
him; and thou hast made it known unto all, that they may turn it back upon him. So if thou hast time let it be taken out before the book is sealed. Extracted from the sealed wriungs, written in 1797*

"So now look back and see the M;

Mark the word, it was for Man,

That I died upon the tree;

Now the sceptre I will sway;

Satan must like Me atone,

If he wish to save his own.

It was 1 that did make Man,

Breath'd in him the life that came,

In my image plac'd him there.

Now one Type I will fix more,

1 shall place it to a king *:

Now I'll do as he did then—

Call the mysteries to thy view;

Perfect like him 1 will do.

When the man did bring his cloths,

Poison in them then there was;

This the king did know before,

Made the man the same to wear,

Till he I)! ought him to his end—

Deep the lines that thou hast penn'd:

1 shall perfect do the same;

Satan he doth poison men,

In as perfect strange disguise,

They know not where the poison Jies.

Careless they do put it on,

Till he hath minted every vein,

And their deaths they do not see, Dying creatures still they be; But 1 tell them now I'll come, Toact perfect like the king; He that made the cloaths shall wear— Judge my friends and now be clear, If I mean to save my crown, Satan must like him be found To turn the cloathing on his back. Tell Me if the king was right? Right thou answer's! now indeed, Just the cause was on his head, Wisely sure he acted there, The cloaths for him he brought to wear; . ', , Wisely did the king submit , To cast the rebel at his feet, As so friendly he began To sit and reason with the man; It was his pleasure this tosee, How the cloaths did first fit he, Though the man did tremble there, Yet the cloaths he made him wear, * See the Answer of the Lord to the Powers of Darkness, page's*..

Till the fire and tlie wine
Made lh'>.man his life resign.
I at firsi came like the man,
Satan's poison to put on;
While that he did keep thecrown,
Fire and sword destroyed mine;
Judas drank the wine with Me,
Satan's poison came to he;
As the bribe did then appear,
I the cloaths for Man did wear;
Satan did his crown possess,
While the poi<on stungmy breast.
Now, I say, I'll go from him,
And another Type explain,
Then I'll make the mystery clear,
Tell thee how I'll end both here.
This is of another king *,
Sav'd his life by a simple man,
Pleas'd the simple words to hear,
On his plate he printed there;
When a man in strange disguise
Saw tlie words it made him wise,
Dropt the lance then from his hand,
Conscious guilt did him condemn,
On the Hoor the lance did drop,
He fear'd the end and made him stop—
Then now the end 'tis time to fear,
For like both kings I shall act here;
Fearful Man I will forgive,
!Now my crown I mean to save.
Their employers I do know,
Satan's poison first doth go;

But he considers not the end— .

Peep is all that thou hast penn'd;

For the end must now appear,

Like the kings I've acted here:

In my Bible all is penn'd,

Man doth fear what is the end,

And in Mau I see that fear—

Drops the lance when death >eems near;

Because his heart doth surely faint —

Though too late some do repent,

For to sit on my right hand,

And like the goats may trembling stand;

Satan haunts them for his prey,

But I'll act another away:

* This story is as follow?: a man asked a king, what he would give for a piece of advice. The king answered, five hundred pounds. The man then said it was, that he should do nothing without well considering the end. The king was pleased with the advice, and had the words engraved on all his plate. It so happened, that the kin" wanted to be bled; and the surgeon who was to do it was bribed to bleed with a poisonous lance; but as soon as the golden bowl was brought, he cast his eyes on the words that were written thereon, and let the lance drop out of his hand, and so the king saved his life.

Now I'll come like the first king,
Turn the poison back on hiin j
If he made it first for Me,
It shall sure turn back on he,
For-the coat he now shall wear j
AH the poison now I'll clear,
It is the guilt of every man,
On his back it now shall come;
So I'd have him see the end,
Mark the lines that thou hast penn'd;
Drop the lances from his hand.
If he longer wish to stand,
And tempt men to sin no more,
Confess the guilt he'th done before;
For if I vengeance took on Man,
Then on him it shall come on.

