
wretchedness to a premature which ever characterize the works death. This was painting to of genius.

reason, and to the heart: none Little else remains of the cirhad ever before made the art sub-cumstances of this admirable man's servient to the purposes of moral-life, except his contest with ity and instruction: a book like Churchill the poet, which at this this is fitted to every soil and period would be very uninterestevery observer, "and he that runs ing to the public; and, like that of may read." his birth, the time of his death is not accurately known. Suffice it to say, that Hogarth has left behind



The Rake's Progress followed the former, which, though not equal to it, yet came short only him, works which will continue of that single excellence: no other to draw forth the admiration of could come near him in that way. future generations, as they have His great excellence consisted in done from those "long since fallwhat we may term the furniture en asleep." of his pieces; for, as in sublime subjects, and history-pieces, the fewer little circumstances there are to divide the spectator's attention from the principal figures, 'Drive to the church, said is reckoned a merit; so, in life Emilia Countess Z**** to her painting, the greater variety there coachman, as she stepped into her is of those little domestic images, carriage. It was the eve of All it gives the whole a greater de- Saints, and the pious Emilia gree of force and resemblance. wished to unburden her mind by In the pieces of Marriage à la confession. A young and amiaMode, what can be more finely or ble woman, united to a husband satyrically conceived, than his introducing a gouty lord, who carries his pride even to his infirmities, and has his very crutches marked with a coronet.

who was the choice of her own heart-adored by him-already the mother of a charming boysoon to produce the second pledge of nuptial love-gratefully plucking every flower which joy scattered on her path-willingly fulfilling every duty of a faithful wife and tender mother-what can such a woman have to confess? With a heart devoid of guile, and a con

But a comment, or panegyric on pictures, is of all others the most displeasing; and yet the life before us scarce offers little else. About the year 1750, he published his Analysis of Beauty, which, though it was strongly opposed, science without blemish, why. yet was replete with those strokes does she visit the chair of abso

lution? What will she reply to Oh, all ye husbands! whoever of the priest, if he require more than you is in possession of a beautiful the universal declaration-I am a wife, whom he loves with the whole miserable sinner?" Thus spoke fullness of his heart, in whose arms Gustavus Count Z**** to himself, he carelessly reposes, on whose as he was standing at the window, chaste bosom he conceives himand heard his Emilia's direction self a god, let him fancy, if it be -Drive to the church,' Shall possible, let him fancy himself in I privately follow her,' continued the situation of the listening Count. he in his soliloquy. Shall I con- His first motion was with his hand ceal myself in a corner of the upon his sword, but the idea of church, and hear the avowal of my profaning the Almighty's Tembeloved sinner? Is this curio- ple, and of defiling his floor with sity? No! Is it jealousy?- blood, prevented him. He left Pshaw! Well, what is it then?- the church, to him the grave of

his repose; arrived, without knowing how, at his own house, and demanded horses. A light postchaise was prepared. The Count

and fled from the place.

A joke and nothing more. I am her husband, and surely have as great a right to know her little secrets as father Anselmo. I shall rally her she will be surprised- left a note for his wife, in which I shall laugh-and there the mat- he very laconically informed her, ter will end.' He went. It was that business of importance oblignot far to the church. He crept led him to visit one of his estates, into it under the cover of twilight, threw himself into the carriage, and approached as near to the confessor's chair as was possible without being detected. He listened attentively. Emilia spoke rather loud. This is the fragment of her confession, of which her unfortunate husband lost not a word-Yes, reverend father, He had never before quitted her the youth was lovely. For in so unaccountable a way-withmore than six months he daily out a parting kiss-without fixing any time for his return-without having even thought of the jour

Emilia returned from the temple with that cheerfulness so peculiar to pious simplicity, when it believes it has liquidated all accounts with Heaven. Her husband's note surprised her much.

passed several hours in my chamber, and while I was at supper with my husband, he escaped ney two hours before. by means of my maid, through a These reflections made the genprivate door. I have always con- tle Emilia uneasy. She summoncealed from his lordship my rea- ed the steward, and asked whe son for dismissing this girl from ther he had spoken to the Count my service,' before his departure. The steward replied he had seen him, but not third day he reached the bounds spoken to him- Not spoken to of his estate. An ancient castle him!' exclaimed Emilia. 'No of the ninth century, furnished orders! no directions! I mean with turrets, moats, draw-bridges, only with regard to the household?" and palisades, just caught the last None whatever, answered he. beam of the sun, and cast a long That is strange,' said Emilia. shadow on the flowery meadow.

It was the first time that the young Count had visited this, the remotest of his estates, since hein herited them from his father. A steward, an old gardener, and his

'Ay, strange indeed, my lady,' returned the steward. 'I have known his lordship ever since he was born, I have often had the honour of carrying him in my arms, but I never saw him as he wife, were the only inhabitants of was to-day. Twenty times he the castle. Neither of the three harwas pleased to send for me- boured the most distant expectation twenty times I had the honour of of a visit from their young master. waiting on him; but there I stood, They surrounded him with every and he never even looked at me. demonstration of joy, and welcomed him with hearty good will; but he scarce even saw them; his eyes were wild and gloomy; he threw himself upon a sofa, and desired to be left alone.

