
newspapers to combat or render ridiculous the efforts of the Filipinos. Indeed, the latter were told that political rights are not obtained by begging, but by fighting, to which their leader, Marcelo H. del Pilar, answered that the day when the Filipinos, no longer trusting the justice of Spain, should take up arms, would be a day of sorrow for the Spanish nation, for it would no longer be a question of the granting of political reforms, but of breaking away entirely from the obstinate and deaf mother country. This prophecy was soon fulfilled. Up to the present time only the educated and rich inhabitants of the islands had taken part in the efforts at reform, while the mass of the people stood aloof. The greed of the monks, however, who had acquired immense landed estates, induced them to raise their rents until their tenants and the small farmers, in despair, rose in the revolt of August, 1896, which was directed less against the Spanish Government than the monks themselves.

The conclusion, which is obvious from the observations and history. which have been presented, is that the few Spaniards in the Philippines, while they have not made a radical or decided change in the customs and habits of thought of the natives, have nevertheless imposed their religion upon them to a considerable extent, have taxed them successfully, and have them under military control. The humanities, under the conduct of the priests, have borne their usual fruit in civilizing the comparatively few natives or mestizos who have been brought under their influence, until they have produced statesmen, artists, and literary men who have become known in Europe by their merits. It is clear, also, that while the natives of the archipelago have a greater power of resistance to alien influences than those of the American continent, the greater portion of them show decided and superior intellectual capabilities.

Works on Cuba and Porto Rico which were used in preparing the account of education in those islands.

Abbott, Abiel. Letters from Cuba. Boston, 1829.

Ampère, J. J. A. Promenade en Amérique. Paris, 1855.

Cabrera, Raimundo. Cuba y sus jueces. Habana, 1887.

Cabrera, Raimundo. Cuba and the Cubans. Philadelphia, 1896.

Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar. (Published by the Royal Historical Society.)

Madrid, 1885.

Cuyas, Arturo. The new constitutional laws for Cuba, etc. New York, 1897.
Dana, R. H. To Cuba and back. A vacation voyage. Boston, 1859.
Diccionario de legislación de instrucción pública, por Eduardo Orbaneja.

Ferrer y Rivero, D. Pedro. Tratado de la legislación de primera instrucción.
Madrid, 1897.

Fisher, Richard Swainson. The Spanish West Indies. Cuba and Porto Rico. New York, 1861.

Froude, James Authony. The English in the West Indies. New York, 1888.

Humboldt. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new con

tinent during the years 1799-1804. Translated by Helen Maria Williams.

Laliga y Montes. Ley de instrucción pública. Madrid, 1897.

Liras. La primera enseñanza en la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1893--94.

Liras. Legislación de primera enseñanza vigente en la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1835.

Merlin, María de los Mercedes de Jaruco, Comtesse. La Havane. Paris, 1844. Mitjanes Aurelio. Estudio sobre el movimiento científico y literario de Cuba. Obra póstuma publicada por suscripción popular. Habana, 1890.

Moreno, Juan Macho. Compilación legislativa de primera enseñanza de la isla de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, 1895. Apéndice primero, 1898.

Pezuela, Jacob de la. Historia de la isla de Cuba. Madrid, 1868.

Real Universidad de Habana. Memorias. Habana, 1889-90.

Rodriguez, Manuel Valdes. El problema de la educación. Habana, 1891.

Romero, Waldo Jiménez de. España, sus monumentos y artes. Barcelona, 1887.

Spanish rule in Cuba. Laws governing the island. Pamphlet. Translation of review published by the Colonial Office in Madrid. New York, 1896.

Littell's Living Age, 1849-50, vols. 22-26.

North American Review, 1819.

Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 88, December 15, 1851.

Knickerbocker, vols. 24, 25, 26.

Chambers' Journal, vol. 32, November 5, 1859.

Articles in the Nineteenth Century, Contemporary Review, and Fortnightly Review, June, July, August, 1898.

Works consulted on the Philippine Islands.

Orbaneja, Eduardo. Diccionario de legislación de instrucción pública. Rafael Del Castillo. Gran diccionario geográfico, estadístico y histórico de España y sus provincias-Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas.

Cañamarque, editor. Memoria sobre Filipinas y Jolo, redactada en 1863 y 1864 por el Excmo. Señor D. Patricio de la Escosura. Madrid, 1882.

Montero y Vidal. Historia general de Filipinas desde el descubrimiento de dichas islas hasta nuestros días. 3 vols. Madrid, 1887-95.

Semper. Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner. Würzburg, 1869.

Jagor. Reisen in den Philippinen. Berlin, 1873. (Contains the geology of the islands by J. Roth.)

Mallat. Les Philippines. 2 vols. Paris, 1816.

Marche, Alfied. Luçon et Palaouan. Six années de voyages aux Philippines. Paris, 1887.

Deutsche Rundschau, 1897 and 1898.

Contemporary Review, Nineteenth Century, Fortnightly Review, and Review of
Reviews, July, August, and September, 1898.

Worcester, Dean C. The Philippine Islands and their people. New York, 1898.
La Gironière, Paul de. Vingt années anx Philippines. Souvenirs de Jolo.
Paris, 1853.









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