
tainly it is appropriate, for it appeals irresistibly to the childish imagination. The illustrations are good, and the execution, on the whole, all that could be desired

FOREIGN LITERARY NOTES. PROFESSOR JAMES DARMESTETER has nearly finished his great collection of Afghan songs with prose translations into French. The Afghan texts have never before been written down, much less printed. Bound up with them will be an Afghan grammar and dictionary. It seems strange that all this should be left for a Frenchman to do when we have such a vital interest in Afghanistan. The book is com. plete now except the introduction, and the learned author hopes that it will be out of hand by the new year.

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"THE feeling of dissatisfaction which we have mentioned," says the Athenæum, was felt by many who attended the Oriental Congress at Stockholm has led to the issue of a circular pointing out the desirability of holding the next congress at Paris or London, and endeavoring to return to the scientific objects of the meeting. It has already been extensively signed."

AT the public session of the Academy of Sciences at Munich on the 15th inst, the venerable president, Dr. von Döllinger, read a paper on the dissolution of the Order of Templars. The tendency of the paper was to vindicate the character of the Templars. Its historical fulness, critical power, and manner of delivery showed that Döllinger's capacity for work and keen delight in it are still undiminished, notwithstanding his ninety-one years.

CONCURRENTLY with the appearance of the third English edition of Professor Rudolph von Gneist's "History of the English Constitution" and the second English edition of his "History of the English Parliament," the venerable author has been celebrating his jubilee as a teacher in the University of Berlin. He gave his first lesson on November 18th, 1839, and throughout the following half century has continued his lectures without a single break--" ohne in dem halben Jahrhundert eine einige Vorlesung versäumt zu haben." Such a fact is perhaps with out a parallel in academical history. The "Jubilar" received congratulations and addresses from universities and literary societies in all parts of the world.

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THE Marquis of Lorne has, it is said, written a Canadian love story, which will appear shortly in the new weekly journal Now, published in Glasgow. The tale contains pictures of life in the North-West and elsewhere in Canada, some scenes being introduced in connection with the late Indian rising. The hero is a young and well-educated Canadian, who becomes enamored of the daughter of an Indian chief.

A BOOK of considerable importance in literary history is announced for publication-the letters of Friedrich Schlegel to his brother August Wilhelm Schlegel. It has long been known that the Dresden Library was in pos session of these letters. The originals were intrusted to Dr. Wetzel as editor, who has now completed his work.

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AT the last meeting of the Council of the Camden Society," says the Academy, "it was resolved to issue for the year 1890-91 (1) the accounts of Henry Earl of Derby, afterward Henry IV., during his travels in Prussia and elsewhere; to be edited by Miss Lucy Toul min Smith, with the co-operation of the His torical Society of East Prussia; (2) the Clarke Papers, vol. i., to be edited by Mr. C. N. Firth. The first of these books will throw light upon the travelling expenses in the east of Europe of one who took much the "" Cansame route as that of the Knight in the terbury Tales;' the other will bring forward most important evidence bearing on the aims of the army and on the character of its leaders, more especially on that of Cromwell, after the conclusion of the first Civil War."

THE death of the English poet Allingham, familiar to all lovers of recent English verse for his command of homely pathos and sweetness, is thus recorded, with a sketch of the poet's life, in the Academy : Mr. William Allingham-whose death was briefly recorded in the Academy of last week-was born in 1828 at the little seaport of Ballyshannon, Donegal, in which county his ancestors had, we believe,

been settled for several generations. While quite a young man he began to contribute verses to English periodicals, and was thus introduced to literary society in London. His first volume of collected poems appeared in 1850; and this was followed four years later by Day and Night Songs,' a subsequent edition of which was illustrated with drawings by Rossetti, Millais, and Arthur Hughes. His most ambitious work was 'Lawrence Bloomfield in Ireland' (1864)-an attempt to narrate, on almost epical scale, the endeavors of a young landlord to improve the condition of his tenantry. But his poetical reputation will rest upon his shorter lyrics, many of which-apart from their metrical charm-are inspired with a genuine love of nature and with homely pathos. Of late years Mr. Allingham had published little that was new, being content to bring out revised editions of his earlier volumes, with a few additional pieces. One of such volumes he is understood to have left ready for the press.

"In 1864, Mr. Allingham-who had previously held a subordinate appointment in the Customs-received a pension of £60 on the Civil List, in consideration of the literary merit of his poetical works.' Among the pensioners of the same year are to be found the names of Miss Eliza Cook, Mrs. Sheridan Knowles, and Miss Dinah Mulock. In 1874, he married the well-known water-color painter, Miss Helen Patterson, who, besides several children, survives him. In the same year he was appointed editor of Frazer's Magazine, in succession to J. A. Froude; and at about this date he settled at Chelsea, in the immediate neighborhood of Carlyle and Rossetti. resigning the editorship of Frazer's he moved to Witley, in Surrey-a district dear to artists and authors. It was only in the present year that he moved again to the house in Lyndhurst-road, Hampstead, where he died (after a lingering illness) on Monday, November 21st. In accordance with his express wish, his remains were cremated at Woking."



