
in blood?

Was the royal authority the stronger for not being established in righteousness? Nay; scarcely had the monarch demolished Port-Royal, when his power, firm as it then appeared, was shaken to its very foundation. The grand-dauphin, the Duke and Duchess of Burgundy, the Duke of Brittany, the three successive heirs to the crown, were struck by death, sudden, awful and inexplicable; and France was left with an aged and decrepit old man at her head, surrounded by triumphant enemies. The victories of Hochstet, Ramilies, and Malplaquet, rapidly succeeded each other; Tournay, Lille, Mons, and Douay opened their gates to the enemy. Louis XIV., in an evil hour, had, by the intrigues of the ambitious woman he married, consented to oppress true religion equally in his protestant subjects, by

signing the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and in his catholic subjects, by the banishment of Fénélon, and the destruction of Port-Royal; and Louis XIV., whose brilliant successes had obtained him the vain title of Great, died, not even leaving to his nation the empty laurels which might have speciously concealed the naked poverty to which he had reduced it.

As I took leave, the next morning, of the venerable M. Silvy, such were the thoughts that rushed to my mind. The diligence rolled along the dusty road until about three miles from Versailles, when, looking around me, I could see on my right the ruins of the monastery tinged by the first beams of the sun, and on my left the once favorite abode of courtly splendor: there, humble piety; here, pride and vexation of spirit.

From Colburn's New Monthly.


"No. 15 Castle street," I called out to the driver, who was holding the door of the fly, threw my carpet-bag into one corner, myself into the other, of the wretchedly stuffed vehicle, and away we jolted over the fearful pavement from the railway-station into the centre of the town-where I ought to have appeared long before in full evening dress-and the very thought of it drove me nearly distracted-and with her, her on my arm, forget all-ball-room, earth, sky, the whole universe, in my happiness. But no, there I was being still jolted in this wretched machine, among gloomy, stern-looking masses of houses; for on this very day, just as if the engine could not do me the kindness to travel a little faster than a diligence, we had in the first place crawled along like snails over the frozen rails, stopped an immense time at every station, and finally, as if to set the crown upon the whole, we had stuck fast for a good hour in a snow-drift. In consequence of all this, instead of arriving at seven o'clock, it was just half past eight, and surely this will serve as my excuse for hammering at the window at least a dozen times during my progress from the station, at one moment thundering curses in the driver's ear, and then offering him money to drive faster,

until at last, in perfect despair, he lashed his astonished horse into full speed, and soon stopped before the house I had ordered him to drive to.

"I had given up all hopes of your coming!" exclaimed my friend, who had only received my letter the same morning, and had hurried down to the door when he heard me drive up. "Where have you been all this time ?"

But there was no time for explanations; I seized my carpet-bag, thrust the money I had held in readiness into the driver's hand, and flew, rather than walked, up the stairs into Meier's room. Here I threw down my hat, and told my friend in a despairing tone -while searching all my pockets twice over for the key of the padlock, and at last finding it in the one with which I had commenced -how misfortune ever pursued me, and that I was such an unlucky beggar that nothing would turn out rightly with me. on this occasion my whole life's fortune was at stake; after two years' separation I was again to see her, without whom I could only fancy the world would be to me a desolate wilderness; this evening I might hope to receive from her the sweet confession of her love, or at least to read in her eyes what my


fate would be with her, life in its sunniest | further about the lady and her luggage. aspect a perfect elysium; without her

"What on earth have you got in your carpet bag?" Meier exclaimed, just as I had opened the little padlock, without paying any attention, for I was lost in my dreams of future happiness or woe.

I had, equally unconsciously, thrust in my hand to take out my inexpressibles-my tailcoat I had put on before starting for fear of it creasing, and I fancied I should be seized with a fit, when on the top I saw a pair of stays, a box of rouge, and with continuallyincreasing fury dragged out a whole quantity of such feminine vanities, and hurled them on the chairs and floor around me. Meier's demoniac laugh first restored me to consciousness.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!” he shouted; and the tears ran down his plump, swollen face in his ecstacy. I could have strangled him as he stood. "Ha, ha, ha!-you've got hold of a wrong carpet-bag. That's exquisite-glorious!"

"There!" I shouted, and hurled the emptied iniquitous bag behind the stove; “lie there and rot. What shall I do now. I really cannot enter a ball-room in my gray and blue stripes. Good heavens! was not I right in saying that I was the most unhappy creature that walked on two legs between earth and heaven? Here I am-Emilie will be waiting for hours with her angelic patience for a man she believes false to her; but, at last, will no longer be able to refuse the earnest prayers of the gentlemen, and will be engaged for the whole night."

