
For when youthful fancy's wide sway | Wee all died within the short spase of

is repress'd,

one short yere.

The heart seeks on something more They be all buried at Wimble except I, And I be buried here.

solid to rest.

"Tis then that a mind, highly cultur'd,

like thine,

In Kent.

Alas no more I could survive,

O'er folly's gay "votries triumphant For I am dead and not alive;

shall shine,

While thy motives, as pure as the acts

they inspire,

And thou in time no longer shalt sur


But be as dead as any man alive.

Shall bid malice be silent, and envy To the Editor of the Oxford Enter


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taining Miscellany.

SIR, Some workmen in repairing the church of Penestone, in Yorkshire, dug up a very large stone with an effigy on each side, and between the effigies was engraved the following inscription in large Roman capitals.


R. E. R. E. P.O

S. Æ. T. H.
C. L. A. U. D. C.

Ó. S. T. Æ. R.
T. R. I. P. E. S. Æ.
L. L.

E. R: O. F. I. M. P.
I. N. G. T. O. N. A. S. D.
O. T. H, A. L.

S. O. H. I. S. C. O.

N. S. O. R. T. I. A. N.


[We will thank some of our ingenious readers for an explanation.]

Useful Domestic Hint

Method of killing Insects.—According to an American paper, the water in which potatoes have been boiled, if sprinkled over vegetables by means of a garden water-pot, will effectually destroy insects of every description, and in all their stages, from the egg to the fly.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. We feel greatly obliged for the numerous communications received since our last, some of which are inserted, and most of the others will meet with early attention. We must have a specimen of " Bob Short's" style before we ran give a decision upon his merits or demerits,

[blocks in formation]

own immediate views, as each
member of his family did. At
the assembly of the Notables his
bureau was in open opposition to
all the others. This Prince had
calculated long the means of at
least procuring himself to be no-
minated Regent of the kingdom.
On the 20th of June, 1791, he fled
secretly from Paris to Coblentz,
where he organized the system of
emigration, and, by his intrigues
in the interior, accelerated the
more fatal events of the Revolu-
tion. Failing in his attempts, he
sought refuge in Germany; he
afterwards lived at Turin with
his father-in-law, the King of
Sardinia, and then at Verona,
under the name of Count de Lille.
On the death of his nephew,
Louis XVII. he assumed the name
of Louis XVIII. Of his journey
to Coblentz, or rather his escape
from Paris, he composed an ac-
count, dedicated to the compani-
on of his flight, d'Avary, a very
fit Omar for such a Mahomet.
was this running away that M. de
Talleyrand described so wittily,
as "the journey of Harlequin,
who was always afraid and always

LIFE OF LOUIS XVIII. (From the New Monthly Magazine.) Louis Stanislaus Xavier de France, Count de Provence, second son of the Dauphin, the son of Louis XV. was born at Versailles, November 17, 1755.From his earliest years he manifested a timid and reserved disposition. Educated with his two brothers, the Duke de Berri (afterwards Louis XVI.) and the Count d'Artois, he always displayed a greater reserve towards his elder than his younger brother. He made considerable acquirements in classical literature, and bore at least the reputation of being a scholar, and a man of wit. At an early period of his life he aspired to the character of a politician. Soon after the accession of his brother, Louis XVI. he put a small pamphlet into the hands of the latter, entitled "Mes Pen-hungry." The flatteries of the sées," (My Thoughts). Louis XVI. meeting him next day in the gallery at Versailles, said to him coarsely, "Brother, henceforward keep your thoughts to yourself." This debût did not discourage him; and, profiting by the first appearance of confusion, he began, in form, to intrigue for his


French on the score of the king's scholarship and composition, were shown by this journal to be without foundation. The language is decidedly bad, it displays a paucity of ideas and an utter want of spirit; yet Louis was vain of it, as he had the ambition of being thought an author of no mean

U u

sia, the policy of Bonaparte to keep Louis XVIII. at a distance from his kingdom, left him at last permission to inhabit the castle of the dethroned King of Poland, at Warsaw.-The tranquillity of this retreat was disturbed by another humiliation from another monarch. The Prussian minister,

merit, This journal was a mere detail of the journey, exhibiting little feeling for one escaping at so momentous a crisis and in per'sonal danger;-his account of what he ate or was obliged to shift with for a meal, is a leading feature of it.—In 1796, after he had resided some time at Venice, he was, in compliance with a re- Meyer, asked Louis XVIII. to quisition from the Government of France, commanded to leave that State, He then, accompanied by only two officers, repaired to the head-quarters of the Prince of Condé, at Reigal.-In 1798, Louis XVIII. was acknowledged by the Emperor of Russia, Paul I. as King of France and Navarre; and was invited by him to reside in the ducal castle at Mittau. Louis therefore left the army of Conde, with whom he had for nearly two years shared privation, penury, and danger. The duration of this prosperous adversity, however, was not long; the Emperor, influenced by the power of France, suddenly changed his conduct, ad sent the King, whom he had acknowledged and invited to his dominions, orders to quit the Russian territory within a week. Three months previous to this order, the payment of the usual pen-war for his family, and after an sion had been withheld, and Louis expenditure of a thousand millions XVIII. and all the Frenchmen at sterling, protracting the contest Mittau, were, in consequence, reduced to the utmost distress, because they had all been ordered to depart. After some wanderings in the wilds of inhospitable Prus-him, after she had placed him

