
guese officers accompanied me; but on four days afterwards, being driven to it

by my constant importunity; but by that time three of the unfortunate men had died. I helped to move the sur

dance of straw to lie on, and were supplied by us with food until they were able to join their comrades in the chapel.

In the early morning of October 1 we were alarmed by the report that the French were at Villariça, a village not more than a quarter of a league distant. While discussing this news with the priest who had remained with me, the

how to get rid of the two officers I have already mentioned; these were a captain of militia and a lieutenant of the rifles. It was now more than a week since they had introduced themselves, with much show of friendship, and we were supporting them without being either their friends or debtors. After considering the matter, I said, "I see how it can be done without offending them. As the French are at Villariça, let us give out that we wish to shut up the convent and leave this neighborhood, lest we fall into their hands; we will then take a walk over the hills, and when it seems good to us we will return." He approved of my suggestion, for we had no intention of leaving the convent, having been warned that as soon as we did so it would be plundered by people from the neighboring villages, and possibly even the French might not treat us as badly as that.

arriving at the Sulla gate they let me go on alone, saying it was too far; how éver, near the village of Moura I met three men who agreed to go with me.vivors to a room where they had abunA short distance further on we found twelve French soldiers lying close to the roadside. They were so badly hurt that not one of them could raise himself; some had their legs broken, and three of them were dying, worn out with pain and cold, with hunger and thirst. The moment they saw us they raised their hands to Heaven, sobbing and crying out, "Oh, Mother of God! Mother of God! Water, for the love | latter said he was at a loss to know of God!" I asked the peasants who had come with me if they would go for water, and they replied most certainly not that it was not likely they were going to do good to their enemies. Hurt by their inhumanity, I did all in my power to arouse feelings of compassion in them, but in spite of my efforts they did not move a step, and I declared that as they would not help me I would go for the water myself. Taking some bottles which the men had brought with them, I started down the hillside. Seeing how determined I was they began to relent, and one of them went with me. On my return I distributed the water amongst the wounded, and as they had no food except some maize which grew close by, a peasant gave them a piece of black bread which he had in his pocket. I wished to take one of the soldiers back with me, but he had lost so much blood from a wound in his head, that even when leaning against me he was too weak to walk, and was so overcome by this slight exertion that he fell senseless to the ground. Being unable to render further assistance I returned to the convent, and after midday again set out with a supply of water, bread, wine, and fish. I carried one of the wounded on a hand-cart as far as Moura, being helped by a poor old man from Labao. Two of the villagers had joined us, and I impressed on them that they should give the Frenchmen water, and, if possible, take them to some place of shelter. This they did

I went at once to the officers and told them to fetch whatever belonged to them, as we intended to close the convent and could not allow any one to remain inside. As they did not wish to leave they began to argue the point, saying that the French would not come here, that they were not even at Villariça, and that the boy who had spread the report ought to be well beaten. My reply was that they should get ready immediately, as most decidedly we were going to shut up the convent and take refuge in a safer place. When the farm servants heard this they declared

that it was not possible for them to go | been told so. I assured them that it with us, as they were engaged in bak- was not the case and that they had ing bread and could not leave it. I told them secretly of my plan, which they applauded, for they also were tired of these officers, who did nothing but collect all the powder and muskets they could lay hands on, while they ate and drank at our expense; they therefore threw their coats over their shoulders and urged us to depart without delay. The officers said we must breakfast first, but I replied, "There is no time for that; take a sip of wine and nothing more. Let us get away from here at once."

While they haruessed an old horse to carry the things they had collected, I went to the cellar to have a drink of wine, but was interrupted by the noise of horses outside. I shut the door quickly and went to the yard gate whence I saw a number of cavalry soldiers advancing towards me. At first sight I took them for English, but on looking more closely at their shakos I saw they were French. They marched slowly past without addressing a word to me, at which I was much surprised. In the middle of the troop were three officers, who beckoned to me, and when I got near, one of them took off his shako and bowed politely. He then said, "We have come to take charge of the stores of food which the English left behind."

“The English left nothing here but a large quantity of powder, to which they themselves set fire when the last party evacuated the place," I replied.

"At what hour did this take place ? " he inquired.

been deceived. On this they remarked, "To-morrow another French officer will come here to find out whether you speak the truth." These words caused me no little uneasiness, and I said to the officer, "If you will dismount I will show you over the whole convent." He was quite pleased, and told me that I need not be in the least anxious, as they had no intention of harming either our persons or property and would give us an official document which would ensure us good treatment in case any more French troops should visit the convent.

My comrade the priest and the two persons we had planned to get rid of now joined me. The lieutenant was at once made prisoner, but was allowed to retain his sword. The other officer escaped notice, as he was not in uniform and had torn the gold lace off his cap without being seen.

I was again asked what provisions we had, and replied that the dough was ready to be baked and that there was a little corn and wine, which I showed them. They thereupon asked for sacks, which having been brought, they sent some bushels of corn, a great pitcher of wine, a basket of maize bread, and fifty salt codfish to the soldiers who had remained near the chapel where the wounded still lay.

