
have substituted, - as if science and relig- may rely upon it that catechisms, whether ion were to be taught not by imbuing the Pinnock's or the Church of England's, will mind with their spirit, but by cramming be found a poor substitute for those old rothe memory with summaries of their conclu-mances, whether of chivalry or of faery, sions. Not what a boy or girl can repeat which if they did not give a true picture of by rote, but what they have learnt to love actual life, did not give a false one, since and admire, is what forms their character. they did not profess to give any, but (what The chivalrous spirit has almost disappeared was much better) filled the youthful imagfrom books of education; the popular nov-ination with pictures of heroic men, and of els of the day téach nothing but (what is what are at least as much wanted, heroic already too soon learnt from actual life) women."* lessons of worldliness, with at most the To combine the presentation of an ideal huckstering virtues which conduce to geta true and noble ideal — with the culture ting on in the world; and for the first time of sympathy should be the aim of the writer perhaps in history, the youth of both sexes of fiction who desires that his work should of the educated classes are universally grow- be the highest of its kind. And to do this ing up unromantic. What will come in is possible. DECEM. mature age from such a youth the world has not yet had time to see. But the world Dissertations and Discussions, vol. i.—“A

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- A Soothingly fold thy counterpane
O'er the old man's grave, O fleccy snow!
A thousand weary walks,
And now he has gone to his rest;
His aged form to his mother earth,
His childlike soul to the home o' the blest.

To the Editor of the Living Age: few days since, looking over the number of your Magazine dated Nov. 25th, my attention was attracted by a notice of the death of Joshua Ware, for many years in your service. I can hardly explain why it was so, but this brief notice touched me strangely, though an entire stranger to its subject; and I have been led to enclose the lines hereunto appended as a slight expression of the thoughts suggested by your remarks.

I beg you to believe that I have no wish to intrude myself upon you, nor have I any thought of your deeming my humble verse meritorious in a literary sense. I address you simply because I fancy it may not be unpleasing to you to know how suggestive was your kindly remembrance of one who served you so long and faithfully to a "subscriber," and an ardent admirer of the "Living Age."


Died, 9th Nov. 1865. Aged 80 years.
For twenty years Carrier of the "Living Age."

Fall gently, O weeping rain!
O wind! sigh soft and low;

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It would be vain to follow Lucilla in detail through her consistent and admirable career; nor is it necessary to say that she went on steadily in face of all her discouragements, with that mixture of success and failure which comes natural to all human affairs. The singular thing about it was, that the years passed on, and that she was permitted by the world in general to fulfil her own promise and prophecy about remaining ten years at home to be a comfort to her dear papa. She had been nineteen when she began her career, and she was nine-andtwenty when that little episode occurred with young Dr Rider, before he was married to his present wife. There would have been nothing in the least unsuitable in a marriage between Dr Rider and Miss Marjoribanks, though people who were the best informed never thought either of them had any serious meaning; but, of course, the general public, having had Lucilla for a long time before their eyes, naturally added on seven or eight years to her age, and concluded her to be a great deal older than the young doctor, though everybody allowed that it would have been a most advantageous match for him in every possible point of view. But, however, it did not come to anything, no more than a great many other nibbles of the same kind did. The period arrived at which Lucilla had thought she might pe haps have begun to go off in her looks, but still there was no immediate appearance of any change of name or condition on her part. Many people quite congratulated themselves on the fact, as it was impossible to imagine what might be the social condition of Grange Lane without Miss Marjoribanks; but it is doubtful whether Lucilla congratulated herself. She was very comfortable, no doubt, in every way, and met with little opposition to speak of, and had things a great deal more in her own hands than she might have had, had there been a husband in the case to satisfy; but notwithstanding, she had come to an age when most people have husbands, and when an independent position in the world becomes necessary to self-respect. To be sure, Lucilla was independent; but thenthere is a difference, as everybody knows. And Miss Marjoribanks could not but feel that the world had not shown that appreciation of her, to which, in her earlier days, she looked forward with so little fear. The ten years, as they had really gone by, were very different from the ten years she had looked forward to, when, in the triumph of

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her youth, she named that period as the time when she might probably begin to go off, and would be disposed to marry. By this time the drawing-room carpets and curtains had faded a little, and Lucilla had found out that the delicate pale green which suited her complexion was not to call a profitable colour; and nobody could have thought or said that to marry at this period would be in the least degree to swindle the Doctor. Thus the moment had arrived to which she looked forward, but the man had not arrived with it. Ten years had passed, during which she had been at the head of society in Grange Lane, and a great comfort to her dear papa; and now, if there remained another development for Lucilla's character, it was about time that it should begin to show itself. But at the same time, the main element necessary for that new development did not seem at present likely to be found in Grange Lane.