"But how was that possible ?" Meier asked, after he had slightly recovered from his beastly convulsions of laughter. "Every one keeps his carpet-bag by him, and I cannot understand

"Understand-understand!" I growled, angrily, and paced up and down the roomI was then only twenty years old, and the ball was a question of life and death with me -"I understand it perfectly. At the last station, where you couldn't see your own hand in the carriage, a lady got in and pressed close to me, as in the opposite corner a confounded Polish Jew was seated, wrapped in his fur, and had not the politeness to make room for the new-comer. From this moment I will be a devoted antagonist to emancipation. Of course I did not know she also had a carpet-bag with her, and when the train stopped, I jumped out in my hurry, afraid I might not be able to procure a fly, and without troubling myself any

Most probably I seized her carpet-bag, and she has mine. By heavens, though, it is growing late! But where can I get a pair of black trousers? If I delay much longer, Emilie will be engaged for the whole evening, and I shall have to parade her fat aunt about in the ball-room."

Well, if there's nothing more the matter," Meier said, good-humoredly, "I can perhaps help you. Make haste and perform your toilet here, and I'll go and see in the mean while whether I cannot discover a pair in my wardrobe. We are about the same height." A good fellow, Meier. I pressed his hand cordially, and while he was gone I attended to the remainder of my costume, arranged my hair, which was in some disorder, and a few minutes later was prepared to jump into any pair of trousers that might be offered Meier, however, did not return so soon, and I amused myself by opening and shutting the door twice every minute, or by examining the boxes and cases which malicious fate had brought in my path.


Ladies rubbish-paint, powder, false curls, dirty gloves and stockings.

"Bah!" I cried, and threw away the things again. "Is it possible, then, that there are asses in the world who can be fooled by such devices? I am only twenty years old, but I am pretty certain

"Good heavens! what a smell of burning there is here!" said Meier, who at this moment opened the door, and walked in with the desired article of clothing. "Something must be smouldering."

I had also noticed the smell, but in my impatience had not sought the cause. Meier, however, drew the mysterious carpet-bag from behind the stove. One side of it-a white ground with red roses-I can remember it as distinctly as if it were only yesterday -was singed of a yellowish-brown color, and I must confess, to my shame, that I felt a considerable degree of malicious pleasure at seeing it. But what did I care now for a carpet-bag? While Meier was collecting all the various objects scattered round the room, and after returning them carelessly to the carpet-bag, gave them a push with his foot in order to make them fit in properly, and then put it under the bed, I boldly donned the inexpressibles. Good heavens! if they had not fitted!—but no!

"Hurrah!" I shouted, and cut various capers round the room. "All is serene !"

They fitted as if made for me. They were rather tight, but that was no conse

quence; the style was splendid, and I was | heart, "such is the fate that ever mercilessly pursues me. I have travelled eighty miles in the most piercing cold; surmounted gigantic difficulties; and now-too late— the curse which has undermined my whole existence-Emilie is lost, and I am a wretched, wretched man for ever."

as delighted as a child. I was always rather sweet upon my leg. I had scarcely time for a hurried review in the mirror, for the whip of the driver, whom the servant had fetched in the mean while, was cracking furiously in the street. I put on my cloak, seized my gloves, slapped my hat on my forehead, and prepared to start.

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"Stop!" Meier shouted, and seized my arm. "What time do you think you will come home?"

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Who, I?-well, not late.

When my lady goes home, I shall not dance another step; at any rate, I shall be back by one or two at the latest."

"Well, then, take the house-key," Meier replied; "I shall hardly get home so soon, for we usually play a couple of rubbers afterwards. Are you a sound sleeper?"

'Not extraordinarily so.'

"Then I'll clap my hands under that window where your bed stands. You can tie the house-key in a pocket-handkerchief or in the tobacco-pouch hanging there, and throw it down."

"But have you not a porter to answer the

bell ?"

"The wire is broken, and has not been mended yet. You are sure to hear me?"

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"But the confounded heavy key"Leave it in your great-coat pocket; it won't bother you there-and one thing more, notice this door carefully. When you come up the stairs in the dark, keep to the left; you can't make a mistake, it is the first door."

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Adolph!" Meier whispered to me as he bent down. "You know what I have told you a thousand times: I advise you to forget the girl altogether. She is older than yourself; her best years are passed."

"Go to the deuce! I cried angrily. "Fellow, do you want to render me insane, when you see me on the uttermost verge of despair? You know that I-—_—___”

"Very good-the old story-you will not listen-so go your way in peace. But there is Emilie's younger brother coming towards us, and you will immediately learn from him where you must seek your divinity."