THE NEW TRADES-UNIONISM.-Along with a re-casting of our whole political system into democratic form, there has gone during the last twenty years an immense movement in social philosophy and social politics. The Commune in France, the land struggle in Ireland, the growth of Socialism on the Conti

nent, the teaching of Karl Marx, Henry George, Mill, Comte, and those whom each of these has influenced, have continually broken up the old economic purism, the gospel of laissez faire and unlimited license to individual selfishness. Along with these have worked an immense body of organized movements, with many different schemes and with widely divergent creeds, such as the Salvation Army, Toynbee Hall, Newton Hall, the Social Democratic Federation, the Land Nationalization Societies, and all the other agrarian movements in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England, with Guilds, Leagues, and societies innumerable; such inquiries as those of the Industrial Conference of 1885, Mr. Charles Booth's Analysis of Labor in East London, 1889, the Trades-Union Annual Congress, and all the various types of Christian Socialism that are weekly preached in Church and Chapel. Socialism in any systematic or definite form, as a scheme for superseding the institution of Capital, had not in my opinion made any serious way. At least I know of no coherent scheme for eliminating individual ownership of property which can be said to have even a moderate following of rational and convinced adherents. The enthusiasts who, here and there, put forth such schemes are not really understood by those whom they get to listen to them. But Socialism, as mean. ing the general desire to have all the arrangements of society, economic, legislative, and moral, controlled by social considerations and reformed to meet paramount social obligations -this kind of Socialism is manifestly in the ascendant. Such Socialism, I mean, as is found in Henry George's powerful book called "Social Problems," where we have his view of the problem apart from his sophistical remedy." The old Satanic gospel of laissez faire is dead; and, in the absence of any other gospel of authority, a vague proclivity toward Socialism comes to the front. Whatever name we give it, a settled conviction has grown up in the conscience of serious men of all schools, that society in its present form presses with terrible severity on the whole body of those who toil in the lowest ranks of labor. And from Bismarck and the Pope downward all who bear rule, and all who teach, are coming to feel that society is in a very rotten state while that continues. We are all waking up to see (what many of us have been preaching for years) that it will not do, and must be mended or ended. Hence when 100,000 men along the river side rose up to protest against

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their casual employment and their miserable pay, the world very generally, both of rich and poor, thought that they were right, and gave them encouragement and help. People knew something definite about the East End and London Labor. The Mansion House Committees, the House of Lords Committee on Sweating, the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Poor, the Industrial Conference of 1885, the experiences of Beatrice Potter, the studies of Charles Booth and his friends, and all that for years has been said and done in Toynbee Hall, Bedford Chapel, Newton Hall, the Working-Men's College, the Hall of Science, the City Temple, and a thousand platforms, pulpits, and clubs-had made men think and given them matter for thought. Public opinion has passed over to the side of the laborer; and when he made his effort, public opinion helped him to success.

There are lessons enough for every one in what has just happened. The Socialist of the Karl Marx School may reflect how sterile a thing Socialism has proved all these years that it has been raving out its fierce conundrums about the wickedness of private property, and how solid are the results to be won when it consents to enter on a practical business bargain. The violent assailants of Trades-Unionism may reflect that they have done nothing practical, until they resorted to Unionism themselves and adopted its familiar tactics and its well-tried machinery. The old Unionist may reflect that, in forty years past, the conventional Unionism has proved utterly powerless to effect what in a few weeks two or three prominent Socialists have done. The men who grow hoarse in declaiming about the selfishness and brutality of the middle classes may think of the solid assistance they had from the middle classes in sympathy and in money. And the middle-classes, who were wont to regard the East End laborer as a feckless or dangerous loafer, may ponder on the discipline, honesty, endurance, and real heroism which, in defence of what they knew to be a just cause, so many thousands of the poorest of the poor have shown. The Socialist with a system and the impatient reformer generally have often turned with mockery from all reliance on public opinion and from any such doctrine as "the moralization of industry." When they have been told that "the true Socialism is this: the use of Capital must be turned to social objects, just as Capital arises from social combination: when it has been preached to them that “industry must be mor

alized by opinion, not recast by the State-mor. alized by education, by morality, by religion"— the Socialist with a system and the impatient reformer goes off with a laugh or a sneer. Well! but this is what has just happened. Public Opinion has been changed, and it has worked great results. Capital, to a certain extent, has been moralized, and Industry also has been moralized. The very poor have been taught to feel self-respect and self-reliance, to bear much for a common cause, to practise self-denial for a social benefit. The rich have been taught to listen with more sympathy to the poor, and to know themselves as responsible for the sufferings of those they employ. What has happened is a great lesson to rich and poor, to employers and employed, in the imperishable and paramount force of Social Duty in the long run. The immediate results are not very great. But it is a beginning: and much may come of it. In the mean time, the persistent appeal to the public conscienceor on moral and social grounds has done, what Trades-Unionism, per se, has failed to do in forty years, and what all the schemes for confiscating private Capital and nationalizing private property have only succeeded in hinder. ing and delaying being done.-Nineteenth Century.

