
young heathen Chief; that they had yams, &c., prepared to eat with the bodies of those slain in war; and that Viwa would become an easy prey, as many whales' teeth had been sent to different Chiefs, to engage them on the side of Bau. At this time an old Chief came from Bau with a request, that the Chief of Viwa would cease to prepare for war. Soon after his arrival, the Priest professed to be inspired by their gods; and as he was near my house, I went to see and hear. After various gesticulations, he said, 'I am the Chief of war. I only am strong and wise to fight. I can do as I please. War is that by which I amuse myself; I love it; I wish now to sport therein. War is the proper exercise of Chiefs; it becomes them. There are two things worthy the attention of gods and Chiefs,-war and feasts. Go on; build your walls; erect your fences. Fighting is good. I will fight; my hand is strong, and long also. I can extend it to Somosomo, to Tonga, to Britain, and all lands. Why do you not go and burn Somosomo ? Well, erect your fences; the people of Vungalea are erecting theirs, and all the cities are preparing for war; but none will prevail against Bau.' He then addressed the old Chief of Viwa, and said, Your children are shooting and amusing themselves with war: if they go too far, lay your preventing hand upon them.' The god then called for yang-gona, (kava,) that he might drink and walk about, for he was weary with sitting, having come in a canoe from Bulu (the supposed residence of the gods) yesterday, and having been awake all night, watching over the people of Viwa. Yang-gona was prepared, and he drank abundantly. After this, he withdrew without farther ceremony. His departure was indicated by the Priest's feigning to faint, and then appearing like one awaking from his sleep. The old Chief then offered me his hand, and said, that the god who had just visited them was his son, who died, went to Bulu, and became the god of war. I corrected his error, and proclaimed to him the one living and true God.

"Meanwhile the men of Viwa were strengthening their fortifications, and the young Chief gave orders for them to assemble to receive instructions respecting the manner in which they were to proceed. About noon it was reported that the enemy was near, and, to effect a landing in different parts, had divided themselves into three parties: the strong

est party took the centre, and placed themselves opposite our house. Imme. diately the firing commenced; and it was reported at the settlement, that the young Chief had killed one with his musket, and orders were given to beat the drum; (they have a certain way of beating, by which all know an enemy has fallen;) the supposed victorious parties shouted for joy, and rattled their spears, clubs, and other weapons, clap. ping their hands in exultation. A second report was, that another enemy had fallen, and orders were given for a repeat on the drum. But immediately it was said, the enemy had gained a landing, and the Viwa people were mak. ing for the fortification to defend themselves. This was followed with shouts, "Our enemies have gained an entrance into the town.' The men of Nameua had been placed around the fence near us: the enemy rushed suddenly and overpowered them, and all the horrors of murder followed. Some, to save them. selves, leaped over our garden-fence, both at the front and back of the house, their enemies pursuing them to death. One was killed close at our door, and another at the window. The firing was awful, and they were falling dead on every hand. I took Mrs. Cross and the children into the middle room, made a bulwark of boxes to keep off the shot; and we committed our cause into the hands of our heavenly Father, believing he would preserve us. I gave directions,

at the commencement of the fight, to the domestics and Teachers, to come into the house and keep the door shut; but, looking out at the window, I saw the dead bodies surrounding us. In the midst of this, a person came to tell us, that the enemy had been let into the town by treachery, and that the whole was previously arranged by the young Chief and Seru of Bau, with a view to destroy the men of Nameua. In less than an hour the war was over; a hundred were killed near our house, and the men of Bau were busily engaged in conveying the bodies of the slain to their canoes, that they might be taken to Bau to be divided amongst their different friends for the purpose of being baked and eaten. One hundred and seventy were slain. When it was over, Seru called to say, we need not fear: the war was over, and we might dwell in peace: he had love to us, and had given direction to his men of war not to touch us or our premises. Next morning Seru called again, to request we would not leave the land, and go to

Lakemba. I replied, 'We are not thinking to remove; but I wish your wars were over.""