One of the officers chanced to notice a large iron bolt on the door of the oilstore, which he requested should be opened at once, thinking something | valuable was hidden there. The first thing he saw inside was a basket of "At night," I answered; then they very salt mackerel; of these he gave laughed because they saw that I was some to a soldier who was standing by, speaking the truth, for they had heard and ordered others to be cooked with the explosion. They further asked if all haste. I told him they were much there were any troops in the woods and too salt, and that without being first how many friars there were in the con- soaked in water they were not fit to eat. vent. I told them that no troops re- He replied that it did not matter, he mained, and that there were only three wished to have them cooked at once. friars here, all the others having left in | His attention was so entirely taken up accordance with orders received from with the fish that, without examining the English general.

They still insisted that there must be large stores of food here, as they had

any further, he asked me to show them the way to the dining-room and to send them something to eat. I explained

that, as there was not anything ready, On our way to the gate a soldier they would have to wait until our usual midday dinner. This they declared was quite out of the question, as at that hour they were to meet the general at Coimbra; adding that they preferred their food underdone, like the English. We gave them maize bread, as the other was not yet baked, wine, eggs, fruit, and the aforesaid mackerel. While at table they asked for port wine, cheese, and preserved fruit, but were satisfied with my assurance that we had none of these luxuries.

As they were finishing their meal an orderly came to say that a number of armed peasants were collecting outside our walls. The officers sent me to reason with them, and recommend them to go home again, cultivate their fields, and leave fighting to be done by soldiers. I begged that the orderly might come with me, and we went together as far as the gate, where he asked me to wait while he spoke to his companions, who had remained near the chapel. Presently he returned and said it was all a mistake and no peasants were to be seen.

Having made his report to the officers he rejoined me, and begged me to pour a little wine into his bottle; this I consented to do, but immediately the cellar door was opened all the other soldiers crowded in. I ordered them to go out, but they objected to do so until their bottles were also filled. On this I shouted in an angry voice to one of the farm lads, "Call one of the officers to drive out these men!" Hearing this they began to go, but sadly. The captain came and cleared the place in an instant, and I at once locked the cellar door. Our visitors asked for some food to take with them, and we gave them four fowls and two partridges. They begged us to supply the wounded with bread, wine, and broth; to protect them from the peasants, and that one of us should stay with them at night. A lay brother and a servant slept for two nights in the chapel, but the former did not go any more, because the wounded men themselves said that the servant was sufficient.

came to say that he had found arms and ammunition in one of the servants' rooms. He then went back again and broke up six guns, emptied out a keg of powder in the yard, and threw all the cartridges he could find into a bowl of water. Just as the force was about to march some one called out that a certain person amongst the bystanders was a captain. Hearing this one of the officers asked him if it was true, on which he turned pale, not knowing what to reply. We explained that he really was a captain, but only of militia, and had no men under his command. They said to him, "We must take you with us. He did all in his power to avoid going, even saying that my companion was his cousin and he could not leave him, but the priest replied, "Go, go; do as these gentlemen wish," so he was obliged to accompany them.

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I now begged them to give me the document they had promised, and having been provided with ink and paper, they handed it to me written as follows:

Au nom de l'humanité.

Je prie et supplie tous les militaires françois qui viendront au Couvent Bussaco, de ne rien exiger ni des pères ni des paysans des villages voisins. Soixante blessés françois seroient victimes de la moindre violence. Ces pères ce sont obligés à fournir des vivres aux blessés jusqu'au moment de l'évacuation.

Le 1er d'octobre, 1810.

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offr au 3me régt. d'Hussares. They asked me for a written declaration which would satisfy the general that we had undertaken the care of the wounded, and I made it out in these words:

We, the friars of the Convent of Bussaco, hereby certify that sixty wounded French soldiers have been under our care since the retreat of the English troops. We promise to continue to look after them, and to supply them with the best food we possess.

Bussaco, 1st October, 1810.

After saying that we might expect another detachment next day, they took leave of us with the same courtesy they had shown on their arrival, and

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returned by the road along which they | excuse himself, but the sub-lieutenant, came, the two prisoners having to ac-snatching up a piece of board, gave company them on foot. These French him such heavy blows on his back that, did not demand money from any one, fearing bloodshed inside the church, I nor were they in the least rude, caught hold of his arms and begged although they found arms and ammuni-him to stop. The third culprit did not

tion in the convent.


say a word, and escaped punishment,
but he was as white as a sheet.
officers were profuse in their apologies
and recommended me to write to the
general, who would, without doubt, do
all in his power to make amends for
the outrage.

