
ing out such tubes, resulting in serious injury to workmen, have been doubtless due to the presence of this substance. It is, of course, obvious that an explosion of this kind, even if slight in itself, may be communicated to explosive mixtures of gas and air (in a gas-holder or gas-meter, for instance), and may thus lead to very disastrous results. An explosion of this kind occurred a few years ago in Lancashire. A large meter had been detached, and brought into the open air; a workman was unscrewing one of the brass connections, when the meter exploded with a loud report. The explosion could not be accounted for, as all the eye-witnesses were positive that no ignited body of any kind was near the meter.

The improvements effected in the production and application of Oils for illuminating purposes were next referred to.

The animal and vegetable oils, which for ages have been employed for this purpose, have received no development of importance during the last ten years. On the other hand, new sources of this class of illuminants have been discovered, which threaten to produce a great revolution in the modes of obtaining artificial light.

One of the most important of the materials manufactured from these sources is paraffin-oil, the production of which from Bog coal has been carried out on an immense scale with great ingenuity and success by Mr. Young, of Bathgate, near Edinburgh. [The speaker here exhibited several lamps fed with this oil.] This new source of light is however already threatened by a formidable rival-native coal oil-which has been distilled by nature herself, and consequently does not require those preliminary processes which oil produced from bituminous coal has to undergo. These discoveries have been made principally in the United States of America, and more especially in Canada. In the latter country alone no less than twenty millions of gallons of this oil have been obtained from wells, several of which are spouting-wells. From these the oil rises, probably from the pressure of gas, to a considerable height above the surface of the ground, so as not to require pumping. The twenty millions of gallons, which represent the annual production of the Canadian wells, may, upon a moderate calculation, be said to furnish, in refined oil alone, illuminating material equal to one hundred and eighty millions of pounds of sperm candles.

The importance of such a vast amount of illuminating material so cheaply obtained can scarcely be overrated in connexion with the question of the production of artificial light. Up to the present time, the refined oil from this crude petroleum (specimens of which were exhibited) has been prevented from coming into effective competition with the original paraffin-oil, owing to the carelessness with which the former has been manufactured. There is a considerable portion of light naphtha left in this oil, which renders it capable of forming explosive mixtures in the lamps wherein it is burned. Both these American oils require to be still further freed from volatile naphtha. They would then form valuable illuminating materials.

The speaker then directed attention to the following tables. The first contains the results of his experiments on the illuminating effect of these oils in connection with that of some other materials used for giving artificial light:

Illuminating Equivalents, or the Quantities of different Illuminating Materials necessary to Produce the same amount of Light.

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Young's Paraffin-oil
American rock-oil, No. 1



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No. 2

1.26 "9


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Composite do.


From this table was made the following calculation of the comparative cost, from different sources, of the light of twenty spermaceti candles, each burning for ten hours, at the rate of 120 grains per hour:

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Thus, from an economical point of view, the rock-oil and the paraffin-oil approach gas much more closely than any other illuminating agent hitherto invented; while the enormous quantities in which these oils are now being produced cannot fail to make them still lower in price. They may consequently be regarded as very formidable rivals of gaslight.

The following table contains the amount of carbonic acid and heat generated per hour by various illuminating agents, each giving the light of twenty sperm candles:

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This table shows to what extent the atmosphere of rooms is deteriorated by these illuminating agents. It shows also that, from this point of view, paraffin and rock-oils stand out as the best sources of light

The chemical and physical laws upon which all modes of artificial

illumination depend were then referred to. Every method of artificial illumination depends upon the heating of certain bodies to such a temperature that they become incandescent With gases this temperature is much higher than with liquids or solids. There is only one instance in which the incandescence of vapour is used, and that is the mercurial electric light, already alluded to. In all other cases the incandescence of solid bodies is employed. In the ordinary method of obtaining the electric light, the incandescence of solid prisms of carbon is the source of luminosity. In gas and oil flames, it is the incandescence of little particles of carbon, and in all these cases the light is produced from solid matter. The luminosity of any flame depends, first, upon the number of solid particles which exist in it at any given moment; and, secondly, upon the temperature of the flame. The number of solid particles is dependent upon the nature of the flame itself, whether it be a flame produced by the burning of bodies rich in hydrocarbons, or by the burning of bodies which are poorer in this respect. Such a flame is always affected by the pressure of the atmosphere. The higher the pressure of the air, the greater the number of luminous particles of carbon present at one time in the flame. If, after the barometer has been standing at 30 inches, it falls to 29 inches, the light of all flames is reduced to the extent of about 5 per cent. The temperature, upon which the luminosity of a flame also depends, may be increased by heating both the gas and the air supplied to it for combustion, before they are brought together to be burned.

