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The river Itchen winds in front of and screened from the view by folithe mansion towards Winchester, and age as you approach the house. divides the demesne from the rising. The entrance-lodge is in the same scenery and open downs, which pre- || style of architecture, and communisent the variety of view already al- | cates with the house from the Lonluded to. The offices are extensive, | don road, a little above the village of well adapted to their respective uses, ll Worthy.

on the top

ntance in mark the 'hem, stood


(Concluded from p. 281.) Harley, having been disappoint- ,, those figures which Salvator would have ed in his application for the lease of || drawn; nor was the surrounding scenethe crown lands, leaves London for ry unlike the wildness of that painter's his native village, having received

back-grounds. The banks on each side several unexpected proofs of the self

were covered with fantastic brush-wood; ishness, hypocrisy, and wickedness

and at a little distance, on the top of of the world. During his journey,

one of them, stood a finger-post, to he meets with an old acquaintance in

mark the directions of two roads, which the person of a wandering soldier,

diverged from the point where it was

placed. A rock, with some dangling whom misfortune and the privations

wild flowers, jutted out above where the of a military life had so altered, that

soldier lay, on which grew the stump at first he did not recognise him.

of a large tree, white with age, and a Their meeting is thus depicted, and

single branch shaded his face as he the picture is such a one as might slept. His face had the marks of manly be worthy of the pencil of Allan: comeliness impaired by time; his forehead

The sun was now in his decline, and was not altogether bald, but its hairs the evening remarkably serene, when he might have been numbered; while a few (Harley) entered a hollow part of the white locks behind crossed the brown of road, which winded between the sur his neck, with a contrast the most venerounding banks, and seamed the sward rable to a mind like Harley's. “ Thou in different lines, as the choice of travel- | art old,” said he to himself; “ but age lers had directed them to tread it. It has not brought thee rest for its infirmi. seemed to be little frequented now, for ties: I fear those silver hairs have not some of these had partly recovered their found shelter from thy country, though former verdure. The scene was such that neck has been bronzed in its seras induced Harley to stand and enjoy it; vice.” The stranger waked. He lookwhen, turning round, his notice was at ed at Harley with the appearance of tracted by an object, which the fixture some confusion: it was a pain the latter of his eye on the spot he walked had li knew too well to think of causing in before prevented him from observing. another: he turned and went on. The An old man, who, from his dress, seemed old man readjusted his knapsack, and to have been a soldier, lay fast asleep on followed in one of the tracks on the opthe ground; a knapsack rested on a stone . posite side of the road. When Harley at his right hand, while his staff and heard the tread of his feet behind him, brass-hilted sword were crossed at his he could not help stealing back a glance left. Harley looked on him with the at his fellow-traveller. He seemed to most earnest attention. He was one of bend under the weight of his knapsack;

Τ Τ 2

he halted in his walk, and one of his arms || Sir Henry Benson; and the effect was supported by a sling, and lay mo- | which this intelligence has upon our tionless across his breast. He had that hero is most admirably told by our steady look of sorrow which indicates author. After enduring with much that its owner has gazed upon his griefs

philosophy the tiresome remarks of till he has forgotten to lament them: yet

his aunt Margery, be walked out not without those streaks of compla

into the garden. He sat down on a cency which a good mind will sometimes

little seat, which commanded an exthrow into the countenance, through all the incumbent load of its depression.

tensive prospect round the house.

He leaned on his hand, and scored Harley now offers to relieve the ve- the ground with his stick. “ Miss teran of the load of his knapsack, and Walton married!" said he: “ but a conversation ensues, when Harley what is that to me? May she be hapdiscovers in the worn-out soldier the py! her virtues deserve it; to me remains of one who had shed upon her marriage is otherwise indifferent. his childhood much of rustic happi- I had romantic dreams--they are fled; ness and glee. They walked on to- | it is perfectly indifferent.” Just at gether, and "old Edwards” relates that moment he saw a servant, with his history, which is full of unfortu- | a knot of ribbons in his bat, go into nate vicissitudes. To save his son, who the house. His cheeks grew flushfell into the savage clutches of a ed at the sight. He kept his eye press-gọng, the pain of separating fixed for some time on the door by from his family, the father became which he had entered; then starting his substitute, and so sought on the to his feet, hastily followed him. burning wastes of Hindostan the || When he approached the door of the wounds and privations which left him | kitchen, where he supposed the man had thus maimed and desolate. His son entered, his heart throbbed so violently, and his son's wife had died during that when he would have called Peter, his absence, bequeathing to the care | his voice failed in the attempt. He stood of the parish two children. These, a moment listening in this breathless with their worthy old grandfather, state of palpitation: Peter came out by are provided for by Harley, who

chance. “ Did your honour want any planes Edwards in a small farm ll thing?"-" Where is the servant that where he finds a comfortable har.

came just now from Mr. Walton's?"bour for his old age.

