
is of particular persons, and it is sure and certain in its effects, and it is unchangeable and irrevocable. They are elect according to the foreknowledge of God. They are all known unto the Lord. “The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his." And it is of grace. As they are all elected and chosen to obtain and enjoy eternal glory; so all the blessings of grace, as they flow from the everlasting love of the Father, so they stream down upon the elect through the slain Lamb, as the channel of conveyance, and the elect partake of the blessings of grace, through the grace and agency of the Eternal Spirit. In the council of the Trinity respecting the salvation of the elect, it was decreed upon that Christ the Lamb should be slain to take away the sins of the elect. It was the principal article in the covenant of grace, that Jehovah the Son, in man's nature, should make his soul an offering for sin. It was also the will and eternal purpose of the Three in Jehovah, to bestow upon the elect all the blessings and benefits of his incarnation, obedience, blood-shedding and sacrifice. He was the Lamb appointed in the decree of Jehovah to be slain for sin, and he was set forth immediately after the fall in types and sacrifices; hence he is said to be a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Slain typically in every sacrifice, and actually slain and offered in the fulness of time. Christ once in the end of the world appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Now here I may add, what God has written he has written, for his will, purpose, and promise changeth not. He has chosen his people, and appointed them to partake of his grace in time, and glory in eternity. And the strength of Israel shall not lie nor repent, for he is not a man that he should repent. So that it may be justly said, in the words of one now with God, that a name written in heaven is the truest ground of joy."

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And Christ here says to the overcomer "that he will not blot out his name out of the book of life.” By which we are not to anderstand any possibility of this, for it is utterly impossible for Jehovah to change; and his love towards the objects of it is always one and the same: for he is "the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning." And," the gifts and callings of God are without repentance." Our Lord bid the disciples to rejoice because their names were written in heaven. This is indeed cause of rejoicing, that God chose us in his Son, and wrote our names in the Lamb's book of life. And the Holy Spirit by giving us the knowledge of, and by bringing us to believe it, he fills the souls of his people with all joy and peace. Now our Lord promising that he will not blot out the overcomer's name out of the book of life, does not intimate that there are blots and blurs in God's book, but he speaks here to cheer and comfort the overcomer, who, it may be, through the prevalence of unbelief, is at times apt to doubt whether his name is written there. Though our Lord has addressed his disconsolate ones thus," Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me;" he in reply speaks thus, Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands." And indeed their names are written upon the breast-plate of his heart. So that the salvation of God's people is as sure as everlasting love and mercy can make it. And it being founded upon the everlasting covenant of grace, and the elect being united unto the person of Christ, and being interested in his blood and righteousness and prevalent intercession, it is utterly impossible that they should perish. And as Christ is the High Priest of his people, and does within

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the veil wear their names upon the breast-plate of his heart; so it may be to remind the overcomer that in the holy of holies he does before the Father bear their names visibly, and owns them for his own. The persons of believers are his jewels, locked up in the cabinet of his own breast, and shewed unto his Father in the exercise of his priestly office. Their case lies as near him as his own heart: he loveth them dearer than himself, inasmuch as he gave himself for them; and now ever liveth-to make intercession for them, and to wear their names as a signet upon his heart.

them with glory. And this will be before his Father and before his angels.

The epistle is closed with these solemn words: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Our Lord, having reproved this church for her coldness and remissness in divine things, and having given this most blessed promise to encourage his people to overcome the present coldness and deadness which abounds; gives in this close of the letter a solemn command to all in this church state, to consider what had been laid before them in it. He had brought a charge against the members of this church state of coldness, deadness, and remissness in spiritual concerns. And he gives forth a command to repent of what is amiss; and to excite us to diligence he adds a threatening; and gives a promise to those who overcome the present coldness, deadness, and formality of the day in which we live. May the Lord the Spirit open our ears to hear what Christ has to say unto us. May he graciously own and bless what has been delivered agreeable to his revealed will. Amen.

A MOMENTOUS QUESTION CONSIDERED. "Is the Lord among us or not?"