The speaker exhibited a gas lamp which he had constructed to effect this object. It consisted of an ordinary argand burner, with glass chimney, but furnished with an outer glass cylinder resting upon a solid plate of glass, through the centre of which the tube supplying the gas rose. Thus all the air supplied to the flame was compelled to pass down between the chimney and outer cylinder, becoming thereby strongly heated before it reached the flame, whilst considerable heat was also imparted to the gas before the latter issued from the burner. In this manner a great increase of light, with the same consumption of gas, was obtained.

The following table was exhibited, showing the effect of this hot air gas-burner in reducing the consumption of gas for a given amount of light, and thereby also the impurities and heat which are thrown into the atmosphere in which such a lamp is burned:

Argand burner sup

Rate of consump.
tion per hour.


3.3 cubic feet 13

sperm candles.


plied with cold air

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Same burner supplied

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with hot air

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For an equal amount of light, the saving of gas=33 per cent. For an equal consumption of gas, the gain in light=62 per cent.

The temperature necessary to render substances incandescent may be imparted to them in various ways. It may be given directly by mechanical power, as in the "steel mill," formerly used in coal-mines. Usually, however, chemical action is employed, as in gas, candle, and oil-flames; or electricity is used, as in the various forms of electric light.

The conditions necessary for a good and satisfactory artificial light were now examined. In the first place, the light should contain all colours; that is, it should be capable of showing every variety of tint which will be exposed to it. This is the case with the carbon electric light, and that of candle, oil, and gas flames, since the light from these sources contains all the colours of the spectrum. But there are many colours which the mercurial electric light is incapable of showing, since they are absent from its spectrum. It was also shown that all pure colours, except yellow, were perfectly black, when seen by the light of incandescent sodium vapour.

Solar light, although in so many respects superior to artificial light, is defective as regards the showing of colours. There are certain colours which cannot be seen by solar light-for instance, all the colour which can be seen by the sodium flame is quite invisible in daylight. If a pigment could be made of such a yellow colour as to be of exactly the shade of that produced by the sodium flame, it would be absolutely black in solar light. But our pigments are all mixed colours, and no such pigment which thus entirely disappears in the light of the sun is known. But in addition to this tint of the sodium flame, there are hundreds of other tints which are also not present in the solar spectrum, and which are consequently invisible in daylight.

Although solar light is inferior to artificial light in the completeness of its colours, yet, in another respect-in the comparatively small amount of heat which accompanies its rays in proportion to the light itself-it is greatly superior to every sort of artificial light. The great amount of heat in our artificial lights is absolutely useless. It is nearly all intercepted by the humours of the eye before it reaches the retina, and, no doubt, produces that irksomeness which is felt after working in artificial light for any considerable time, and which is not experienced from daylight.

The speaker concluded as follows:-The history of artificial illumination cannot fail to impress upon us the difficulties in the way of the application of scientific discovery to the utilities of life. How long was it after the discovery of the production of gas from coal, before a manufacturer could be found to bring it into actual operation? Thirty years ago, working in his laboratory at Blansko, Reichenbach showed us the process by which we could obtain paraffin and paraffin-oil from bituminous coal; but the discovery remained unheeded for twenty years. More than thirty years ago, Mr. Faraday pointed out a source of the electric light in the permanent magnet; but we are only now beginning to use it for illuminating purposes. The brilliant little spark was long looked upon as a mere scientific curiosity, and is only

now beginning to flash across the sea, guiding the mariner safely into harbour, or warning him from approaching a dangerous coast. How long will thermo-electricity have to wait before it receives a similar application? In thermo-electricity we have a direct transformation of the force of heat, which we obtain with such great economy from coal, into an electric current, and this, by further education and development, might be rendered available in the production of the electric light. Hitherto, its application in this direction has been altogether unheeded, and yet, of all sources of the power necessary for the electric light, thermo-electricity evokes this power most directly from coal. In the magneto-electric light we have the great disadvantage, that the heat of burning coal must be first transformed into mechanical power, which is made to rotate the armatures of magnets, and thus produce the necessary electric current. In this transformation of heat into mechanical power there is no less than 9-10ths of the original force in the coal absolutely lost. Hence the advantage which would result from the direct application of heat to the production of the electric current.

The man of science rejoices in the discovery of truth for its own sake. He gives his results freely to the world. It is no part of his duty, it is not his function, to apply those truths to the utilities of life. Success in this direction demands quite different powers of mind. Those who possess these powers, ought also to acquire the necessary knowledge which would enable them, with more facility, to seize upon the discoveries of science, and apply them to the wants of every-day life. This scientific knowledge is the link which, up to the present time, has so sadly failed in the application of science to the manufacturing arts.

[E. F.]


Friday, February 20, 1863.

HENRY BENCE JONES, M.D. F.R.S. Honorary Secretary, in the Chair.



On recent Discoveries at Jerusalem.

The Temple Area and the Fortress Antonia.

THE chief interest that attaches to the discoveries lately made at Jerusalem by Signor Pierotti, corroborated, as they doubtless will be, in all main points, by the still more recent investigations of the Count

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