. Ma-ing before missed the infant, “where son felt persuaded that this must be is my babe? Who has borne away Mrs. Mandeville; and determined on this dear pledge of a lost husband's acting promptly, he immediately or love? Tell me,” she wildly continudered his horses to be put to the car- ed, " what wretch has taken my riage, and telling Mandeville that he child?"-"Your husband, my Julia!” was going to take him out for a short replied the now perfectly conscious excursion, they proceeded to Chelms- Mandeville; for the stimulus had ford together. Their journey was been administered, and he was himmarked by no particular incident, self again. " Your husband, my and when they arrived at the inn, Julia; who is here to avenge your and requested to be shewn to the wrongs, my injured angel," I will apartment of the strange invalid, not attempt to describe the scene Mr. Mason had great dilliculty in re- that ensued. Julia hung round his cognising in her pallid features, the neck in speechless rapture; and at Vol. VI. No. XXXVI.

U u

last again sunk to repose, inclining || which had been removed was reon his bosom.

I placed, to prevent me from giving The recovery of Mrs. Mandeville any alarm. My companion was a was now extremely rapid. Restored stranger, and preserved a sullen tato her husband, and blest with a citurnity. Early the following mornlovely child, she seemed to have lost | ing, our journey ended at a large all remembrance of her past misfor-good-looking house, and I was lifted tunes. The knowledge of the con- from the carriage and carried up plete wreck of Mandeville's proper-stairs by two men, who left me in an ty was kept from her, till her apartment handsomely furnished. A strength was perfectly re-established; I woman shortly after entered with reand it was not till she was removed | freshments: she was, or pretended to the house of the friendly Mr. Ma- to be, dumb; for all the time I was son, that Mandeville communicated there, she never opened her mouth. to her the treachery of his friend, A sleeping-room communicated with and his ruin. “ Never mind loss of this apartment, and she gave me to fortune, my dear Charles," said she; || understand, by signs, that this form“ once more restored to your socie- ed the boundary of my accommodaty, I think I can brave any hardship, tions. She soon after brought me a if not deprived of that.”—“ Yes, my change of linen, and then left me: Julia, we are blest in each other I saw no more of her till night. once more; and Heaven grant we “ Conjecture was busy in tracing may not again be separated! But this outrage to its source. Suspicion you must now tell me what befel you rested upon Plainville, but I dismissduring that miserable period whened the idea as injurious to him. Too you were estranged from your fond soon, however, I was convinced, that husband's arms. In the first mo- I had not wronged him by my susment that I beheld you, you let fall picions. That day I remained unenough to inform me, that Plainville molested, and was suffered to brood, was the author of your misery, and in silent agony, over my separation I lost no time in seeking him out; | from all I held dear on earth. The but the wretch had fled from the dumb woman (as I shall call her) punishment due to his well-merited brought me refreshments again tocrimes, and left England for the wards evening; and as soon as she Indies. We may meet, however, and was gone, I searched for a fastenif we do_ "_" Oh! think noting to my door within, she having of him, my Charles! leave him to turned the key without, and barricahis conscience and his God. But ded it in such a way, that no one you shall hear my tale, which is as could enter during the night. I sat brief as it is miserable.”

till fatigue overpowered me and I Having then acquainted him with | was obliged to lie down, having first those particulars which the reader | implored the protection of that Bealready knows, she proceeded: “I || ing who never forsakes those who was placed in a carriage, and we con- trust in him. The agitation of my tinued travelling all that day and mind did not prevent me from sleepnight. We stopped occasionally to ing, and it was broad daylight when change horses, when the bandage || I awoke, refreshed and more com

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