
eyes, he would recommend to them the faith in Jesus. For this end, as soon as he understood that a company of Southlanders were arrived, he would hasten home from his providing-place, lead them every where about, explain to them the design of so many of their countrymen living together; and, if they shunned coming to the public meetings, he visited them in their tents, and imperceptibly let slip something tending to their everlasting peace. When in company with people to whom it was irksome to hear of divine things, he was silent, lest he should speak words in vain, and draw contempt and ridicule upon the truth. But whenever they entered into idle talk, or presumed to scoff at believers, he would give them a gentle reproof, and try to turn the discourse upon some useful subject. When, in his employment of providing sustenance, he was obliged to take up a night's lodging in a place (and every body received him gladly), he was commonly desired to discourse upon the things of God. He then (as the agents of trade used to say, who often heard him with astonishment, and called him, by way of eminence, the man of God,) would take off his cap, fold his hands, sing a few verses, or pray, and discourse to the heathens, without any concern at the presence of Europeans, and all in such a manner, that their eyes overflowed, and afterwards they did not cease talking of the matter, often, till late in the night. In winter, the time was sometimes too tedious for him at home, and therefore he would place himself in his kayak, and go a visiting, where his teachers could not, or wherever he knew an awakened soul was to be met with. His testimony to the heathen was lively, engaging, and intrepid, and his public discourses, to his brethren, simple, affectionate, and penetrating. He generally spoke by similitudes, and had an agreeable method of applying them to the heart."

How well qualified Daniel was for the ministry of the gospel, by a clear perception of its great truths, and a deep experience of its power upon his own heart, will appear from the following extracts of letters dictated by him (for he could neither read nor write). "I have been this summer hunting rein-deer, and,

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while I was wandering about in the wilderness, I prayed our Saviour to lead and guide me by his grace. For I know that I am a poor and wretched man, if he is not continually near me, giving food to my soul out of his wounds. My faults and infirmities are numberless, but my Saviour knows them all, for he knows my heart, and therefore I at all times address him as a sinner. Thus the Holy Spirit directs my heart to his wounds, and I feel that our Saviour loves me, who always chooses none but the poorest of men. Therefore I need not be sorrowful. I will now tell you my desire : you know how children are towards their parents, thankful and obedient-just so would I be towards our Saviour. I am also sensible that I have had two sorts of life. The first was in perfect darkness; but our Saviour having sought and found me among the savages, I now live in his light, in his blood. When we are sensible of our wretchedness, our eyes flow with tears; but when we set before us our Saviour on the cross, we cleave to his side, as the nepiset-fish* to the stone; and all the time we retain a sense of our own wretchedness. Here you have the thoughts of my heart."

The following are specimens of his simple, yet forcible and affecting, manner of addressing his believing and unbelieving countrymen. Once he began his discourse in this manner: 66 My dear brethren, when children get up, they say to their parents, I am hungry or dry, and the mother cannot forbear giving them what they want. Just so does our Saviour deal with us, if our hearts do but at all times hunger and thirst after him. He has saved us with his blood. What shall we do unto him, or what return shall we make him for it? None, but continually to look to his wounds, and let the heathen know what he has done for us," &c. &c.

Once some Greenlanders were looking at a European brother polishing a new-cast pewter spoon. This put Daniel in mind of the circumcision of the heart, according to Col. ii. 11, and he said to the rest, "Now I can well conceive how our Saviour acts in the

* A kind of shell-fish, well known to the natives of Greenland, which adheres to the rocks with remarkable tenacity.

circumcision of our hearts, and how he proceeds even to the end with our purification, when we surrender up our hearts unto him. He must first cut away all the coarse stuff that is good for nought, and yet he finds afterwards so much still to rub off. This causes him much trouble, and gives us pain too; but, behold, just as the brother pours on the burnishing-water, to do it the easier, and to make the spoon the smoother and brighter; so our Saviour pours his blood upon us, makes our purification agreeable, and never ceases his work, till we are pleasing to him."

On another occasion, he spoke in the morning-meeting, "Of the body and blood of our Saviour being the only means of keeping our hearts sound and well." "As sensible people," said he, "take good care to preserve their bodies from harm, so ought we to take care of our souls. But, since we have no power nor understanding to do this of ourselves, we need only attend to the maternal voice of the Holy Spirit, who certainly reveals to us all danger and sickness at the right time, and shews us where our help lies."