On the tidings of the catastrophe at Viwa reaching Nameua, eighty women were strangled to accompany the fallen warriors to the land of spirits.

After the hearing of these things, we had family prayer, and retired for the night.

17th. I left Viwa for Bau, where we went to the house of Tanoa, to whom all Feejee pays respect. He is, in a certain sense, Prince of Kings, a venerable old man. His house surpasses, in magnitude and grandeur, any thing I have seen in these seas. It is one hundred and thirty feet long, and forty-two feet wide, with massive columns in the centre, and strong, curious workmanship in every part. Tanoa received us very graciously; and on my offering a present, he clapped hands, which was the highest mark of respect, and an acknowledgment that he was in the presence of a greater Chief than himself. If the people had clapped hands at his instance, that would have shown respect; but doing it himself showed the greatest. He beckoned me to sit on the mat by him. I told him it was my great wish that a Missionary should live on his land at Bau, and teach the people: he replied, "It is very good." I said, "Will you build him a house?" He said, "I am building that part of the city which was burnt down; but it is in my mind to build you a house." Having urged them to renounce Paganism, embrace Christianity, and strive to enter the kingdom of heaven, we bade them farewell.

We then called on Seru, his son, whose life is characterized by war, cruelty, and bloodshed. He has thirty or forty wives: the principal one was seated by him, while he was sleeping on his mat. On being roused from his slumber, he gave me with lordly indifference his hand, the savage being depicted in every feature of his countenance. Having told him what lands I had visited, and our object in visiting them, I added, "When will your wars cease in Feejee?" He replied, "We will fight till we die: we will teach our children to fight, and our children's children shall fight." I said, "It is a pity in so good a land for your people to be destroyed." He answered, "It will be very good for them all to be dead." While we were there, we were told they were going to eat a man, and that his body was in the oven. Our natives were sent to inquire more particularly into this matter, and found it even so; and that

another man who had been killed, was sent as a present to another koro to be eaten. As he seemed disposed to talk of nothing but war, we left him, and went to another great Chief, Vacikoso, a very large, powerful man in his day, but now enfeebled through age. I asked, as he professed to embrace Christianity two years ago, if he now loved the Lord Jesus Christ. He said "It is very good, and I am trying to do so." We left this populous city greatly regretting that I had not a Missionary to stand up between the living and the dead, that the moral plague might be stayed. When we had sailed about ten miles, our men exclaimed, "They are going to roast a man!" We made sail for the spot, and saw the dead corpse in a small canoe ready to be taken to the oven, as soon as it was sufficiently hot. Portions had been cut off, and sent to a great female Chief, the Queen of Rewa's mother. Afterwards I saw the old woman, who is much respected by the Feejeeans. She seems an old, hardened cannibal.

On our arrival at home, after taking a little refreshment, Mr. Jaggar narrated the following facts :-One of the servants of the King of Rewa, a few months ago ran away she was soon, however, brought back to the King's house, when, at the Queen's request, her arm was cut off below the elbow, and cooked for the King, who ate it in her presence, and ordered her body to be burnt in different parts. The woman is still living.

Two men that were taken alive in the war at Viwa, were removed from thence to Kamba to be killed. Seru, the Bau Chief, told his brother Raivalata the manner in which he intended them to be killed. He said, "That will be very cruel," and that if he would allow them to live, he would give a canoe. Seru answered, "Keep your canoe: I want to eat men." Raivalata then left the town, that he might not witness the horrid sight. The following cruel deed was then perpetrated: The men doomed to death were made to dig a hole in the earth for the purpose of making a native oven, and were required to cut fire-wood to roast their own bodies. They were then directed to go and wash, and afterwards to make a cup of the banana-leaf, which, from an open vein in each person, was soon filled with blood. This blood was drunk in the presence of the sufferers by the Kamba people. Seru then had their arms and legs cut off, cooked, and eaten, some of which were presented to them. Seru then ordered a fish-hook to be put into their tongues, which were drawn out as far as