Our Lord is pleased to add, "But I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels." And this, as it shows what an exact knowledge Christ has of his people, so it likewise shows what an honourable mention he will make of them before his Father. Christ has a strong and vehement affection for his people, so it appears in that he is not ashamed to acknowledge them for his own, and to approve of them, and to give some tokens of his approbation of them even in this present world; for even here he is pleased in the many dispensations of his providence towards them, to give them manifold proofs of his love of them, and of his approbation and delight in them: and sometimes gives the enemies of his people to see and confess that the true followers of Jesus Christ are holy and harmless persons. And when he had dismissed them from that present state of warfare, he will introduce them into the palace of glory, and will before his Father openly acknowledge them as the objects of his love and delight, the purchase of his blood. And what has been wrought in them, and brought forth by them in their lives and conversations, through the power of the Holy Ghost, he will mention this as the fruits of his own grace. And their works of faith and That the Most High is present labour of love will be remembered by every where, and in all places, none him, and he will crown his grace in will deny that have a vestage of spi

Exod. xvii. 7.

THERE can be no doubt, from the tone in which this interrogation is made, that it originated in a spirit of infidelity. It was not put in the fear of God, as is frequently the case with a deeply tried part of the church of Christ, who, from such discoveries of gloom within and destraction without, are ready to question that Jehovah is present with them in Jesus; and whilst dreading to presume on the one hand, often merge into the extreme of despondency or the other.

ritual feeling; but unregenerate persons are anxious to question what they wish were not true. It is very questionable whether there be a sincere infidel in existence. "The fool hath said in his heart There is no God." Now the heart is the fountain of desires. Infidelity has in fact no real existence. It cannot breathe either in heaven or hell, and the writer thinks it will be difficult to point out an individual of the class under consideration on earth, who has not frequently staggered at his imaginary creed.

The presence of God is essential to the existence of the whole creation. By Jehovah's omnipotent arm, the ponderous machinery of nature is upheld. To the restraining hand of our heavenly Father, we are debtors for that exemption we enjoy from the malice of wicked men: bridled by a God, they cannot do as they would: but this restraint alters not the natural disposition of fallen nature.

It is indeed to be feared that thousands have no better religion than to be prevented from doing the evil they meditate; they have not been broken up in soul, sin is not felt to be a grievous, galling, loathsome burden: hence they are contented if the outside appear fair, whilst they are uttering the most arrogant speeches against the Lord's truth, and villifying as wicked antinomians all who love and live in the element of free, sovereign, and special favour.

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All the discovery of the character of the great Jehovah that we can attain to, is made known in Christ. We sometimes hear the whimsical notion God out of Christ,' but the Bible knows of no such statements. If we survey the work of creation, it is by Christ. If we glance at the wonders of redemption, it is in Christ. If we look forward to judgment, it is through Christ. So that whilst our God is the Father, Redeemer, Sanctifier, and Glorifier of all the elect family, he is a consuming fire to those

who live and die in the love and plea sure of sin.

But to the question, Is the Lord among us or not? Sceptics may take the negative, but believers in Jesus will adopt the affirmative. The God of heaven is omnipresent. Yet how many neither see, hear, or regard him, If they did, his precious name would not be so profanely used as it is. Multitudes there are, who would be afraid of using the name of a fellow creature with that irreverent familiarity, so common to many when speaking of him whose name is Jehovah.

But this question has a peculiarly delightful bearing upon the living soul. In a dark hour of desertion, such an one agonizes to answer the enquiry with satisfaction. When we feel that sore captivity occasioned by the workings of corrupt nature, we painfully ask, 'Can God dwell here?' Feeling the distressing distance that sin causes in our hearts,-prayer a task, the affections of our minds almost frozen, the word of God read as a sealed book, ordinances attended to as dry breasts,‚—we may well put the solemn interrogation, "Is the Lord among us or not?"


Nevertheless believers in Jesus are not without hope that the affirmative of this solemn question is on their side; we may say, with the venerable patriarch, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not." Yes indeed our blessed friend hath said, "Lo, I am with you always;" and this must include all places. This is a part of his covenant engagement, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” So that if it be needful to substitute the rod for the smile, the latter is as surely indicative of the Saviour's presence as the former: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent."

But there is also a bright side; for the Lord is specially present with his people in a way of manifested love,


This is my rest dwell for I have

mercy, grace, and faithfulness; of Zion he hath said, for ever, here will I desired it," Ps. cxxxiii. 14. And for what gracious purpose? but to make known himself in the wonderful GodMan. In him all the glories of the holy Three in One are developed : herein all the wonders of that great mystery of redemption are made known. Every character sustained by the blessed Mediator becomes suited to the helpless state of his needy bride-she needs life; he gives it she requires justification; he presents a righteousness on her behalf he gives her the desire to love him; and then helps that desire in its puttings forth upon himself. Where Immanuel dwells, there is no real curse: in his presence sin cannot sit easy. He is thus known to be present when the heart sickens at itself, sighs to be free, wants to live upon his fulness, and feel a heaven in his heart. If he hide himself he is still in the house and will be sought for, and thus stands the promise, "Ye shall search and find me, when ye seek me with all your heart,"