Another time, he spoke excellently of our Saviour's passion, both on the Mount of Olives and on the cross, as he there bore our sickness, and provided a perfect remedy for it by his wounds. Then he made a comparison of bodily sicknesses. "A person may be sick, and not know it, or at least not heed it rightly, which is the most dangerous thing. As soon as a person feels his sickness, he longs for medicine; and when he has taken it, it often causes great pain at first, but this is a sign of a good operation and speedy recovery." He made a beautiful application of this to man's spiritual sickness, and to the cure which the Holy Ghost directs us to, and applies, in the sufferings of Jesus, in soul and body, both on the Mount of Olives and on the cross.

When the greatest part of the baptized returned from the islands, and were intending to set out for the sound, he said, in a discourse to them, among other things, "When we are among the savages, we hear nothing of our Saviour and his merits, but of earthly things, which our hearts receive no nourishment from. Hence it may easily happen that we grow dry, trifling,




and deceitful. But, we know, though we have no teachers with us to instruct us, yet we have the Holy Spirit every where, whose delight it is to put us in mind of our Saviour. But, for this, an obedient heart and listening ear is required. And if this is wanting, even our teachers can be of no great benefit to us. well know that formerly it was but of little advantage to us, though our teachers visited us, or we them, ever so often, as being then such bad people, and destitute of all feeling in our hearts. But since we are made sensible of His death and passion in our hearts, the case is quite altered; at least I can say, whatever I am about, I have him near to my heart, which makes me constantly happy. But I know that many among us are still liable to swerve from him in their hearts, and to fall into something or other of painful consequence to them. But, I intreat you, give heed to the direct way which the Holy Spirit shews you to the wounds of our Saviour; and when you are sensible that it is not well with you, go directly to Him who has bought us with his blood, and beseech him to draw quite near your hearts again. And when ye come among the savages, beware of suffering damage in your souls. While they talk together of unprofitable things, do ye think on Jesus the crucified.* Must ye speak with them, let your chief topic be what our Saviour has done, and daily does for your souls. Now I wish we all may look constantly unto him, how he was nailed for us on the cross, until we go to him."

On one occasion, a great number of heathen, from South Greenland, visited New Herrnhuth. On the Missionaries attempting to direct their attention to the Saviour of sinners, and the happiness of those who believed in him, they said they did not understand the discourses of the Europeans-their ears were incapable of comprehending such strange words about an immortal soul, about a Creator and Saviour. Just then Daniel came in. "Now," said the Missionaries, "here comes a Greenlander, whose words ye will understand."

* Admirable advice!-how can we be, or be called Christians, if we think not on Christ crucified?

Having desired Daniel to make the matter plain to them, he first of all examined them, how their kayaks and women's boats came into being; and they confessing that nothing could cause its own existence, but must be made by one that is greater, and existed before, he said, "Thus ye may easily conceive that men also must be made by some one. Him we call Pingortitsirsok, the Creator of all things. He made man to be his property. But he fell from Him, and joined issue by sin with Torngarsuk,* who is an extremely bad spirit. But it pitied the Creator of all things to see man involved in ruin and eternal damnation. He himself, therefore, was made man, like me and you,-laid down his life for us, and shed his blood, in order to set us free from sin and the devil. Hence it is that we call him, our Creator Jesus Christ, Anaursirsok, our Saviour and. Deliverer. Now, when we believe this, and are washed in his blood from all evil, we are made children of God; and when we die, we go to him, and remain for ever with him in felicity unspeakable. But that ye

say, ye know not whether ye have a soul, is not true. Ye will not know it, nor care for your immortal soul, because ye choose still to act according to your pleasure, and according to the lust of your flesh; therefore it is, that ye will not hear nor understand, nor come to the believers; for ye know that a change must pass upon you, and ye think ye can then have no more satisfaction. But ye are vastly deceived. I had formerly no true satisfaction; but when I believed in our Saviour, I began to be truly happy. As often as I think on his death and blood-shedding, my heart is light and joyful."

This discourse, which, Mr. Crantz observes, "flowed with an uncommon freedom, like a fountain, from the Greenlander's mouth and heart, struck the heathen very much, and visibly threw them into great agitation of mind." And he ascribes the addition of three families to the congregation to the impression made upon this


* The name of the false god of the Greenlanders. Daniel here speaks in accordance with the testimony of inspiration. "The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God," 1 Cor. x. 20; see also Deut. xxxii. 17, 18.

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