
which pressed his, and taking Plain- ! mit, Julia became, with the approville by the arm, quitted the room; bation of Major Mordaunt, her nearthe general and Mrs. Harvey soon est surviving relative, the wife of followed, leaving Mandeville and Ju Mandeville. Shortly after, ill health lia together. The long-promised and compelled the colonel to return to almost forgotten story was then told, || his native land, and Julia gladly left which we shall prefer giving the that country which had been the reader in our own words.

1 grave of her father, and which she Charles Mandeville and Henry feared would prove fatal to her husPlainville had been friends and school. || band also. fellows; and when they left school. Arrived in England, and finding to launch into the busy world, their that beloved husband restored to early attachment seemed, if possible, convalescence by the genial air of to increase. Mandeville chose the bis natal soil, Mrs. Mandeville gave army for his profession. Plainville aloose to her naturally gay and vowas the son of a gentleman of large latile spirits; and in society she bepossessions in the West Indies, and came the life and soul of the party, was therefore destined to lead a life fascinating all by the brilliancy and of idleness, being liberally supplied playfulness of her wit; whilst the with money by an indulgent parent, correctness of her manners, and the whose pride it was to see him the affection she was known to bear to foremost of the gay and giddy throng her husband, checked and awed the by which he was surrounded. Man- | approaches of those who might have deville's parents had died young; been inclined to build any presumpbut his guardian, a man of honour tuous hopes on her lively badinage and probity, had sedulously fulfilled and extreme good-humour. One of his duty to the orphan; and when their most esteemed intimates was he left England for India, to which Plainville, who, by the death of his his regiment was ordered, the good father, had become possessed of an old man's blessing was given with all immense property. He had been the warmth and affection of a pa- | married, and was a widower, with rent.

an interesting boy, scarcely a twelveMandeville was absent ten years, || month old, on whom Mrs. Mandeduring which time his regiment had ville lavished a mother's fondness; been engaged in many perilous en- and he was always a welcome visitor, counters, and he had risen to the both at the colonel's house in town, rank of colonel. He returned a mar- and at Mandeville villa in Surrey, a ried man, being united to Miss Mor- delightful spot, to which the happy daunt, the daughter of a gallant of- family at times retired, from the busficer of that name, who had fallen tle and dissipation attendant on a gloriously in the hour of victory, be- London fashionable life. Unfortuqueathing, with his last breath, bis nately Mr. Plainville soon became atJulia to the care of his comrade in tached to Mrs. Mandeville to a dearms. A mutual attachment existed gree of infatuation which rendered between this amiable pair; and as it almost impossible for him to consoon after the death of her father as eeal his passion. In an unguarded respect for his memory would per- moment he ventured to declare to

this amiable lady, how much he lov- || deville kept a supply for the use of ed her; and her indignant rebuke, the villagers), to apply to the hurts her energetic remonstrance on the in- of the invalid. Always active in the jury and dishonour which he con-|| cause of humanity, Mrs. Mandeville templated perpetrating to his friend, proceeded with the person who prethat friend who loved and trusted tended to have been sent by Mrs. him, instead of diverting him from Luckett to the cottage. The way his infamous pursuit, roused all the was through an unfrequented lane, bad passions of his heart; and he | and she had hardly reached the midvowed, cost what it might, to be re- dle of it, when a large shawl was venged.

thrown over her head by some perHe shortly after took leave of son from behind, and she felt herMandeville, under pretence of mak-|| self instantly lifted from the ground ing a journey to the north. Mrs. M. by two men, and conveyed away at rejoiced at his departure, as she an- | a very swift pace. The shawl stifled ticipated a renewal of his professions, her voice, and she was sensible of which would have compelled her to being placed in a carriage, which apply to her husband for protection; drove off at a rapid rate, without beand in the retirement of Mandeville ing capable of making an effort for villa she devoted herself to prepara- her deliverance. tions for the period which was now Mandeville returned at night, and rapidly approaching, when Mande- | his first inquiry was for his wife: the ville trusted he should be made a servants had seen her go out to Mrs. happy father, as he already was a Luckett's, but had not heard of or husband. He little dreamt how soon seen her since. Mandeville immeall his happiness was to be wrecked! diately hastened to the cottage, and