Angrily I turned away from him towards the brother of my beloved; but who can describe my surprise, my delight, I may say, when I heard that Emilie, who had also been delayed by some peculiar contretemps, had not yet made her appearance, but was expected every moment. I could have fallen on the neck of the amiable young man, a tall, thin attorney's clerk, in the public ball-room. Of course I posted myself close to the doorway. I certainly paid my respects in my zeal to at least a dozen strange ladies; was forced to apologize repeatedly, and at last discovered that Emilie had entered by another door; but what matter? Conducted by her brother, she came in search of me, "Enough, enough." We hurried down and I forgot, in that moment, journey, carpetstairs into the fly, and started for the Hôtel bag, deception, and long waiting. I forgot de Russie, where the brilliantly-illuminated the world, and lived and breathed in her windows announced that the festivities had alone. An hour thus passed in intoxicating commenced. How my heart beat when I joy. What dances I danced, what I said to went up the wide flight of stairs! I felt as her, how could I know; I did not even see if I suddenly had lead in my feet, and could any of the merry throng that surrounded us; not move or raise my limbs. I was forced I only gazed in her eyes, and in these I saw to collect myself, and was indeed only re- a paradise. Emilie had never before been so called to my senses by one of the gaily-kind to me, and at this moment I would not dressed liveried servants thrusting a card into my hands, and disappearing the next moment with my mantle. We entered the ball-room : the wild sounds of a gallopade reached our ear through the doorway. It was just as I had expected: three dances were already over-the Polonaise and two waltzes, and Emilie must be engaged for the whole evening. Could I reasonably anticipate any thing else?

"You see," I muttered into Meier's ear, with my hand convulsively pressed on my

have changed places with an emperor.

At length, during one of the pauses, I found time to converse more calmly with her; arm in arm we walked up and down the room, and her little rosy lips whispered and prattled the sweetest flattery in my ears. We had at last reached one of the small redcovered benches against the wall, and sat down and Emilie now expressed her sorrow for looking so pale and distraite. Good heavens! I had not even noticed it; she looked really much paler than usual—and, in truth,

considerably altered. What could have happened to her?

"Oh, dearest friend!" she whispered in reply to my sympathizing question; "it was nothing of any consequence, and still it was a thing which almost forced me to give up the pleasures of this night's dance."

The blood ran coldly through my veins when I thought even of the possibility.

"But how was that possible? it cannot be illness? Your cheeks are really remarkably pale this evening."

"I was childish," she smiled. "Terror, and at the same time annoyance, if I must speak candidly, were in reality the foolish cause." "Annoyance?

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"About a trifle. I have been spending a few days with a sick aunt in the neighboring town; several acquaintances bad arranged a little dance there; this evening I returned, and-you will laugh at me-exchanged carpet-bags in the carriage. Well, why do you start? that is not so very terrible." She laughed as I drew back.

"No, indeed not," I stuttered, and looked round to see whether the roof would not fall in to bury me. 'Exchanged-exchanged your carpet-bag-ha, ha, ha!-that is really too comical-that is glorious-ha, ha, ha, ha!-delicious!"

"But, for goodness' sake, Adolph !" Emilie exclaimed in alarm, "you are attracting the attention of the whole room-what is the matter with you?"

"Beg a thousand pardons," I stuttered, quite confounded, for I really did not know at the moment whether I was on my head or my heels. Paint, powder, locks! I turned hurriedly towards her, and by heavens! she did not wear her usual brown locks, from which I had once stolen a sweet, dear memento, which had been kissed a thousand, thousand times. Plague and cholera! I had the remainder at home in the box. But what to do? Should I confess to her that I had been the unhappy wretch, whoNo! that would not do, at least not now. And was not the carpet-bag singed, ruined? Did it not lie-I dare not think of it--where and near what? My senses began to grow confused, and patches of burnt carpet, locks, black trousers, rouge, powder, all went round and round in my head like a burning Catharine-wheel in a thousand wild and everchanging shapes.

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"I really cannot understand you,' Emilie at last whispered, and directed a reproachful but still tender glance upon me. What is

the matter?"

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I looked up to her in surprise. I had quite forgotten the confounded verses. but they pleased her. Emilie was an enthusiastic poetess.

"You would have killed yourself with laughing at the stuff," the young lady continued, who had now quite recovered her calmness. "I have read a good deal of nonsensical poetry in my time, but never such trash as this-such moonshine and melancholy--such fancies for suicide, and similar trash. I was rather bold, and read a few of them; they were too absurd."

"But, madam," I stuttered, and hid my face in my handkerchief--it seemed to me as if the blood must burst in my veins--"I really do not know-a stranger's secrets!"

"A grocer's apprentice!" she interrupted me, laughingly. "There is no risk; the pretty writing betrayed the author." (It had cost me five shillings to have them copied neatly.) "You must visit us to-morrow," she continued; "then you can read the trash, yourself. I will send the carpet-bag to an acquaintance afterwards, at whose house I will have the advertisement directed."