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renounce the throne of France in favour of Bonaparte: but he refused.-The last asylum of the House of Bourbon was in England, where they were received, not only with hospitality, but when all the pensions from the several crowned heads of Europe (at one time amounting to 120,0007, a year) had ceased, they still received sufficient to enable them to live in splendour.. The royal palace of Holyrood was assigned to them; but Louis XVIII. principally resided at Hartwell, a seat belonging to the Marquis of Buckingham. There he remained until the fall of Bonaparte enabled him to ascend the throne of his ancestors. His gratitude to England has furnished another instance for history of the thanklessness of benefiting fallen royalty. To the country that went to

until her own integrity was endangered, and it became a war for her existence as a nationnever seems to have received from

property as fee-simple estates, found in Louis an able auxiliary. Louis reigned, ten years, marked by no great events, but by a system of policy calculated to throw

upon his throne in 1814, and after an exile of 23 years, one instance indirectly that shewed he remembered what she had done for him. Again expelled from his throne, principally by his attempts to re-back the age in its acquirement store too much of the old system of knowledge and independence. of things, and by the non-fulfil- The misery of his interference ment of the stipulations by which with the affairs of Spain will to Bonaparte retired to Elba, the lat- its full extent never be known. ter re-landed in France, marched His efforts to establish a cruel and to Paris without a battle, and bigoted tyrant in absolute power Louis fled to the Netherlands. A there, protracted a scene of crime new coalition was formed against and bloodshed which years to the ex-emperor by all the great come may not see concluded. powers of Europe; he was van- -Louis XVIII. was for a long quished at Waterloo, and Louis period a prey to serious infirmiwas again placed on the throne ties. A dry erysipelas on both by foreign bayonets. The Chart- his legs deprived him of the power which he had signed on first er of locomotion. The attention ascending it, he had violated in of the most skilful physicians many parts. No longer under fear prolonged his life beyond the peof the ex-emperor, he gradually riod which seemed indicated by approximated the government to- his disease. During all this time wards arbitrary principles. The the King had the greatest confipress was shackled, the independ-dence in medicine. All London ence of elections overturned, and will recollect the favour which a those who possessed no ideas of a priest called Père Elysée enjoyed government but what were allied with the King. M. de Blacas to ancient times, were placed in grew into favour from proposing power. French diplomacy and remedies. The enormous appethe obligation of the King's word, tite possessed by the King, was as iu the case of the Sanitary Cor- an extraordinary circumstance, don and Spain, took the true He ate with voracity, and without Machiavelian and perfiduous suffering inconvenience from it, character of the most perfiduous which often gave rise to some times of the French monarchy; laughable stories. He was known and the Holy Alliance, which la- to have had three mistresses, or at bours to establish by force the least there have been three ladies doctrine, that the people are made who have enjoyed this title. Befor the monarch's pleasure, and fore the Revolution, Madame de that thrones are as much private Balby; since the Restoration,

Madame Princetot, M. De Cazes' apoplexy in a day or two, caussister; and, finally, the celebrated ed by his mental suffering. The Madame du Cayla. This last King merely said, "He was a was a sort of political acquisition. good man, and a faithful servant.” The decomposition of the blood, De Cazes, whom Louis used to and an œdematous state, brought call his son, was dismissed in a on a paralysis of the lower ex-way equally as abrupt and unfeeltremities, which were struck withing, and the turncoat Chateau-. death. The disease made a rapid briand also. He appears, in short, progress, and the King expired to have been without any high afin his 69th year. His personal fections, without ambition or nocharacter was feebleness and in-bleness of character; neither cruel sincerity. No length of attach-nor generous, nor capable of love ment in his misfortunes-no de- or hate; neither artfully tyranvotedness of service, seem in any nical, nor inclined to sacrifice an case to have secured a constancy iota of his power; neither liberal of attachment from him. To be nor illiberal; a man of negative out of sight was with him to be qualities, fond of good eating, inout of mind. The Dukes de Bla- consistent, not to be depended eas and La Chatre, may be offer-upon, insincere, but not ill-naed as two out of many instances. tured, of little capacity, incapaThe former, for having presumed ble of being taught by adversity, to offer an opinion of differing and fond of peace and ease. In from that of his Majesty on a very private life, a good member for trifling point, was dismissed from an English country corporation, service; the latter presuming on in the midst of which he might the very long intimacy, and the have passed his life in obscurity valuable services he had rendered and tranquillity. But if he did his Majesty, conjured the King to not possess the character of his abandon the project of lowering Bourbon predecessors, he was inthe rate of interest of the public nocent of crimes similar to them funds, as contrary to public opi--he was a better man than any nion. The King made no answer; of them, and had not their crimes but on the Duke going next morn-as monarchs to answer for. When ing to attend as First Gentleman Monsieur, he was anxious to obof the Chamber, the Usher in tain the palm for dramatic comwaiting would not let him pass, position; he wrote the "Marriage and told him that his Majesty had Secret," a comedy in three acts, no farther occasion for his servi- and in verse, which he wished to ces. The poor old Duke was have represented under the name thunderstruck, he retired to Meu- of his Secretary of Commandedon, sorrow-stricken, and died of mens, the celebrated Ducis the

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