
it is, that the greatest part of his day was spent at the cottage, in ascertaining what Clare Llewellen really was, and whether she had a heart or no.

Herbert's grand object and desire, was to go to Oxford and finally to enter the church. He said he had porcrastinated too long already, and wished to delay no longer. His grandfather fully entered into his views, and he determined to leave Glanheathyn when Lord Hastings did. Every one was curious to discover what he thought of Gwenthlean and her engagement with Mr. Grant; but no one, not even Gwenthlean, succeeded. He never alluded to the subject, but bent all his thoughts upon the sacred office he was about to fill. Clare and Lord Hastings were grievously disappointed not so Gwenthlean. She believed that he would never again feel for her as he had done. The elders thought it better to let things take their course, and Colonel Llewellen told Mr. Lloyd that he was anxious to see

whether there were two young people in the world, who would cling to one another without the adhesive aid of riches or rank. Mr. Lloyd and the Colonel were often closeted together for hours, but what they found to talk about, nobody could imagine, since the one was as unclerical and un Welsh, as the other was unmilitary and unIndian.

One morning Colonel Llewellen said he intended purchasing a place in Wales, and that he had seen an advertisement of one, called "Pontavou," which he thought might suit him, and which he intended visiting immediately. He decided upon leaving with Herbert and Lord Hastings; and Lady Lllewellen and her daughters were to be again left alone with Mr. Lloyd, for a time.

On the evening previous to the general break-up, the whole party sallied forth together upon the sands. By some strange accident, Lord Hastings and Clare found themselves considerably in advance of the

rest; I suppose because they were young, active, and good walkers. The rest kept together, and were engaged in talking of the future. Colonel Llewellen said that he understood there was a curacy vacant at Pontavou, and begged Herbert not to accept of one as his title to orders, until he heard from him. Herbert said he would not, but that Lord Hastings particularly wished him to go into England, where both curacies and livings were richer and better than those in Wales. He depended, also, upon his Oxford connection for clerical preferment, but wished to settle where the widest field of usefulness was most likely to open. His wish of aggrandizement was not great, but his desire of benefitting his fellow creatures, to the extent of his ability, was sincere. He would now be content with what a few years ago, he would have spurned-even a small curacy amongst the ignorant people of his own country.

His grandfather listened to him with delight, and Colonel Llewellen applauded

sincerely. Gwenthlean, by whose side he was walking, drank in every word he said greedily, and thought what a blessed lot it would be to aid him in his labours of love, in some wild, country place, remote from the world and its ways, of which, though she had seen but little, she had a great dread. Sickness and captivity had written their marks upon Herbert's face, and lines of deep thought were visible, where formerly the open brow of youth and hope was alone to be seen. Bnt Gwenthlean reverenced those marks which told not only of suffering but of wisdom; and him whom she had loved before any real care had weighed down their spirits, was now become an object not only of love, but of indescribable respect. But Herbert, though kind and even affectionate in his manners towards her, was not as he used to be. He seemed shy and reserved before her, and although she sometimes caught his glance fixed upon her, as of old, there was no

allusion to the past-no attempt at explanation. And she could not wonder, since, she asked herself how can he think of me again, when he fancies that I sacrificed my heart's best feelings for ambition of worldly gain and distinction?

In the course of their walk, they passed by the ruined castle. Once more, but in the presence of others, Herbert and Gwenthlean stood, side by side, upon the spot where they had first acknowledged that they were dear to one another. Their friends were remarking upon the beauty of the scene, and the calmness of the summer evening, but they spoke not a word. They gazed upon the unruffled bosom of the ocean-upon the far blue mountains-upon the rocks, softened and illuminated by the rays of the gorgeous setting sun-and deep thoughts and feelings swelled in their hearts. Though seemingly separated, those heart were one. They vibrated to the same chord, and were moved by the same emotion. Gwenthlean

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