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Between eight and nine o'clock next morning, as I was standing at the gate of the courtyard, I saw some fifty soldiers slowly ascending the hill. When they came near I advanced to meet them and handed one of the officers the document which had been given to me After a pause the captain asked me the previous day. After reading it and whether, as a favor, the officers could speaking to his comrades he returned be given just a little bread and wine. it, saying that there was no need to be I replied Certainly, sir," and led alarmed as they had only come to make them to the dining-room, where we a list of the wounded, whom they supplied them with the best food we wished to move to the hospital. Hav-had. One of them mentioned that he ing dismounted, and posted guards at the end of the courtyard and at the door leading to the convent, they accompanied me to where the wounded were lying, and the whole party, consisting of a captain, lieutenant, sub-lieutenant, and a Spanish doctor, conversed with me by the way.

had not tasted bread for a month; and when I inquired what they lived on, he said they were obliged to eat the same grain as was given to the horses, grinding it between their teeth as best they could. When they were ready to start, it was found that the peasant whom they had brought as a guide was lying on the ground and groaning incessantly. On being asked what was the matter he put his hand on his chest and declared that he was in such pain that he could not stand up. I suggested that the doctor should examine him, which he did, and then told me to make an infusion of elder-flowers. The other officers mounted, and laughed more and more as the man's groans became louder. The fact was that he did not wish to return with them. Another peasant agreed to show the way, and they promised to send him back as soon as they could find any one to take his place. They then bade us adieu most politely and took the road which

Having examined the sick, the doctor asked for hot water to wash their wounds, and we returned to the convent to get it. On our arrival the lay brother came up to us, looking very pale, and said, "The soldiers have done much damage to the church, and have even torn my waistcoat in looking for money." When the officers joined us I told them what had occurred and took them to the church to prove my statement. They all appeared very sorry, but said nothing until I had finished; then they asked me if I could point out the culprits. My companion said that a sergeant who had come to his assistance knew who they were. He was accordingly sent for and or-led across the summit of the hill. dered to bring them in. After a short delay he returned with three soldiers who were without shakos, arms, or belts. The officers pointed out the damage they had done, and one of them beginning to deny his guilt, the lieutenant seized him by the collar and threw him backwards on to the steps of the high altar. A second also tried to

Scarcely were they out of sight when the sick man jumped up and asked, "Have those devils gone away? They jeered enough at me. May they have Barabbas for company!" At this we all burst out laughing, and he, having rapidly recovered from his illness, made off without saying good-bye to any one.

The French continued their march to Coimbra, and thence to Lisbon, so that we saw no more of them.

These troops were militia ; and whereas their conduct ought to have been better, it was far worse than that. of the regulars.

During the time that our army had its headquarters here we provided beds Colonel Trant had the wounded sent for most of the officers, and divided to Oporto soon after the capture of all the bedding we possessed amongst | Coimbra. During the twenty days they them. A general who slept in the remained here they were supported by bishop's chapel was lent a tablecloth, us. As there were so many of them two brass lamps, and a great copper we were obliged to give only a small pitcher to hold water-all these we ration to each, so that all might have a lost. Lord Wellington was given our share. However, but for us they would, best napkins and four dozen candles; undoubtedly, have died or been murbesides which, we supplied the endless dered by the peasants. demands made by the other officers. Even to the soldiers and fugitives we gave salt and whatever else we could spare. Quantities of our bread, cheese, wine, and oil were consumed by the troops, but when Lord Wellington sent a message that he would pay for it all, and begged to know what sum the prior wished for, the latter replied that the only thing he wished for was the peace of the realm.

Before Lord Wellington's arrival no English came here, though they passed continually along the road close to the convent; but after the battle the hitherto unknown name of Bussaco became famous all over the country. Not a week now passes without a visit from English officers who are either going to or returning from the front, and all are enchanted with the place. These visits cause us great expense; but if at last we obtain the peace and security which are as necessary and desirable as our very existence, we shall consider the money well spent.

May the God of Hosts grant it to us without delay, for his glory and our

The loss and damage suffered by the convent was very great. Almost everything supplied to the officers had disappeared, at least nothing remained that was of any value. Our maize was cut for the horses; the soldiers and other people picked our beans as long as one joy! remained; our cabbages were taken, and the troops and camp-followers did not stint themselves in firewood, which they cut in our woods. Doorways were made in our walls, and, besides the plunder taken from the church by the French soldiers, a chapel was broken into and a chalice and some other things were stolen.

When the French had retired into Spain, the English commander-Wilson encamped here for two days, and was supplied with everything he required for his bed and board. The soldiers were given bread and much besides; yet in spite of this, they stole all our oranges, broke into our storeroom and helped themselves to more bread, also wine, a basket of eggs, a tin of honey, and many other things to which they took a fancy. In fact, wherever they went they behaved as badly as, or worse than, the French.

Translated by W. VIVIAN.

From The Fortnightly Review.


PROBABLY not one person out of a
thousand of those who hurry along the
busiest part of the Strand notices even
the existence of a closed iron gate
by the side of a public house opposite
the Vaudeville Theatre.
If you peer
through the grating you will only see a
dark, narrow court, now blocked up by
the building operations on Lord Salis-
bury's estate, and you will have no
difficulty in coming to the conclusion
that this avenue, which has been grad-
ually going down in the world for the
last two centuries, is destined before
very long to be blotted out altogether.
For this was an important thoroughfare
once, called Ivy Lane, one of the three

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