THE LEPERS OF CRETE.-If uncleanness be the chief factor in the generation or promotion of leprosy, one may well understand why there are so many lepers in Crete. The science of hygiene is not studied in the East as with us. The traveller who stays but a day in any of the large Cretan villages will not soon forget his experience of the prevalent filthiness. There is a reek of ordure in the air that tells very decisively how sanitary arrangements are totally neglected; and this in spite of a clear stream of water from the mountains running down the streets, and the sweet perfume of the blossom of orange and lemon trees in the gardens. The houses are, as a rule, clean enough outside, but they are of the whited. sepulchre order of things. Within, if the building be of but one story, the floor is the native ground. During the rains, therefore, when the soil is saturated, and the urban sewage is absorbed by the earth as if it were a sponge, foul exhalations poison the houses. Fevers are the certain consequence; and condom stitutions weakened by successive attacks of fever or with a scrofulous tendency are, it may be imagined, well prepared for the insidious approach of leprosy also. The disease is very lo

rare in the large towns, in Greece as in Crete. That may be, in a measure, explained by the greater regard for cleanliness in the public places, by the paved streets, and by the necessity there of some more enlightened way of disposing of the sewage.

The country Cretans are as reckless in their diet as about the condition of their houses and the surroundings. They are not gluttons the Christians among them conform strictly to the fasts of the Greek Church, which forbid them to eat meat on about two hundred days in the year, but they are fond of the very things which tend to foster leprosy. As good Christians, they consume an immense quanti ty of salt fish, which journeys to their island from the north seas, after divers transhipments which do not improve it as an article of food. Crete being so productive in olive trees (in 1883 the island exported 19,500 tons of olive oil, worth no less than £567,000), oil is so plentiful that they use it in excess. Their passion for pork, especially in the form of sausages of an inferior kind, which they eat summer and winter alike, is perhaps the crowning evil. In certain parts of Greece, where the oil is of good quality, there are no lepers; in the contrary case, lepers are com. mon. This applies also to Crete, where the processes of crushing and refining the oil are very primitive. The country Cretans cook almost everything in oil, they even add oil to the milk of a rice pudding; but, as if in defiance of absolute rules about this disease, we find a certain village high up on the slopes of Mount Ida peopled entirely by shepherds who live on the produce of their flocks and use oil but scantily, and who nevertheless suffer much from leprosy. It seems doubtful whether wine is in any degree a deterrent or a provocant of the disease. The Cretan Christian men are, upon the whole, rather bibulous; but not so the women. Further, the men lead more active lives, in times of insurrection have more to harass them, and, generally speaking, incur more risks than the women. This may account for the greater number of male than female lepers. The Moslem Cretans suffer much less from the disease than their Chris. tian compatriots. They certainly consume plenty of oil; but they are cleaner in personal matters, they abhor pork, and they eat less salt fish. In one district, however, that of Monophatsi, Mohammedan lepers are somewhat common; but the Moslems of this com. munity are notorious for their loose observance of the injunctions of the Koran, and their in

difference in diet and cleanliness fairly explains why they suffer.

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We have applied the word "patients" to the lepers of Crete. In their case the word indicates them as suffering men and women, not as persons under constant medical treatment. Indeed, the current belief that the leper is incurable seems to exempt them from the need of such attentions. It is supposed that the disease may be retarded slightly by arsenical treatment, sulphur baths, and a rigorous application of the rules of health;" but even this is not certain. There are no leper hospitals in the island. At one time there was talk of segregating all the lepers upon one of the adjacent islets; but, as might have been expected, so active a measure has eventuated in nothing. Indeed, for the sake of the lepers themselves, one may be glad of it. The community at large might benefit; there would be less opportunity for the spread or even continuance of the disease, but the miserable victims would be deprived of the measure of entertainment which, as spectators of the lives of others, they certainly still obtain. They would have nothing to occupy them except the recollection of their own misery. They might even sink to the degree of torpor and degradation that seem to characterize the lepers of Robben Island. As it is, however, the person whom the municipal or provincial doctor certifies to be a leper, though he is at once compelled to leave his home and join the other lepers of the nearest "leprochorion," continues to have a certain spectacular interest in life. The "leprochorion" is close to the gates of the city. There is constant passing to and fro in front of his little white house of n single room. Nor is he shunned altogether by his earlier friends and acquaintance, though he is separated from them. If he had property before his exile, his sentence as a leper does not deprive him of it. His estate is adminis tered for him by others, who are responsible to him for the returns. If, on the other hand, he is indigent, the public treasury allots him a loaf of bread daily as long as he lives, and the alms he receives from wayfarers enables him to supplement this allowance with some of the minor luxuries of life. There is less of the apathy of despair in a Cretan leper village than one would suppose. The lepers themselves realize that they have the sympathy of their fellow-creatures. Nutional Review.

