
near us. A distinguished person has been buried there, and over him a little mosque or Durga is built. Connected with it are one or two little buildings for the resort of pilgrims. They consider it a sacred place. To-day another person of some distinction, a priest I am told, was brought and laid as near it as he could be. The corpse was brought in much native pomp, attended with music and a large concourse of mourners, three or four hundred perhaps. They tarried about the place an hour or two, performing ceremonies.

"22d.-Miss Farrar and I this morning visited each a school, so near as to admit of our walking. Although we can speak very little, yet we can hear a report concerning the scholars, and thus, it is thought, be of some use. It serves also as a powerful impulse to our own diligence, since it impresses very deeply our need of language to express what we wish.

"26th. This morning, Mrs. Graves and I called on the lady of the owner of the house in which we live. He is a person of distinction, and truly well bred and gentlemanly in his appearance. He had previously given us an invitation to call, and we felt inclined to go, not only from a sense of propriety, but from curiosity. They are from

Persia, of the Mohammedan religion, and
live in splendor and opulence, with a train
of servants. They frequently have visitors,
who with him ride out for pleasure, but no
females are ever seen in the carriage. We
had but a few steps to walk, and at the door
were met by a lady of good appearance, and
cordially welcomed. She was well dressed,
somewhat after the native style, and was
quite interesting.
She took her seat near

us with her daughter by her side, but we
were unable to converse much, as she spoke
Hindostanee, and understood not much
Mahratta. She can read Persian, and ap-
pears to possess a well cultivated mind.
When we were about to retire, she wished
us to stop that she might show us their cus
tom. Her daughter brought two silver ves-
sels in which were perfumes. In one was
a little spoon, smaller than I can describe,
and with this she dipped out the liquid into
our hand. In the other was rose-water,
from which she sprinkled our handkerchiefs.
When asked to return the call, she said, it
was not their custom for ladies to go out.
She wished us to call again with Mrs.
Graves' babe and an interpreter, which we
engaged to do. We were served with fruit,
and a present of some was sent home before
us. I believe we parted mutually gratified.




"31st.-The female schools came together as the first step towards regular public examination. More than one hundred and fifty children were present, but the present being the season for weddings, which it has hitherto been impossible to prevent the children from attending, a large = proportion were absent. For three or four months the wedding celebrations are almost incessant. On these occasions, they feast many days, and we have been told, it is frequently the case, that they spend more than they can ever after acquire. The din of their music, if such it may be called, breaks I on our ears in the hours of worship, and frequently, for a few moments, interrupts the speaker, and almost takes away the power of hearing. It is heard at the hour of midnight, disturbing our repose, and sometimes = almost stunning us. Could I describe some of their customs with the color of life, surely your hearts would yearn with compassion. "Feb. 11th.-Called again on the Persian lady. We were received with kindness as before. A sister of her ladyship was present. We had an interpreter, and Mrs. G. gave her some account of the native female schools, and inquired if their people sent instructors to the ignorant. She replied none but those who had the true love of

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God in their hearts.

She was told, that we came to this people to instruct them about God and the way to heaven. Her sister laughed, and inquired if there were not ways enough here already,-for which she rebuked her. When I look around on this ignorant multitude, madly bent on their idolatrous, superstitious practices, I am ready to exclaim, When will their minds be enlightened when will they worship the only true God, and become his obedient, docile children? Never, never can it be accomplished without an Almighty energy. But the heathen shall be the inheritance of our redeemer,sin and hell cannot prevent, because eternal truth has thus declared. His name shall be glorified and all the ends of the earth shall rejoice in Him. O haste the glorious day!

"March 1.-The present is a time of an annual festival, in which the people seem to exert themselves to see which shall excel in ludicrous behaviour, and polluting practices. They walk the streets in large companies, drumming and hallooing, and sometimes dancing as they go. Night and day they riot and revel, and think they are pleasing their deity. Indeed their shaster requires it. They throw dust and colored liquid at each other, thus getting themselves

Brahmins and

bedaubed with filthiness. lower castes all agree in this. To-day our pundit came all besmeared with yellow and red. I conversed with him on the wickedness and shamefulness of the practice, but he pleaded custom as a sanction. I told him brahmins should teach better customs. He appeared a little mortified and appealed to the practice of the English in betting and horse-racing, as if to balance the conduct of his people, and perhaps excuse it. I told him there were wicked persons among the English, that we were all sinful by nature, and without repentance and renovation, none could please God, or obtain final salvation. He was in some degree silenced, and departing I charged him never to wear such looking garments here again.

"2d. This holy Sabbath has been polluted by the constant abominations of this people. Large companies of two or three hundred march together, occasionally stopping and behaving, it would seem, as bad as possible. My heart is almost ready to faint at the sight. Here we may see some of the obstacles to Christianity. Every thing their religion inculcates is congenial to depraved nature, while true religion requires self-denial and mortification of corrupt propensities. But their hearts are in the hands

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