One morning he left his wife to on his arrival, he found that the proceed to town on some business story by which his Julia had been connected with a security into which decoyed from her home was a fabrihe had entered for a brother officer, cation, no person having been taken who had disappeared, carrying with in there wounded, and of course no him large sums of money, which it message to that purport having ever was feared Mandeville would have been sent by the old woman to the to pay. Julia was left at the villa; || villa. Distracted by his fears and and as she was musing in anxious so- apprehensions, yet not knowing what licitude upon the probable effect this to think, or on whom to fix his susunlucky affair would have on the for- | picions, the agitated husband set tunes of the little innocent of which about making inquiries in the vilshe was soon likely to become the lage, all of which ended in disapmother, a servant entered and told pointment; and, without taking rest her, that a poor and maimed crea-or refreshment, he threw bimself inture had just been taken in at widow to a chaise, and set out for London, Luckett's, an old woman who lived to obtain the assistance of the poin a small cottage at the extremity lice in his search. Some of its most of Colonel Mandeville's grounds, active officers returned with him; who had sent for some embrocation but so well had the nefarious invaand liniment (of which Mrs. Man- ders of his domestic happiness laid

their plans, that no trace could be without his active interference. He gained, no clue found. The only in- || seemed incapable of attending to the formation which the officers obtained | details of business; he signed any was, that a chaise, with the blinds papers which were brought to him, up, had been seen driving, on the assented to every thing that was day in question, towards the metro said, but was quite incompetent to polis; but this was a circumstance give directions, or to superintend any of too frequent recurrence to excite arrangements. Fortunately his soobservation or cause inquiry. licitor was a man of honour and pro

Mandeville was now like one be bity. He took care that every thing reft of his senses. To meet the de- || should be done for the interest of his mands which the treachery of his client which the unfortunate state friend had caused to be made upon of his affairs would admit; but when his purse, his property, even his all was settled, only a small annuity commission, was obliged to be dis- remained of his once handsome proposed of. The necessary steps were perty. taken with his sanction, but entirely (To be concluded in our next.)


No. II.

(Concluded from p. 216.) In August 1823, Mr. William Ca- | only just introduced, he earnestly inrey, author of the Critical Descrip- quired the name of the sculptor, tions of “ Stothard's Canterbury | saying, “ But for the newness of this Pilgrims,” and “ West's Death on Torso, I should have imagined it the the Pale Horse," and of various production of some Italian artist in other critical publications, paid a vi- | the time of Cellini or Baccio Bansit of some weeks to Cork, in which | dinelli."—His question led to the city he was a personalstranger. When information that it was a performviewing the admirable casts present- || ance by Hogan, a young self-taught ed by his Majesty to the Royal Cork sculptor, who was then at work above Society of Arts, he chanced to see, stairs, in a small apartment in the where it had fallen down under one of Academy. In a moment more Mr. the benches, a figure of a small Torso, Carey was in Hogan's study, where in wood, about a foot and a half or he saw, with astonishment, his Female two feet high. On taking it up, he Skeleton; a grand Head of an Aposwas struck by the correct proportion, tle, of a small size; a copy of Mifleshiness, and taste of the execution. chael Angelo's Mask; some groups His surprise was excited by observ in bas-relief from designs by Barry, ing, that this figure had the appear- | and various studies of hands and ance of a new performance; and not feet, all cut in pine-wood; a copy in expecting to meet with an artist of stone of the Silenus and Satyrs from merit in a place where the arts were the antique; and a number of his Vol. VI. No. XXXV.


drawings in black and white chalk. || largely contribute to the fame of Above all, he was surprised at the their country, and that before a few spirited conception of a figure of a years have passed, they will cach Roman Soldier, about two feet high, be proud to boast, 'I was one of the and at the rich composition of a early patrons of Hogan.'” This Triumph of Silenus, consisting of fif. zeal would have been ineffectual withteen figures, designed in an antique out the aid of the press; but the style and cut in bas-relief by this editor of the “ Cork Advertiser" not young artist. The interest created only inserted Mr. Carey's letter in by his works was not lessened by his his journal of August 7 (1823), but, tall and slender figure, by the sensi- ! with a promptitude and public spirit bility of his intelligent features, and which do him honour, he proffered the modest good sense with which the use of his columns to Mr. Cahe told the story of his apprentice- rey's further exertions in behalf of ship to the trade of a carpenter, his Hogan. This laudable discharge of struggles as a self-taught sculptor, his public duty formed a strong conhis total want of employment, and trast to the apathy of those editors his precarious prospects.