Once or twice I took the liberty of coughing, but all in vain. His lordship did nothing but bite his nails, and all the while looked as red as my good old master, his father, of blessed memory, when The whole village was in moti he had swallowed five bottles of on. The oldest boors dressed wine after dinner. At last his themselves in their Sunday clothes, lordship threw himself into the and plodded towards the castle, chaise, without so much as just while the bailiff on the road stusaying good bye, Thomas, as he died a complimentary harangue, was always pleased to do, when with which he proposed to sur he left home.' - ' Inexplicable!' prize his lordship. At the gates murmured Emilia-Undoubtedly of the castle, however, they some very unpleasant accident has were informed that the Count was torn him from my arms.' Far, fatigued with his journey, and very far, was she from suspecting would not be seen by any body. the real cause. The good people returned sorrow

Meanwhile the Count pursued fully home. The late lord never his journey day and night. 'Twas was so high with us,' said one to night within his soul-not a gleam the other. 'Whenever he came of hope there cast its transient here to hunt and shoot, he always twilight. On the evening of the received us, and said Good,

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day, my lads! How goes ¡your in motion. By this means a corn on? How are your cattle?- great deal of work is done by a God bless his good old soul.'

To be continued.


An Abridgment of the Travels of a
Gentleman through France, Italy,
Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land,
Arabia, Egypt, &c.

(Continued from page 190.)

few hands, and consequently their manufactures can be afforded cheaper, than where they have not these advantages. Bologna is also famous for its soap, snuff, -perfumes, hams, and sausages; but has one species of goods almost peculiar to itself, I mean lap-dogs, which are very small, and purchased by the ladies at an excessive price.

The air of Bologna is extremely cold in winter, as it stands near the foot of the Apennines, on the north side; and yet the heats in

About four miles from the city is kept a Madona, or picture of our lady, which, according to tradition, was drawn by St. Luke. The religious have a profound summer are almost as troublesome veneration for this image, and go as they are to the southward, inannually in procession to fetch it somuch that they use ice with to Bologna, where they carry it their wines, and drink all manner about with all imaginable pomp; of cooling liquors. But thongh the incorporated companies, fra- the situation of this city is not the ternities, magistrates, and the most agreeable, and subjects it to pope's legate himself, assisting at some inconveniences; yet the the solemnity; and as the image great plenty of provisions, the politeness of the inhabitants, the fine paintings and statues with which it abounds, and their frequent concerts of music, operas and comedies, render it delightful to a traveller, and afford him both instruction and amusement.

passes by, which is carried under a rich canopy, the spectators fall upon their knees, and express the utmost devotion.

We left Bologna for Florence. Florence is situated on the river Arno, in a fruitful valley, and is almost encompassed with hills,

The public school is a magnificent edifice, with a noble portico before it, supported by marble pillars; and the rooms and galleries within are adorned with admirable paintings and statues. The trade of Bologna consists chiefly in their manufactures of which are covered with countrysilk and velvets, in which, toge- seats, gardens, and woods of olives, ther with those of flax and hemp, rising gradually till they join the several hundred mills are employ-highest mountains of the Apened, to put their various machines | nine.

The streets are most of them the great dukes are placed in straight, and well paved with thick niches, all of brass gilt, and large flat stones, hollowed in their join- as the life. In the middle of each ings, that the horses may find face of the octagon rises a double fastening for their feet. In many pilaster of jasper; and on the of the streets we meet with sta- pedestal of each pilaster are sevetues, fountains, or some other a- ral emblematical figures, curiousgreeable object. Their houses ly wrought with precious stones. are lofty, their palaces magnifi- The pavement is of the choicest cent, and their churches may be marble, and the roof adorned with ranked among the finest in Italy. lapis lazuli, of the brightest blue, Add to this their spacious squares and intermixed with stars and and beautiful gardens; and we veins of gold. This sumptuous must allow that this city has just- and dazzling structure cost many ly obtained the title of Florence millions sterling. the Fair.

Many of the gentry sell their own wines by retail, and hang up

in doors, but take their wine and pay their money at the cellar window. At the same time they look upon the profession of physic as

The collegiate church of St. Laurence is a beautiful edifice, a broken flask for a sign at the adorned with excellent statues, gates of their houses: their cuspaintings, and other rich orna- tomers however do not come withments. But the chapel of the same name adjoining to it, the burial of the Medicean family, is the admiration of all that have seen it, and universally allowed a disparagement to a gentleman; which shews how the notions of honour vary in different countries: physic being esteemed in England one of the most honourable professions, and retailing of liquors' one of the meanest.

to be the finest and most costly piece of work upon the face of the earth. The form of this chapel is octagonal, its roof a spacious cupola, and its walls on the inside are incrusted and covered with porphyry, agate, lapis laInstead of pursuing our direct zuli, jasper, oriental alabaster, road to Rome, we took a tour and other rich materials. All from Florence to the westward, round it are the tombs of the being unwilling to lose the sight great dukes, composed of por- of Pisa. The streets of Pisa phyry, granite, and the most pre- are broad, straight, paved with cious marble; and on each tomb large stones, and the houses well is a pillar of jasper, with a ducal built. The cathedral, dedicated: crown on the top of it, enriched to St. Mary, is a stately gothic with various sorts of jewels. A-structure, built chiefly with bove these tombs the statues of wrought marble. It has three

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