Unless, indeed, it might happen to be found in the person of Mr. Ashburton, who was so often in Carlingford that he might be said to form a part of society there. It was he who was related to the Richmonds, who, as everybody knows, were a family much respected in the county. He had been at the bar, and even begun to distinguish himself, before old Miss Penrhyn died and left him the Firs. He had begun to distinguish himself, but he had not, it appeared, gone so far as to prevent him from coming down to his new property and settling upon it, and taking his place as a local notability. He was not a man who could be expected to care for evening parties in a provincial town; but he never refused to dine with Dr. Marjoribanks, and was generally popular up-stairs, where he always paid a little attention to Lucilla, though nothing very marked and noticeable. Mr. Ashburton was not like Mr. Cavendish, for instance (if anybody remembered Mr. Cavendish), a man whose money might be in the Funds, but who more probably speculated. Everybody knew everything about him, which was an ease to the public mind. The Firs was as well known as Carlingford steeple, and how much it was worth a-year, and everything about it; and so was the proprietor's pedigree, which could be traced to a semi-mythical personage known as old Penrhyn, whose daughter was Sir John Richmond's grandmother. The Firs, it is true, had descended in the female line, but still it is something to know where a man comes from, even on one side. Mr. Ashburton made himself very agreeable in the neighbourhood, and was never above en

in the idea of Mr Ashburton, that she did not know until she had almost done it, that she was walking straight into her hero's arms.


Oh, Mr. Ashburton!" said Lucilla, with a little scream, " is it you? My mind was quite full of you. I could not see you for thinking. Do come back with me, for I have something very particular to say


"I did not mean anything absurd,” said Miss Marjoribanks. "Don't talk any nonsense, please. Mr. Ashburton, do you know that old Mr. Chiltern is dead?”

Lucilla put the question solemnly, and her companion grew a little red as he looked at her. It is not my fault," he said, though he still smiled; and then he grew redder and redder, though he ought to have been above showing these signs of emotion; and looked at her curiously, as if he would seize what she was going to say out of her eyes or her lips before it was said.

lightening anybody on a point of law. He used to say that it was kind to give him something to do, which was an opinion endorsed practically by a great many people. It is true that some of his neighbours wondered much to see his patience, and could not make out why he chose to rusticate at the Firs at his age, and with his abilities. But either he never heard these wonderings, or at least he never took any "To me?" said Mr. Ashburton, looking notice of them. He lived as if he liked at her with a smile and a sudden look of it, and settled down, and presented to all interest; for it is always slightly exciting men an aspect of serene contentment with to the most philosophical mortal to know his sphere. And it would be difficult to say that somebody else's mind is full of him. what suggestion or association it was which" What you have said already is so flatterbrought him all of a sudden into Miss Marjoribanks's head, one day, when, seeing a little commotion in Masters's shop, she went in to hear what it was about. The cause of the commotion was an event which had been long expected, and which, indeed, ten years before, had been looked on as a possible thing to happen any day. The wonder was, not that old Mr. Chiltern should die, but that he should have lived so long. The ladies in Masters's cried, "Poor dear old man!" and said to each other, that however long it might have been expected, a death always seemed sudden at the last. But, to tell the truth, the stir made by this death was rather pleasant than sad. People thought not of the career which was ended, but of the one which must now begin, and of the excitement of an election, which was agreeable to look forward to. As for Lucilla, when she too had heard the news, and had gone on upon her way, it would be vain to assert that a regretful recollection of the time when Mr. Cavendish was thought a likely man to succeed Mr. Chiltern did not occur to her. But when Miss Marjoribanks had dismissed that transitory thought, Mr. Ashburton suddenly came into her head by one of those intuitions which have such an effect upon the mind that receives them. Lucilla was not of very marked political opinions, and perhaps was not quite aware what Mr. Ashburton's views were on the Irish Church question, or upon parliamentary reform; but she said after, that it came into her mind in a moment, like a flash of lightning, Miss Marjoribanks, I don't know how that he was the man. The idea was so new to answer you," he cried; and then he put and so striking, that she turned back and out his hand in an agitated way and graspwent, in the excitement of the moment, to ed her hand. "You are the only creature suggest it to Mrs. Chiley, and see what her in Carlingford, man or woman, that has old friend and the Colonel would say. Of divined me," he said, in a trembling voice. course, if such a thing was practicable, It was a little public at the top of Grange there was no time to lose. She turned Lane, where people were liable to pass at round quickly, according to her prompt every moment; but still Miss Marjoribanks nature; and such was her absorbed interest accepted the pressure of the hand, which,

