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Leipsic, Published by Ernest Fleischer, 626, New-Market, 1833.

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By the general approbation with which the first edition of "Moore's

Works" has been favoured at home and abroad the publisher finds his former anticipations realized, even beyond expectation this large edition having been sold within a few years.

Conscious of a still increasing admiration for the rare talent of this genial Briton the publisher offers to the public a new edition, in the full persuasion that it will be found deserving an additional share of public patronage.

The present work includes all that has been published up to the most recent date, the Odes of Anacreon being also subjoined, the exterior of the work, its correctness, the better arrangement of its interior a sketch on the author's life, and finally a most striking portrait of the author, are additions that speak in their own favour.

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Any new publications of the author, appearing in the course of the year will be carefully collected and published in a volume by itself.

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