in London who knew of Proctor's Mr. Carey was convinced that, merits and distress, and left him to without an immediate exertion, the perish without publishing a line in genius of Hogan, like that of Proc | his favour. Mr. Hogan's advocate tor, must become a misfortune to its | followed up his first publication by possessor, and be lost to his country. six letters, continued to the 11th of With the hope of rescuing the young September, in the same journal, earartist from that prospect, he wrote, || nestly soliciting for a public subscripimmediately after his return from his tion to send Hogan to Rome. But first discovery of Hogan in his little still the matter was doubtful, for the workshop, a letter for insertion in recommendation of a private indivithe “ Cork Advertiser," addressed dual, who was a stranger in that part to the noblemen, gentlemen, and opu- l of the country, could have little dent merchants of Cork and its vici- weight; but, luckily, there happennity. In this communication, after | ed to be a gentleman in Cork, who having instanced several self-taught knew that Mr. Carey, from a view of painters and sculptors who had risen two busts, modelled in clay, by Chanto the first eminence, and having trey, before he had ever worked in warmly expressed his sense of the marble, had published a propheticanpowers visible in Hogan's works, nouncement ofthat artist's future fame which he particularized, he conclud in “ The Iris, or Sheffield Advered in these words: “ I shall in my || tiser," of November and December next communication venture to offer || 1805. The same gentleman had some further remarks on his extra-heard that Mr. Carey had, in a siordinary genius, and on the honoura- milar prophetic manner, announced, ble duty of sending him to London in the “ Liverpool Courier,"in 1810, or Rome by a public subscription. the future celebrity of Gibson, the I confidently hope that the people sculptor, from a view of his first exof Cork, who assist in this patriotic bibition-model, a figure of Psyche. object, will thereby speedily and These two proofs of correct judg

ment, being thus made public in | instances of Sir John Leicester's noCork, gave a weight to Mr. Carey's ble-minded zeal for the advancement recommendation of Hogan. Fortu- of the British School of Art, and of nately another circumstance contri- his munificent patronage of native buted to draw the public attention genius, that he entertained a firm reto that young artist's merits, and ac- liance on the happy issue of his apcelerated a public movement in his plication. The result proved that favour.

he was not mistaken in his high opiHogan, on reading the first letter nion of that great patron's liberality in the “Cork Advertiser," addressed a and public spirit. Hogan had the private letter to Mr. Carey, express- honour to receive the following leting his grateful sense of that ama-ter, and its liberal inclosure, by return teur's exertions, and sent with it the of post. Male Torso and grand old Head of TABLEY-HOUSE, 20th Sept. 1823. an Apostle, requesting his advocate Sir to accept them, in token of his warm

I have not yet received the speciacknowledgments. Mr. Carey in his mens of your art in sculpture, which you answer stated his opinion, that if he have been so polite as to announce have could not add to the young artist's ing sent to me; but I am so well aware of income, he ought not to decrease his Mr. Carey's judgment in matters of this means; and conceiving that these two nature, that I do not a moment hesitule, extraordinary performances might be

after the account he has favoured me with turned to a better account, he kindly |

of your promising abilities, to promote

the further advancement of your studies, declined to accept the present, although he highly admired the two

either at home or abroad, by becoming a

subscriber to the fund which I understand pieces of sculpture. But he request.

has been set on foot for this purpose ; and ed Hogan to write to Sir John Fle

if your friends, eventually recommend ming Leicester, at Tabley-House in

your going to the Continent, I will, with Cheshire; to use his (Mr. Carey's) great pleasure, use any interest I have in name for that liberty; and to entreat procuring you letters of introduction from Sir John's acceptance of the Male | the first artists in this kingdom. I am, Torso and the grand old Head, as sir, your obedient servant, the respectful offering of a young un

J. F. LEICESTER. friended artist's chisel. Hogan fol- | P.S. I beg to inclose my subscription, lowed this request without delay; and || £25. Mr. Carey, who undertook to trans

To Mr. J. Hogan, Cork. mit the present, wrote, by the same. This letter, which cannot be made post, to Sir John Fleming Leicester, too public as an excitement to others, stating his high estimate of Hogan's is only one of those numberless ingenius; the obstacles to the intend-stances of princely patriotism, which ed subscription for sending him to have ranked Sir John Leicester, next Rome; the local backwardness to to his Majesty, as the first British make a beginning; and his fears that patron of art. That munificent it might not succeed, without Sir || amateur, on hearing from Mr. Carey, John's generous example. The ad- a few months before, of the efforts vocate of Hogan had seen so many then making by the Royal Irish In

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