
dissuade and ridicule, perhaps to threaten them. But the numerous obstacles in the way of this people's conversion are as nothing before the power of God's Spirit. Even such a moral desert as this, shall blossom as the rose. How cheering to think, that from these selfish hearts the fire of divine love shall ascend; in these wretched cottages, the song of redeeming mercy shall be heard. Haste, happy day! May this generation witness its dawn."

During the summer and autumn, Mrs. A. experienced a painful and protracted sickness. Concerning the state of her mind at this season, she thus writes; "I think I felt a resignation to whatever might be the divine will. I knew I could not endure long without relief, and though I felt, that I was sinking, I was confident, that if He, who had called me to this field, had anything for me to accomplish in his service, He could with infinite ease raise me. I am raised, and O that my life might be to his praise and glory."

"More than half the members of our mission suffered more or less this season. Mrs. G. was brought as low as myself, while her. dear little Anna was wasting away, even to

Ideath. She was, however, partially restorIed before the child was removed. I was always much attached to that child. She was the picture of innocence, and I was forcibly reminded frequently of our beloved little Harriet. She was taken near the same age, and left her parents for the third time childless, though not comfortless. Mr. G. is always feeble, but this could not appear from his labors. His naturally strong constitution, worn down by constant, untiring efforts, we are often fearful, will sink. Should he be taken from us, his place could not for a long time, be filled. His knowledge of the language is such as to qualify him in a peculiar manner for usefulness.

The amazing burden and expense of maintaining a system of heathen worship, to say nothing of its polluting ceremonies, may be learned from their frequent festivals. These together with the unlucky days, are supposed to occupy one half of the year.

“ 7th.—Gunputta's festival had but just closed, when another of fifteen days' continuance commenced. It is called petru puksh, and is kept in honor of their ancestors. Assembling at each others' houses, they call over the names of their deceased relatives,

perform some idolatrous rites, and then close with feasting. The company meeting together perform these ceremonies in rotation at each others' houses, until they have been through the circle.

"This people seem willing to render homage to every thing, except the true God. They worship even their houses, their furniture, and each other. It is difficult for those who have not witnessed it, to conceive of their mental degradation.

"20th. Miss Farrar has just returned from a visit to the Scottish mission, whither she went for her health, which had been impaired. During her absence I had the care of twelve schools, which required superintendence as often as every third day each. I had strength given me to endure the labor remarkably.

"Mrs. Graves is again taken off from her labors by disease. She with Mr. Graves are about to leave this place for a few days to try a little change on the water.

"I give my time now almost wholly to the schools and the study of Mahratta. I enjoy myself in my employment, and would not willingly exchange it. Yet I feel it is one of awful responsibility. O, my dear friends, pray fervently for me and for these perishing millions; especially that those few, who

hear the word of life, may not reject it to their greater condemnation.

"Nov. 1st. The annual meeting of the Missionary Union in this place. The reports of last year's proceedings in each mission were given at the mission chapel. They were such as to afford abundant evidence, that not only is the way of the Lord preparing, but his work is already advancing. Mr. Nesbit from the Scottish mission, reported the accession of three natives to their church during the year. He also related many particulars of a very interesting tour, made by two of their brethren to Poonah and its vicinity in the Decan, or country over the Ghauts. Their house during their stay was literally thronged daily by those who came for tracts, or to receive instruction. A few years since, application was made to the government for leave to establish a mission at Poonah, but the request was denied from a fear lest the brahmins, who possess great influence and considerable independence in that region, should be so offended as to cause an insurrection. They were so much excited on this occasion as to present a petition to government, that the missionaries might be silenced or compelled to leave them; but they received answer, that they must defend themselves with the same weap

ons as those with which they were attacked. By this, as well as many other things, we have evidence that the influence of divine truth is gaining ground in this country.

"The signs of the times, to those who have been attentive observers, do indeed betoken that the morn approacheth, although as yet a great and dreadful darkness prevails. It is the opinion of many, and it appears to be rational, that so soon as these dry bones begin to discover signs of life, there will be a great shaking. When truth begins to be clearly apprehended, there will be a great struggle between the opposing powers of light and darkness; but 'truth is great and must prevail.' The prophecy may yet be fulfilled respecting this people, A nation shall be born in a day.'



During the missionary meeting the Lord's Supper was administered to a large number of five or six different denominations, the schools were examined, and much satisfaction was expressed at witnessing the progress, which has been gradually made.

"Nov. 7th.-To-day is a feast with the natives, and toward evening the marriage of the toolusee tree is celebrated. Toolusee they suppose to have been a female raised to deity by Vishnoo, but being curs

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