
indulge her in her unworthy hatred to my poor innocent house to let her go to Hampstead, though your honour told us, you could get no condescension from her; no, not the least-O sir-O sir-I hope-I hope-if your lady will not come out I hope, you will find a way to hear this cause in her presence. I value not my doors on such an occasion as this. Justice I ever loved. I desire you will come at the bottom of it in clearance to me.

sworn I had no privity in this black corruption.

I'll be

Just then, we heard the lady's door unbar, unlock, unbolt

Now, sir!

Now, Mr. Lovelace!

Now, sir! from every encouraging mouth!

But, O Jack, Jack, Jack! I can write no more!


you must have it all, you must!

Now, Belford, see us all sitting in judgment, resolved to punish the fair briberess-I, and the mother, the hitherto dreaded mother, the nieces Sally, Polly, the traitress Dorcas, and Mabell, a guard, as it were, over Dorcas, that she might not run away, and hide herself:-all predetermined, and of necessity predetermined, from the journey I was going to take, and my precarious situation with her— and hear her unbolt, unlock, unbar, the door; then, as it proved afterwards, put the key into the lock on the outside, lock the door, and put it in her pocket-Will, I knew, below, who would give me notice, if, while we were all above, she should mistake her way, and go down-stairs, instead of coming into the dining-room: the street-doors also doubly secured, and every shutter to the windows round the house fastened, that no noise or screaming should be heard (such was the brutal preparation)—and then hear her step towards us, and instantly see her enter among us, confiding in her own innocence; and with a majesty in her person and manner, that is natural to her;

but which then shone out in all its glory!-Every tongue silent, every eye awed, every heart quaking, mine, in a particular manner, sunk, throbless, and twice below its usual region, to once at my throat :—a shameful recreant ! -She silent too, looking round her, first on me; then on the mother, as no longer fearing her; then on Sally, Polly; and the culprit Dorcas -Such the glorious power of innocence exerted at that awful moment !

She would have spoken, but could not, looking down my guilt into confusion. A mouse might have been heard passing over the floor: her own light feet and rustling silks could not have prevented it; for she seemed to tread air, and to be all soul. She passed backwards and forwards, now towards me, now towards the door, several times, before speech could get the better of indignation; and at last, after twice or thrice hemming, to recover her articulate voice-"O thou contemptible and abandoned Lovelace, thinkest thou that I see not through this poor villanous plot of thine, and of these thy wicked accomplices?

'Thou, woman (looking at the mother) once my terror! now my detestation! shouldst once more have provided for me intoxicating potions, to rob me of my


"And then thou, wretch, (turning to me) mightest more securely have depended upon such a low contrivance as this!

"And ye, vile women, who perhaps have been the ruin, body and soul, of hundreds of innocents, know that I am not married-ruined as I am, by your help, I bless God, I am not married, to this miscreant. And I have friends that will demand my honour at your hands!—and to whose authority I will apply; for none has this man over me. Look to it then, what further insults you offer me, or incite him to offer me. I am a person, though thus vilely betrayed, of rank and fortune. I never will be his; and, to your utter

ruin, will find friends to pursue you and now I have this full proof of your detestable wickedness, and have heard your base incitements, will have no mercy upon you!"

They could not laugh at the poor figure I made.— Lord how every devil, conscience-shaken, trembled !

"And as for thee, thou vile Dorcas! thou double deceiver!-whining out thy pretended love for me!—begone, wretch !-Nobody will hurt thee !—Begone, I say!—Thou hast too well acted thy part to be blamed by any here but myself. Thou art safe: thy guilt is thy security in such a house as this!-Steal away into darkness!-No inquiry after this will be made, whose the first advances, thine or mine."

And, as I hope to live, the wench, confoundedly frightened, slunk away; so did her sentinel Mabell; though I, endeavouring to rally, cried out for Dorcas to stay.-But I believe the devil could not have stopped her, when an angel bid her begone.