“ From Mr. Walton's, sir! there is none The tale is now drawing fast to a

of his servants here that I know of."conclusion. Harley having once more

“ Nor of Sir Henry Benson's?"-He

did not wait for an answer; but having sheltered himself under his own roof,

by this time observed the hat with its finds that his heart is again influenced

party-coloured ornaments hanging on a by the charms and virtues of Miss

peg near the door, he pressed forwards Walton; and he finds this influence

into the kitchen, and addressing himself increase by unconsciously detecting

to a stranger whom he saw there, asked the object of his secret adoration | him, with no small tremor in his voice, clothing the grandchildren of old “ If he had any commands for him?" Edwards. But his day-dreams of The man looked silly, and said, “That delight are clouded by a report, that he had nothing to trouble his honour Miss Walton is to be married to a with,”_" Are not you a servant of Sir

Harry Benson's?"..“No, sir."-"You'll || seen in the “ Quarterly Review” a pardon me, young man; I judged by sneering assertion from one of the the favours in your hat.”—“ Sir! I'm writers, who declared, that he, brave his Majesty's servant, God bless him! | man! had never been in love; and and these favours we always wear when we, of course, set him down for an we are recruiting.”—“ Recruiting!" his lill-natured cynic; and, what is worse. eyes glistened at the word; he seized

for one in whose heart the kindlier the soldier's hand, and shaking it vio

sympathies of human nature have lently, ordered Peter to fetch a bottle of

I never found an abiding place. Doubthis aunt's best dram. The bottle was brought: “ You shall drink the king's

less he must consider himself a maghealth," said Harley, “ in a bumper.”

nanimous and most philosophic hero; " The king and your honour!"

but few, we believe, who enjoy their “ Nay, you shall drink the king's health

right senses, would speak with indifby itself; you may drink mine in ano- | ference of the power of woman over ther." Peter looked in his master's face, their youthful hearts; and we have and filled with some little reluctance. | no hesitation in saying, that he, who “ Now to your mistress,” said Harley: could regard with apathy the virtu“ every soldier has a mistress.” Theous endearments of a lovely woman, man excused himself. “ To your mis. is not worthy of being numbered with tress! you cannot refuse it.” 'Twas those who are endowed with the ceMistress Margery's best dram! Peter lestial attributes of man. We will not stood with the bottle a little inclined, now produce any instances of the but not so as to discharge a drop of its | power of love over the human heart; contents. “Fill it, Peter," said his mas

but many such there are, where blightter, “ fill it to the brim!” Peter filled

ed hopes and withered happiness it; and the soldier having named Sukey

have brought to a premature grave Simpson, dispatched it in a twinkling.

many a budding blossom, before they “ Thou art an honest fellow," said Harley, “ and I love thee;" and shaking his

have expanded into the more perhand again, desired Peter to make him

manent maturity, in which they might his guest at dinner, and walked up into

have withstood the effect of such an his room with a pace much quicker and

insidious but delicious fatality. Harmore springy than usual.

| ley, it is true, was not so young as to

be led away unheededly by his love Still, however, he has cause to for Miss Walton; but then he had imagine that Miss Walton loves bim so delicate a spirit, a mind so finely not; for why should she? And this attuned, and but few ties to bind preys upon his spirits. It has al-him to mortality, that he yielded ready been seen that Harley was more readily to the influence of his acutely sensitive, and a mind consti sorrows, till the energies of his mind tuted as his must have been was and body both were fast decaying, but too likely to sink under the without a hope of any earthly regeinfluence of a passion, which, of neration. all others, renders the heart more “When I entered his apartment,” says susceptible of that intense sorrow the narrator, “ I found him sitting on a which may undermine the health and couch, leaning on his hand, with his eye strength of the most hardy. We turned upwards in the attitude of thoughtremember some time ago to have ll ful inspiration. His look had always an

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