This was too much; my pulse beat furiously; my forehead burned; the word was on my lips with which I would annihilate her. I seized her arm at the same time with such violence that she uttered a slight cry, and looked up in my face. At this moment the music recommenced, the dancers flew to their places; I sprung up and looked round wildly.

"Come, Adolph!" Emilie whispered, and pressed my hand gently; "the quadrille is forming; let us take our places."

She dragged me almost passively towards the merry band-me, the desperate man,


with a very demon gnawing at my heart; but suddenly my fury broke out. I tore myself away from the horrible creature, leaped back, and cried-no, not a word passed my lips, but an icy shudder ran down my back. Good heavens! I had forgotten the tight trousers: a seam had given way in consequence of my hurried movement; so much I felt, and I now feared all that was most horrible. Every eye was at the same time fixed upon me-at least it seemed so to me-and I felt as if I must sink to the earth in my shame. If they noticed it, if I must leave the room saluted by the contemptuous laughter of these wretches-but no, they could not yet have comprehended the whole extent of my misfortune, and it was still possible that I might retire unseen. The only method was a sudden attack of bleeding at the nose: I pulled out my handkerchief, held it before my face, and examined the terrain with a hurried glance. The whole of the ground between us and the door was free from men, but several ladies were standing here and there, and the countless lights imparted the brightness of day if I dared to cross at this moment, I should rashly expose myself to detection; I must wait for a more favorable moment.

A second glance convinced me that the spot where I had lately been sitting with Emilie was disengaged, and was, in addition, somewhat hidden by a curtain. If I could retreat thither undetected, I could bide my time and gain the door at the first favorable opportunity. It may be imagined that, under such circumstances, I did not dare turn my back on the company; but although Emilie regarded me with surprise, and even the handkerchief I held up did not account for such a retrograde movement, I at length succeeded, by extraordinarily clever manovring, and covered by a high-backed chair, in reaching the bench again, and hoped to effect my flight in safety eventually.


It was now a pressing necessity to discover the extent of the injury that had been effected: as it seemed, no one at the moment was paying any attention to me, and I bent down a little. Good heavens! I had not conceived that my misfortune was so great but it was only too certain, and my heart beat fearfully, my limbs shuddered with fever. But the nearness of the danger renders even a coward bold for the nonce the misfortune was evident, it must be remedied. If Meier had only been for a moment with me-but no, that cold-blooded, unfeeling man was assuredly seated at the whist-table and counting his tricks and points: I dared not calculate

upon him, and I was just preparing to rise, in order to repair the calamity as well as I could. Almost involuntarily I raised my eyes, but I fell back on my seat, as if shot, for scarce three yards from me, and coming straight towards me, I saw Emilie on the arm of the thin, consumptive clerk, her amiable brother.

Had the velvet-cushioned bench opened and swallowed me up, I would have sunk with the greatest pleasure any quantity of fathoms into the earth and utter obscurity; but it remained perfectly quiet, and I had scarce time to arrange my coat so as in some measure to hide the odious rent, when my destiny, in the form of this syren, came up to me, and asked, in a gentle, flattering tone: "Is your nose bleeding, Adolph ?"


I only made a silent nod of affirmation. Well, that will soon be over," she consoled me; "but-might I trouble you for a moment?" in surprise and alarm. "You are sitting on my handkerchief," she continued, in an imploring tone; "I left it here just now."

I looked up

"There there is no handkerchief here," I assured her most decidedly, from behind my own handkerchief; " I have just looked."

"Yes-yes, dear Adolph!" the horrible. creature said, smilingly; "you are, indeed, sitting on it-I-I can see it ;" and before I had the slightest notion of what impended over me, she suddenly seized the fancied handkerchief, and tried to draw it out.

If ever I wished heartily for any thing in my life, it was at this moment to weigh somewhere about one hundred tons. I certainly seized the so-called handkerchief and held it tightly, but my merciless tormentor employed her utmost strength, and, as I could only make use of one hand, and, besides, did not sit at all firmly on the soft cushions, I felt that she gained gradually upon me.

"But, my dear Mr. Miller," the unhappy clerk now said, and set to work too, "I really don't understand why you will not❞—and he pulled with all his strength-" give up the handkerchief."

I saw my ruin imminent; the fearful crisis was at hand; I could only delay it as long as possible, when-heavenly powers! it yielded, I felt it give away beneath me, the couple sprang back and held-was I awake or dreaming ?--Emilie's handkerchief! A moment convinced me that my own fears had been unfounded; but whether they noticed it, or were only rejoicing over the victory, I cannot tell. I rushed out of the room, put

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