Madam, said I, let me tell you; and was advancing towards her, with a fierce aspect, most cursedly vexed, and ashamed too

But she turned to me; "Stop where thou art, O vilest and most abandoned of men !-Stop where thou art!nor, with that determined face, offer to touch me, if thou wouldst not that I should be a corpse at thy feet!"

To my astonishment, she held forth a penknife in her hand, the point to her own bosom, grasping resolutely the whole handle, so that there was no offering to take it from her.

"I offer not mischief to anybody but myself. You, sir, and ye, women, are safe from every violence of mine. The law shall be all my resource: the law!" and she spoke the word with emphasis that struck a panic into them. "The law only shall be my refuge

The infamous mother whispered me, that it were better to make terms with this strange lady, and let her go.

Sally, notwithstanding all her impudent bravery at other times, said, If Mr. Lovelace had told them what was not true of her being his wife

And Polly Horton, that she must needs say, the lady, if she were not my wife, had been very much injured; that was all.

That is not now a matter to be disputed, cried I : you and I know, madam

We do, said she; and I thank God, I am not thine -once more, I thank God for it.-I have no doubt of the further baseness that thou hadst intended me, by this vile and low trick: but I have my senses, Lovelace: and from my heart I despise thee, thou very poor Lovelace !-How canst thou stand in my presence !—thou, that

Madam, madam, madam-these are insults not to be borne-and was approaching her.

She withdrew to the door, and set her back against it, holding the pointed knife to her heaving bosom; while the women held me, beseeching me not to provoke the violent lady for their house sake, and be cursed to them, they besought me and all three hung upon me-while the heroic lady braved me, at that distance:

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'Approach me, Lovelace, with resentment, if thou wilt. I dare die. It is in defence of my honour. God will be merciful to my poor soul! I expect no mercy from thee! I have gained this distance, and two steps nearer me, and thou shalt see what I dare do !

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Leave me, women, to myself, and to my angel!—They retired at a distance.-O my beloved creature, how you terrify me!-holding out my arms, and kneeling on one knee. Not a step, not a step farther, except to receive my death at that injured hand which is thus held up against a life far dearer to me than my own! I am a villain! the blackest of villains!-Say you will sheath your knife in the injurer's not the injured's heart;. and then will I indeed approach you, but not else.

The mother twanged her damned nose; and Sally and Polly pulled out their handkerchiefs, and turned from us. They never in their lives, they told me afterwards, beheld such a scene

Unawares to myself, I had moved onward to my angel. -"And dost thou, dost thou, still disclaiming, still advancing-dost thou, dost thou, still insidiously move towards me? (And her hand was extended) I dare-I dare-not rashly neither-my heart from principle abhors the act, which thou makest necessary!-God, in thy mercy! (Lifting up her eyes, and hands) God, in thy mercy!"


I threw myself to the further end of the room. ejaculation, a silent ejaculation, employing her thoughts that moment; Polly says the whites of her lovely eyes were only visible: and, in the instant that she extended her hand, assuredly to strike the fatal blow (How the very recital terrifies me!) she cast her eye towards me, and saw me at the utmost distance the room would allow, and heard my broken voice-my voice was utterly broken; nor knew I what I said, or whether to the purpose or notand her charming cheeks, that were all in a glow before, turned pale, as if terrified at her own purpose; and lifting up her eyes-"Thank God!-thank God! said the angeldelivered for the present; for the present delivered— from myself!-Keep, sir, keep that distance! (looking down towards me, who was prostrate on the floor, my heart pierced, as with a hundred daggers!) That distance has saved a life; to what reserved, the Almighty only knows!————

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To be happy, madam; and to make happy!--And O let me but hope for your favour for to-morrow.-I will put off my journey till then-and may God

"Swear not, sir!-With an awful and piercing aspect--You have too, too often sworn !-God's eye is upon us!— His more immediate eye;"—and looked wildly.

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