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possible, and then cut off: these were roasted and eaten, while they tauntingly said, "We are eating your tongues." As life was not extinct, an incision was made in the side, and the bowels taken out, which soon terminated their sufferings in this world. Mr. and Mrs. Jaggar passed the town at the time this took place. A man who had witnessed this bloody deed gave the particulars as above stated. It was confirmed by several others at different times; and a Feejeean, who has lotued, gave me, in person, the same blood-chilling ac


After a war at Verata, Seru had the children of the slaughtered taken to Bau, and fastened to trees, that his own children might kill them with the bow and arrow, and thus learn to be warriors, it being the custom of Feejee to train their children for war in this way. A few months since, a man was bathing in the Rewa river, when a shark devoured him; on the hearing of which, a near relative strangled the widow.

About the same time, a young woman ran away from the King's brother at Rewa. She was, however, soon brought back, when fifteen muskets were fired at her; her brains were then beaten out with a club, and the body was roasted and eaten.

The father of the present King of Rewa was one of the greatest cannibals ever known. He used to say, when vegetables were brought him, "What is there to eat with it?" They answered, "Pork." "No; that will not do." "Fish." "No; that will not do. Have you got a (ikalevu) great fish?" meaning a dead human body. He used to feel people: if fat, he said, "Your fat is good, I must eat you" if lean, he sent them to be fed. He liked man's flesh especially in the morning. If his sons did not eat with him, he beat them. This account Mr. Jaggar had from the present King's brother, a very intelligent


A Chief, a relative of Tanoa, made his escape, and was pursued until they found him in a tree, from which he was brought into the presence of Tanoa. His hands were then tied, and he was made to sit before Tanoa, who kissed him, while with his own hands he cut off one of his arms, when, having drunk some of his blood, he threw the arm on the fire, and afterwards eat it in his presence. The Chief said, "Do not do that to me : I am a Chief." Tanoa then cut off the other arm, and his legs; also as much of his tongue as he could; then divided the

trunk, leaving what remained to dry in

the sun.

They sometimes eat the human body raw; but they say it is better baked. Sometimes the blood is drunk warm, and at other times cold. They also drink the blood of pigs.

19th. Though few have as yet embraced Christianity at Rewa, its collateral effects are felt. A great Chief at Bau lotued and died at Rewa, and Mr. Jaggar was allowed to give him a Christian burial in the place sacred for Chiefs; and his widow was not strangled, because she was the widow of a Christian man.

In the evening, we were surprised by the discharge of a number of muskets simultaneously: we sent to know the reason, and found it was in consequence of a man being taken ill, and they were firing to drive the devil away, having a persuasion that he had inflicted the pain.

20th. I preached to the natives, in a house belonging to a Chief, and was much pleased with the number of persons present, and their generally serious behaviour. At eleven A. M. I preached to the Mission family: the rain descending almost in torrents, prevented more than one European attending.

In the afternoon, rain still pouring down, Mrs. Jagger met her class; at the close of which she called on a native woman to pray. I was surprised at her fluency; and as we were in an adjoining room, divided only by reeds, I requested Mr. Jaggar to give the subsequent part of her prayer, which was as follows:"Thank you, God, for putting love into Mr. Waterhouse, to leave his wife and children, and come from such a distant land, to tell us about the things of God. He has not come to seek the riches of this land; but in love. I thank you for having preserved him on the waters from winds, rocks, and reefs: and no wonder! for all things are easy to you; things dif ficult are easy. Give us a retentive memory, to keep what we heard him say in the morning! May we go to hear instruction, whether it rain greatly or blow violently! Bless. -, who is ill: help her, that she may not fear death. Give us a mind to endure; not to be discouraged, and go back," &c. They give her an excellent character. One day she could not get a canoe to bring her to her class; and, rather than lose the opportunity of meeting her Christian friends, she swam across the river, (one hundred and thirty-seven feet wide,) which is infested with sharks.