The application of the above, now given by the Spirit.

Now from this fable I shall answer i

Mark the date that it was penn'd;
Let men judge who is thy Master.

Now they're come to see the end,
See the poison all discover'd,

See the way that all do meet,
Then you may discern your lover,

1 shall make your bliss complete;
because like men they now are come

To drop their lance for Me;
And like the kiug 1 shall go on

To turn the whole on he.
So all together you must weigh.

And every thing compare j
Thy life is saved to this day,

To make all mysteries clear;
And clear they'll see the end to be^

For L shall turn it back;
And from thy fables all shall see

That so the end will break.
So now if men would wise discern,

They'd let their lances fall,
And say from hell their rage did swell,

He wish'd to poison all. .
So now see plain, ye sons of men,

How all things I've brought round }
And all together in one chain

To have the truth be found.
So I'll end here and say no more^

But let them thi. discern,
JIow many yean, 'twas wrote before,

And how the end is come,
In every chain for to remain,

Alike in every word—
That 1 your King may victory bii«J

In wisdem as a Goo."



Notice having been given at the last public meeting, that Joanna would appear in the like manner this day, it being a fine morning the assembly accordingly met in the field, and was joined by Joanna and her female friends precisely at eleven. After a short time had been passed in devotion, Jeanna began to address the public, giving a brief account of her mission, and then she emphatically warned her audience of the near approach of the kingdom of Christ. In the middle of her discourse, a multitude of people, who were not believers in her calling, and who were admitted into the adjoining ground, separated from us by a canal, found a paling at the west extremity, which they broke down and thus entered. Therefore a number of Joanna's friends, hastened to that point to prevent such intrusion? but the stream appeared too violent to be effectually stemmed, and all attempts to do so were relinquished, and many promising to be peaceable, the intruders quietly mixed with us; at the same time, the gate at the east end was opened and the rest rushed in, upon some of them promising to be orderly, but others were of evil intentions to produce confusion and disorder. About half past eleven a few drops ef rain began to fall, and dark clouds rolling on, the sun? which till then eiieered us with his beams, became obscured; and at that moment Joanna concluded her address with words to this effect: that she was then commanded to depart—that the sunshine was a token for her friends; but for the enemies of the approaching kingdom of Christ cam*

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the storm. Thus the infernal intentions of the ene. my were frustrated, and she departed with her friends to the house; and the proceedings were resumed at about half past twelve, when the purport of the resolutions, which are to terminate the Trial j were taken, into consideration; and soon after four in the afternoon, a draft of them was read for further remarks. And then Joanna brought in a communication, iiiven in answer to her account of the meeting in the field, and which was read, being as follows:

This is the seventh day of Joanna's Trial, and the sixth day of her appearance, when she went into the field to meet the multitude. On Saturday, the 8t'li instant, she met them in Mr. Carpenter's meeting, where she told them she should meet them again on the Tuesday; but was afterwards answered, if the crowd was too great for the meeting she should meet them in the open field. The crowd gathered too great for the meeting, and she was obliged to meet in the field, that was enclosed, but in aft adjoining field that the canal parted, there were ga* thered crowds of mockers; and many broke into the ficid, and Joanna's heart was deeply affected, as she was ordered to call to her remembrance the year ninety-two, when the power of the Lord visited her so strongly, that she could not abide in a house, but went out in the open field to dispute with the powers of darkness, and after they left her, she was' surrounded with a company of angels. This struck deep upon her, and called to her remembrance the different spirits there were in men; some had the spirits of angels, to guard and protect her; some were filled with the spirit of the Devil, to destroy her if they could. This she knew, and this she felt; but the Spirit of the Lord arose strong within her, and gave her strength to speak to the multitude. The weather, for the season, was remarkably fine, till she had nearly ended her discourse,

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