"It is not anything to laugh about,” said Lucilla. "He was a very nice old man; but he is dead, and somebody else must be Member for Carlingford: that was why I told you that my mind was full of you. I am not in the least superstitious," said Miss Marjoribanks, solemnly; but when I stood there- there, just in front of Mr. Holden's -you came into my mind like a flash of lightning. I was not thinking of you in the least, and you came into my mind likelike Minerva, you know. If it was not an intimation, I don't know what it was. And that was why I ran against you, and did not see you were there. Mr. Ashburton, it is you who must be the man," said Lucilla. It was not a thing to speak lightly about, and for her part she spoke very solemnly; and as for Mr. Ashburton, his face flushed deeper and deeper. He stood quite still in the excitement of the moment, as if she had given him a blow.

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to be sure, had nothing whatever to do with love-making. She was more shy of such demonstrations than she had been in her confident youth, knowing that in most cases they never came to anything, and at the same time that the spectators kept a vivid recollection of them; but still, in the excitement of the moment, Miss Marjoribanks accepted and returned in a womanly way the pressure of Mr. Ashburton's hand.

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the Colonel are not of the same way of thinking; and then my opinions".

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"If they are not of the same way of thinking, we must make them," said Lucilla : "after having such an intimation, I am not going to be put off for a trifle; and besides, what does it matter about opinions? I am sure I have heard you all saying over and over that the thing was to have a good man. Don't go and make speeches about opinions. If you begin with that, there is no end to it," said Miss Marjoribanks. "I know what you gentlemen are. But if you just say distinctly that you are the best man

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Come in and let us talk it over," Lucilla said, feeling that no time was to be lost It was a conference very different from that which, had Mr. Chiltern been so well advised as to die ten years before, might have "It would be an odd thing to say for been held in Dr. Marjoribanks's drawing- one's self," said Mr. Ashburton, and he room over his successor's prospects; but at laughed; but, to tell the truth, he was the same time there was something satisfac- not a man of very quick understanding, tory to the personal sentiments of both in and at the first outset of the thing he did the way in which this conversation had not understand Lucilla; and he was a little come about. When Lucilla took off her just a very little. disappointed. She hat and sat down to give him all her atten- had divined him, which was a wonderful tion, Mr. Ashburton could not but feel the proof of her gerius; but yet at the bottom flattering character of the interest she was she was only an ignorant woman after all. taking in him. She was a woman, and "I see it all quite clear what to do," said young (comparatively speaking), and was Miss Marjoribanks. "You must have the by no means without admirers, and unques- Colonel and Sir John, and everybody. I tionably took the lead in society; and to be would not pay the least attention to Tories divined by such a person was perhaps, on or Whigs, or anything of that sort. For my the whole, sweeter to the heart of the aspi- part I don't see any difference. All that has rant than if Colonel Chiley had found out his to be said about it is simply that you are the secret, or Dr. Marjoribanks, or even the right man. Papa might object to one thing Rector and Lucilla for her part had all and the Colonel might object to another, and that natural pleasure in being the first to then if Sir John, as you say, is of quite embrace a new interest (which might or another way of thinking - But you are the might not have very important results), man for Carlingford all the same; and none which was natural under the circumstances. of them can say a word against that," said Let us talk it all over," she said, giving Lucilla, with energy. She stopped short, Mr. Ashburton a chair near her own. "If with her colour rising and her eyes brightI believed in spirit-rapping, you know, I ening. She felt herself inspired, which was should be sure that was what it meant. I a new sensation, and very pleasant; and was not thinking of you in the least and all then the idea of such a coming struggle was at once, like a flash of lightning-Mr. Ash-sweet to Miss Marjoribanks, and the conburton, sit down and tell me what is the viction burst upon her that she was striking first thing that must be done?” out a perfectly new and original line. "If I could ask you to be on my committee, that would be the first thing to be done," said Mr. Ashburton, "but unfortunately I can't do that. Let me tell you in the first place how very much I am obliged".

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"Don't say that, please," said Miss Marjoribanks, with her usual good sense,“ for I have done nothing. But papa can be on the committee, Mr. Ashburton, and old Colonel Chiley, who is such a one for politics; and of course Sir John-that will be a very good beginning; and after that".