Thus it is made manifest "the Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge," Ps. xlvi. 7. He is with his people as their defence. He is with them as a Prophet to instruct, as a Priest to cleanse, as a Sovereign to rule. On his habitation death cannot place a sting; those who flee to hide in him, the law cannot charge a curse; and whilst every thing around threatens desolation, the soul finds a sweet repose in believing, The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will I hope in him." Lam. iii. 24.

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Letter 2.-To be continued.

My dear friend and fellow compan ion in the best of bonds eternal love, may grace, mercy, and truth dwell in your heart through Christ Jesus. Amen

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I am still in the path of tribulation following the footsteps of my blessed Lord and Master who was a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; for I am (bless God) despise and rejected of men, wounded in the house of my friends; which leads me, with the poor prophet Micah, to say, I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me." Everlasting praises to his name, I find him to be a God at hand and not a God afar off. Although it is hard work for flesh and blood to bear when the friends of the bridegroom set us at nought, and fight against, and forsake us; but this is for good, and amongst the things that shall work for good, and lead us to have fellowship with a precious Jesus as a brother born for adversity, and a friend that sticketh closer than a brother; and by his blessed Spirit to hold communion with him, as one whom all his friends forsook in his sharpest conflicts. O my very dear friend what a merciful, tender, compassionate High Priest have we, who in all our afflictions was afflicted, that he might from the very inward bowels of his pure love sympathize, pity and condole with the poor suffering members of his mystical body; and strengthen, support, comfort, relieve, and deliver them by his blessed and eternal comforting Spirit. O my dear friends, what saith our covenant keeping God in Christ Jesus, who hath taken us in,

and bound us up fast in the electing and everlasting love of his heart, which was set upon us, and will be upon us to all eternity in his dear Son, the very son of his love. Hear my dear friend his precious voice. Oh astonishing, unequalled, and superabounding grace that God, who fills all space, should come down to us poor hell-deserving rebels, and take our nature, and unite the same to his glorious Godhead, and so fulfill Gods holy law, satisfy his justice, die for our sins, rise for our justification, and proclaim with his own precious lips the love of the trinity," I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved me." Who then shall seperate us from the love of God? Shall sin ? No; the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." Shall justice? No; it is satisfied with the same precious blood. Shall the law of our God that demands perfect obedience? No; it has got all its demands in the glorious surety. Shall death the king of terrors? no; Jesus hath took the sting out of our conscience, and loved us, and washed us in his own most precious blood, has brought us near and reconciled us to God; so that the dear child of God can look forward to death as a welcome messenger from his kind and beloved Lord, --as the gate to endless and eternal day. Shall the world? No; Jesus hath overcome the world of iniquity within and without. Shall men or devils, with all their council? we have a mighty counseller, a glorious advocate at the right hand of God, that pleads all our causes without charge, and takes no bribe. Blessed be his name I have stood much in need of this sure Counsellor of late, to plead my cause against mighty enemies.-the devil, self, the world, and hypocrites; and he has never failed me. a poor helpless sinner, in


one point, being the mighty God and everlasting Father who hears and answers my poor prayers, and overthrows all the craft and counsels of men and devils devised against me. O my friend, I say again, hear his voice and look, for our redemption draws near, which is " yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love:" then, O Ephraim, how shall I give him up; my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord.


We are going on well, for the sence of the Lord is with us. Am glad to inform you our dear brother Peter is growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My poor wife is very ill in body, myself tried on every hand, but my God is with me which makes all straight. May the Almighty bless you with faith, hope, and love; for if these things be in you, and abound, ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I long to meet you once again in the little room where I found my precious Jesus. God Almighty bless you, and give you much of his presence, and if I never see you again in the flesh, I shall see you a better world above; till then, may God bless you, and keep you, is the prayer of the chief of sinners,




No. 10.-To be Continued.

My dear Friend's epistle came to hand, but old age, rheumatism, and a shaking hand render writing difficult. However through rich grace hope is firm, the heart is fixed, and the mind stayed on the truth as it is in Jesus. But the old man in me is not dead: he is dead to the eye of divine justice, or he could not be just in cleansing us from all unrighteousness; he is dead in the eye of the law, or the

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