DANGERS OF RAW MILK.-Careful observers, who are by no means inclined to the creation

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of public scares, are decidedly of opinion that there is a considerable degree of danger in the use of uncooked milk as food. It is believed that not only are certain exanthematous fevers communicated to consumers of raw milk, but that tubercle itself, in some of its forms, may also arise in the human subject in this way. An important paper was recently read at the Pathological Society of London, by Mr. Shattock, on Tubercular Abscess of the Breast." In the course of the paper, it was stated that in the cow "tubercle of the udder" was a well-known disease, so much so that on the Continent its hygienic importance was generally and practically recognized. Ten or twelve years ago the minute structure of the tubercle bacillus which is found in the cow's udder was figured and described by Kolessnikow in Virchowo's Archiv. It was found also by experiments on animals that the milk from tuberculous udders contained bacilli and was rapidly infectious. Most people are familiar with what is popularly known as sumption of the bowels" in children. Hamilton, a distinguished Aberdeen professor, has expressed the opinion that tuberculous milk from cows may often be the cause of that distressing and fatal malady. In this connection a case is recorded of a perfectly healthy child, born of equally healthy parents, which was given to a wet-nurse to be suckled. The woman was tubercular, and the child very quickly contracted tubercular meningitis and died. The nurse's milk, on examination, was found to contain the bacilli of tubercle. The disease, tuberculosis, it is believed, can be present in an animal or a human subject without being definitely localized as an anatomical entity in any particular organ. It may there fore easily happen that a cow shall continue to be milked for months, and her milk sold as food for infants and others, before it is discov. ered that she is the subject of fatal and infectious disease. Certain breeds of cows are sup. posed to be especially liable to tubercle of the udders, and those breeds are noted for their large udders, and for the abundance of the milk which they yield. Such breeds and animals are, not unnaturally, much sought after by dairymen, and the extent of the danger is thus increased. All this sounds sufficiently alarming, but whatever conclusions may be drawn from it, one point of practical importance should certainly not be overlooked. That point has often been urged by medical men, and it must continue to be urged again and again. It is that milk should not be taken

raw, but boiled. Milk needs to be cooked as much as beef or pork. Many persons, schoolboys especially, profess a strong objection to cooked milk. That is probably because no skill is exercised in the cooking. It may be cooked in half a dozen different ways; but two, at any rate, of these are so simple that it is inexcusable not to try them. A little sugar. added to milk when boiling gives it quite a new flavor, and makes it to many boys more palatable than uncooked milk. For those who do not like what is sweet, a pinch of salt may be put in; and that, again, produces a substance having a totally different taste from plain boiled milk. Other methods of making cooked milk palatable will suggest themselves to the conscientiously careful mother or to the experienced cook. There can be no good reason why anybody should be asked to take raw milk; still less ought there to be any excuse for preferring it raw on the ground that when cooked it is less palatable.-Hospital.

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was first systematically described by a Brazilian surgeon as attacking colored races in Brazil. The merit of its actual discovery, as Dr. Radcliffe Crocker and others have pointed out, is due to Dr. Clarke, who described the disease before the Epidemiological Society, in 1860, as a dry gangrene of the little toe among the natives of the Gold Coast. Dr. Da Silva, Lima, however, described ainbum as a disorder long known as existing among Africans and Creoles in South America, first writing about it in the Gazeta Medica de Bahia in 1867. Ainhum consists in hypertrophy and degenerative changes in the little toe, a constriction forming and slowly becoming deeper until the digit is amputated spontaneously or otherwise. The disease is often symmetrical, and may last for years. It is now known that the fourth, or even the great toe, may be affected, and Egles describes a case where a finger was at. tacked. It is frequent near Bahia, and also occurs in the Southern States of America, the West Indies, the West Coast of Africa, India (where Hindoos are also liable to the disease), Réunion, and Nossi-bé. M. Cogues has described a case of ainhum, which occurred in Madagascar, in the March number of the Archives de Médecine Navale. The pathology of ainhum is obscure, and although spontaneous amputation of digits is a feature in some forms of leprosy, it is by no means certain that the two diseases are closely allied.—British Medical Journal.

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