22d, Tanoa, the old King of Bau,

has come to see me, with a great number of his men. I said, "Will you build us a house for a Missionary at Bau?" He said, "I have come to tell you, if you will send a Missionary, I will do it immediately." To have a Missionary there, is of essential importance: it is the metropolis of Feejee, the seat of cannibalism, the sink of iniquity. O that my voice could reach Great Britain! Feejee, of all lands, needs help! Had I Teachers, they would receive them in every island. We want men fearless of death for Christ's sake; men willing to be martyrs. We cannot count the number of Feejeeans. Some men have just been at Rewa, who had never seen the sea before, and who speak an entirely different language: they are willing to receive the messengers of mercy; but, until some King or commanding Chief shall lotu, there will be great difficulties.


fields are ripening. Pray ye the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into this extensive field!

23d. The rain has abated; and the wind is more favourable. Mr. and Mrs. Jaggar are preparing to accompany us to the District-Meeting. The unsettled state of things renders it needful for her to go, as no female will be secure alone. Mr. Cross cannot leave for a single night, as they are in constant peril from the Heathen.

25th. At ten A. M. we weighed anchor, and set sail for Somosomo, committing our cause to God.

A great Chief, belonging to Bau, who lotued at Rewa about two months ago, has begged a passage to Somosomo and Lakemba, wishful to tell their Kings of the true God and Saviour. I am much pleased with him, and hope his mission will be for good; but as they are all engaged in war, it is doubtful.

I conversed with our Chief about the native wars, the circumstances which led to his lotuing, &c. For some time he was the greatest persecutor that the Christians had. About ten months since he was afflicted, and exhausted his riches by presenting them to his gods; during which time he was constantly troubled with alarming dreams, intimating that his affliction was for persecuting the Christians, and shooting at the Missionaries.

At length he made known his mind to Mr. Jaggar; sending at the same time to the King to say, that if he got better he would return to Heathenism! Since then he has seen the folly of his past conduct, has renounced Heathenism, and embraced Christianity as the truth, and is seeking to enjoy its

comforts, and to benefit his countrymen. He can now read and write.

28th. We arrived in safety at Somosomo, and found the brethren and sisters well, considering the trials they have had. The two Kings, and almost all the fighting men, were away at a great feast. Since my last visit, the Missionaries have been in perilous circumstances; and, for a while, thought they should have to flee for their lives; but, of late, the King has appeared of a better mind. The perpetual wars, however, of this unhappy land, and the threatened invasion of the Bau Chiefs, make it a grave question whether the time to leave Somosomo is not come. A number of their slain have been brought and eaten in the presence of the Missionaries. At the same time, one or two circumstances show the salutary influence which the Missionaries are exerting over the mind of the young cannibal King. A very large beautiful canoe has been built here; and, as it is the custom to kill and eat as many human bodies as there are planks in the canoe, the carnage on this occasion was expected to be great; and, on its completion, orders were given that so many men should be killed as a feast for the carpenters. The Missionaries, Messrs. Hunt and Lyth, went to the King with presents, and entreated him to spare the men ; but he seemed deaf to their entreaties. They continued to importune, until, like the unjust Judge, he was wearied into compliance. But how he was to satisfy the Chiefs in such a departure from their ancient customs, was one difficulty. This, however, he surmounted, by saying, as his men were comparatively few, he wished to spare their lives. Thus the canoe was finished and launched, without being stained with human blood. It is also the custom, when a new canoe of such magnitude takes her first voyage, to kill and eat some of the people of every land at which she touches. One or two of the Christian Tonguese were with the King on this occasion; and, as they approached the different lands, the people fled into the wilderness to escape death. The King, however, gave commandment in every case, that no men should be killed; and, when the Sunday came, he said to the Tonguese, "It is your sacred day. We will not sail, and you may worship your God." The canoe eventually returned without one individual having been killed.