My dear Miss Marjoribanks," Mr. Ashburton said, with a smile, and a little hesitation, "Sir John takes exactly the other side in politics; and I am afraid the Doctor and

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As for her candidate, he smiled, and hesitated, and paid her pretty little compliments for a few minutes longer, and said it was very good of her to interest herself in his fortunes. All which Lucilla listened to with great impatience, feeling that it had nothing to do with the matter in hand. But then after these few minutes had elapsed the meaning of his fair advisor, as he called her, began to dawn on Mr. Ashburton's mind. He began to prick up his mental ears, so to speak, and see that it was not womanish ignorance, but an actual suggestion. For, after all, so long as he was the man for Carlingford, all the rest was of little importance. He took something out of his pocket, which was his

address to the constituency of Carlingford (for being anxious on the subject, he had heard of Mr. Chiltern's death an hour or two before anybody else), and chokefull of political sentiments. In it he described to the electors what he would do if they sent him to Parliament, as carefully as if their election could make him Prime Minister at least; and naturally a man does not like to sacrifice such a confession of faith. "I should like to read it to you," he said, spreading it out with affectionate care; but Lucilla had already arranged her plans, and knew better than that.

And you know you must not lose any opportunity of seeing people. I am so glad to-night is Thursday. Tell me just one thing, Mr. Ashburton, before any one comes. There is one thing that is really important, and must be fixed upon. If we were to make any mistake, you know"

"What? said the candidate, eagerly -"about the Income-tax? I have expressed myself very clearly


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Lucilla smiled compassionately, and with the gentlest tolerance, at this wild suggestion. "I was not thinking of the Incometax," she said, with that meekness which "If you were to read it to me," said Miss people assume when it is of no use being imMarjoribanks, "I should be sure to be con- patient. "I was thinking what your colours vinced that you were quite right, and to go were to be. I would not have anything to in with you for everything, and then I do with the old colours, for my part — they should be no good, you know. If it were to would be as bad as opinions, you know. drive papa and Sir John and the Colonel You may laugh, but I am quite in earnest," all to their own ways of thinking, we never said Miss Marjoribanks. As for Mr. Ashshould make any progress. I would never burton, he did not begin to laugh until he mind about anybody's ways of thinking, if had fixed upon her that gaze of utter amazeI were you. After all," said Lucilla, with ment and doubt with which on many simia fine satire, of which she was unconscious, lar occasions ordinary people had regarded "what does it matter what people think? I Lucilla-thinking she was joking, or actsuppose when it comes to doing anything, the Whigs and the Tories are just the same. Mr. Ashburton, it is a man that is wanted," said Miss Marjoribanks, with all the warmth of sudden conviction. She felt a little like Joan of Arc as she spoke. When an army has the aid of a sacred maiden to bring inspiration to its counsels, the idea of going on in the old formal way is no longer to be tolerated. And such was the force of Lucilla's conviction, that Mr. Ashburton, though he felt a little affronted, and could not but look with fond and compunctious regret upon his address, yet began more and more to feel that there was justice in what she said.

"I will think over what you say," he said, rather stiffly, and put up his address for it was natural, when he had done her such an honour as to offer to read it to her, that he should be affronted by her refusal. It was a bold experiment on Lucilla's part, but then she was carried out of herself at the moment by this singular flash of inspiration. "I will think over what you say," Mr. Ashburton continued; "and if my judgment approves - At all events I shall not issue this till I have thought it all over. I am sure I am extremely obliged to you for your interest." And here he stopped short, and looked as if he were going to get up and go away, which would have spoiled all.

"You are going to stop to lunch," said Lucilla; somebody is sure to come in.


ing, or doing something quite different from the severe sincerity which was her leading principle. She was so used to it, that she waited with perfect patience till her companion's explosion of amusement was over. He was thinking to himself what a fool she was, or what a fool he was to think of taking a woman into his counsels, or what curious unintelligible creatures women were, made up of sense and folly; and all the time he laughed, which was a relief, to his feelings. Miss Marjoribanks laughed a little too, to keep him in countenance, for she was always the soul of good-nature; and then she repeated, "Be sure you tell me what our colours are to be "

"I am sure I don't know anything about colours," said the candidate, any more than you do about opinions. I think they are equally unimportant, to say the least. I shall adopt the colours of my fair counsellor," Mr. Ashburton added, laughing, and making a mock bow to her, and getting his hat as he did so for he had naturally calmed down a little from the first enthusiasm with which he had hailed the woman who divined him, and he did not mean to stay.

"The blue and the yellow are the old colours," said Lucilla, thoughtfully, "and you are the new man, you know, and we must not meddle with these antiquated things. Do you think this would do?" As she spoke she fook up a handful of ribbons which were lying by, and put them

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