
Virgil. Æn. XI. 721.

Quam facile accipiter faxo facer ales ab alto
Confequitur pennis fublimem in nube columbam,
Comprenfamque tenet, pedibufque evifcerat uncis:
Tum cruor, et volfe labuntur ab æthere pluma.

See a beautiful Fable in Hefiod, Egy. 203.
Ωδ' ἔρηξε προσέειπεν ἀηδόνα ποικιλόδειρον, κ. τ. λ.


Fool, faid the Pagan, I thy gift defy:
But use thy fortune as it doth befall,

Virgil, Æn. XII. 932.

[blocks in formation]

Guyon fays to the old Palmer:

Dear Sir, whom wandering to and fro,

I long have lack'd, I joy thy face to view. So Hughes's Edit. and Fol. Ed. 1679. But it ought to be Dear Sire. In this Canto the Palmer is often called Sire, as alfo in other Cantos of this Book.


[blocks in formation]

And to the Prince with bowing reverence due,
As to the patron of his life, thus faid:

I dare not affirm that it should be:

And to the Prince bowing with reverence due,

But fee II. Ix. 26. II. 1x. 36. IV. 11. 23. IV. 111. 5. I. x. 45•

to her with reverence rare

He humbly louted.


Some with unwieldy clubs, fome with long spears,
Some rufty knives, fome ftaves in fire warm'd.

Statius, Theb. IV. 64.

Pars gefa manu, pars robora flammis

Indurata diu.

Q. Curtius, III. 2. Invicta bello manus, fundis, credo, et haftis igne duratis repellentur.

Virgil, Æn. VII. 523.

Non jam certamine agrefti,

Stipitibus duris agitur, fudibufve præuftis;


Arrian Indic. c. 24. Λόγχας δὲ ἐφέρεον παχέας, μέγεθος, ὡς ἑξαπήχεας· ἀκω ἡ δὲ ἐκ ἐπῆν σιδηρέη, ἀλλὰ τὸ ὀξὺ αυτῇσι πεπυρακίωμενον τὸ αυτὸ ἐπόιεε. Lanceas gerebant craffas, fex cubitos longas. Cufpis ferrea non erat, fed igne tofta atque acuta eandem vim et efficaciam exferebat.

Herodotus, VII. γι. Λίβυες δὲ, σκευὴν μὲν σκυτίνην ἔσαν ἔχοντες, ακονίοισι δὲ ἐπικάύλοισι χρεώμενοι, Libyes, autem corio armati iere, ac jaculis aduftis. So alfo the Myfi. c. 74.

Propertius, IV. r.

Mifcebant ufta pralia nuda fude.


But of thing like to that Ægyptian flime Whereof king Nine whilom built Babel tower. That is, like to bitumen, which why he calls Egyptian flime, I can't conceive. He might have faid,

like to that Affyrian flime,

[blocks in formation]

And ever and anon with rofie red

The bafhful blood her fnowy cheeks did die,
That her became, as polifh'd ivory,

Which cunning craftsman's hand hath overlaid
With fair vermilion.


From Virgil, Æn. XII. 64.

Accepit vocem lacrimis Lavinia matris,
Flagrantis perfufa genas: cui plurimus ignem
Subjecit rubor, et calefacta per ora cucurrit.
Indum fanguineo veluti violaverit oftro
Si quis ebur, vel mixta rubent ubi lilia multâ
Alba rofa: tales virgo dabat ore colores.

V. III. 23..

Whereto her bashful shamefac'dness yrought
A great increase in her fair blushing face;
As rofes did with lillies interlace.

Homer. Il. A. 141.

Ως δ' ὅτε τίς τ' ἐλέφαντα γυνὴ φοίνικι μιήνη
Μηονὶς, ἠὲ Κάειρα

Veluti quando aliqua ebur mulier purpurâ tinxerit

Mæonia, vel Caria,

Claudian, R. Prof. I. 271.

niveos infecit purpura vultus

Per liquidas fuccenfa genas: caftæque pudoris
Illuxere faces. Non fic decus ardet eburnum,
Lydia Sidonio quod femina tinxerit oftro..

Statius, Achill. I. 304.

fax vibrata medullis

In vultus, atque ora redit, lucemque genarum



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Tinguit, et impulfum tenui fudore pererrat.
Lactea Maffagete veluti cum pocula fufcant

Sanguine puniceo, vel ebur corrumpitur oftro.
Ovid. Amor. II. v. 34.

At illi

Confcia purpureus venit in ora pudor.
Quale rofa fulgent inter fua lilia mixta:
Aut ubi cantatis Luna laborat equis:

Aut quod, ne longis flavefcere poffit ab annis:
Maonis Affyrium femina tinxit ebur.

Met. IV. 330.

erubuiffe decebat.

Hic color aprica pendentibus arbore pomis,
Aut ebori tincto eft.

Many more paffages of ancient writers might be added, where these favourite comparisons occur.


Who now shall give unto me words and found,
Equal unto this haughty enterprise ?

Or who fhall lend me wings, with which from ground
My lowly verfe may loftily arise,

Argument worthy of Mæonian quill.

This folemn invocation is fomewhat like that in
Ovid, Faft. II. 119.

Nunc mihi mille fonos, quoque eft memoratus Achilles,
Vellem, Maonide, pectus inesse tuum.

Deficit ingenium, majoraque viribus urguent.
Hac mihi præcipuo eft ore canenda dies.


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