In another instance, the people of Viwa on this land were encouraging the Chiefs of Bau in their wars. The King mustered his army, and determined on

war with Viwa. Messrs. Hunt and Lyth took presents to His Majesty, and begged, that if the people surrendered and asked pardon, he would have mercy and spare the innocent. The result was, he went with eleven hundred fighting men; and after killing a few, the rest surrendered; but as there had been a great deal of treachery connected with the Bau alliance, it was expected that the law of extermination would be enforced: espe cially as they had gained the fort, and his warriors were anxious to massacre the whole, and take the spoil. But the King commanded, that neither man, woman, nor child should be killed. They were accordingly spared; and the warparty returned without any of their usual marks of triumph. These are glorious achievements; and by one acquainted (like me) with cannibal Feejee, they must be regarded as the twilight of a brighter day.

July 2d. We left Somosomo, accompanied by Messrs. Hunt, Lyth, and Jaggar, for Lakemba; Mr. and Mrs. Tucker staying to protect the Mission premises and their families, during our absence.

7th. I landed at Lakemba, and was welcomed, as usual, by the Mission families. In the evening I waited upon the King and Chiefs with presents.

8th. We entered on the business of the District-Meeting, having all the brethren present except Mr. Cross. The sympathy of the District-Meeting was expressed to him in a letter, as we painfully felt the peculiarly trying circumstances in which the Viwa war had placed him and his family.

18th. The Feejeean service was conducted by Joshua, the native Teacher, who had been at Hobart-Town, &c., and who, at the request of the Missionaries, gave a narrative of his travels, &c. He stated, in a very touching manner, the circumstances which led to his accompanying Mr. Cargill; also my visit to Kandavu, where they had determined to cut off the first boat's crew that touched on their land. He further said, "On my arrival at Hobart-Town all things were new to me; it seemed quite a new world, and I said to myself, 'Is it real, or am I dreaming?' For some time I could not persuade myself it was more than a dream: at length 1 was convinced of its reality, and gazed with increasing wonder, and my soul fled from me in astonishment. I then began to love the Missionaries more than ever, who had left such good things to come to Tonga and Feejec. The Chiefs at

Hobart-Town were very kind, and asked
me to preach, that they might know
whether I was wise." A similar ac-
count of Sydney was given by Joshua,
who testified of the kindness shown to
him: "But," said he, "on going to the
chapel, I was surprised to find that they
made viou" (organ)
"sing. The

Chiefs wished me to tell them the root
of my going: they assembled, and I
told them the root of it all. I then
went to Paramatta, in a vessel whose
sail was fire. I looked, but could not
tell what made it go straight on: it had
no sails like our canoes, no man pad-
dling as with us; and yet, wind or no
wind, it went straight. I found, more-
over, that it listened to what was said,
and stopped when it was told, to let
people go off. All that I could find as
the means of its going on, was, two
things which went up and down."
After remarking on the wonders of
Sydney, Paramatta, the Missionary
Meeting, and his visit to New-Zealand,
&c., he said, "I am thankful I have
visited Hobart-Town and Port-Jackson,
and have seen so much: and now, for
what reason, think you, can Missionaries
leave such good lands, houses, and
riches, and people that respect them;
and come here, where their houses are
bad, their food bad, and they have to
endure bad words, and bad things?
What is the conclusion? They come
in love to us, in love to our souls, not to
bring us worldly news, but the Gospel,
that we may not perish. You who
come from Tonga to Feejee, talk about
leaving your land! what its riches, what
its food, compared with what the Mis-
sionaries have left? Let us, then, at-
tend to their instructions; let us be
decided in religion. Remember, the
love of God is heavy; and remember,
the wrath of God is heavy also. This
is the end of my report." When
Joshua had finished, the drum beat, and
Mr. Lyth preached to the Tonguese:
Mr. Jaggar preached in Feejee in the
afternoon, and Joshua gave his narrative
to the Tonguese afterwards. In the
evening Mr. Hunt preached, and I ad-
ministered the sacrament of the Lord's
supper. At the close of the sermon, a
white man, who had lived nine years in
Feejee, expressed a wish to disclose his
mind, which was as follows:-"I have
been here some months, and often felt
under the preaching of Mr. Calvert and
Mr. Williams; but, last Sunday night,
when Mr. Waterhouse was preaching, I
felt my sins a heavy load, and have had
no rest night or day since; and this

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